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OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas
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OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas is published by Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia Dunia (PPID) which publishes 2 times a year since 2018 (January and July). OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas is an open-access peer-reviewed journal that mediates the dissemination of academicians, researchers, and practitioners in many aspects of Indonesia. OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas accepts submissions from all over the world, especially from Indonesia.OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas aims to provide a forum for national and international academicians, researchers, and practitioners on the field that related to Indonesian in many aspects to publishing the original articles. All accepted articles will be published and will be freely available to all readers with worldwide visibility and coverage. The scope of OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas is specific topics issues related to Indonesia such as social, law, economics, science, and technological aspects. All articles submitted to this journal can be written in the English and Indonesian languages.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 63 Documents
THE EXISTENCE OF VIBRIO CHOLERAE IN INDONESIA: FROM ENVIRONMENTAL TO CLINICAL ASPECTS (A CONCISE REVIEW) Rian Ka Praja; Anggita Ratri Pusporini; Reny Rosalina; I Wayan Muda Suta Arta; I Dewa Made Sukrama; Ni Nengah Dwi Fatmawati
Jurnal PPI Dunia Vol 4 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : OISAA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52162/jie.2021.004.01.1


Vibrio cholerae is an infectious agent causing cholera disease with a high prevalence in various developing countries. V. cholerae is a pathogen with broad spectrum host that can infect humans and animals, especially aquaculture. The existence of this disease in Indonesia has long been identified in several outbreaks. Various reports in Indonesia have succeeded in finding the existence of V. cholerae in the environment, aquaculture, food and beverage, as well as in clinical cases of V. cholerae infection. The presence of V. cholerae in environment such as water source is commonly related with contamination. However, V. cholerae can be found in aquatic environment as this environment is natural habitat for V. cholerae. Thus, aquaculture is prone to be infected with V. cholerae because the presence of this pathogen is abundant in aquatic environment. Contaminated food and beverage are associated with hygiene and sanitation and human is commonly infected after consuming contaminated food or beverage. This brief review has the main focus to discuss the existence of V. cholerae from environmental to clinical aspects found in Indonesia.
Jurnal PPI Dunia Vol 2 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : OISAA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52162/jie.2019.002.02.4


Maggot comes from the Black Soldier Fly insect which is very active in eating a variety of organic waste. Maggot is able to process organic waste up to 52.2 kg per day. Indonesian waste dominated by organic species is 40 million tons in 2019 where 17.94% is produced by traditional markets (7 million tons). Based on BPS data, Traditional markets produce 1 ton of waste per day. By the ability of maggot to process waste, a 60 x 40 meter building is needed. Aside from being an organic waste solution but also as a producer of maggot with high protein, maggot flour and compost, it will add economic value. Organic waste production in Indonesia which continues to increase has the potential for maggot production to be continuous so that it can replace fish meal or conventional animal feed in terms of continuity. Maggot has a crude protein content of 42% so it is very good as a substitute for fish meal which is always imported. Maggot is also thought to have potential as a substitute for the MBM ration. Research shows that maggot flour can replace 75% of fish meal as an abdominal ration. The compost produced by maggot also has a greater NPK value than Em4 and cow dung, so that it has the potential to become a quality NPK fertilizer. It can be concluded maggot as an organic waste solution and potentially as a substitute for conventional sustainable feed.
