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Core Subject : Engineering,
Aim of the journal This journal aimed to be a platform for academics, regulators, practitioners, and also policy makers to share and discuss about Engineering Knowledge Especially in Mining and Oil Gas Knowledge Scope of the journal The scope of this journal includes all issues of Engineering science, management, technology and related fields. In particular, the journal welcomes the following field: Chemical Engineering Petroleum Engineering Mining Engineering Environmental Engineering Safety Management Geological Engineering
Articles 141 Documents
Analisa Kandungan Bahan Kimia Krom Dan Timbal Pada Limbah Cair Hasil Percobaan Praktikum Mahasiwa Pada Perguruan Tinggi Politeknik Akamigas Palembang Achmad Faisal Faputri; Sri Ardhiany; Susanto Artan
Jurnal Teknik Patra Akademika Vol 8 No 01 (2017): Jurnal Teknik Patra Akademika
Publisher : Politeknik Akamigas Palembang

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The use of chemicals in Higher Education Akamigas Polytechnic is needed to conduct practical experiments, this is because all courses in polytechnic akamigas Palembang associated with chemicals that will be used so that will generate waste. To decrease the concentration of waste from the lab result so as not to pollute the environment which will result in various types of danger that can occur such as poisoning, irritation. Then to overcome it there is one such way by using the Adsorption process is one type of separation that serves to reduce levels of Chromium and Lead. Analysis of Chromium and Lead waste content to meet environmental quality standards and reduction of waste content using adsorption process with adsorbent is in the form of activated charcoal. From the result of waste analysis from the laboratory using spectrophotometric UV-Vis, Chromium and Lead waste content was found to be 121,08 ppm and 31,67 ppm above the specified environmental quality standard. Wastewater is lowered below the environmental quality standard with Chromium 0.153 ppm and lead of 0 ppm using 500 grams of active charcoal to 8 liters of waste water.
Sifat Kuat Tarik Dan Morfologi Termoplastik Elastomer Dari Komposit Polypropylene & Natural Rubber Indah Agus Setiorini
Jurnal Teknik Patra Akademika Vol 8 No 01 (2017): Jurnal Teknik Patra Akademika
Publisher : Politeknik Akamigas Palembang

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This research was conducted in order to develop TPE products that have been produced become prime material and can be accepted by the automotive and medical equipment industry. Thermoplastic elastomers produced are based on Polypropylene and natural rubber for industrial use. The method used in this study was Polypropylene grafting process with Maleic Anhydride (PP-g-MA). The grafting process was carried out at the temperature of 160°C and a time of 10 minutes. The variations in the composition of PP/NR/CB are (70:30:0) % by weight, (69:30:1) % by weight, (68:30:2) % by weight and (67:30:3) % by weight. The characteristic test which was conducted included the surface morphology and elongation at break. The obtained results showed that the mechanical test in the form of tensile strenght kept increases as the level of filler increased. The best value was obtained from tensile strenght obtained from the composite ratio of NR/PP/CB (67:30:3) % by weight was 1,66 N/mm3.
Evaluasi Permasalahan Scale Sumur Sa-33, Sa-101, Sa-104 Dan Sa-108 Di Pt. Pertamina Ep Asset 1 Field Ramba Dicky Pranondo
Jurnal Teknik Patra Akademika Vol 8 No 01 (2017): Jurnal Teknik Patra Akademika
Publisher : Politeknik Akamigas Palembang

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Scale adalah suatu problema yang umum dijumpai pada operasi lapangan migas. Scale adalah problema produksi dalam sistim air, karena perubahan tekanan,suhu dan pH sehingga membentuk endapan atau padatan baik di reservoir ataupun sepanjang pipa alir produksi minyak dan gas bumi. Untuk mengetahuinya dengan cara analisa air formasi.Dalam penelitian ini untuk menentukan Evaluasi Permasalahan Scale menggunakan beberapa metode, yaitu analisa Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR). Analisis Skin, dan Analisa Scale dengan menggunakan metoda Stiff and Davis, Langlier dan Ryznar.Hasil dari seluruh analisis didapatkan ketentuan dari tiap-tiap metode penelitian berupa, pada sumur SA-25 Q aktual 2464,5 kondisi ideal 95534,4 nilai skin 9,30 lalu scale index + 0,74 Sumur SA-33 Q aktual 1236,02 kondisi ideal 2628,57 nilai skin 1,04 lalu scale index 1,16 Sumur SA-101 Q aktual 7001,23 kondisi ideal 9996,46 nilai skin 33,54 lalu scale index 0,38 Sumur SA104 Q aktual 1587 kondisi ideal 2560 nilai skin 22,88 lalu scale index 0,75 Sumur SA-108 Q aktual 194 kondisi ideal 539,13 nilai skin 31,69 lalu scale index 0,30
Analisis Kualitas Air (Fe Dan Mn) Tambang Batubara Menggunakan Metode Astm Di Laboratorium Limbah Politeknik Akamigas Palembang Lina Rianti
Jurnal Teknik Patra Akademika Vol 8 No 01 (2017): Jurnal Teknik Patra Akademika
Publisher : Politeknik Akamigas Palembang

