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Agus Hendra Al Rahmad
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Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan
ISSN : 27146464     EISSN : 2721558X     DOI :
Core Subject : Health, Social,
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan (Gizi dan Kesehatan) merupakan jurnal keilmuan bidang kesehatan yang terdapat di Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Aceh, yang mempublikasikan artikel terkait gizi dan kesehatan yang berkualitas dan berhubungan dengan individu, populasi, kelompok dan masyarakat serta yang rentan terhadap malnutrisi dan masalah kesehatan. Ruang lingkup kajian jurnal terkait masalah gizi, teknologi pangan, gizi dan kesehatan ibu dan anak, kesehatan lingkungan, hygiene dan sanitasi, kesehatan mulut, pengobatan individu / keluarga dan masyarakat, serta keamanan obat-obatan medis. Jurnal ini juga berupaya untuk meningkatkan kesadaran tentang keterkaitan antara nutrisi, olahraga, aktivitas fisik, dan gaya hidup untuk meningkatkan kesehatan dan untuk menunjukkan bagaimana hasil dan kebijakan perawatan kesehatan dapat ditingkatkan dengan penerapan pendekatan yang lebih berorientasi pada nutrisi.
Articles 158 Documents
Efektivitas penggunaan poster dan video dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap tentang buah dan sayur pada siswa Dayah Terpadu Inshafuddin Jellyfa Indah; Junaidi Junaidi
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Januari - Juni
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v2i2.311


Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) generally recommends the consumption of vegetables and fruit for a healthy life of 400 grams per person per day, consisting of 250 grams of vegetables and 150 grams of fruit. Not all Indonesians consume fruits and vegetables as much as 97.3% consume vegetables 73.6% consume fruit, nutrition education with audio-visual media is effective in increasing students' knowledge.Objective: This study aims to measure the effectiveness of poster and video media in increasing students' knowledge and attitudes about fruits and vegetables at Dayah Terpadu Inshafuddin.Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental research design (quasi-experimental). The sample in this study was all students of class 2A and 2C Dayah Terpadu Inshafuddin Banda Aceh, with the study time in 2019. Data collection used a questionnaire and direct interviews were conducted. The data is processed using computer applications. Data analysis using T-dependent and T-independent tests.Results: The results showed that students' knowledge of vegetables and fruit increased to 83.6%, and attitudes increased to 84.5%. There was an increase in students' knowledge and attitudes about fruits and vegetables between before and after counseling (p < 0.05). In addition, it also showed that there was a significant effect of counseling using videos and posters (p < 0.05).Conclusion: The use of posters and video media can increase students' knowledge and attitudes, and using video media is more effective than posters in increasing knowledge and attitudes about vegetable and fruit consumption.
Peningkatan pengetahuan pada masyarakat tentang konstruksi sumur gali dan bak penampungan limbah serta jarak yang aman terhadap sumber pencemar Darmiati Darmiati; Nilawati Nilawati
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Januari - Juni
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v1i2.403


Background: The use of mercury material has developed very broadly, and one of them is in the gold mining process which is carried out in the gold extraction process. The activity is carried out in the yard of the house and adjacent to the dug well, this can cause pollution in the soil and dug well water. Problems that arise due to exposure to Mercury are gastrointestinal disorders, kidney damage, nerve damage, disability in the fetus, while in children will reduce cognitive abilities and thinking, memory, attention, language mastery, fine motor skills and visual.Objectives: The purpose of this community service is to increase community knowledge about the construction of dug wells and waste collection tanks as well as a safe distance to pollutants in the traditional gold mining.Method:  The study used a cross-sectional design, involving subjects in 30 community groups. Data collection using a questionnaire and conducted interviews. Analysis of research data is only done univariately.Results: The results of the evaluation of the activity revealed that there was an increase in public knowledge of the conditions for the construction of dug wells, waste collection basins and diseases caused by mercury exposure directly or indirectly on the human body (able to answer questions correctly more than 20% on each question item).Conclusion: Most people begin to understand that the danger of mercury does not only occur in the skin, but can affect the entire organ system and permanent nervous system damage.
Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan persepsi body image pada tenaga kesehatan di RSUD Meuraxa Alfian Alfian; Asnawi Abdullah; Nurjannah Nurjannah
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v2i1.467