Jurnal PPI Dunia Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : OISAA

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Kegiatan penelitian tidak seharusnya hanya dibatasi pada hasil akhir yang berupa publikasi. Penelitian terdiri dariproses bertahap dan sering kali membutuhkan usaha yang sangat besar di tiap tahapan sebelumnya. Revolusiindustry 4.0 yang menekankan pada ketersediaan data dan informasi yang beragam kepada publik, jugamengubah cara peneliti dalam hal pengelolaan data penelitian. Sekarang ini peneliti dapat berkolaborasi dalampenggunaan data dengan adanya akses terbuka data penelitian (open research data). Terdapat perubahanparadigma, di mana penelitian bukan lagi hal yang sifatnya individu, melainkan kolaborasi dan multidisiplin yangdapat membedah suatu hal dari banyak sisi. Hal inilah yang memicu Pengelolaan Data Penelitian (Research DataManagement (RDM)), sebuah konsep yang memungkinkan peneliti untuk menyimpan dan sekaligus membukaakses data penelitian sebesar-besarnya sehingga orang lain dapat mengakses dan memungkinkan untukberkolaborasi, pertukaran ide, dan penggunaan ulang untuk tujuan yang lain. Pada konsep RDM, di mana dataterbuka untuk umum, data penelitian mengenai suatu komunitas dapat dibahas dari berbagai sudut pandang ilmudisiplin. Studi ini merupakan studi awal yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi praktek RDM di perguruan tinggi diIndonesia. Penelitian ini berupaya melakukan perbandingan ketersediaan platform RDM di Indonesia denganobservasi pada situs web 10 perguruan tinggi terbaik di Indonesia dan studi literatur sistematis terhadapketersediaan platform RDM jika akan diimplementasikan di Indonesia. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwabelum ada perguruan tinggi yang diteliti yang sudah menerapkan platform RDM di Indonesia. Sekarang ini banyakperguruan tinggi yang sudah mapan dalam pembuatan sistem informasi RDM di seluruh dunia. Oleh karena itu,hasil dari penelitian ini bisa dijadikan bahan pertimbangan oleh Kementerian Riset dan Pendidikan Tinggi RI(Kemenristek DIKTI RI) dan perguruan tinggi lainnya dalam mengembangkan sistem RDM yang ideal. Research should not be limited to publication and publishing. Research covers range of activities that usually needhigh efforts. Industry 4.0, which emphasized on the availability of integrated data and information have changedresearchers in managing their research data. The open research data has enabled researchers to collaborate andreuse available data to solve many problems on society. There is a paradigm shift that research is no longer seenas individual private activity that researcher take hold of the data for themselves, but into more collaborative andmultidisciplinary. These kinds of activities coined a term of the Research Data Management (RDM), a servicewhere researchers could put their research data to collaborate, share, and maximally reuse the data for otherpurposes. In RDM, research data is publicly available that can be learned by other scientists in many differentbackgrounds. This study is a pilot study that has objective to identify the RDM practice in Indonesian universities.This study is a comparison study by identifying the availability of RDM platform and information systems throughliterature review and observation of websites of the best 10 Indonesian universities. RDM has been implementedby most universities in many developed countries. From this study, we could know that there are no Indonesianuniversities that has implemented RDM yet. Therefore, this study could be used as basis for the IndonesianMinistry of Research and Higher Education (Ristek DIKTI) and other higher education institutions in thedevelopment of ideal Research Data Management Platform and Information Systems.
Jurnal PPI Dunia Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : OISAA

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Pengguna smartphone semakin meningkat dari 1,4 miliar pengguna smartphone 176 juta orang diantaranyaadalah pecandu smartphone. Kebanyakan pengguna smartphone belum mengetahui tentang masalah kesehatanapa saja yang dapat ditimbulkan dari ponsel pintar ini. Sehingga diperlukan suatu sistem pakar untukmempermudah penggunanya sebagai deteksi dini untuk kesehatan diri pengguna Dalam pembuatan SistemPakar Deteksi Masalah Kesehatan Akibat Penggunaan Smartphone ini menggunakan metode Certainty Factoruntuk menghitung prosentase tingkat kepastian penyakit. Alat bantu yang digunakan dalam pengembangansistem yaitu : Flowchart, Diagram Konteks, Data Flow Diagram (DFD), Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). Metodepengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah Prototype dengan alasan metode ini dapat dievaluasi olehpengguna sampai didapatkan spesifikasi yang sesuai dengan keinginan pengguna Berdasarkan hasil pengujianAlpha menggunakan (Black Box) dan pengujian Beta dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa sistem sudah sesuaidengan yang diharapkan. Penggunaan sistem pakar dianggap cukup memuaskan dalam memberikan informasihasil diagnosa pengguna dan perhitungan manual certainty factor sudah sesuai dengan perhitungan pada sistem. Smartphone users are increasing from 1.4 billion smartphone users 176 million of them are smartphone addicts.Most smartphone users do not know about any health problems that can be generated from this smart phone. Soit takes an expert system to facilitate users as an early detection for the user's personal health.In the manufacture of Expert System Detection Health Problems Due to Use of Smartphone is using CertaintyFactor method to calculate the percentage level of certainty of disease. The tools used in system developmentare: Flowchart, Context Diagram, Data Flow Diagram (DFD), Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). Systemdevelopment method used is Prototype on the basis of this method can be evaluated by the user until thespecifications obtained in accordance with the wishes of users. Based on the results of testing using Alpha (BlackBox) and Beta testing can be concluded that the system is in accordance with the expected. The use of expertsystems is considered satisfactory in providing user diagnostic information and manual calculation certainty factoris in accordance with the calculations on the system.
