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Sistem Manajemen Penjadwalan Pengajaran Dosen berbasis SMS Gateway jeffry jeffry; Ali Akbar Velayaty; Firman Aziz
Journal of System and Computer Engineering (JSCE) Vol 4 No 2 (2023): JSCE: Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61628/jsce.v4i2.648


To improve performance in teaching time, one of which is by being punctual in teaching, therefore a system is needed to remind lecturers when teaching time arrives. Along with the development of technology, almost everyone has a communication device called a cell phone, one of the functions that are often used is sending messages or SMS. SMS Gateway is a platform that can be used to send and receive SMS whose settings can be made using PHP with data storage tools in the form of MySQL. Reminder SMS and teaching schedule monitoring using the SMS Gateway is a system used to remind lecturers about class schedules via SMS that was developed using the PHP programming language.
Penerapan Algoritma K-Modes Menggunakan Validasi Davies Bouldin Index Untuk Klasterisasi Karakter Pada Game Wild Rift Dynesh Radixavendra Quinthara; Abd. Charis Fauzan; M. Maariful Huda
Journal of System and Computer Engineering (JSCE) Vol 4 No 2 (2023): JSCE: Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61628/jsce.v4i2.802


Bagi pemain baru pemilihan karakter merupakan hal yang sulit ketika role yang didapatkan tidak sesuai dengan yang diinginkan karena akan mempengaruhi faktor kemenangan. Dari berbagai macam jenis game ada yang disebut sebagai game MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) pemain hanya bisa mengontrol 1 karakter. Dalam game League Of Legend : Wild Rift ada 40 lebih karakter. Masing-masing variabel pada karakter Wild-Rift mempengaruhi jalannya pertandingan penggunaan algoritma K-Modes Clustering untuk menentukan klaster. Penelitan ini menggunakan algoritma K-Modes Clustering untuk menentukan klaster berdasarkan role dari setiap karakter tanpa melihat tipe masing-masing karakter tersebut. Metode clustering dengan cara mengumpulkan data-data setiap karakter yang kemudian di proses dan dikelompokkan untuk mendapatkan data yang optimal dan menentukan karakter yg diinginkan tanpa memaksakan roleplay. Hasil dari perhitungan K-modes dievaluasi menggunakan validasi Davies Bouldin Index yang menghasilkan nilai DBI sebesar 0.8200 menunjukkan bahwa algoritma k-modes mencapai pengelompokan yang optimal. Klaster 5 merupakan klaster yang paling sering dipilih dengan karakter bertipe MarksMan.
Sistem Monitoring Status Meja Pada Restoran Berbasis Internet of Things (IOT) Mardewi Mardewi; Imran Iskandar; Sofyan Sofyan; Supriyadi La Wungo; Firman Aziz
Journal of System and Computer Engineering (JSCE) Vol 4 No 2 (2023): JSCE: Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61628/jsce.v4i2.816


The condition of a busy restaurant sometimes makes it difficult for waiters to monitor and provide satisfactory service to customers. Customers must wave when they want to call waiters but feel ignored or not seen and will feel uncomfortable with the atmosphere and calm in the dining room. An Internet of Things (IOT) based desk status monitoring system is a concept that has the ability to transfer data over a network without the need for human-to-human interaction. This study proposes a table status monitoring system in IOT-based restaurants. This tool is made so that it can be applied to large rooms and crowded visitors. A device equipped with wireless communication to send data to the server, so that it can be monitored in real time. If the button on the tool is pressed, the system will send a signal to the relay to give a call sign warning to restaurant staff/waitresses. The results of this study indicate that status information from tables requesting service from waiters will respond to these service requests and help optimize service at restaurants so that they can satisfy their customers.
Prototipe Robot Penanam Benih Jagung Berbasis ESP32-CAM Ahmad Martani; Junaedy Junaedy; Miahito Gogasa
Journal of System and Computer Engineering (JSCE) Vol 4 No 2 (2023): JSCE: Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61628/jsce.v4i2.820


Indonesia is an agricultural country, most of the population works in agriculture, planting corn is one of the activities of farmers in producing staple foods such as corn plants. However, currently farmers are still cultivating corn in the conventional way, namely using bamboo with sharpened ends to make holes in the ground to place corn seeds. This study aims to design a corn planting robot prototype with the ESP32-Cam so that farmers no longer have to use human labor to plant corn seeds. The research method used is Research and Development (R&D), Blackbox testing is used to check the functionality of each tool after the final stage of the project, whether the software or application works properly and serves its users effectively. The result of this research is a corn seed planting tool using ES32-Cam. Overall it shows that the tool can complete computerized planting work, where farmers control the tool during planting with their smartphones, namely the funnel works to remove 2 corn kernels and the depth of the planting hole is 1 – 2 cm on the surface of the soil.
Rancang Bangun Alat Pengering Dan Pengupas Kulit Kacang Hijau Menggunakan Arduino Uno Dan Sensor Termocouple Nursuci Putri Husain; Junaedy Junaedy; Arwinsa Arwinsa; Munawar Soasiu
Journal of System and Computer Engineering (JSCE) Vol 4 No 2 (2023): JSCE: Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61628/jsce.v4i2.836


