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Al'adzkiya International of Education and Sosial (AIoES) Journal
ISSN : -     EISSN : 27218716     DOI : 10.55311
This journal has the scope of general education, mathematics education, English language education, and social law, which is published online regularly.
Articles 10 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2, No 2 (2021)" : 10 Documents clear
Efforts To Improve Learning Outcomes For Creative Products And Entrepreneurship Through Problem Based Learning Model Ahmad Risqie Amri
Al'Adzkiya International of Education and Sosial (AIoES) Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Al'Adzkiya Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55311/aioes.v2i2.117


This research is motivated by the value of student learning outcomes in learning Creative Products and Entrepreneurship. The teacher's lack of ability in designing and implementing methods, becomes an obstacle in the success of children in the learning process of mathematics. This research was conducted to improve student learning outcomes learning Creative Products and Entrepreneurship. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in student learning outcomes towards learning Creative Products and Entrepreneurship.The research method used is classroom action research (Classroom Action Research), the research process is carried out in two cycles which previously carried out the cycle stage action, each cycle includes 4 stages, namely: 1) planning stage, 2) implementation stage, 3) observation stage, 4 ) reflection stage.
Complexity Of Land Procurement Problems Sport Center In North Sumatera Province Dadang Suhendi
Al'Adzkiya International of Education and Sosial (AIoES) Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Al'Adzkiya Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55311/aioes.v2i2.178


Since the Basic Agrarian Law (Law Number 5 of 1960) was enacted on September 24, 1960, it is expressly stipulated in Article 6 that land rights have social functions and this has become one of the principles in Indonesian Agrarian Law. Social functions are not only targeted at property rights, but all land rights, both private and public, as well as land rights must be devoted to the greatest prosperity of the people in accordance with the mandate of Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution, and must be willing to give in taken by the State) if the public interest so desires.Theoretically, the social function of land is better known as originating from a State that adheres to a socialist notion which generally in its state constitution stipulates that all land parcels are managed by the State for the greatest prosperity of the people, meaning that land is recognized as common property of the people whose management is given to the State 
Link and Match Analysis Of Vocational Education; Case Study Of Industrial Work Practice Students Of Class XI SMK Dharma Putra 1 Jakarta at PT. Bukaka Teknik Utama Eka Kurnia Putri
Al'Adzkiya International of Education and Sosial (AIoES) Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Al'Adzkiya Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55311/aioes.v2i2.171


This study aims to find out how the implementation of internships at SMK Dharma Putra 1 Jakarta and whether a link and match has been created between what is done at school and what is done in partner institutions (industry). This research was conducted at SMK Dharma Putra 1 Jakarta and also PT. Unlock Main Techniques. This school was chosen because it is a place where researchers serve, while industry was chosen based on recommendations from schools because it is one of the industries that have collaborated with schools and has concern for the field of education. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observations, documentation studies and a combination of the three or triangulation. In this study, the data source was selected by purposive sampling which was selected based on the fulfillment of the criteria and was snowball sampling. The informants of this study were 23 people. In processing and analyzing data using the Miles and Huberman model, namely through data reduction, data display and conclusions. The validity of the data was tested through triangulation. The results of this study indicate that of the three existing skill competencies, accounting expertise competencies have not reached a great level of relevance, this can be proven by the results of interviews and documentation. The cause of this problem is due to several things, namely the difficulty of collaborating with industry, curriculum synchronization that is only limited to administration, and the lack of trust from industry to schools to be able to provide students with internships, as well as the less visible role of the government for this program.
The Effect Of The Problem Based Learning (Pbl) Model On Students' Mathematics Problem Solving Ability In Comparison Of Class Vii Smp Private Pab 1 Klumpang Nina Arni; Marah Doly Nasution
Al'Adzkiya International of Education and Sosial (AIoES) Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Al'Adzkiya Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55311/aioes.v2i2.169


This study aims to determine how the effect of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model on students' mathematical problem solving abilities in the Comparison material for class VII Private Junior High School PAB 1 Klumpang in the 2020/2021 academic year. The instrument used in this research is a mathematical problem solving ability test in the form of a description, with the material being taught is a comparison. The subjects in this study were seventh grade students of PAB 1 Klumpang Private Junior High School, while the sample in this study consisted of two classes. One class is the experimental class and the other is the control class. The sample in the experimental class amounted to 30 people, and the sample in the control class also amounted to 30 people. From the data analysis using simple regression test, the average test of mathematical problem solving ability in the experimental class before and after learning was 73.33 and 83.83. While the average control class math problem solving ability test before and after learning was 74.17 and 75.5. Hypothesis testing in this study used the r-test, which was conducted to determine the level of students' mathematical problem solving abilities before and after being taught using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model. If > then it can be concluded that there is an effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model on students' mathematical problem solving abilities. After the calculation, the score on the mathematical problem solving ability of experimental class students is 0.722 while the value is 0.361, so it can be seen that > . Thus, it can be concluded that there is an effect of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model on students' mathematical problem solving abilities in the Comparison material for class VII Private Junior High School PAB 1 Klumpang in the 2020/2021 academic year.
Efforts To Improve Students' Learning Outcomes Through The Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model With The Tpack Approach On The Material Of Intelligent Siti Aminah Manurung; Umbuzaro Lase
Al'Adzkiya International of Education and Sosial (AIoES) Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Al'Adzkiya Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55311/aioes.v2i2.168


