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Analisis kimia dan uji oragnoleptik pada minuman sinbiotik dengan penambahan ektrak pati sagu Anjar Briliannita; Zaenab Ismail
Jurnal SAGO Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30867/gikes.v3i1.694


Background: Sago is local food, contains lactic acid bacteria that can ferment high carbohydrates and oligosaccharides purified from sago extract. It has the potential as a prebiotic because it can support the growth of lactic acid bacteria, reduce the growth of E.coli and Salmonella bacteria (in vitro).Objectives: To determine the effect of synbiotic drink added with sago starch extract (Metroxylon sago r) on organoleptic and nutritional tests and determine the degree of acidity of the drink.Methods: Experimental study with a completely randomized design (CRD). Organoleptic tests at the Nutrition Laboratory of the Nutrition Department of the Health Polytechnic of Sorong and chemical tests at the Chemix Pratama Laboratory in Yogyakarta in April-June 2020. Descriptive univariate analysis, including frequency and percentage distribution. Bivariate test with ANOVA test and Duncan's follow-up test.Results: The results showed that the synbiotic drink (yogurt) added with sago starch extract and using starter Streptococcus thermophilus, and Lactobacillus bulgaricus had a significant effect on the organoleptic test and the carbohydrate content of the product ( p < 0.05). The most preferred synbiotic drink (yogurt) from the three drink variations (Y011, Y021, and Y033) drinks Y021. The analysis of starch content in local varieties of West Papua sago flour was very high, namely 83.30%, and the chemical test results of acidity (pH) in the selected synbiotic drink (yogurt) Y021 was 4.36.Conclusion: The synbiotic drink added with sago starch extract had a significant effect on the organoleptic test compared with commercial yogurt drink and the carbohydrate content of the drink. Of the 3 variants of sago starch extract in synbiotic drinks, selected was Y021, and the best degree of acidity in synbiotic drinks (Y021), pH = 4.36 was sufficient to meet the standard of acidity of yogurt drinks in general.
Analisis Implementasi Program Penanggulangan Gizi Buruk Di Puskesmas Wilayah Kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kota Sorong Provinsi Papua Barat Zaenab Ismail; Martha Irene Kartasurya; Atik Mawarni
Jurnal Manajemen Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 4, No 1 (2016): April 2016
Publisher : Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (45.844 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jmki.4.1.2016.20-26


The prevalence of under-five children with severe malnutrition in Sorong city West Papua in 2008, 2009 and 2010 consecutively was 3.59%, 1.1% and 1.9%. Implementation of a program could be influenced by many factors such as communication, resources, disposition and bureaucracy factors. The objective of this study was to know the implementation of severe malnutrition control program at primary healthcare centers (puskesmas) in the working area of Sorong city health office West Papua in 2010. This was a qualitative study with cross sectional approach. Data was collected through in-depth interview using interview guideline. There were 5 primary healthcare centers studied with program executors as main informants. Triangulation informants were family or parents of under-five children with severe malnutrition, head of puskesmas and head of nutrition section of Sorong city health office West Papua province. Results of the study showed implementation of the program had not run according to the standard of implementation from the Ministry of Health. It was caused by not optimal communication that was done by Sorong city health office through program socialization. The availability of resources such as human resource to implement the program was insufficient. Only those who had nutrition educational background implemented the program and other workers were not involved in the program. There was no nutrition care team in all puskesmas. Additionally, the majority of the workers had not received training yet. Management of program funding was not according to the unit cost. Facilities were inappropriate and there was still improper puskesmas. The executor workers were needed for implementing the program; unfortunately due to less transparency and socialization, commitment was also low. No authority or standard operating procedure (SOP) given by Sorong city health office to puskesmas. In addition there was no supervision to the nutrition program workers. It was concluded that the implementation of severe malnutrition control program in Puskesmas in the working area of Sorong city health office West Papua province was not optimal. It was suggested to Sorong city health office to improve socialization about severe malnutrition control program to all program executors including heads of puskesmas in the working area of Sorong city health office; to create nutrition care and training teams. Funding allocation should be given to the right target and facilities should be completed.   Supervision, monitoring and evaluation were done continuously.
Faktor Risiko Kejadian Stunting pada Anak Usia 6-7 Tahun Anjar Briliannita; Zaenab Ismail; Lasupu Lasupu
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan (JIKA) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Volume 4 Nomor 1 April 2022
Publisher : Sarana Ilmu Indonesia (salnesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36590/jika.v4i1.226


Masalah status gizi sangat pendek dan pendek pada anak usia 5-12 tahun di Indonesia termasuk di Provinsi Papua Barat masih tinggi, yaitu 11,5% (sangat pendek) dan 22,8% (pendek). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor risiko terjadinya stunting pada anak usia 6-7 tahun di Sekolah X Kota Sorong. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu observasional dengan desain cross-sectional pada anak usia 6-7 tahun di Sekolah X Kota Sorong. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan purposive sampling, total sampel yang diperoleh sebanyak 35 subjek. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 45,7% pendek, 40% sangat pendek. Faktor risiko (p<0,05) stunting pada subjek yaitu besar uang jajan anak di sekolah (OR untuk besar uang jajan = 2,424), tingkat asupan protein anak (OR untuk tingkat asupan protein = 5,333), serta tingkat asupan lemak anak (OR untuk tingkat asupan lemak= 1,385). Penelitian ini berimplikasi pada pentingnya mempromosikan asupan protein dan lemak pada bekal sekolah bergizi seimbang anak kepada orang tua dan guru sekolah. Sehingga, dapat membantu peningkatan berat badan dan tinggi badan anak menjadi berstatus gizi baik.  
Pemberdayaan Kader Posyandu dalam Sistem Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan Ibu Nifas Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Puskesmas Waisai Kabupaten Raja Ampat Sunaeni; Zaenab Ismail
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Formosa Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): August 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/jpmf.v1i3.930


Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak menurunnya layanan Puskesmas, termasuk juga posyandu. Kunjungan akseptor KB dan nifas hanya berkisar 10,9 % dari 9296 orang. Diperlukan kerjasama dari berbagai pihak agar pelayanan kesehatan bagi ibu nifas diakses dengan mudah, meskipun dalam masa pembatasan aktifitas. Tujuan pengabdian agar kader posyandu dapat membantu bidan meningkatkan derajat kesehatan ibu nifas  masa pandemi covid-19 melalui sistem manajemen terpadu terintegrasi dengan pelayanan kesehatan. Metode kegiatan berupa pelatihan bagi kader posyandu, meliputi persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Sasaran kegiatan adalah kader posyandu dan bidan. Pengabdian dilakukan di Puskesmas Waisai Kabupaten Raja Ampat. Hasil pengabdian terjadi peningkatan daya saing yang terlihat dari pengetahuan kader 87 % baik, ketrampilan 80 % baik. Diperlukan upaya secara terus menerus berkelanjutan dalam peningkatan ketrampilan kader posyandu.