Jurnal PPI Dunia Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : OISAA

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Artikel ini membahas membatik sebagai keterampilan yang harus dimiliki oleh pelajar SMP dan SMAdi daerah-daerah yang memiliki budaya membatik di Indonesia. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakanadalah metode kualitatif, kemudian instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasi lapangandan media sosial, studi literatur, dan wawancara. Membatik merupakan keterampilan yang seyogyanyadimiliki oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia, namun dewasa ini keterampilan dalam membatikdan orang-orang yang terampil membatik semakin berkurang, karena proses regenerasi yang tidakdilembagakan dan dipersiapkan secara matang oleh pemerintah. Sejalan dengan alasan tadi, minatpara pelajar untuk belajar membatik pun berkurang, terutama dalam mengapresiasi warisan budayaleluhur. Demikian pengembangan kurikulum tingkat SMP dan SMA dengan menambahkanketerampilan membatik sebagai muatan lokal (mulok), akan memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baikkepada generasi penerus dalam menjaga budaya membatik (tulis dan cap) sebagai warisan budayayang telah diakui oleh UNESCO. Penulis berpendapat dengan diadopsinya inovasi ini dalam kurikulumpendidikan akan membawa dampak positif bagi Indonesia. Demikian, tanpa adanya kerjasama dalammembangun kesadaran untuk melestarikan budaya leluhur antara Kementerian Pendidikan danKebudayaan RI dengan setiap lembaga pendidikan yang berada di bawah tanggung jawabnya tidakakan terwujud suatu proses transfer nilai-nilai budaya yang berkesinambungan. This article write over membatik as skill which must know-how by high school students at regions whohave membatik tradition in Indonesia. Methodology Research which will use qualitative and alsoobservation, study literature and interview as instruments. Membatik skill which must have to allIndonesian people who have batik tradition, as time goes by membatik skill and the batik expert morediminish, because the process regeneration which not create institute for maintain the tradition andpreparation for the future by government. Accordance with the statements, interest from students forlearning membatik diminish, especially in appreciate cultural heritage. That developing of curriculum inJunior High School and Senior High School with adding skill membatik as mulok (local content), willgive understanding more better to the new generation in to protect the tradition membatik (written andstamp batik) as prestigious cultural heritage which one avowed with UNESCO. This article be of theopinion with adopted this innovation in education curriculum will brings the positive impact for Indonesia.Thus, without existence partnership in development the understanding for conserve prestigious culturebetween Ministry of Education and Culture of RI and every institution education it will not reach thesustainable cutural values.
