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Journal Of English Literature, Linguistic, and Education (JELLE)
Published by Universitas Pekalongan
ISSN : -     EISSN : 2721339     DOI : 10.31941
Core Subject : Education,
This journal encompasses original research articles, and short communications, including: English Literature Literary Criticism Cultural Studies Phonology Morphology Syntax Semantics Pragmatics Psycholinguistics Sociolinguistics Discourse Analysis Linguistics in Education Language Acquisitions English Language Teaching English as Second Language English as Foreign Language Educational Policy
Articles 5 Documents
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An Analysis of Illocutionary Acts By Detective Hercule Poirot in the Movie Dialogue Entitled “Murder On The Orient Express” Nurul Intan Sari
JELLE : Journal Of English Literature, Linguistics, and Education Vol 2, No 2: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, LINGUISTICS, AND EDUCATION AUGUST 2021
Publisher : JELLE : Journal Of English Literature, Linguistics, and Education

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The research questions consisted of (1) What types of Illocutionary acts performed by Hercule Poirot in the movie entitled Murder on The Orient Express, (2) What are the functions of Illocutionary acts were performed by Hercule Poirot in the movie entitled Murder on The Orient Express. The research utilized the speech act theories type from Searle (1976) and the functions from Leech (2016) in analyzing the data.The data analysis was performed by categorizing the data based on Searle’s types which consist of Assertive, directive, commissive, expressive, and declarative. Each category was thoroughly observed to find the answer from the problem of the study. The final step was presenting the data and making conclusion in reference to the findings of the research. The research findings show that the types of illocutionary acts found in dialogue performed by Hercule Poirot consist of assertives, directives, commissives and expressive. Related to the problems of the study, functions of illocutionary acts found by the researcher are collaborative, competitive, convivial and conflictive. 
Cooperative Maxim Used In The Meaning Of Happy Album By Same-Same Eka Susylowati
JELLE : Journal Of English Literature, Linguistics, and Education Vol 2, No 2: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, LINGUISTICS, AND EDUCATION AUGUST 2021
Publisher : JELLE : Journal Of English Literature, Linguistics, and Education

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AbstractThe study aims to describe of cooperative maxim in the meaning of happy album by Same-Same song. The research is qualitative study which analyzes the lyrics of song. The data are the lyric of song in the meaning of happy that contains cooperative maxim. The writer collects the data by reading the song lyrics by putting sign and classified cooperative maxim. The result shows that the song  using maxim of relevance and maxim of manner.Keywords: cooperative maxim, lyrics, pragmatics  Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan maksim kerja sama dalam lagu the meaning of happy album oleh  Same-Same.  Penelitian ini merupakan kualitatif dengan menganalisis lirik lagu The meaning happy oleh Same-Same yang mengandung maksim kerja sama. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengn mengklasifikasikan lirik lagu yang mengandung makim kerja sama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam lagu tersebut menggunakan maksim hubungan dan maksim cara. Kata kunci: maksim kerja sama, lirik, pragmatik
An Analysis Of Intrinsic Elements And The Portrayal Of Anxiety In Linkin Park’s Song Lyrics Ika Oktaria Cahyaningrum
JELLE : Journal Of English Literature, Linguistics, and Education Vol 2, No 2: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, LINGUISTICS, AND EDUCATION AUGUST 2021
Publisher : JELLE : Journal Of English Literature, Linguistics, and Education

