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Andi Farid Hidayanto
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Jurusan Desain, Politeknik Negeri Samarinda Jl. Ciptomangunkusumo, Samarinda Seberang, Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur
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Jurnal Kreatif : Desain Produk Industri dan Arsitektur
ISSN : 23031662     EISSN : 27472582     DOI : 10.46964
Core Subject : Art, Engineering,
Jurnal Kreatif : Desain Produk Industri dan Arsitektur, terbitan ini berisi artikel bidang ilmu desain produk industri, arsitektur dan ilmu ilmu umum yang mendukung disiplin tersebut. Diterbitkan secara berkala 6 bulanan, tiap bulan April dan Oktober
Articles 6 Documents
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Jurnal Kreatif : Desain Produk Industri dan Arsitektur Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): Vol.11, No. 2, Oktober 2023
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46964/jkdpia.v11i2.359


Dalam budaya Tionghoa, salah satu rangkaian kegiatan sebelum melaksanakan pernikahan adalah prosesi lamaran yang disebut Tingjing. Desain packaging hampers Tingjing dirancang untuk kegiatan Tingjing masa kini yang memiliki kebutuhan hampers dengan desain packaging khusus agar hampers lebih berkesan serta bermakna untuk penerimanya. Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan ini adalah 2 dari 4 fase design thinking dalam model double diamond, yaitu discover dan define dengan melakukan tinjauan pustaka, In Depth Interview (IDI) 1 orang founder event organizer dan 5 orang Tionghoa yang telah menyelenggarakan acara Tingjing, dan observasi 3 vendor hampers Tingjing. Hasil yang dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah pemaknaan yang ada pada hampers Tinjing berdasarkan budaya Tionghoa sangatlah penting dan ditemukan jenis warna dan angka-angka yang bermakna baik serta dapat diaplikasikan pada desain packaging hampers Tingjing.
Jurnal Kreatif : Desain Produk Industri dan Arsitektur Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): Vol.11, No. 2, Oktober 2023
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46964/jkdpia.v11i2.380


This article discusses how the contextual approach of local wisdom values can be considered in determining project design concepts. In this case the concept of digital start-up valley Piyungan applies the contextual division of zones into 3 parts that follow the pattern of the existing space in the location, namely the Education Zone, namely the public zone for Campus IT education. The second zone is a digital park area which is bounded by natural tributaries on a maintained site to give a recreational impression. And the third zone which is in the most private area is designated as the digital office area as the digital start-up valley office location. This article is the result of an exploration of design concepts that produce a conceptual approach that is also embodied in applying the concept of campus digital modern learning activities which are accommodated in traditional building concepts that adopt local wisdom principles from the local culture Artikel ini membahas bagaimana pendekatan kontekstual dari nilai-nilai kearifan lokal dapat dipertimbangkan dalam menetukan konsep perancangan proyek. Dalam hal ini konsep digital start-up valley Piyungan mengaplikasikan kontekstual pembagian zona dalam 3 bagian yang mengikuti pola ruang eksisting yang telah ada dilokasi yaitu Zona edukasi yakni zona publik untuk pendidikan IT Campus. Zona kedua berupa area digital park yang dibatasi oleh anak sungai alami pada tapak yang dipertahankan untuk memberi kesan rekreatif. Dan zona ketiga yang berada pada area paling privat diperuntukan sebagai area digital office sebagai lokasi perkantoran digital start-up valley. Artikel ini merupakan hasil eksplorasi konsep desain yang menghasilkan pendekatan konseptual juga diwujudkan dalam mengaplikasikan konsep kegiatan pembelajaran modern digital kampus yang diakomodasi dalam konsep bangunan tradisional yang mengadopsi prinsip-prinsip kearifal lokal dari budaya setempat..
Jurnal Kreatif : Desain Produk Industri dan Arsitektur Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): Vol.11, No. 2, Oktober 2023
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46964/jkdpia.v11i2.413


Oceanarium is a place for recreational and educational tourist spot, the oceanarium itself provide a place for accommodate various types of marine life, like fish to coral reefs. Manado as one of the marine tourism areas does not yet have a marine tourism instituation that is able to present recreational and educational tourism in the same place, the people of Manado themselves are not very familiar with underwater biodiversity so it needs to be introduced further so that people can be more concerned about protecting marine life, caring for and preserving the potential of this marine tourism. The design of the oceanarium with a contemporary architectural approach can make it easier for the public to reach and recognize various kinds of marine life in Manado through the oceanarium building, a contemporary architectural approach in accordance with the needs of people who like the latest recreational and educational places. The contemporary architectural approach itself is a design approach that responds to the needs of the community while developing at that time, a contemporary architectural approach that adapts to the existence of development in the city of Manado will facilitate public acceptance of new buildings. The existence of an oceanarium with an architectural approach in Manado is expected to be able to fulfill the community's needs for educational recreational buildings in order to foster a sense of care for preserving marine tourism in Manado
PERENCANAAN RUSUNAMI RUMAH DIFABEL DI SAMARINDA PENEKANAN PADA AKSESIBILITAS Zakiah Hidayati; Mafazah Noviana; Dina Fitria; Nur Husniah Thamrin; Afita Nur Hayati
Jurnal Kreatif : Desain Produk Industri dan Arsitektur Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): Vol.11, No. 2, Oktober 2023
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46964/jkdpia.v11i2.425


