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Tax Literacy and Leadership Agility: Indigenous Peoples Awareness in Paying Taxes
Core Subject : Science, Social,
Over the last ten years, the world has been gripped by rapid, wide ranging changes. The world today is a society that is experiencing and living a new world order, which many today refer to as the “global and digital society”. Rapid advancements in information technology have made territorial boundaries no longer relevant in relations among nations. Today global values can easily permeate the society in remote areas. Consequently, marginalized people, who are often considered to be very far from the center of power, also have access to drivers of global developments. Local population has easy access to information on global politics taking shape in other countries. Meanwhile, local phenomena is easily picked up by international community to become international issues. The most recent issues such as terrorism, human trafficking, cybercrime, are examples of some of the issues that can be regarded as being global and local at the same time. Within the context of the above change, what is the actual position and role of public administration? Based on the general perception of public administration science experts, public policy is often regarded as the product of the interaction among domestic actors such as bureaucrats, politicians, members of business and civil society community who conduct their work based on conventional mechanisms. The reality is that there many international actors who play various roles in public policy process of any given country. Donor agencies (IMF and World Bank), Multi-National Corporations, international non-governmental organizations, regional bloc organizations (ASEAN, AFTA, etc) are institutions that often influence policy in a certain country. To that end, issues and problems which any government face today have changed as well. What problems do governments face today?; which public will influence and be influenced by policy?; what institutional mechanisms can be used to solve social problems that governments face today?; To what extent can local institutions collaborate with global institutions in resolving public problems? The International IAPA Conference will attempt to explore and delve into the above issues in order to enrich extant research on this theme in the realm of public administration science. Studying and Learning Public Administration: Global Perspective Studying and learning public administration needs to be brought into the broader domain, namely in the global context. This global context will open insight into the theory and practice of public administration based on learning from across state-nations. This panel will discuss studying and learning public administration in a global and international context. Ethics and Integrity in the Digital Era The digital revolution has changed the way people live and communicate. It has an influence on various aspects including in public administration study. Beside offers benefits, the digital era has negative excesses that will affect the ethics and integrity in governance. To reduce the negative impact, policy and regulation of the cognitive and affective aspects of the state civil apparatus need to be discussed and created. This panel discusses how ethics and integrity in the digital era. Accountability and Performance in Public Service In governance and particularly in public services, accountability and performance play importance role. With the existence of clear principles of accountability and performance, a better, cheaper, faster and smarter public service could be provided. This panel discusses theory and practice of accountability and performance in public services. Politics, Administration and Governance Relations in Globalized World Public administration can never be released from a broader context, especially in the context of politics and governance. Politics, administration and governance are always inseparable and interrelated. What is the current and future issue of politics, administration and governance relations particularly in the globalized world? This panel will strengthen the understanding and identification of interlinkage between politics and administration to build a more democratic and effective government. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Future of Government The development of AI is in line with the objectives of creating a better performance and consistency of government. AI will slowly change the way civil servants do their jobs, from paperwork to IT based work. Artificial intelligence (AI) is more than just technology. AI is the road to public administration transformation. This panel discusses AI and the future of government. Best Practice and Lesson Learned of Public Sector Reform in Asia Public sector reform becomes a necessity and a prerequisite for the success of a development process. It could enhance accountability, capability and improving public services provision. This session will discuss specifically related to the best practice and lesson learned from public sector reform in Asia.
Articles 12 Documents
Search results for , issue "2021: Sub Theme: Regional Governance" : 12 Documents clear
The Strategy of Improving Complaint Management in Surakarta City Toward Society 5.0-Based Public Service Hana Ni’ma Rosida; Kristina Setyowati
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2021: Sub Theme: Regional Governance
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2021.529


The organization of public service is not free of public critique. The management of complaint is a factor that can improve public service quality. Complaining is important because it is the public’s expression that can result from public dissatisfaction with a product or a service. Moreover, to deal with Society 5.0 era, the government should provide a system to solve the problem. Therefore, this research aims to discuss the strategies taken by Surakarta City Government in managing complaint in Surakarta City toward a society 5.0-based public service. This research employed a qualitative research method. Technique of analysis used in this study was content analysis technique obtained through literature review. Based on the result of literature review, it can be seen that some strategies have been taken by Surakarta City Government, including, among others: improving the quality of human resource constituting public apparatuses; making policy; and providing complaining media.
Evaluation of Smoke Free Area Policy in Enrekang Regency Nawir Rahman; Risma Niswaty; Afridha Noor Pewara
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2021: Sub Theme: Regional Governance
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2021.534


