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Jurnal Hukum Lex Generalis
Published by CV Rewang Rencang
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Tujuan dari Jurnal Hukum Lex Generalis adalah menjadi ensiklopedia, glosarium atau kamus ilmu hukum. Diharapkan Jurnal Hukum Lex Generalis dapat menjadi sumber rujukan praktis untuk keperluan sitasi keilmiahan. Adapun ruang lingkup yang dipublikasikan adalah tulisan bertemakan hukum secara umum, seperti nama dari jurnal ini yaitu "Lex Generalis" yang berarti hukum umum.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 205 Documents
Eksistensi Prinsip Non-Refoulement sebagai Dasar Perlindungan Bagi Pengungsi di Indonesia Saat Pandemi Covid-19: Existence Of Non-Refoulement Principle As The Basis Of The Protection For Refugees In Indonesia During The Covid-19 Pandemic Fathul Hamdani; Ana Fauzia
Jurnal Hukum Lex Generalis Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Tema Hukum Internasional
Publisher : CV Rewang Rencang

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The presence of the principle of Non-Refoulement as an instrument in international law requires every country to provide protection for refugees or asylum seekers.  However, during the Covid-19 pandemic, there are so many countries that have banned or refused refugees to enter their country in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19.  The purpose of this study is to see how the Non-Refoulement principle exists as the customary of international law, and how the Non-Refoulement principle exists as a basis for protection for refugees in Indonesia.  The results of the research show that there are problems related to the rights of refugees in Indonesia. However, it can be concluded that Indonesia has consistently applied this principle, for example when dealing with the exodus of Vietnamese refugees.
Telaah Kritis TFA WTO (World Trade Organization): Analisis terhadap Implementasi Kebijakan Perdagangan Internasional di Indonesia Deden Rafi Syafiq Rabbani
Jurnal Hukum Lex Generalis Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Tema Hukum Internasional
Publisher : CV Rewang Rencang

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The WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) is a significant step forward for the international trade regime, representing a new hope for WTO relevance. TFA is the first multilateral agreement since the establishment of the WTO and includes new measures to help developing countries build capacity, as well as considering regulatory issues from WTO members. TFA needs to be interpreted appropriately, a combination of capacity building measures, to be the focus of technology improvement and policy applications, including the policies of each country needed to conduct foreign trade traffic control. TFA is assessed to reduce cross-border trade costs and increase trade for developing countries and allow WTO members to better control trade flows, through a combination of procedural downsizing and regulatory discretion. Through the qualitative normative analysis method, this paper examines legal theories and principles and rules related to international trade law. The author analyzes problems related to the course of trade facilitation agreements within the WTO framework as well as with its implementation in Indonesia. Thus, it is concluded that: First, the implementation of international trade policy in Indonesia based on the presence of TFA, has an important and significant impact on international trade traffic, especially concerning WTO members including Indonesia. Second, the normative regulation of TFA in Indonesia has been regulated in several legal products both laws and presidential regulations, so that the implementation of the presence of TFA affects the control of foreign trade policy and import exports.
Prosedur Pelaksanaan Mutual Legal Assistance terhadap Pemulihan Aset Hasil Korupsi yang Dilarikan ke Luar Negeri Ricardo Santos
Jurnal Hukum Lex Generalis Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Tema Hukum Internasional
Publisher : CV Rewang Rencang

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The purpose of this study is to find out how the procedures for implementing Reciprocal Assistance in Criminal Matters as well as to find out what can hinder the recovery process of assets resessed abroad is reviewed from Law No. 1 of 2006 on Reciprocal Assistance in Criminal Matters. The research method used is the normative legal research method. Legal resources used are from legislation and secondary legal materials as well as interviews with relevant law enforcement. Based on the results of the study found several essential things that affect the success and rapidly slow recovery process of criminal assets abroad such as case handling and evidentiary process, the flow of application for assistance, the response of the country requested assistance and other factors.
Kedudukan Rezim Internasional dalam Hukum Internasional Kontemporer Rivaldo Ganti Diolan Siahaan
Jurnal Hukum Lex Generalis Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Tema Hukum Internasional
Publisher : CV Rewang Rencang

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Nowadays, in addition to the existence of countries as exclusive actors in international relations, many are also non-countries that become actors in international relations. Likewise against international regimes, but the status of international regimes in international law is not clear until now. This journal uses normative-based research by using conceptual approach as the backing of research. The results stated that the international regime in a single capacity is not the subject of international law but its embodiment as an international organization that is the subject of international law. The position of international regimes in contemporary international law in the form of cooperation in the form of international treaties can be a source of international law. In the form of institutions in the form of international organizations can be the domiciled subject of international law.
Analisis Pencantuman Nama Perwakilan Diplomatik Asing dalam Exit Control List Pakistan terhadap Perlindungan Hak-Hak Kekebalan Diplomatik: (Studi Kasus Kolonel Hall di Islamabad) Tasya Ester Loijens
Jurnal Hukum Lex Generalis Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Tema Hukum Internasional
Publisher : CV Rewang Rencang

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A diplomatic representative is a person who carries the task of officially connecting the tongues of two countries, namely between the sending country and the receiving country. As a representation of a country, diplomatic representatives are given the privilege of immunity to be able to perform the duties and missions charged to it. Such privilege arrangements are legally regulated under the Vienna Convention of 1961 and supported by other sources of international law including international customary law. However, there are some obstacles in its application such as in the case of Colonel Hall in Islamabad, Pakistan. The accident caused by Colonel Hall's negligence in violation of traffic markings has left the victim dead and seriously injured. However, due to legal immunity, the authorities have not yet completed an investigation into the case. The Pakistani government then listed Colonel Hall's name on the Blacklist and recommended putting his name on the Exit Control List. How the incident is reviewed from the perspective of international law will be discussed by the author in this paper.
Hukuman Kebiri Kimia bagi Pelaku Kekerasan Seksual terhadap Anak dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam Ahmad Habib Al Fikry
Jurnal Hukum Lex Generalis Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Tema Hukum Islam
Publisher : CV Rewang Rencang

