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Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan
ISSN : 27146464     EISSN : 2721558X     DOI :
Core Subject : Health, Social,
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan (Gizi dan Kesehatan) merupakan jurnal keilmuan bidang kesehatan yang terdapat di Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Aceh, yang mempublikasikan artikel terkait gizi dan kesehatan yang berkualitas dan berhubungan dengan individu, populasi, kelompok dan masyarakat serta yang rentan terhadap malnutrisi dan masalah kesehatan. Ruang lingkup kajian jurnal terkait masalah gizi, teknologi pangan, gizi dan kesehatan ibu dan anak, kesehatan lingkungan, hygiene dan sanitasi, kesehatan mulut, pengobatan individu / keluarga dan masyarakat, serta keamanan obat-obatan medis. Jurnal ini juga berupaya untuk meningkatkan kesadaran tentang keterkaitan antara nutrisi, olahraga, aktivitas fisik, dan gaya hidup untuk meningkatkan kesehatan dan untuk menunjukkan bagaimana hasil dan kebijakan perawatan kesehatan dapat ditingkatkan dengan penerapan pendekatan yang lebih berorientasi pada nutrisi.
Articles 13 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Juli - Desember" : 13 Documents clear
Determinan kejadian stunting di Puskesmas Alue Bilie Kabupaten Nagan Raya Siti Zaidar Lubis
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v3i1.721


Background: Stunting is condition a child's nutritional status that is not ideal which can Stunting is state of nutritional status children who are not ideal that can inhibit growth and development. Stunting events are influenced by various factors, namely birth length, exclusive breastfeeding history, family income, maternal education, maternal height nutrition knowledge, parity and parenting.Objective: Purpose this study is find the determinant stunting events in Alue Bilie Health Center of Nagan Raya Regency of Aceh Province.Method: The research design used is an observational comparative study with a case control approach. The population of this research is all mothers who have toddlers in Kuta Trieng Village. The number of samples is that all mothers have stunting toddlers as many as 42 people and toddlers who do not suffer from stunting as many as 42 people. Data was collected by interview using a questionnaire and anthropometric measurements of TB and age. Height using microtoise. Stunting was processed based on PMK no 2 of 2020. The data were analyzed using the Chi-Square test and Multiple Logistics Regression at a significance level of 95%.Results: Based on the results of the study found that there a relationship of exclusive breast milk history with stunting (ρ= 0.000), there a relationship of maternal nutritional knowledge with stunting (ρ= 0.000), there a income relationship with stunting (ρ= 0.024), there a relationship of maternal education with stunting (ρ= 0.034), exist parity relationship with stunting (ρ= 0.000), there a relationship of maternal height with stunting (ρ= 0.000) and there a parenting relationship with stunting (ρ= 0.003). Determinant factors that most affected stunting incidence were maternal height with an OR score of 24.8Conclusion: Factors that have a relationship with the incidence of stunting in toddlers in the work area of the Alue Bilie Health Center, Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh Province, namely the mother's education level, parity, exclusive breastfeeding, mother's level of knowledge, family income, mother's height and parenting patterns. The main determinant factors are parity, knowledge and maternal height.
Hubungan perilaku kepala keluarga dengan pemberantasan sarang nyamuk demam berdarah dengue (PSN-DBD) Fatwa Hidayat; Mindo Tua Siagian; Mido Ester Sitorus
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v3i1.771


Background: The 3M Plus mosquito nest eradication movement is the most effective activity to prevent the occurrence of dengue disease and to realize environmental hygiene and healthy living behavior. The purpose of the 3M Plus mosquito nest eradication activity is to eradicate the breeding places of the Aedes mosquito through efforts to foster community participation so that dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) can be optimally prevented.Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the behavior of the head of the family with the implementation of eradicating the mosquito nests of dengue hemorrhagic fever.Method: This type of research uses a descriptive analytic approach with a cross sectional study design with a sampling technique using simple random sampling. The sample in this study were 73 heads of families from a population of 264 families. This research was conducted in March-September 2021. The data was collected by interview using a questionnaire, and supported by observational data. Data processing is carried out in a computerized manner starting with the stages of editing, coding, tabulating. Data analysis was performed bivariate (Chi-square test) and multivariate (Binary Logistics Regression) at 95% CI.Results: The results showed that there was a significant relationship between attitudes (p= 0.000) and the role of community leaders (p= 0.039) with the eradication of dengue mosquito nests. There was no relationship between knowledge (p= 0.767) and the eradication of dengue mosquito nests. The attitude variable is the dominant predictor of its relationship with the implementation of the eradication of dengue mosquito nests in Seunagan District, Nagan Raya Regency (Exp (B) = 7.2).Conclusion: There is a relationship between attitudes and the role of community leaders in eradicating dengue mosquito nests, but knowledge does not show a relationship. The success of eradicating dengue mosquito nests is dominated by the positive attitude of the local community.
Analisis kimia dan uji oragnoleptik pada minuman sinbiotik dengan penambahan ektrak pati sagu Anjar Briliannita; Zaenab Ismail
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v3i1.694