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This thesis is aimed to analyse the types of intrinsic elements and the portrayal of anxiety in Linkin Park’s song lyrics entitled Numb, In The End, Crawling, Faint, and Breaking The Habit. This thesis applied theories from Culler (2000), Childs and Fowler (2006).This research is descriptive qualitative research. The data in this research are lyrics in Linkin Park’s song. The data are performed by categorizing the lyrics to the types of intrinsic elements. The types observed to find out the portrayal of anxiety. The researcher uses document analysis to get the data. In analyse the data, the researcher uses New Criticism. In validate the data, the researcher used triangulation theory.The research findings show that the researcher found 237 total data of Linkin Park song lyrics from those five songs. The data are classified into the types of intrinsic elements which consist of Ambiguity (14 data), Paradox (7 data), Irony (18 data), Tension (150 data) and Imagery (169 data). Of the data, Tension and Imagery types are more dominant than the other types. It portrayed the anxiety about fear, worry, stress, disappointed, sad, confused, and frustrated.
Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Internet-Sourced Reading Materials As English Teaching Media Faizal Yusa Erwinda; Ashari Ashari; Erna Wardani; Mustasyfa Thabib Kariad
JELLE : Journal Of English Literature, Linguistics, and Education Vol 2, No 2: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, LINGUISTICS, AND EDUCATION AUGUST 2021
Publisher : JELLE : Journal Of English Literature, Linguistics, and Education

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The main concern of this research is improving students’ reading comprehension through internet-sourced reading materials as English teaching media. This research was intended to find out whether internet-sourced reading materials as English teaching media could improve students’ reading comprehension significantly in online teaching during COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020. The data were collected through pre-test and post-test results (quantitative) and Interview as well as observation (qualitative). The researcher conducts 7 meetings for pre-test, treatment and then post-test for both of experimental and controlled class. The research methodology was quasi-experimental research design with pre-test and post-test experimental. The subjects of this research were 20 students of 8B and 8C at SMP Gunungjati I Purwokerto. The subject of this research then divided into two classes, experimental and controlled class. The results of this research showed that internet-sourced reading materials for online English teaching could improve students’ reading comprehension, and improve students reading comprehension significantly. It is further proved with the Wilcoxon test result. Wilcoxon test result on experimental class (Asymp.Sig value 0.016, if the Asymp.Sig value was lower than 0.05 then H1 was accepted) which showed that experimental class students’ reading comprehension were improved. Furthermore, the research showed that students’ reading comprehension was improved significantly. It is proved through Mann-Whitney test result of both experimental and controlled class. The result of Mann-Whitney test (Asymp.Sig value 0.046 if the Asymp.Sig value was lower than 0.05 then H2 was accepted) which showed that students from experimental class test has significant improvement of reading comprehension when compared with controlled class. This result also supported by interview with the teacher, as well as through observation of students’ activity. Keywords: Reading, Reading Comprehension, English Teaching Media, Internet-sourced Reading Materials
The Authenticity of Reading Activities Using Brown's Model in 12th Grade English Textbook Maya Febriana; ida ayu panuntun
JELLE : Journal Of English Literature, Linguistics, and Education Vol 2, No 2: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, LINGUISTICS, AND EDUCATION AUGUST 2021
Publisher : JELLE : Journal Of English Literature, Linguistics, and Education

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (a) untuk mesdeskripsikan keautentikan dari latihan membaca yang ada di buku paket Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 terbitan Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, dan (b) untuk mendeskripsikan kesesuaian dari latihan membaca yang ada di buku paket Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 terbitan Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia terhadap kompetensi dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitaif untuk menginvestigasi data dan analisis konten untuk menganalisis keautentikan dan kesesuaian dari latihan membaca yang ada di buku paket terhadap keautentikan dari Brown dan kompetensi dasar. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa latihan membaca yang ada di buku paket Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 terbitan Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia tidak seluruhnya masuk kedalam lima poin keautentikan dari Brown, karena dari 32 tugas hanya 25 tugas yang memenuhi persyaratan dari teori Brown. Tugas-tugas tersebut memiliki bahasa yang alami, butir soal berhubungan dengan konteks daripada terisolasi, topik yang diberikan berarti untuk siswa, beberapa penyususnan tematik untuk butir soal disediakan dan tugas yang diberikan ada di dunia nyata. Kemudian tidak semuanya sesuai dengan kompetensi dasar yang tertulis, karena dari 32 tugas hanya 9 tugas yang sesuai dengan semua kompetensi dasar, mulai dari judul materi, isi materi dan aktivitas-aktivitas dari yang ada pada tugas.Kata kunci: Keautentikan, Latihan Membaca, Contoh dari Brown, Kompetensi Dasar

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