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English Education: English Journal for Teaching and Learning
Core Subject : Education,
English Education: English Journal for Teaching and Learning which is later called EEJ is a journal published by Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty IAIN Padangsidimpuan every June and December. EEJ focuses on teaching and learning of English as a foreign language. English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning related into some scopes on English Teaching Methodology, Structure and Grammar, Speaking Skill, Listening Skill, Reading Comprehension, Writing Skill, Morphology, Semantic Pragmatic, Discourse Analysis, Syntax, Translation, Phonology, Pronounciation, Language Acquisition, Vocabulary, Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics and Literature.
Articles 10 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 9, No 02 (2021)" : 10 Documents clear
The Problems of Teaching Reading with Online Learning Muflihah Muflihah; Arif Sukirno
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning Vol 9, No 02 (2021)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/ee.v9i02.4669


COVID-19 pandemic change the world, especially for the education. Nearly 1.6 billion learners in the world affected by this phenomenon. So, Indonesia’s government must issue the rule of online learning for the sake of everyone’s safety. It also affects the English language learning as well, especially reading. This study is about the problems of teaching reading with online learning especially in IAIN Purwokerto, Central Java, mainly with the use of Zoom and Google Meet. The author of this article is interested and wants to know very much about it. So, he conducted the research to find the answer about it. The research used qualitative approach, and the data collection technique is interview and literature review of the journals and books. Some results are found, such as the limitation of technologies, students that don’t activate the camera during learning, the teacher can’t observe the students’ respond to the material that have been prepared, and other problems that will be explained further in this article. The author also hope that this article can help making better future of the education, especially for the online learning.
Students’ Application of Systematic Functional Linguistics on EFLs’ Blog Website Seriani Hutasuhut; Octa Vina Harahap
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning Vol 9, No 02 (2021)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/ee.v9i02.4807


The study aims to investigate the Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) as a method for analyzing text. The Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) has a nearly limitless range of applications. Social media has become an important platform for everyone to broadcast information, opinions, and emotion freely and borderless in today's society especially on blog. Using a qualitative method, this research focused on the outcome of the students’ ability in applying SFL on social media. The data are taken from Blog-Web media of English Education Department Students IAIN Padangsidimpuan. The findings lead to the conclusion that the application of Systemic Functional Linguistics on Blog was good. Interpersonal meaning occurred in 9 times or in percentages of 45% of written clauses entires. It signifies that its ability to inform and persuade readers goes optimal. However, linguistic approaches must be improved in order for the texts to sound more understandable. 
Video-making Projects for TPACK Development of Pre-service EFL Teachers Fadhila Yonata; Heris Sandra; Serly Serly; Nefya Ortapia; Lasri Novita Sari
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning Vol 9, No 02 (2021)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/ee.v9i02.4801


This study examines the impact of the video-making project assigned for pre-service teachers in English education department to enhance their competences of TPACK. Anchored in a qualitative approach, semi-structured interview with six student teachers in second semester was conducted to gain their voices on whether producing video as part of tasks in two English subjects facilitated them on learning new insight related to technology, pedagogy and content of some materials. Findings reveal video-making projects promoted self-eagerness to improve self-competence and collaboration with peers and lecturers. Consequently, making a video as tasks showed a potential for developing pre-service teachers’ TPACK. Participants’ voices indicated there were some challenges in video producing process. The study also suggests that there is ample room for improvement especially in preparing student teachers with prior knowledge of using technology.
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning Vol 9, No 02 (2021)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/ee.v9i02.4808


This study aimed to describe students’ interests in the application of Google Classroom (GC) in learning English. The subjects of this study were ten students of the Religious Department who learn English subject. The instruments of data collection were questionnaires and interviews. The data were analyzed by using the theory of Miles and Huberman. The results showed that students’ interest in learning by using online through Google classroom has four aspects include: (1) The students felt happy in learning English using Google Classroom was 60 %; (2) The students had a strong interest in using Google classroom in learning English was 50%; (3) The students gave strong attention in the process of using Google classroom was 40%; and (4) The students actively involved in using google classroom was 50%.
Students’ Preferences on Online-Based Media for Writing Course and the Reasons Wahyunengsih Wahyunengsih; Dewi Sekar Arum; Miftakhul Jannah; Nuraffah Irtiyah; Siska Anggraeni; Avita Ayu Permana Sari
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning Vol 9, No 02 (2021)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/ee.v9i02.4803


This article aims to investigate students’ point of view about the most preference on online writing course media and their reasons. The methodology used was qualitative research method. The instrument was the questionnaires that were given to 34 students of Writing Course. They were in the fourth semester majoring in English Teaching. The finding showed the various type of applications and digital technology for learning in synchronous class such as, zoom, Google meet, Facebook, and Whatsapp Chat video. The Social media and translation machines take place as the most preferable online media for writing course. In choosing learning media, teachers must consider the learners’ previous knowledge related to technological skills as well as the practicality of the media. There are plenty of sophisticated online media of writing nowadays, but without having a good research on students’ preferences, it will be worthless. 
A Study on Teaching Speaking at English Education Department of Universitas Islam Madura Rini Listyowati; Ina Daril Hanna
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning Vol 9, No 02 (2021)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/ee.v9i02.4809