This research started from the problem of the low mathematics learning outcomes, Regency on the Integerate Number material, under the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) which is 67. Of the 21 total students, only 9 students reached the KKM, which is approx. 44%. The purpose of this study was to improve the learning outcomes of eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Mandrehe. This research is a classroom action research (CAR) which is carried out in two cycles. This research was conducted in class VII of SMP Negeri 3 One Roof Idanotae in the 2018/2019 academic year. Based on the results of the discussion and analysis, it is concluded that the application of problem based learning (PBL) learning models can improve student learning outcomes in the Numbers material. The increase in teacher activity in the learning process is caused by the teacher using a problem based learning (PBL) learning model. Student learning outcomes have increased from cycle I to cycle II. Student learning outcomes before the action that reached the KKM were only 9 students with a classical average of 44%. Then in the first cycle, only 15 students reached the KKM with a classical average of 67%. Cycle II students who reach the KKM 19 students with a classical average of 93%.
Applying The Cooperative Learning Model Type of Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) to Increase Mathematics Learning Outcomes for Class VIII Students of s. Islamiah Hessa Air Genting year 2019/2020 Endang Luli Herawati
Al'Adzkiya International of Education and Sosial (AIoES) Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Al'Adzkiya Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55311/aioes.v2i2.130


The purpose of this study was to determine learning outcomes using the TGT type cooperative learning model in mathematics. This research was conducted at SMP S Islamiyah Hessa Air Genting, Air Batu District, Asahan Regency. This research was conducted in Semester II of the 2019/2020 Academic Year, which is March – April 2020. The subjects in this study were students of class VIII-A SMP S Islamiyah Hessa Air Genting with a total of 32 people. The method used in this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR).Through the application of the TGT type learning method, it can improve students' mathematics learning outcomes in class VIII-A SMP S Islamiyah Hessa Air Genting for the 2019/2020 academic year. This can be seen from the results of the final study test, there are 25 students who complete or 75%. But the activities in the first cycle have not been said to be successful because they have not met the classical completeness of 85% so that it needs to be repeated so that students' ability to study the material independently and discuss with their original group through the TGT type cooperative learning model can be improved, it is necessary to carry out improvements in carrying out actions classroom learning. For this reason, it was carried out in cycle II. The implementation in cycle II went better and more conducive. This can be seen from the results of the final study test, there are 28 students who complete or 87.5%. So by applying the Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) type cooperative learning model in class VIII of SMP S Islamiyah Hessa Air Genting for the 2019/2020 academic year, it can improve mathematics learning outcomes.
Implementation Of A Problem-Based Learning Strategy (Spbm) To Improve Problem-Solving Abilities Of Spatial Geometry In Class XII Students Of SMA Negeri 1 Siborongborong Hold Study 2019/2020 Marsarana Siregar
Al'Adzkiya International of Education and Sosial (AIoES) Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Al'Adzkiya Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55311/aioes.v2i2.125


The purpose of this study is: To find out whether the application of Problem Based Learning Strategy (SPBM) can improve students' mathematical problem solving abilities on the subject of Spatial Geometry in Class XII Students of SMA Negeri 1 Siborongborong in the 2019/2020 Academic Year. The subjects in this study were Class XII students of SMA Negeri 1 Siborongborong for the academic year 2019/2020 with a total of 34 people. The object in this study is the students' mathematical problem solving ability during the implementation of learning through Problem Based Learning Strategies (SPBM) on the subject matter of Spatial Geometry in Class XII Students of SMA Negeri 1 Siborongborong for the 2019/2020 academic year. The instrument used is a test consisting of 5 questions. The test results after action I, classically obtained the level of problem solving ability of 82.40% with an average of 74.24 this shows that students' mathematical problem solving abilities have increased to the medium category. The average teacher activity in managing learning in the first cycle at the first meeting was 3.50 in the "good" category and the second meeting was 3.58 in the "very good" category. The results of the test in cycle II, obtained classically the level of problem solving ability of 88.20% with an average of 76.97 this shows that students' mathematical problem solving abilities have increased to the medium category. The average activity of teachers in managing learning in cycle I at the first meeting was 3.75 and was in the "very good" category. From the actions in cycle I and cycle II, it was concluded that the application of Problem-Based Learning Strategies (SPBM) could improve students' mathematical problem solving abilities on the subject of Spatial Geometry in Class XII Students of SMA Negeri 1 Siborongborong for the 2019/2020 academic year.
Efforts To Increase Students' Creativity Through The Tps (Think Pair Share) Cooperative Learning Model On The Phytagoras Theorem Principles In Class VIII SMP Negeri 2 Sipahutar Veronika Tampubolon
Al'Adzkiya International of Education and Sosial (AIoES) Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Al'Adzkiya Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55311/aioes.v2i2.124