Tanaman kacang hijau adalah sejenis tanaman budidaya dan palawija. Kacang hijau awalnya berasal dari india dan menyebar keberbagai negara asia tropis termasuk di indonesia, kacang hijau dikenal luas didaerah Tropika dan tumbuhan kacang hijau termasuk suku polongan (Fabaceae) ini memiliki manfaat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sebagai sumber bahan pangan berprotein nabati tinggi. Budidaya kacang hijau biasa mengalami kendala pada proses pengeringan dan pengupasan kulit kacang hijau. Kacang hijau memiliki kadar air yang tinggi, sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk mengeringkannya. Kulit kacang hijau cukup keras sehingga proses pengupasan bisa menjadi sulit dan memakan waktu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat alat pengering dan pengupas kulit kacang hijau otomatis menggunakan arduino uno agar memudahkan para petani untuk mengelola hasil pasca panen tanaman kacang hijau. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah R&D(Research and Development). R&D adalah proses atau langkah pengembangan produk baru atau meningkatkan produk yang sudah ada. Alat pengering dan pengupas kulit kacang hijau otomatis menggunakan arduino uno dimana dimulai dengan adaptor sebagai tempat masuknya arus listrik. Mikrokontroler pada penelitian ini adalah Arduino Uno. Dari hasil pengujian di dapatkan kesimpulan semua komponen aktif sesuai dengan fungsinya dan alat ini berhasil mengeringkan dan mengupas kulit kacang hijau dengan baik.
Rancang Bangun Alat Sistem Pemantauan Kadar Ph Air Sungai Tello Berbasis Mikrokontroler Syarifuddin Baco; Musrawati Musrawati
Journal of System and Computer Engineering (JSCE) Vol 4 No 2 (2023): JSCE: Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61628/jsce.v4i2.840


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang sistem pemantauan kadar Ph air Sungai Telloberbasis Mikrokontroler. serta mengetahui dan menguji sistem pemantauan kadar Ph air sungaiberbasis Mikrokontroler. dengan menggunakan metode Penelitian pendekatan penelitian saintifikyaitu pendekatan berdasarkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Berdasarkan sifatnya, pendekatandalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. “Data kuantitatif merupakan suatu karakteristikdari suatu variabel yang nilai nilainya dinyatakan dalam bentuk numerical”. Kuantitatif digunakankarena sistem ini mengeluarkan output berupa bentuk-bentuk numerical atau angka. Penelitian inimerupakan penelitian rancang bangun alat dan pra rancangan sistem dengan melakukanprancangan software dan Perancangan hardware. Sistem pemantaun kadar Ph pada masyarakatmasih kurang efisien. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah sensor pH dan sensor Turbility berbasisMikrokontroler,serta menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Alatdapat membaca Alat dapat membaca kadar pH air 6,5-8,5 dan nilai NTU air 0–2 dengan nilai yangdidapatkan dari sensor pH dan sensor turbility ini masyarakat sudah mengetahui standar air yangbisa di gunakan. Kesimpulan alat sistem pemantauan air layak komsumsi, untuk masyrakat sudahdapat bekerja dengan baik dengan derajat keasaman serta kekeruhan air,yang sudah teruji secaramenyeluruh
Penerapan Sistem Tracking Berbasis GPS pada Alat Pendeteksi Alkohol Terintegrasi dengan Arduino untuk Pengemudi Mobil Penumpang Umum Abd Karim Jusuf; Muh Agus
Journal of System and Computer Engineering (JSCE) Vol 4 No 2 (2023): JSCE: Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61628/jsce.v4i2.871


Regarding the problems faced by managers of the transportation business, namely cases of vehicle theft which still often occur, therefore an idea emerged on how owners can monitor their vehicles effectively, then accidents that usually occur due to reckless public transportation drivers due to influence of liquor. Based on the background described above, the authors aim to conduct research by creating a GPS tracking tool that is integrated with Arduino, which is able to monitor the location of the driver/vehicle and is able to reduce vehicle embezzlement, and the system to be designed is able to detect whether the driver of the vehicle is in a state of drink alcohol or not. Research has been carried out on 2 people, namely for the first person, the lowest sensor data reading was obtained, namely 22 ppm with a delay of 2 seconds for GPS readings for a distance of 3.5 km and the condition of the relay was off indicating that alcohol was not detected, and for the highest sensor data readings it was at 109 ppm with a delay of 3 seconds GPS reading for a distance of 4.2 km and the condition of the relay is on which indicates alcohol is detected. In the second person test, the lowest sensor data reading was obtained, namely 23 ppm with a 4 second GPS reading delay for a distance of 11 km and the condition of the relay was off indicating no alcohol was detected, and the highest sensor data reading was 121 ppm with a 2 second GPS reading delay for a distance 10 km and the condition of the relay is on which indicates alcohol is detected. GPS testing was carried out 10 times for each person where the longest distance tested on the first person was 42 km, and the shortest distance was 3.3 km. And for the test, the fastest delay in reading the driver's location is 2 seconds, and the longest is 5 seconds. In testing the second person, the longest distance was 12 km, and the shortest distance was 10 km. And in the test, the fastest delay in reading the driver's location point is 2 seconds, and the longest delay in reading the location point is 4 seconds.
Klasifikasi Citra Daging Babi dan Daging Kerbau Menggunakan Histogram Citra dan GLCM Irene Devi Damayanti; Aryo Michael; Fridolin Fridolin; Helce K. Y. Piopadang; Setriyanti P.
Journal of System and Computer Engineering (JSCE) Vol 4 No 2 (2023): JSCE: Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61628/jsce.v4i2.878