Jurnal PPI Dunia Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : OISAA

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PT Z merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak pada bidang inspeksi. Bagian Human Resources dan General Affairsmempunyai tugas pokok salah satunya yaitu mengelola data pegawai. Bagian HR dan GA mengalami kesulitandalam mengalokasikan sumber daya yang sesuai dengan keahlian dan sertifikasi yang dimiliki oleh pegawai,mengalami kesulitan untuk mengetahui masa berlaku dari sertifikat yang dimiliki oleh pegawai, serta mengalamikesulitan untuk mengetahui bidang sertifikasi mana yang belum dimiliki oleh PT Z. Tujuan dari riset ini adalahterbangunnya sistem informasi untuk memudahkan proses pengajuan tender dalam mengalokasikan sumber dayayang sesuai dengan sertifikat keahlian yang dimiliki oleh pegawai, terciptanya sistem informasi untukmemudahkan dalam mengetahui masa berlaku dari sertifikat yang dimiliki oleh pegawai serta untuk memudahkandalam mengetahui bidang sertifikasi yang belum dimiliki oleh PT Z, dan terbangunnya sistem informasi untukmengintegrasikan kedua kebutuhan di atas dengan menggunakan Odoo sebagai perangkat perencanaansumberdaya. Rancangan sistem menggunakan Unified Modelling Language (UML), Odoo sebagai landasanmembangun sistem dan PostgreSQL sebagai database. Metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan modelprototype serta metode Equivalence Partitioning Black Box Testing yang digunakan sebagai metode pengujiansistem. Dapat disimpulkan pada penelitian ini bahwa hasil pengujian membuktikan bahwa sistem yang diajukanmemiliki waktu proses yang lebih cepat dibanding sistem yang lama. PT Z is a company engaged in the field of inspection. The Human Resources and General Affairs section has themain task, one of which is managing employee data. The HR and GA department experienced difficulties inallocating resources according to the expertise and certification held by employees, having difficulty knowing thevalidity period of the certificates held by employees, and having difficulty finding out which areas of certificationPT Z had not had. Purpose from this research is the establishment of an information system to facilitate the tendersubmission process in allocating resources in accordance with the expertise certificate possessed by employees,the creation of information systems to facilitate the validity period of certificates held by employees and to facilitatein knowing the field of certification that has not owned by PT Z, and the establishment of an information system tointegrate the two needs above using Odoo as a resource planning tool. System design uses the Unified ModelingLanguage (UML), Odoo as the basis for building systems and PostgreSQL as a database. The systemdevelopment method uses a prototype model and the Equivalence Partitioning Black Box Testing method that isused as a system testing method. It can be concluded in this study that the test results prove that the proposedsystem has a faster processing time than the old system.
Jurnal PPI Dunia Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : OISAA

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Pemerintah telah merumuskan Kebijakan Energi Nasional (KEN) dengan fokus pengembangan energi baruterbarukan (EBT) untuk mengantisipasi habisnya sumber energi fosil di masa mendatang. Dalamimplementasinya, pemerintah menghadapi kendala baik dari segi anggaran maupun teknologi yang dimiliki.Pendanaan dari swasta terutama dalam bentuk Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) sangat diperlukan. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk melihat sejauh mana daya tarik investasi di sektor kelistrikan berbasis EBT. Metode penelitianyang digunakan menitikberatkan pada studi literatur berupa analisis terhadap kebijakan pemerintah dalammenciptakan iklim investasi bidang green energy sektor kelistrikan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkanbahwa iklim investasi saat ini masih belum mampu mendorong implementasi green energy di Indonesia. Hal initerbukti dari skor RECAI Indonesia yang masih rendah (peringkat ke-36 dari 40 negara yang disurvei). Beberapakebijakan pemerintah telah mendukung iklim investasi di sektor green energy diantaranya terkait keterbukaankepemilikan modal asing hingga 100%, fasilitas tax allowance dan tax holiday untuk investasi di sektor greenenergy. Akan tetapi, terdapat pula beberapa kebijakan yang perlu dirumuskan kembali seperti kebijakanpenentuan harga beli produk energi kepada para investor dan kebijakan mekanisme bagi PengembangPembangkit Listrik (PPL) dengan sistem pemilihan langsung yang dinilai masih belum efisien sehingga menjadikendala pelaksanaan investasi di sektor green energi. Indonesian government has formulated a National Energy Grand Policy which is focused on renewableenergy/green energy development to anticipate the run-out of the finite reserve of fossil energy resources. Thereare two major challenges faced by the government on implementing this policy which are the advanced technologyrequired and the budget constraint. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) becomes a potential solution yet theperformance of FDI realization in green energy sector these past years is still under national target. The objectiveof this research was to analyse Indonesia’s investment attractiveness specifically on green energy-basedelectricity sector. The method used on this research was literature study focusing on the government policies thataffected Indonesia’s investment climate on that particular sector. Based on the analysis result, these policies ingeneral haven’t been able to elevate investment atrractiveness proven by Indonesia’s RECAI rank that is fairly low(the 36th out of total 40 assessed countries). Although the government has implemented several policies such as:liberation on foreign capital owners up to 100%, tax allowance and tax holiday for green energy sector, some otherfundamental policies i.e. the pricing formulation and the purchasing mechanism in fact are potentially harmful forthe investors. Moreover the frequently changed and, at some cases, lack of consistency, regulations often seenas a major barrier by investor specifically on the big scale investment.