Background: Sago is local food, contains lactic acid bacteria that can ferment high carbohydrates and oligosaccharides purified from sago extract. It has the potential as a prebiotic because it can support the growth of lactic acid bacteria, reduce the growth of E.coli and Salmonella bacteria (in vitro).Objectives: To determine the effect of synbiotic drink added with sago starch extract (Metroxylon sago r) on organoleptic and nutritional tests and determine the degree of acidity of the drink.Methods: Experimental study with a completely randomized design (CRD). Organoleptic tests at the Nutrition Laboratory of the Nutrition Department of the Health Polytechnic of Sorong and chemical tests at the Chemix Pratama Laboratory in Yogyakarta in April-June 2020. Descriptive univariate analysis, including frequency and percentage distribution. Bivariate test with ANOVA test and Duncan's follow-up test.Results: The results showed that the synbiotic drink (yogurt) added with sago starch extract and using starter Streptococcus thermophilus, and Lactobacillus bulgaricus had a significant effect on the organoleptic test and the carbohydrate content of the product ( p < 0.05). The most preferred synbiotic drink (yogurt) from the three drink variations (Y011, Y021, and Y033) drinks Y021. The analysis of starch content in local varieties of West Papua sago flour was very high, namely 83.30%, and the chemical test results of acidity (pH) in the selected synbiotic drink (yogurt) Y021 was 4.36.Conclusion: The synbiotic drink added with sago starch extract had a significant effect on the organoleptic test compared with commercial yogurt drink and the carbohydrate content of the drink. Of the 3 variants of sago starch extract in synbiotic drinks, selected was Y021, and the best degree of acidity in synbiotic drinks (Y021), pH = 4.36 was sufficient to meet the standard of acidity of yogurt drinks in general.
Determinan perilaku merokok pada siswa MTSS Alue Bilie Kecamatan Darul Makmur Kabupaten Nagan Raya Rahmad Fajri Andi
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v3i1.720


Background: Smoking behavior is the main cause of adolescent health problems in the world such as upper respiratory infections, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Adolescent smoking behavior is influenced by knowledge, attitudes, extracurricular activities, cigarette advertisements, the influence of parents and peers.Objective: This study aims to determine the determinants of smoking behavior in MTSS Alue Bilie students, Darul Makmur District, Nagan Raya Regency.Method: The research method uses comprehensive analytic with a cross sectional approach. The population is all class students at MTSS Alue Bilie from grades VII and VIII totaling 40 male students. Sampling using the total population technique. Data analysis used univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis.Results: Based on the results of the study, it was found that there was a relationship between knowledge and smoking behavior (ρ=0.001), there was a relationship between attitudes towards smoking behavior (ρ= 0.004, there was a relationship between cigarette advertising and smoking behavior (ρ= 0.003), there was a peer relationship with smoking behavior. (ρ= 0.004), and there is a parental relationship to smoking behavior (ρ= 0.042). The determinant factor that has the greatest relationship to smoking behavior is knowledge with an OR=  13.9.Conclusion: Positive attitudes had a 2.24 times relationship to the participation of pregnant women in hepatitis B screening than negative attitudes.
Optimasi peningkatan kualitas air sumur gali melalui penggunaan tawas (Aluminium Potassium Sulfate) terhadap Escherichia coli Zuriani Rizki; Hastuti Syahnita; Mutia Ulfa Rahmad
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v3i1.715