Due to high consumer demand, some traders use the high price of meat to make a profit by mixing pork and buffalo meat. Some consumers are not aware of this, because in plain view buffalo meat with pork meat is difficult to distinguish, especially for some ordinary people. This action is very detrimental and disturbing the local community, especially Muslims. At present, technological advances in the field of digital image processing are increasing rapidly, especially in food products. In general, this research was conducted in 2 (three) stages. The first stage, namely the stage of image data collection of pork and buffalo meat. The second stage, namely the classification of pork and buffalo meat images using image histogram analysis and the Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) method based on the color and texture of the meat. In this study using the Red Green Blue (RGB) color image method and GLCM texture extraction, namely contrast, homogeneity, energy, and correlation. The study was conducted using 20 samples of meat images (10 images of pork and 10 images of buffalo meat, respectively). Based on the results of the research that has been done, it was found that the image of buffalo meat has a higher percentage value of the Red (R) color component when compared to the pork image, whereas the percentage value of the Green (G) and Blue (B) color components is lower when compared to the image pork. Then, if the value between pixels is not homogeneous (small homogeneity value), then the contrast value is large, and vice versa if the value between pixels is homogeneous (large homogeneity value) then the contrast value is small. The image of buffalo meat has a small homogeneity value compared to the image of pork, so the variation in intensity (contrast) in the image of buffalo meat is high.
Sistem Kendali Ayunan Bayi Berbasis Mikrokontroller dan Android Ahmad Abdullah; Zahir Zainuddin; Andani Achmad
Journal of System and Computer Engineering (JSCE) Vol 4 No 2 (2023): JSCE: Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61628/jsce.v4i2.889


This study aims to design a prototype of a microcontroller and arduino-based baby swing control system that will be very useful for housewives who have babies. This system will automatically work to move the swing when the sound of a baby and water is detected. This system is designed using a sound sensor that functions to detect the baby's voice, a water sensor to detect water when a baby is urinating, a DC motor that functions to move the swing automatically and a mobile application that functions to monitor swings. The test results show that the tool functions as desired, where when the tool detects the sound of a baby's cry, the tool automatically moves the swing, when the tool detects the presence of water, the swing will send a notification to the smartphone, this tool also successfully displays information to the smartphone in the form of a state baby in the form of video and sensor conditions on the swing. The communication distance between the smartphone and the device is 20 meters.
Penentuan Penerima Beasiswa Sekolah Berbasis Visualisasi Graph Database Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Walidatul Isna Khasanah; Abd. Charis Fauzan; Tito Prabowo
Journal of System and Computer Engineering (JSCE) Vol 4 No 2 (2023): JSCE: Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61628/jsce.v4i2.892


Banyak masyarakat kalangan menengah yang tidak mampu memberikan biaya pendidikan anaknya mencapai 9 tahun. Di sekolah terdapat program pemberian beasiswa PIP, namun sistemnya masih dijalankan secara manual yang menyebakan penyaluran beasiswa kurang tepat. Hal tersebut dikarenakan pihak yang diberi kepercayaan untuk menentukan beasiswa melihat kriteria-kriteria masih terpisah dan juga dipengaruhi calon penerima beasiswaa yang jumlahnya cukup banyak. maka dibutuhkan sistem yag bisa membantu sekolah dalam mengambil keputusan berdasarkan kriteria. Graph database sendiri bisa diartikan sebagai suatu model basis data yang didalamnya berisi node, relasi dan property. IMetode iAHP imerupakan isalah isatu imodel ipendukung ikeputusan, instrumen iutamanya iadalah hirarki ifungsional, dan iinput iutamanya iadalah ipersepsi imanusia. Dalam hal ini, mereka adalah ahli dalam menangani bab Beasiswa. Dalam AHP, prioritas terdiri dari berbagai pilihan yang berbeda dan berupa kriteria yang telah terstruktur sebelumnya, sehingga metode AHP dapat diandalkan. Jadi penentuan priioritas didasarkan pada proses yang hierarkis dan masuk akal. Pada penelitian ini penentuan bobot pada setiap kriteria seleksi beasiswa diambil dari yang paling tinggi nilainya yang akan diprioritaskan menjadi penerima beasiswa. Dengan perhitungan ini dihasilkan perankingan yag menunjukkan kualitas siswa yang layak atau belum layak sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Dari perhitungan tersebut kemudian divisualisasikan kedalam graph database dengan Neo4j. Hasil dari visualisasi menunjukkan urutan ranking siswa yang layak menerima beasiswa dari yang tertinggi ke terendah.

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