Jurnal PPI Dunia Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : OISAA

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Kajian pengaruh logam pada cincin porfirin (metalloporfirin) dan substituent pada posisi meso terbukti memilikisifat semikonduktor. Cd(II), Hg(II) dan Pt(II) dipilih sebagai logam sentral mengingat setiap unsur memilikikesamaan golongan dan perioda dalam table periodik unsur kimia. Substituen penarik dan pendorong elektrondigunakan untuk menggeser spektra serapan elektronik ke arah sinar UV dan tampak. PerhitunganDFT/B3LYP/LANL2DZ and TD-DFT digunakan untuk optimasi struktur elektronik dan sifat fotofisik. Parameteryang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah energi celah pita (Eg), rapat keadaan (DOS) dan spektra serapanelektronik. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa substituen pendorong elektron cenderung memberikan sifatsemikonduktor yang lebih baik. Kompleks Pt(II)-Porfirin-NH2 adalah senyawa yang paling ideal untuk didesainsebagai material semikonduktor organik berdasarkan nilai energi celah pita, rapat keadaan dan spektra serapanelektronik. We have studied the effects of central metal on porphyrin ring (metalloporphyrin) and the substituent group onmeso position proved have a semiconductor property. Cd(II), Hg(I) and Pt(II) were chosen as the central metal tosee the effect of the elements on the nature of the group and the same period. Electron donating and withdrawinggroup used to shift the electronic absorption spectra to UV and visible area. The DFT/B3LYP/LANL2DZ and TDDFT calculation were used to generate the optimized structure of, electronic and photophysical properties. Theparameter is a band gap energy (Eg) complex compound, density of state (DOS), and electronic absorptionspectra. The calculations showed electron donating complexes tend to be better as a semiconductor. Pt(II)-Porfirin-NH2 is the most suitable complex to be designed as an organic semiconductor material based on Eg, DOS,and electronic absorption spectra value.
Jurnal PPI Dunia Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : OISAA

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Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keunikan kawasan Hutan Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas (TNBD) Jambiyang boleh ditempati oleh manusia. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan Teori Biodeversity Conservation by IndigenousPeople dari Isager dan Theilade. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mendeskripsikan syair Seloko Rimbo dalam upayapelestarian Hutan TNBD. (2) Menjelaskan makna syair Seloko Rimbo dalam upaya pelestarian Hutan TNBD. (3)Mendeskripsikan implikasi syair Seloko Rimbo dalam upaya pelestarian Hutan TNBD. Jenis penelitian ini merupakanpenelitian kualitatif dengan metode pendekatan deskriptif-kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian inimenggunakan observasi dan wawancara. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data sebagai berikut: (1) analisissebelum di lapangan dan (2) analisis data di lapangan dengan menggunakan model Miles and Huberman. Gunamenambah akurasi data, selanjutnya peneliti menggunakan tahapan analisis data dari Spradley yaitu AnalisisDomain. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Terdapat bentuk Seloko Rimbo berupa syair-syair yang dapatpeneliti tuliskan. (2) Makna syair Seloko Rimbo berhubungan erat dengan upaya pelestarian hutan TNBD. (3) SelokoRimbo berimplikasi dalam upaya pelestarian hutan TNBD. Temuan ini telah membuktikan bahwa syair Seloko Rimbosebagai kearifan lokal Orang Rimba memiliki implikasi dalam upaya pelestarian hutan TNBD, sehingga Seloko Rimboini patut untuk dijaga dan dilestarikan. This research supported by uniqueness forest area in Bukit Duabelas National Park (TNBD-Taman NasionalBukit Duabelas) in Jambi may occupied by humans. In order to make this research are qualified, it uses theorybiodeversity conservation by indigenous people from Isager and Theilade. This study attempts to : described the lyric,explain the meaning and described implication lyrical Seloko Rimbo in an effort to the preservation of TNBD. A methodof data collection during was used in the study observation and the objective of the interview. This research uses thetechnique of collecting the data as follows: (1) It is anticipated that analysis before on the court and (2) of the dataanalysis on a court with use the model Miles Huberman a private economic analyst said also from Spradley promisedto supply it is anticipated that domain analysis. This research result indicates that: ( 1 ) there is a form of lyrical SelokoRimbo can researchers wrote .( 2 ) lyrical meaning of seloko rimbo closely linked to the preservation of forests TNBDefforts. ( 3 ) seloko rimbo implicates in an effort to the preservation of forests TNBD.