Background: Body image reflects a person's health status, for health workers body image can describe professionalism. Health workers should be able to give a role models for hospital visitors in the health sector, especially in maintaining optimal body image.Objectives: This study aims to determine the factors associated with the perception of body image in health workers at Meuraxa Hospital, Banda Aceh City.Methods: This research was conducted by analytic descriptive with cross-sectional design. Data were collected using a questionnaire. The population in this study were all health workers at Meuraxa Hospital, amounting to 375 people. The sample size was taken based on the provisions of Krejcie and Morgan's statutory table, as many as 191 people. The statistical test used was logistic regression and was analyzed using the stata 14.Results: Perceptions of negative body image were more common in women (64.10%), and at the age of 25-29 years (70.18%). Factors related to the body image of health workers were gender (p= 0.004), food consumption behavior (p= 0.001), interpersonal relationships (p= 0.021). Meanwhile, age and medical conditions did not show a relationship with body image. The dominant factor causing body image is consumption behavior.Conclusion: The factors related to the body image of health workers are gender, food consumption behavior, and interpersonal relationships. While the dominant factor is food consumption behavior.
Pemanfaatan jus apel (Malus sylvestri mill) dibandingkan jus jambu biji (Spidium guajava linn) dalam menurunkan halitosis pada remaja Ratna Wilis; Andriani Andriani
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v1i1.286


Background: Halitosis is caused by rotting food scraps by poor oral hygiene, and this condition can be exacerbated by irregular teeth composition. In this situation, the unpleasant odor can be reduced or eliminated by brushing teeth, using mouthwash and traditional methods by gargling / consuming fibrous fruits such as apples and guava. Riskesdas 2013, in general, people brush their teeth every day in the morning and evening bathing as much as 90.7% and before bedtime only 20.7%. The results of the examination on 20 oral hygiene students in the category of dental and oral hygiene were poor (60%). Measurement of halitosis manually by licking a spoon, then within 10 seconds is kissed manually if the odor caused is so stinging it belongs to the category of halitosis.Objective: to determine the effectiveness of consuming guava juice compared to apple juice on changes in the decrease in halitosis. The sample of 120 first grade students of SMPN 7 Banda Aceh was divided into 2 groups. The study was conducted on July 24 until August 1.Method: This research is quasi-experimental. Data analysis was tested using Paired t-test. Meanwhile, to find out the effectiveness of both of them is tested by the Independent Test t-test with a significance level of 95%.Results: The results showed that before consuming apple juice, the first measurement was 3.00 and the second was 3.02, after being given halitosis apple juice, the first mean was decreased by 1.70 and the second measurement was 1.58. Before consuming red guava juice, the average measurement was 2.98 and after giving red guava juice, it decreased to 2.22 (first measurement) and 2.13 (second measurement).Conclusion: The significant decrease in halitosis scores that consume apple juice has a better effectiveness in reducing the halitosis score compared to consuming red guava juice obtained p = 0,000.It is recommended: in schools to be able to consume apples and red guava fruit as natural ingredients to reduce bad breath or prevent bad breath (halitosis).
Perbandingan efektivitas penggunaan audio visual terhadap penurunan kecemasan anak selama perawatan gigi di TK Pertiwi dan TK Raudhatul Jannah Banda Aceh M. Erfin Febrian; Aulina Adami; Asnawi Abdullah
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v2i1.574