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Chemicals a punishment for perpetrators of sexual violence against children or pedophiles. Pedophilia is abnormal sexual behavior by making children the object of satisfying sexual desire. Data on sexual violence against children in Indonesia shows an alarming number. Such actions certainly injure human rights, especially child protection, and are contrary to statutory regulations. The state provides legal certainty and upholds justice through the existence and enactment of laws and regulations concerning child protection. One of the discourses regulated in it is about criminal sanctions for perpetrators of sexual violence against children in order to provide a deterrent effect and stop the act. Chemical castration is one of the criminal sanctions that threaten pedophiles. The procedure for this action is regulated more specifically in the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 70 of 2020. The adoption of this regulation as an implementer of the previous regulation reaps pros and cons from the community. The author's interest in researching this discourse from the perspective of Islamic law gives the answer that chemical castration punishment is a tadzir punishment. In determining punishment for an act, Islamic criminal law recognizes the existence of formal, material and moral considerations. Sexual violence against children is an act that is considered to have fulfilled these three elements so that it can be subject to punishment or Jarimah. Pedophile punishment is Jarimah tadzir, which is a sentence decided by a judge in order to provide education and preventive measures for the perpetrator from committing another crime.
Potensi Praktik Monopoli dalam Merger Bank Syariah Indonesia: Tinjauan Hukum Ekonomi Islam dan Hukum Larangan Monopoli Nabilah Anika -; Nabila Indah Chairunnisa -; Aditya Wahyu Saputro
Jurnal Hukum Lex Generalis Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Tema Hukum Islam
Publisher : CV Rewang Rencang

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As one of the efforts to develop the market share of the sharia economy in Indonesia, the government merged three state-owned sharia banks, namely BNI Syariah, BRI Syariah, and Mandiri Syariah to expand the Islamic banking market. However, the bank merger attempt was disputed by a number of parties because it potentially violated the prohibition of monopoly practices. To find out the potential violations of the monopoly ban, this paper will analyze the merger of three Sharia banks based on monopoly regulation in Indonesia and Islamic economic law against monopolies. The results of the study were written descriptively with qualitative approaches obtained by juridical-normative methods. Based on the discussion that refers to the obtained data, it is concluded that the merger phenomenon has the potential to lead to monopoly practices.
E-Islamic Law: Solusi Kulturisasi Hukum Islam sebagai Langkah Menormatifkan Tujuan Hukum Islam Menjadi Hukum Positif Winda Sari; Desi Fitriyani
Jurnal Hukum Lex Generalis Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Tema Hukum Islam
Publisher : CV Rewang Rencang

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This research presents Islamic law's objectives that are chosen as the solution to be adopted. So, it should be contained as the positive law norm in Indonesia. In this research, the researchers used normative legal research methods and literature study, through a conceptual approach. Unfortunately, the societies' culture regarding the objectives of Islamic law is still weak and being problematic. Therefore, the researchers present the E-Islamic Law application as a culturalization medium to solve it. E-Islamic Law acts as a bridge, so the content of legal objectives will be a positive legal norm in Indonesia.
Pers Sebagai Pilar Demokrasi dalam Perspektif Islam Josua Satria Collins
Jurnal Hukum Lex Generalis Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Tema Hukum Islam
Publisher : CV Rewang Rencang

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Democracy makes the press the most effective communication medium. In Islam, Qur’an has regulated how the press should move and develop. In the midst of the digital era, the diversity of communication and information networks naturally challenges the Islamic Press to be active and wise. The author wants to find out why the press is an important part of democracy and how the concept of the press is from an Islamic perspective. Through secondary data analysis, it was found that the press within the framework of democracy acts as a civic forum, government watchdog, and agent for mobilizing citizen support. The Islamic press has become a tool for educators (Muaddib), information officers (Musaddid), reformers (Mujaddid), unifier (Muwahid), and fighters (Mujahid). If the actors of the Islamic Press are able to maintain their potential and character, then the Islamic mass media will remain strong.
Konsensus Setengah Hati: Perjalanan Peradilan Agama Menuju Sistem Satu Atap (1999-2004) Dian Kurnia Hayati
Jurnal Hukum Lex Generalis Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Tema Hukum Islam
Publisher : CV Rewang Rencang

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During the Reformation era, Islamic law had space in public. This was also strengthened by state policies to reform various aspects of life, including the field of law. The legal reform agenda provides room for strengthening Islamic law institutionally through the Religious Courts. In this case, the Religious Courts are to be integrated under the Supreme Court to end the dualism of guidance and dual supervision between the Supreme Court and the Ministry of Religion. In this study, the authors discuss the differences in views between the Religious Courts, the Ministry of Religion, and the Supreme Court in the process of integrating the Religious Courts under one roof. The method used is the historical method with a statutory approach. The main source used is the primary archive in the form of trial minutes of the Draft Law No. 35/1999 concerning Judicial Power, Draft Law No. 4/2004 on Judicial Power, magazines, and contemporary newspapers. The new findings in this article are the pros and cons of the integration process of the Religious Courts due to differences in interests among stakeholders. Thus, it is concluded that the factors of integration of the Religious Courts are not limited to the ideal basis for realizing judicial independence within the framework of reform, but are closely related to economic and political aspects.

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