Public policy evaluation is a process of activities that are planned to assess the overall effectiveness of the program and it is deemed necessary to make changes to policies that have been carried out in order to achieve objectives. The objectives of this study are (i) How is the performance of the smoke-free area policy in Bone-bone village, Baraka sub-district, Enrekang district? (ii) What is the determinant factor in implementing the smoke-free area policy in Bone-bone village, Baraka sub-district, Enrekang district? This type of research is a descriptive study with a qualitative research design. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used consists of data condensation, data presentation and drawing conclusions.The results of this study indicate that (i) the performance of the smoke-free area policy in Bone-bone village, Baraka sub- district, Enrekang district is quite effective, judged by the policy evaluation indicators by William N Dunn including effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, leveling, responsiveness, and leveling. (ii) the determinant factors of the application of smoke-free areas, namely the existence of a leader or agent, a religious community, and the existence of sanctions.
The Maladministration Alleviating Strategy in The Attempt of Facing Society 5.0 In Surakarta Alya Raissa Abiel; Kristina Setyowati
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2021: Sub Theme: Regional Governance
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2021.530


Maladministration still occurs frequently in some Indonesian areas, including Surakarta city. Various maladministration practices should be alleviated in Surakarta City, for the public service process to be performed maximally and thereby not taking the people’s basic rights to receive the quality public service. Moreover, technology accessibility is getting higher and Indonesia is prepared for entering into society 5.0 Era expectedly more oriented to human beings (human centered). Therefore, this research aims to discuss the strategy of alleviating maladministration in Surakarta City in the attempt of dealing with Society 5.0 era. Then, this research employed a qualitative research method. The analysis technique used in this study was content analysis obtained through literature review. Considering the result of literature review, it can be seen various strategies applicable to alleviate maladministration in the attempt of dealing with Society 5.0 era: improving the quality of Human Resource; Expanding science research and development field; improving communication and technology infrastructure; discussion between practitioners; applying agile government concept; and the last, commitment, consistency, and collaboration between sectors in the attempt of dealing with Society 5.0.
Empowerment of Relocation Community Affected by Covid 19 Pandemic in DKI Jakarta with Collaborative Governance Mawar Mawar; Soesilo Zauhar; Endah Setyowati; Suryadi Suryadi; Dini Gandini
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2021: Sub Theme: Regional Governance
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2021.535


The covid-19 pandemic that has hit the world and Indonesia in particular is not only about the number of people exposd to the virus, but its impact on the economic life of society and the country. The slowdown in various economic activities, the business world, trade and various elements driving the real economy have led to a potential decline in the per capita income of the Indonesian population. This is what is felt by the people of the suburbs at the Rawabebek rusunawa DKI Jakarta who really depend on micro-enterprises for their living. They have experienced a decrease in income since the COVID-19 pandemic so they have limitations in meeting the needs of daily life. For this reason, sustainable community empowerment efforts are needed through aapproach Collaborative Governance. The purpose of this study is to analyze empowerment programs that have been carried out for communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic through collaborative governance. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of phenomenological research. The results showed that the collaboration process in empowering the relocation community at the Rawabebek flats only touched on the instrumental aspects and had not touched the substantial aspects. The collaborative process in empowering relocation communities should be based on social Socialis capital that can be used as the driving force in empowerment. Social capital provides support to the community to take action together and reciprocally. Social capital is an alternative form of modality that is beneficial for the community to obtain both economic and social benefits.
Analysis of Medical Legal Order as A Basis For Settlement of Medical Malpractice Disputes I Nyoman Dwija Putra; Benjamin D Tungga; Cokorde's Istri Dian Laksmi Dewi
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2021: Sub Theme: Regional Governance
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2021.531


This study aims to determine whether the medical legal order can provide a solution for resolving medical disputes carried out by doctors against health service recipients in hospitals. The absence of a malpractice law creates confusion in decision making when doctors become involved in medical disputes. As primary legal material, is has a strong legal basis in making decisions on sanctions that can be imposed on doctors who commit malpractice by violating the professional code of ethics or working not according to standard operating procedures. The methods used are normative legar research methods and library legal research by conducting critical analysis on primary and secondy legal materials. The results of the study have shown that malpractice acts committed by doctors have a clear legal accountability mechanism ,as regulated in Health law number 36 of 2009, law number 29 of 2004 concerning medical practice.Administratively all forms of malpractice committed by docors can be threatened with criminal,civil,administrative sanctions an fines. At a more final level, administrative sanctions from malpractice acts committed by doctors can lead to on revocation of practice license.
Public Transportation Development in Surakarta City in Partnership Governance Perspective Kristina Setyowati; Salsabila Almas Nadhifa; Retno Suryawati; Priyanto Susiloadi
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2021: Sub Theme: Regional Governance
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2021.536