Background: Anxiety in children about dental care is a problem that arises in children. This is because the dentist's perception and introduction to children does not start early.Objectives: This study aims to compare the effectiveness of the use of audio visuals on reducing children's anxiety during dental treatment at Pertiwi and Raudhatul Jannah Kindergarten in Banda Aceh.Methods: This study uses a cross-sectional study design which is a study conducted to find the relationship between the independent variables (risk factors) and the dependent variable anxiety in dental care. Sampling was done by purposive sampling with the criteria of children aged 5-6 old. The number of samples is 100 samples. Test analysis using the dependent t-test and was analyzed using the stata 14.Results: The results showed, the comparison between the first day and the second day showed a difference in the decrease in anxiety level with the child's anxiety score with intervention of 2.78 with a deviation of 1.379 while the second group without intervention had a decrease in the mean score of anxiety, which was 2.48 with a deviation of 1.455. The difference in the decrease in anxiety scores in children is 0.30. The results of the T-Dependent statistical test obtained a value of p= 0.001Conclusion: In other words, the results of this study can show differences in the level of anxiety in the intervention group with the group that did not use the audio visual intervention.
Perbedaan status gizi antara perokok dan bukan perokok pada mahasiswa Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh Indra Kurniawan; T. Khairul Fadjri; Agus Hendra Al Rahmad
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Januari - Juni
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v2i2.234


Background: Smoking habits can have a negative impact on smokers and those around them. Smokers tend to have a lower body mass index (BMI) than nonsmokers in various populations. The average cigarette smoked per day per person in Indonesia is 12.3 cigarettes (equivalent to one pack). Smokers generally have a lower body weight than non-smokers.Objectives: This study aims to determine differences in nutritional status or body mass index (BMI) between smokers and non-smokers.Methods: The study used cross-sectional, with a sample of 66 students. The research was conducted at the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health in 2019. Data collection was carried out by direct interviews using questionnaires, as well as anthropometric measurements (weight and height) to assess nutritional status. Data processing was carried out by categorizing smokers and non-smokers, and nutritional status using the z-score of BMI. Data analysis used Independent T-test at 95% CI.Results: The results have reported that students' smoking habits are carried out outside the home (81.8%) by smoking between 3-6 cigarettes/day. Student nutritional status (BMI) in smokers 21.33 kg/m2 and non-smokers 21.86 kg/m2. Statistically, there was no difference (p= 0.600) between the nutritional status of smoking students and non-smoking students at the Health Polytechnic of Aceh, Ministry of Health (p > 0.05). Conclusion: There is no difference in nutritional status (BMI) between smoking students and non-smoking students at the Health Polytechnic of Aceh, Ministry of Health.
Pengaruh modifikasi menu makanan lunak terhadap tingkat kepuasan pasien dan sisa makanan di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Meuraxa Banda Aceh Cut Sri Mutia; Rachmawati Rachmawati
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Januari - Juni
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v1i2.408


Background: Soft foods are foods with a texture that is easy to chew, swallow, digest than regular food. The purpose of administration is to be easily swallowed and digested according to nutritional needs and disease conditions. Modification of recipes is very important to improve the appearance in shape, taste, color, aroma, and temperature of food so that it can be well received by patients.Objectives: The aim was to determine the effect of soft food modification on the level of patient satisfaction and food waste at the Meuraxa General Hospital in Banda Aceh City.Methods: Quasi-experimental research design. This research was conducted at Meuraxa Public Hospital in Banda Aceh City. Which will be carried out from November to December 2018. The population in this study is all inpatients at the Meuraxa general hospital in Banda Aceh city from November to December receiving soft diets. The sample in this study was carried out using the purposive sampling technique in which the sample taken in the Arrahman Room and Arafat Room. Quantitative data analysis with an independent sample t-test was performed to compare food scraps before modification and after modifications to the soft food menu, the data presentation was presented in tabular and narrative form.Results: The rest of the food on the 3rd menu after statistical tests using the t-test can be concluded that there is a significant influence between the remaining rice on the modification of soft foods before and after modification (p < 0.05). Soft food scraps on the 4th menu showed a significant effect between vegetable residues on modified soft foods before and after they were modified (p < 0.05). Soft food residues on the 5th menu before and after modification also showed a significant effect between vegetable residues on modification of soft foods before and after modification (p < 0.05).Conclusion: Modifications to the menu on soft foods showed a significant influence on the level of patient satisfaction and food waste at the Meuraxa District General Hospital in Banda Aceh. Suggestions, modification of soft food menu can be used as an alternative dish that can be served to inpatients.
Pemberdayaan kader posyandu melalui penerapan metode konseling gizi dan komunikasi efektif T Khairul Fadjri; Teuku Jamni
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v2i1.323