Background: well water provide water that comes from a layer of soil that is relatively close to the ground surface, therefore it is easily exposed to contamination through seepage. In general, seepage comes from human excreta, latrines or latrines and animals, as well as from well waste itself, either because the floor or the sewerage are not impermeable to water. The condition of construction and the way the well water is drawn can also be a source of contamination, for example wells with open construction and drawing water with a bucket. One of the fecal contamination bacteria found in well water is Escherichia coli. Alum (Aluminum sulfate) is one of anti-microbial.Objective: To determine the effect of alum with concentrations of 5%, 10% and 15% on the amount of Escherichia coli in well waterMethod: explanatory research (explanatory research) which is to explain the relationship between variables through comparison and hypothesis testing, using a quasi experimental design method with the experimental design used in this study is Completely Randomized Design with 3 repetitions.Results: The results of the ANOVA test on the content of E. coli with various concentrations obtained a P value of 0.000 an alpha value of 0.05, indicating that there was a significant difference in the observed concentrations.Conclusion: Alum with concentrations of 5%, 10% and 15% affected the number of Escherichia coli in well water. The higher the concentration of alum, the better in inhibiting the growth of E.coli bacteria in well water.Conclusion: Alum with concentrations of 5%, 10% and 15% affected the number of Escherichia coli in well water. The higher the concentration of alum, the better in inhibiting the growth of E.coli bacteria in well water.
Analisis faktor keikutsertaan screening hepatitis “B” pada ibu hamil Dedi Apriadi
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v3i1.717


Background: Nagan Raya Regency is included in the top 5 districts/cities with the fourth highest number of hepatitis in Aceh Province. The hepatitis B screening program has not been implemented properly. The impact of the low coverage of this program affects public ignorance about the spread of hepatitis B from sufferers to other communities.Objective: This study aims to analyze the participation factors for Hepatitis B screening in pregnant women in the working area of the Ujong Patihah Health Center.Method: This research design is cross sectional study, in 2021. Data were collected using a questionnaire with a sample size of 220 pregnant women. Data collection was carried out by direct interviews with respondents, using a questionnaire instrument. Data analysis used the Cgi-square statistical test with a significance level of 95%, and continued with multivariate analysis using the Binary Logistics Regression test.Results: Bivariate analysis showed that there was a relationship between knowledge (p= 0.022), mother's attitude (p= 0.010), husband's role (p = 0.018), role of health workers (p = 0.028) and participation in hepatitis B screening, while education did not affect participation in hepatitis B screening (p= 0.668). Multivariate results showed that the mother's attitude was the dominant factor for participation in hepatitis B screening (OR= 2.24).Conclusion: Positive attitudes had a 2.24 times relationship to the participation of pregnant women in hepatitis B screening than negative attitudes. 
Keterkaitan pola pangan harapan (PPH) dengan kejadian stunting pada balita Mimi Amarita
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v3i1.300


Background: Food security from the consumption pillar is reflected by the loyal ability of citizens to consume food that is sufficient in quantity and nutritional quality, safe, diverse and affordable. Consumption of adequate and nutritionally balanced food is a form that must be met to minimize nutritional problems including stunting.Objectives: This study aims to determine the relationship between the Expected Food Pattern (PPH) and the incidence of stunting in toddlers.Methods: The type of research used is observational research, using a cross sectional design. The research sample is 90 samples. The research location is in North Kluet District, Aceh Regency. Data analysis using SPSS Software Independent Test t-test. Research data will be presented in the form of univariate and bivariate analysis.Results: The results showed that there was no difference in the Expected Food Pattern (PPH) score between stunting toddlers and the PPH score for normal toddlers, the p value = 0.553 (p > 0.553).Conclusion: In conclusion, the PPH score in stunting toddlers with normal toddlers does not show a difference on average in North Kluet District, South Aceh.
Analisis program sanitasi total berbasis masyarakat (STBM) pilar cuci tangan pakai sabun pada anak SD Imran Matondang
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v3i1.716


