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Jurnal Data Mining dan Sistem Informasi
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Jurnal Data Mining dan Sistem Informasi (JDMSI) is a peer-reviewed scientific Open Access journal that published by Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. This Journal is built with the aim to expand and create innovation concepts, theories, paradigms, perspectives and methodologies in the sciences of Information System. FOCUS AND SCOPE The study of other sciences that examine topics related to Information Systems and Data Mining is not limited to: 1. Data Mining, Data Warehouse, Big Data, Data Science, Business Intelligence 2. Web Semantik 3. Database Management 4. Bioinformatics 5. Kecerdasan Buatan 6. Analisis dan Rancangan Sistem Informasi 7. Metodologi Pengembangan Sistem Informasi 8. Pengukuran dan Evaluasi Sistem Informasi 9. Sistem Informasi Strategis (Sistem Pendukung Keputusan, Sistem Informasi Eksekutif, Sistem Enterprise) 10. Manajemen Sistem Informasi 11. Audit Sistem Informasi, Manajemen Perubahan dan Inovasi dalam Sistem Informasi, Sistem Informasi dan Kaitannya dalam Bisnis yang Kompetitif 12. Investasi Teknologi Informasi / IT, Manajemen Teknologi Informasi / IT, Manajemen SDM dan Organisasi Teknologi Informasi / IT, Perencanaan Strategis Teknologi Informasi / IT, Analisis Investasi Teknologi Informasi / IT, Manajemen Proyek Teknologi Informasi / IT, Inkubasi Bisnis Teknologi Informasi / IT 13. E-learning, E-Bussiness, E-Health, E-Commerce, E-Supply Chain Management, E-Government 14. Sistem Enterprise, Manajemen dan Perancangan Arsitektur Sistem Enterprise, Perencanaan Sumberdaya Sistem Enterprise 15. Sistem Informasi Akademik, Sistem Informasi Perhotelan, Sistem Informasi Transportasi, Sistem Informasi Sumber Daya, Sistem Informasi Produksi, Sistem Informasi Perbankan, Sistem Informasi Enterprise, Sistem Informasi Sosial, Sistem Informasi Geografis
Articles 5 Documents
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IMPLEMENTATION OF SMARTER AND ORESTE METHODS FOR DETERMINING UNDERDEVELOPED VILLAGES Riska Amalia Praptiwi; Suaidah Suaidah; Rakhmat Dedi Gunawan; Ryo Cahyo Prakoso; Deddy Rudhistiar; Patricia Evericho Mountaines; Thesa Adi Saputra
Jurnal Data Mining dan Sistem Informasi Vol 4, No 2 (2023): AGUSTUS 2023
Publisher : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33365/jdmsi.v4i2.3239


Villages have less development than cities because villages have bigger problems such as higher poverty rates, lower health, lower human resources, facilities and infrastructure that are more difficult to reach than cities. Therefore we need the concept of sustainable village development. In sustainable development, the aspect of development is not only aimed at present society but also society in the future. Before making the concept of sustainable village development, so that village development in a city/regency/district area is conceptualized evenly, decision support is needed to identify underdeveloped villages. Some indicators villages or underdeveloped regions mostly related to the survey of Potensi Desa activities by BPS from 1980 to 2014 continually participated. Related to that conditions, criteria obtained underdeveloped villages by DPU and indicator data PODES by BPS, it can be applied on Decision Making System. In this research selected case studies are census data from Potensi Desa by BPS in Magetan. This system uses SMARTER (Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique Exploiting Ranks) methods as the calculation of the weights to the criteria and ORESTE methods used for the rankings of underdeveloped villages. In this system SMARTER methods using a weighting formula Rank Order Centroid (ROC) that is proportional weighting which reflects the distance and the priority of each criteria appropriately. Furthermore, the ranking process using Oreste methods by three main stages that is Projection Matrix position, Ranking of projections and Agegration of Global Ranking. Testing of this system, which one is changing the parameters of Oreste (α value) and obtained compatibility reach 91.06% of accuracy to the experts data of underdeveloped villages from the BPS Magetan by the number 100% alternative data with value 0:01 of alpha
Jurnal Data Mining dan Sistem Informasi Vol 4, No 2 (2023): AGUSTUS 2023
Publisher : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33365/jdmsi.v4i2.2689