Transportation plays an important role in mobility in urban areas. Surakarta City provides Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) transportation system, Batik Solo Trans. This research aims to find out the partnership performed by Surakarta City in public transportation development in partnership governance perspective. Data collection was conducted through interview and documentation. Analysis was conducted using Successful Collaborative Partnership principle from Agarwal, Caiola, and Gibson (2015). The research took place in Surakarta City, particularly in PT. Bengawan Solo Trans, PT. Trans Global Mandiri, Transportation Office, and Technical Executive Unit for Transportation as the organizer of feeder along with Bersama Satu Tujuan Cooperative. The research method used here was qualitative one with descriptive approach. The result of research shows that the principle of Successful Collaborative Partnership is analyzed based on 4 principles: (1) Clear Goals: to improve public service safely, comfortably, and affordably to the public; (2) Clear Roles: Government contributes to formulating policy, funding “buy the service” program, licensing, and providing public transportation infrastructure. The private is the operator responsible fully for public transportation management; (3) Trust: Surakarta City government trusts fully the private to perform cooperation, to provide and to manage Batik Solo Trans and feeder bus service; and (4) Commitment: Government and Private are committed mutually to providing transportation infrastructure, managing, maintaining, and operating public transportation.
Innovative and Collaborative Governance in The Implementation of Regulation No. 84 of 2017 Sidoarjo Lussi Agustin; Moh. Yusron Solikin
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2021: Sub Theme: Regional Governance
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2021.532


This research aims to analyze the implementation of Sidoarjo Regency Regent Regulation No. 84 of 2017 on Structuring and Empowerment of Street Vendors based on Innovative and Collaborative Governance theory. The method used in this research is a qualitative method using empirical studies from previous research and regulations related to the Structuring and Empowerment of Street Vendors. Collaborative governance has four stages in the process, namely assessment, initiation, deliberation and implementation. The results of this study show that the Cooperative and Micro Enterprises Office of Sidoarjo Regency has implemented Innovative and Collaborative governance. This is evidenced by the structuring and empowerment of street vendors through how to move Street Vendors to a more viable selling location is one of the breakthroughs of the Sidoarjo Regency Cooperative and SMEs Office. This breakthrough is considered very appropriate to solve the problem of street vendors who sell in the Kludan Sidoarjo tourist market area which in the buying and selling process interferes with the interests of pedestrians on the sidewalk. Then with the new selling place street vendors will be more centralized and can increase their sales.
Community Changes in Pregnancy Services during the Covid-19 Pandemic Sri Hilmi Pujihartati; Argyo Demartoto
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2021: Sub Theme: Regional Governance
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2021.537


This article will discuss how to adjust and the condition of services in health facilities, especially for pregnant women during the pandemic. The method used is literature study to obtain data and finally it will be condensed into a conclusion. The theory of behavior change is the basis for analyzing changes in community behavior in health services during the Covid- 19 pandemic. The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of how the actual situation in society, especially in the health sector of pregnant women during the Covid-19 pandemic is. The results showed that in the health sector there were considerable changes. This change is not only carried out by medical personnel, but also needs to be balanced by public awareness. Due to this pandemic, people must pay more attention to themselves, especially for pregnant women. For pregnant women, it can be done through online examinations and consultations with medical personnel or face to face with strict health protocols. In addition, monitoring can also be carried out independently from home by referring to the MCH handbook. Understanding and knowledge of pregnant women is needed in addition to reducing the intensity of pregnancy checks. For this reason, pregnant women need to behave in a healthy way by referring to the policies issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Health. Optimizing the health of pregnant women is very much needed in reducing the incidence of Covid-19 and reducing maternal anxiety during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Empowerment of Tourism Community Through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program Djoko Putro Utomo; Ravik Karsidi; Ismi Dwi Nurhaeni; Drajat Tri Kartono
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2021: Sub Theme: Regional Governance
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2021.528


Community empowerment has an important role in building sustainable tourism. One of the plans used for community empowerment in tourism areas is the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which involves the implementation and participation of the community in program activities. This study aims to define and describe community empowerment in tourism areas through the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The research method used is descriptive qualitative with a single embedded case study. The results of this study are: (1) CSR profile of Bank Jatim (East Java Bank), (2) tourism community empowerment based on the CSR program, (3) the implementation of CSR program in tourism area of Pancer Door Beach, and (4) the results of the tourism community empowerment in Pancer Door Beach from CSR program.
The Impact of Toll Road Infrastructure Development Policy in Cipali for Social Economic Changes in The Majalengka District Entang Adhy Muhtar; Darto Miradhia; Rd. Ahmad Buchari; Riki Satia Muharam
Iapa Proceedings Conference 2021: Sub Theme: Regional Governance
Publisher : Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30589/proceedings.2021.533


The toll road development policy of Cikopo-Palimanan tends to have an impact on changes in the social and economic conditions of the people targeted and outside the development target. On the other hand, the impact on the economy includes how employment patterns, business growth, and investment. Therefore in this study it is important to analyze How the Impact and Strategy of the Infrastructure development of the Cipali toll road generated in Majalengka District. The research method used was descriptive qualitative method with the determination of informants. The results of the study are that the impact of toll road infrastructure development on socio-economic changes, especially in mapping in Majalengka Regency with 3 research locations, in general, the changes lead to positive changes, this can be seen from economic growth above 6% per year, the industrial sector and investment are growing very rapidly, there is stretching of the economy, especially the informal sector which is increasingly dynamic. However, it is recognized that in some sectors of infrastructure development it does not necessarily mean that the community will immediately feel the benefits.

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