Background: The problem of washing hands with soap in elementary school students is still high. Elementary schools in Kuala Pesisir Subdistrict, Nagan Raya Regency have not implemented hand washing with soap according to the 6-step principle. Efforts made by the Health Office to make this program successful are by increasing student compliance in hand washing activities through socialization and direct practice.Objective: This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the success of the pilar community-based total sanitation program for washing hands with soap at elementary school levels class V and VI in Kuala Pesisir District, Nagan Raya Regency.Method: Design This research is a cross sectional study. Data were collected using a questionnaire with a sample size of 240 students consisting of grades V and VI. Statistical analysis using Chi-square test and Binary Logistics Regression.Results: The results of bivariate analysis showed that there was a relationship between knowledge (p=0.002), attitude (p=0.007), behavior p=(0.000), hand washing facilities (p=0.000), teacher support (p=0.036), and availability of water (p=0.036). p=0.000) with a total community-based sanitation program pillar washing hands with soap. Based on multivariate analysis, the dominant variables associated with the pillars of hand washing with soap are behavior (OR=0.207; 95%CI: 0.082-0.524), water availability (OR=0.173; 95%CI: 0.050-0.595) and facilities. wash hands (OR=0.153; 95%CI: 0.047-0.501).Conclusion: It was concluded that positive student behavior 0.207 times was associated with the success of the hand washing program with soap compared to negative student behavior.
Implementasi Health Belief Model terhadap pelaksanaan vaksinasi untuk penanggulangan pandemi Corona Virus Diseases-19 (Covid-19) pada tenaga kesehatan Kabupaten Nagan Raya Hardiansyah Hardiansyah; Lukman Hakim; Henny Arwina Bangun
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v3i1.767


Background: World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) as a pandemic. Interventions are needed not only in terms of implementing health protocols but also other effective interventions to decrease the transmission of disease through vaccination efforts which are aimed at reducing transmission/transmission of COVID-19, reducing morbidity and mortality due to COVID-19, and achieving group immunity in the community society (herd immunity).Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify the implementation of a health belief model for the implementation of vaccination in the context of overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic in health workers within the Nagan Raya District Health Office.Method: The type of research used a descriptive-analytic approach with a cross-sectional study design with a total sampling method of sampling. The sample in this study was 76 health workers from a population of 76 health workers at the Nagan Raya District Health Office. This study was conducted from March to September 2021. Data analysis used Chi-Square statistical test and Binary Logistic Regression with a significance level of 95%.Results: The results of this study indicate that there is a significant relationship between perceived susceptibility (p = 0.041), perceived benefits (p = 0.047), and cues to action (p = 0.037) with the implementation of vaccination in the context of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic for health workers. There is no relationship between perceived severity (p = 1,000) and perceived barriers (p = 0,280) with the implementation of vaccination in the context of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in health workers.Conclusion: The dimension of the health belief model that is highly dominant related to the implementation of vaccination in the context of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in health workers is the perceived susceptibility variable with a value of p= 0.041 and Exp (B) = 5.376.
Deteksi dini faktor resiko kanker payudara pada wanita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Batoh Banda Aceh Nurleli Nurleli; Ainal Mardhiah; Lathifah Hanum
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v3i1.329


Background: Breast cancer is an abnormal growth of cells that form in breast tissue. In Aceh, breast cancer is the third most non-communicable disease with most breast cancer patients having a period of late treatment. The results of research on women in Lueng Bata District Banda Aceh City in 2015 found data that the majority of respondents had never had regular breast examinations. This can result in breast cancer being detected at an advanced stage where the therapy often cannot make the patient recover and end up in pain and death. To prevent the occurrence of these problems, health promotion is held about breast cancer and breast self-examination (BSE).Objectives: This study aims to increase women's knowledge and understanding of breast cancer and increase awareness for early detection and appropriate treatment.Methods: was carried out for 3 days from 12 to 14 September 2018 to the community in the work area of the Batoh Health Center in Banda Aceh. The method used is filling out questionnaires, lectures accompanied by questions and answers to explain risk factors, early signs of breast cancer, as well as demonstrations of breast self-examination.Results: From the evaluation of the results obtained from the community service activities, among others, is to increase awareness and understanding of the community, especially women about breast cancer and breast self-examination. It is thus expected to continue on a will that is applied in daily behavioral changes to prevent and routinely examine breast cancer in order to prevent complications and improve quality of life.Conclusion: There is an increase in knowledge and understanding of the meaning, risk factors, early signs and symptoms of breast cancer, and how to detect breast cancer early.

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