Jurnal PPI Dunia Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : OISAA

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PT Riung Mitra Lestari adalah salah satu perusahaan kontraktor penambangan baru di Indonesia yang didirikan pada tahun 2006. Diidentifikasi bahwa Riung membuat prediksi permintaan (bulanan) untuk menentukan jumlah stok yang 'tepat'. Namun, ‘tingkat akurasi’ metode peralaman yang digunakan oleh Riung tidak dapat diukur, sementara meningkatkan akurasi peralaman dapat meningkatkan tingkat kinerja perusahaan (yaitu meminimalkan kemungkinan kehabisan persediaan dan inventaris yang berlebihan). Laporan ini bertujuan untuk menemukan metode prediksi terbaik bagi Riung untuk mengelola kontrol inventaris suku cadangnya; yang dimulai dengan mengelompokkan suku cadang menggunakan metode analisis ABC untuk menentukan penanganan pengendalian persediaan yang tepat untuk setiap kelompok. Data menunjukkan bahwa ada 37 suku cadang di Riung yang termasuk dalam kategori A, oleh karena itu diperlukan kebijakan yang lebih ketat. Hal ini menjadi dasar untuk memilih kategori A sebagai objek utama analisis dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini akan membandingkan tiga metode prediksi, Moving Average (MA), Weight Moving Average (WMA) dan Single Exponential Smoothing (SES). Kinerja setiap metode prediksi dinilai dengan menghitung nilai kesalahan prediksi (MAD, MSE, MAPE, TS). Diketahui bahwa ada empat suku cadang dengan metode Moving Average sebagai metode prediksi terbaik, delapan suku cadang terbaik dengan menggunakan WMA dan sisanya 25 suku cadang terbaik dengan metode Single Exponential Smoothing (SES) PT Riung Mitra Lestari is one of the new mining contractor company in Indonesia founded in 2006. It is identified that Riung creates (monthly) demand forecasting for determining its ‘proper’ stock quantities. However, the accuracy level of forecasting method used by Riung cannot be measured, while improving the forecasting accuracy may rise the performance level of company (i.e. minimizing the probability of the stock out and excessive inventory). This report is aimed to find the best forecasting method for Riung to manage its spare parts inventory control; which is began by grouping spare parts using ABC analysis method to determine the appropriate inventory control handling for each group. Data showed that there are 37 spare parts in Riung that belong to category A, hence a more stringent policy is required. This correspondingly became the basis for selecting category A as the main objects of analysis in this study. The research will compare three forecasting methods, Moving Average (MA), Weight Moving Average (WMA) and Single Exponential Smoothing (SES). The performance of every forecasting method was assessed by calculating the value of forecast errors (MAD, MSE, MAPE, TS). It is known that there are four spare parts with Moving Average method as the best forecasting method, eight spare parts is best by using WMA and the rest 25 spare parts is best with Single Exponential Smoothing (SES) method.