Background: The relatively low level of education as well as public knowledge and awareness in the health sector is the main cause of nutritional problems in children under five. One of the steps that can be taken to help this problem is to increase the resources of Posyandu cadres as the frontline in handling nutritional problems at the rural level through nutritional counseling activities and effective communication.Purpose: This research aims to increase the nutrition knowledge of Posyandu cadres about nutritional counseling and effective communication in an effort to improve Posyandu services.Methods: This community service is carried out through training on nutritional counseling and effective communication for Posyandu cadres with counseling and training methods, question and answer and role play.Results: Posyandu cadre knowledge shows perfect improvement after training, cadres' knowledge of material understanding is generally good, most (80.0%) Posyandu cadres already have good effective counseling and communication skills.Conclusion: Posyandu cadres are able to understand and apply the concept of nutritional counseling and the concept of effective communication as well as changes in attitudes and behavior of Posyandu cadres regarding the nutritional problems of toddlers
Pengaruh ekstrak daun rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) terhadap kematian larva nyamuk aedes aegypti Fajriansyah Fajriansyah
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v1i1.291


Background: The effort to control mosquitoes can be done by terminating the life cycle of mosquitoes, eradication of the larval sadium, namely larvicides. Rambutan leaves (Nephelium lappaceum L.) contain tannin compounds, saponins. Saponins are destroying red blood cells through the reaction of hemolysin, are toxic to cold-blooded animals, including cold-blooded insects, one of the insects that often interfere with human life is mosquitoes.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the extract of rambutan leaves on the death of Aedes aegypti larvae Methods: This research is an experimental research. The object of research was Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae. The study was conducted at the writer home of Lamjamee Village, Banda Aceh. Research time is August 23-25, 2017. Type of research is an experimental study that is the effect of rambutan leaf extract  on the death of Aedes aegypti larvae. The object of research is the population of Aedes aegypti larvae. The research subjects taken were Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae that lived because of the administration of rambutan leaf extract with a concentration of 5%, 10%, 15%. Statistical data analysis used Anova LSD test.Results: The results showed that the death of Aedes aegypti larvae by using rambutan leaf extract (Nephelium lappaceum L.) dose of 5% with an average of 19.7. Dose 10% had an average of 34.3, and a dose of 15% of the average mortality was 43.7. There is a significant difference between each dose of the mortality rate of Aedes aegypti larvae, with a value of F= 28.1 (F-count > F-table = 4.07).Conclusion: Various concentrations of the three treatments of rambutan leaf extract namely 5%, 10% and 15% are very effective against the death of Aedes aegypti larvae. Suggestions, can be used and practiced in everyday life, so as to reduce the use of chemical insecticides.
Hubungan jarak kelahiran dan jumlah balita dengan dengan status gizi balita di Puskesmas Sapta Jaya, Aceh Tamiang Kasad Kasad; Keumalahayati Keumalahayati
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v2i1.443


Background: Indonesia ranks fifth for the country with the number of stunted children with an estimated 7.7 million children under five. Globally, WHO states that around 45% of under-five mortality is due to malnutrition and Indonesia has undernutrition problems that cannot be resolved. The factors causing the high nutritional problems include the number of children under five in the family and the support of the close distance between the births of the babies.Objectives: To measure the relationship between birth spacing and the number of children under five with the nutritional status of children under five at the Sapta Jaya Health Center, Aceh Tamiang.Methods: This study was used a cross-sectional design. The sample size as many as 31 people, using the sampling technique by simple random sampling. The data collection technique used a questionnaire and conducted interviews, as well as anthropometric measurements of weight for age to assess nutritional status. Statistical analysis used the Chi-Square test at a significance level of 95%.Results: There is a number of children under five who experience malnutrition, namely 25.8%. The number of children under five in the family had no relationship with the nutritional status of children under five (p= 0.952), while the birth spacing had a relationship with the nutritional status of children under five at the Sapta Jaya Community Health Center, Aceh Tamiang (p= 0.031). Conclusion: The number of children under five has no relationship with nutritional status, but birth spacing has a significant relationship with the nutritional status of children under five.

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