This study was purposed to describe the difficulties in linguistics faced by the students in studying Speaking and the ways taken by the lecturer in solving the students’ linguistics difficulties in studying Speaking at English Education Department of Universitas Islam Madura.The research design was descriptive and the subject of the study was fourth semester students and Speaking Lecturer of English Education Department. The data were collected by observing the Speaking lecturer and interviewing the six students and speaking lecturer. They were analyzed descriptively. The finding showed that the materials used in teaching speaking are Describing Object, Simple present and Vocabulary. Meanwhile, the strategies which are used by the lecturer are lecturing, individual task, group discussion, students’ performance and role play. The Speaking lecturer had some ways to solve the linguistic difficulties by making the class attractive, giving more detailed explanation and some exercises, giving more detailed explanation in the usage of tenses and some exercises, giving the vocabulary , and identifying the difficulties dealing with the students’ condition.
The Use of Animation Video for Vocabulary Mastery Sofia Datun Hikmah
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning Vol 9, No 02 (2021)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/ee.v9i02.4804


This study discussed an important aspect in learning English, namely the vocabulary. The teachers must have an easy, practical and interesting way to teach the vocabulary. Animated videos are considered as the right medium and very useful for teaching. This research focused on the effective use of animated cartoon videos and increasing the use of animated videos in improving the students’ learning mastery at grade IIV of Mayang 01 Junior High School. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness and significance of the implementation or not using the technique itself. This research was quantitative. The method used in this research was by using test to collect instruments in collecting data. From the results of the research, it can be concluded that the students really like learning by using animated videos or cartoons. The respondents also are very positive about this media and students became more active in learning English. In conclusion, the use of video can be applied to all students. 
Peer Feedback Technique on Students’ Writing Narrative Text Ability Rayendriani Fahmei Lubis
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning Vol 9, No 02 (2021)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/ee.v9i02.4810


This research is intended to investigate the effect of Peer Feedback Technique on Students’ Writing Narrative Text Ability at XI Grade MAN Tapanuli Selatan. This research used experimental quantitative method with pre-test and post-test design. The populations were all of the students at XI Grade MAN Tapanuli Selatan. The sample were XI MIA 1 as experimental class that consisted of 20 students and XI MIA 2 as control class that consisted of 20 students. The data were collected through pre-test and post-test in essay test form and analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) with T-test. After doing T-test, the finding showed that the t-test value was sig (2- tailed) 0.05 (0.017 0.05. Therefore, alternative hypothesis (Ha) of this research was accepted null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. It can be concluded that there was significant effect of using peer feedback technique on students’ writing narrative text ability at XI grade MAN Tapanuli Selatan
TikTok Effect to Develop Students’ Motivation in Speaking Ability Jenni Ferstephanie; Theodesia Lady Pratiwi
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning Vol 9, No 02 (2021)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/ee.v9i02.4805


The study was conducted to explore the effect of TikTok in developing the students’ motivation in speaking. The study was conducted through Classroom Action Research. The involved participants were 25 students from the tenth grade of SMA Kristen Kalam Kudus, Selatpanjang. The study used qualitative and quantitative methods in collecting the data. The research procedures were planned in organized procedures as mentioned: planning, implementing, observation and reflection. The research instruments were questionnaire, pre-test, and post-test. The questionnaire was designed into Likert scale format. Then, the pre-test and post-test were implemented in the study. The post-test took two cycles. The research findings identified that the students’ motivation level was at a moderate level 3.84. However, the post-test showed that the students’ scores rapidly increased and were better than their pre-test. Therefore, the implementation of TikTok proved that it was effective to develop students’ motivation in speaking ability. In conclusion, TikTok application engaged the students to enjoy the learning especially in motivating them to speak. Students were free to express their ideas while making the content.
Interpersonal Meaning Realized in the Conversation Texts in English Textbook for Senior High School Eni Fauziah Harahap
English Education : English Journal for Teaching and Learning Vol 9, No 02 (2021)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/ee.v9i02.4806


This research examines the interpersonal meaning realized in the conversation texts in English Textbook for Senior High School Grade X. The purpose of this research is to describe the interpersonal meaning realized in the conversation texts in English Textbook. The interpersonal meaning that is analyzed namely the most dominant mood elements, residue elements and modality types. The design of the research was descriptive qualitative. The main sources of data in this research were the conversation texts realized in the English textbook. There were 58 conversation texts and 400 clauses gotten from those 58 texts that the researcher analyzed in this study. The results of data analysis showed that the interpersonal meaning realized in the conversation text: the most dominant Mood Types was declarative (298 clauses), then interrogative (94 clauses) and the least was imperative (11 clauses). While, the most dominant residue elements was complements are the highest dominant (329 clauses), then followed by predicators (246 clauses), the last was adjuncts (94). 

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