Tourist area information media is a medium needed by tourists to find information about tourist areas so they can travel and enjoy nature. Information media for the tourist area of Gunung Halimun Salak Endah National Park consists of a camping ground, queen crater, hot springs, and 7 waterfalls, and as for the price of the main entrance ticket, the price of the entrance ticket per tourist spot, the distance from the entrance gate to the tourist spot, existing facilities in tourist areas. Media information on tourist areas can be searched directly and indirectly. However, these sources of information are less interesting and less interactive. Therefore AR (Augmented reality) technology is the right solution to overcome this problem. This study aims to create an application using AR (Augmented reality) implementation technology on information media in the tourist area of Mount Halimun Salak Endah National Park based on Android. By utilizing the camera feature on smartphone devices to detect markers, 3D objects will appear. Augmented reality is the incorporation of an object that exists in the virtual world (virtual) into the real world in 2D or 3D form that can be seen and heard in real time. The method used in this research is Marker Based Tracking. Applications that utilize augmented reality technology in tourist areas can be used by tourists and the general public. Based on the results of the alpha and beta tests, it is known that the value is 5.67% for accuracy, relevance and completeness. It can be concluded that information media in tourist areas is appropriate to be used to assist information media for tourists, and people who want to visit the tourist area of Mount Halimun Salak Endah National Park, because it can increase interest and interest. This application will run on the Android 7.0 (Nougat) mobile platform and supports ARCore with an application capacity of 145MB.
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerimaan Asisten Dosen Menggunakan Metode Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) Ichwan Sholihin
Jurnal Data Mining dan Sistem Informasi Vol 4, No 2 (2023): AGUSTUS 2023
Publisher : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33365/jdmsi.v4i2.2781


Dosen adalah faktor terpenting dalam proses pengajaran pada tingkat perkuliahan dan pada beberapa mata kuliah praktikum juga dibutuhkan seorang asisten dosen yang diharapkan mampu membantu dosen dalam proses pengajaran. Dalam melaksanakan perannya, maka dosen dan asisten dosen melaksanakannya secara bersama-sama, mulai dari perencanaan perkuliahan, pelaksanaan perkuliahan sampai dengan penilaian hasil belajar mahasiswa. Fakultas Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia (FTIK UTI) merupakan salah satu fakultas dengan program studi terbanyak, maka hal ini membutuhkan tenaga tambahan yang dapat mendampingi atau menggantikan dosen dalam mengajar di laboratorium. Namun dalam masa seleksi calon asisten dosen terdapat beberapa kendala yang dihadapi, seperti waktu rekrutmen dan penilaian yang terlalu lama serta metode penilaian yang masih subjektif. Dalam permasalah tersebut diperlukan sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan yang dapat menilai para calon asisten dosen. Metode MAUT merupakan suatu metode perbandingan kuantitatif yang menghubungkan pengukuran atas evaluasi akhir, v(x) dari suatu objek x yang didefinisikan sebagai bobot penjumlahan dengan suatu nilai yang relevan terhadap nilai dimensinya atau biasa disebut nilai utilitas. Pada penelitian ini, metode MAUT akan digunakan sebagai kalkulasi nilai akhir dari para calon asisten dosen dengan kriteria tes yang dilewati dengan tujuan agar seleksi asisten dosen dapat berjalan secara objektif.
Perancangan Enterprise Architecture Menggunakan TOGAF Architecture Development Method (Studi Kasus: Objek Wisata Janti Park) Shafira Nur Herlinda; Teguh Susyanto; Budi Hartanto
Jurnal Data Mining dan Sistem Informasi Vol 4, No 2 (2023): AGUSTUS 2023
Publisher : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33365/jdmsi.v4i2.2969


Janti Park Tourism Object in utilizing information systems and information technology to support business processes is still not optimal. Utilization of information systems is currently only carried out in the business process of selling parking tickets and entrance tickets. However, other business processes are still carried out manually and not yet computerized. This causes a high risk of human error, successive recording errors, data that is easily lost and damaged, resulting in inaccurate data. The purpose of this study was to produce an enterprise architecture design using the TOGAF Architecture Development Method in the form of an application blueprint that is used as a reference in developing information systems and information technology so that they can be more optimal and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of business processes at Janti Park Tourism Object. The design of enterprise architecture uses the TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) with 8 development phases, namely the preliminary phase, requirements management, architecture vision, business architecture, information systems architecture, technology architecture, opportunities and solutions, and migration planning. This research produces an application blueprint that can be used as a guide and reference in developing information systems and information technology so that they can be more optimal and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the Janti Park Tourism Object business process.
Jurnal Data Mining dan Sistem Informasi Vol 4, No 2 (2023): AGUSTUS 2023
Publisher : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33365/jdmsi.v4i2.3321


Implementation of a QR Code-Based Student Attendance System Using Android Case Study SMKN 8 Bandar Lampung is a thesis that aims to develop a QR Code-based student attendance system using the Android platform at SMKN 8 Bandar Lampung. The development method used is the waterfall method, which consists of the stages of analysis, design, implementation, testing and maintenance. This research also covers the limitations of the problems and benefits of using a QR Code based attendance system. In conclusion, the implementation of a QR Code-based attendance system using Android at SMKN 8 Bandar Lampung can increase the efficiency of the student attendance process and get positive responses from students and teachers. This system also has benefits in terms of saving time and costs and minimizing human errors in the attendance process. However, this research has limitations on the implementation of student attendance systems only and does not discuss the implementation of attendance systems in other schools.

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