Samarinda has a reasonably high population, with 872 people with disabilities (2021), based on PPDI DPC Samarinda City data. It is challenging for persons with disabilities to own a home. Therefore, a residential building in the form of a disabled-friendly flats that can house a group of people in one structure is required, emphasizing accessibility. This building's design aims to create a flat accessible to disabled people by paying close attention to the building's exterior rustic architecture. This design method involves identifying problems, collecting data and information, and transforming them into ideas or concepts. Accessibility refers to individuals with disabilities. Government-mandated implementation of accessibility features in circulation routes and space elements with standardized dimensions. This accessible Rusunami also gives attention to the exterior of the building's rustic architecture. The use of red brick characterizes the rustic architectural style, concrete finishing with conwood, natural colors of materials, and designs that evoke a natural look.
DESAIN MEJA BELAJAR ANAK BERGAYA TETRIS Andi Farid Hidayanto; Dyah Juliani Saputri Nur; Yohanes Firananta Setyo Atmono
Jurnal Kreatif : Desain Produk Industri dan Arsitektur Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): Vol.11, No. 2, Oktober 2023
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46964/jkdpia.v11i2.428


Early childhood age is in a stage of growth and development both physically and mentally. In their activities at school, children who study at the kindergarten level need learning facilities, one of which is study tables and chairs. Sometimes these facilities do not meet the condition of the student's body, dealing with its terms of size, shape and parts. The impact of the mismatch between the school fascilities such asa tables and chairs with the body size of school children is one of the obstacles in the efforts of improving learning outcomes. Tetris is one of the most favorite games that prioritizes competition among players, but still the players have to follows the rules of the game. This toy is quite interesting and popular among young children. Based on this background, efforts are made to solve the problem, one of which is by making tables and chairs for kindergarten children with the concept of the Tetris game. In designing products so that are well directed, the Vinod Goel method is used with the stages of Preliminary Design, Design Development, and Final Design and Prototype. The results of this design are intended for children aged 5 - 6 years, with components of chairs, tables, Tetris cubes and Tetris puzzles, with configurations according to ergonomics and anthropometry. The connection system uses a butt joint with nail reinforcement and glue adhesive. The material used is multiplex, with a shape of a tetris concept, a retro fifties and colorful design style with rainbow colors
Identifikasi Sarana dan Prasarana Pariwisata Terhadap Kenyamanan Pengguna Wisata Pantai Jangka Kabupaten Bireuen Aris Munandar; Fitri Muliani; Yusuf Aulia Lubis
Jurnal Kreatif : Desain Produk Industri dan Arsitektur Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): Vol.11, No. 2, Oktober 2023
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46964/jkdpia.v11i2.476


Jangka Beach Tourism, located in Jangka Sub district, Bireuen Regency, is a tourist attraction with a beach and culinary feel. This beach area offers the charm of an exotic beach with brownish sand and a diversity of culinary tourism around the beach. The problem that occurs in Jangka beach tourism areas is that user comfort regarding some of the facilities that have been provided is not complete and does not comply with the standards of the Regulation on Regional Minimum Service Standards, so evaluation needs to be carried out, especially from users and the public who carry out activities at tourist locations. The method used is a qualitative method that focuses on existing facilities and infrastructure at Panjang Beach by means of observation, distribution of questionnaires and literature studies related to the research topic. The results obtained from the existing infrastructure were 13.0% who said it was very satisfactory, 56.5% said it was fulfilled and 30.04% said it was not yet fulfilled. In general, 70.6% said they agreed, however, other answers related to the importance of additional facilities and infrastructure stated it was very necessary, 34.8% said it was necessary. 56.6%, 8.7% is enough, so the facilities and infrastructure that still need to be completed are not enough, such as accommodation, banking system, health, educational facilities and sports advice. The conclusion is that the long-term beach comfort is adequate, it's just that the facilities and infrastructure need to be improved so that it becomes an attraction for tourists.

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