This research is motivated by the creativity of students of SMP Negeri 2 Sipahutar is still low. For this reason, this study aims to determine whether the TPS (Think Pair Share) type of cooperative learning model can increase students' creativity. This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles. The research location is SMP Negeri 2 Sipahutar. The subjects in this study were students of class VIII SMP Negeri 2 Spahutar T.P 2010/2011, totaling 31 people. The object under study is an effort to increase students' creativity through the TPS (Think Pair Share) type of cooperative learning model. The test consists of: Initial Test (before the action), Creative Thinking Test I (after cycle I) and Creative Thinking Test II (after cycle II). The data obtained before the action was taken, the average score from the initial test was 40.35 and only 9 students with scores above 60 and 26 students with scores below 60. After giving the first cycle of action, the results were 20 students who achieved a higher score. greater than 60 and 11 students who achieved a score below 60 with an average score of 65.84 creative thinking. Because the number of students who achieved a creative thinking score greater than 60 had not yet achieved classical completeness, the research continued to cycle II (the research was not successful). In the second cycle, there were 27 students (87.10%) who achieved a score greater than 60 and 4 students (12.90%) who had not achieved a score greater than 60 with an average score of 80.16 students' creative thinking. The classical increase from the creative thinking test I to the second creative thinking test was 22.58% with an average increase of 14.32. From the average score, it was found that there was an increase in student creativity from cycle I to cycle II. Based on the results of the research with two cycles, it can be concluded that cooperative learning type TPS (Think Pair Share) can increase students' creativity.
The Effect Of Problem Based Learning Model On Learning Motivation And Understanding Of Mathematical Concept Students Of SMP Negeri 2 Tuhemberua Asrar Aspia Manurung; Desman Laoli
Al'Adzkiya International of Education and Sosial (AIoES) Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Al'Adzkiya Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55311/aioes.v2i2.127


This research was motivated by the observations of researchers when carrying out learning at SMP Negeri 2 Tuhemberua where the learning carried out did not involve fully active students so that the ability to understand concepts and students' motivation to learn was still lacking. This study aims to determine the effect of the Problem Based Learning learning model on students' learning motivation and understanding of mathematical concepts. This type of research is experimental research using quasi experimental research. The study population was all students of class VIII which consisted of 4 classes with a sample of 2 classes taken by random sampling, namely class VIII-A as the experimental class and class VIII-C as the control class. The data were collected through (1) a student learning motivation questionnaire which was analyzed using a Likert scale, (2) a student's mathematical concept understanding test which was analyzed based on the score of the student's mathematical concept understanding ability test which means "Understanding students' mathematical concepts using the Problem Based learning model. Learning is better than using conventional learning models”.
Sources Of Education Funds In School Review From The Perspective Of The Indonesian Education Financial System Gunawan Gunawan; Amiruddin Siahaan
Al'Adzkiya International of Education and Sosial (AIoES) Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Al'Adzkiya Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55311/aioes.v2i2.180


Basically the 1945 Constitution has mandated that the fulfillment of the right to education is the responsibility of the state. That is, normatively the state should be the party most responsible for the fulfillment of the right to education. In any case, the state should not waive its responsibility for the financing of education. On the other hand, the state through the government must continue to disseminate education financing by referring to standard standards, especially regarding education components, curriculum, teaching and learning processes, and graduation competency targets. The use of education funding must be regulated because apart from APBN/APBD funds, education funds can also be collected from the community through educational institutions. There are 7 (seven) sources of education financing, namely: Sources of funds from the central government, regional governments, parents, foster parents, community groups, students themselves and sourced from foundations. In this research, the method used is library research by collecting information and data with the help of various materials in the library such as reference books, similar previous research results, articles, notes, and various journals related to the problem to be solved. Activities are carried out systematically to collect, process, and conclude data using certain methods/techniques in order to find answers to problems faced by activities in research. In this research, the method used is library research by collecting information and data with the help of various materials in the library such as reference books, similar previous research results, articles, notes, and various journals related to the problem to be solved. Activities are carried out systematically to collect, process, and conclude data using certain methods/techniques in order to find answers to problems faced by activities in research. In this research, the method used is library research by collecting information and data with the help of various materials in the library such as reference books, similar previous research results, articles, notes, and various journals related to the problem to be solved. Activities are carried out systematically to collect, process, and conclude data using certain methods/techniques in order to find answers to problems faced by activities in research.

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