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Politeknik Akamigas Palembang memiliki laboratorium limbah yang dapat menguji kualitas air menggunakan metode ASTM. Kualitas air atau baku mutu air limbah bagi usaha dan atau kegiatan pertambangan batubara berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup nomor 113 tahun 2003 diantaranya meliputi Besi Total dan Mangan Total.Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian dan analisis yang lebih detail pada air tambang terutama mengenai komponen besi dan mangan dengan menggunakan metode ASTM. Sehingga dari penelitian ini diharapkan nantinya kita dapat memanfaatkan laboratorium Politeknik Akamigas Palembang dengan baik dan dapat melakukan upaya pengelolaan yang baik juga terhadap kualitas air tambang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan nilai besi total dan mangan total yang terdapat dalam air yang dihasilkan dari aktivitas tambang batubara dan menganalisis kualitas air tambang batubara dari nilai besi total dan mangan total hasil pengujian laboratorium. Sehingga dapat menentukan apakah kualitas air tambang batubara yang diuji sudah memenuhi atau belum memenuhi baku mutu lingkungan dan dapat merekomendasikan sistem pengolahan air hasil aktivitas tambang batubara untuk menghasilkan kualitas air yang sesuai dengan baku mutu lingkungan. Sampel air diambil secara langsung di Pit PT. X pada lima posisi (Utara, Selatan, Timur, Barat, dan Center). Sampel yang ada dipreparasi dan dilakukan uji di Laboratorium Limbah Politeknik Akamigas Palembang. Metode pengujian yang dilakukan menggunakan metode ASTM. Untuk pengujian besi metode ASTM D-1068 dan pengujian mangan metode ASTM D-858. Dari hasil pengujian nilai Fe dan Mn pada sampel air limbah hasil aktivitas penambangan batubara di Pit Penambangan PT. X masing-masing sebesar 322 mg/l dan 188 mg/l. berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup nomor 113 tahun 2003 dan Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan No. 492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010 berarti kualitas air tersebut belum memenuhi baku mutu lingkungan dan perlu dilakukan pengolahan lebih lanjut.
Produksi Dan Formulasi Surfaktan Berbasis Metil Ester Sulfonat Dari Minyak Biji Karet Untuk Aplikasi Enhanched Oil Recovery (Eor) (Studi Kasus : Lapangan Karbonat, Prabumulih, Sum-Sel) Hersa Rizki Rahmatullah
Jurnal Teknik Patra Akademika Vol 8 No 01 (2017): Jurnal Teknik Patra Akademika
Publisher : Politeknik Akamigas Palembang

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One of the ways in improving oil recovery from a reservoir is by injecting surfactant. The use of surfactant is intended to decrease the interfacial tension between oil and water in order to bring the oil out of the pore stones of the reservoir. It is a good chance to develop the kind of vegetable oil based surfactant which is from rubber seed oil. According to the data of the Directorate General of Plantation year 2013, Indonesia is one of the countries which have the largest rubber plantation in the world. Yet, rubber seed is wasted so far. Rubber seed contains vegetable oil which can be developed into methyl ester sulfonate based surfactant (MES). Due to the carbonate formation that will be tested, hence, the best formulation of MES based surfactant for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) application in this formation is a formula with MES based surfactant composition of 0.3%, Na2CO3 0.3% and salinity 15.000 ppm. In this particular study, surfactant formula is added into carbonate reservoir sample taken from Prabumulih by creating concentration from surfactant formula and reservoir sample as much as 5%, 10%, 15% and blank. The best MES based surfactant formula to be applied on oil industry of carbonate field is the surfactant formula with 15% dosage composition.
Petrologi, Geokimia Granitoid dan indikasi mineralisasi di Bukit Ajan desa Mehanggin, Muaradua Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia Rima Wardhani
Jurnal Teknik Patra Akademika Vol 8 No 01 (2017): Jurnal Teknik Patra Akademika
Publisher : Politeknik Akamigas Palembang

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik petrologi dan geokimia granitoida dan terjadinya mineralisasi hidrotermal di daerah Mehanggin, Kabupaten Muaradua, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan pemetaan geologi rinci dan beberapa analisis laboratorium termasuk petrografi, mikroskop bijih, XRD dan geokimia batuan massal untuk beberapa sampel yang representatif. Secara geologis, daerah penelitian ditempati oleh enam unit batuan dari yang muda ke tua meliputi tufa pumisan, batupasir kuarsa, konglomerat kuarsa, breksi autoklastik, granit dan andesit.. Secara mineralisasi, granit Garba terdiri dari kuarsa, plagioklas, K-feldspar, piroksen, biotit dan hornblenda. Ilimetit juga hadir dalam jumlah yang kecil pada batuan. Geokimia granit menunjukan rasio Al2O3/CaO+K2O > 1,1. Oleh karena itu, berdasarkan studi mineralogi dan geokimia, granit Garba dikategorikan ke jenis granit tipe-S peraluminous. Granitoids teralterasi secara lemah menjadi tipe kloritik-epidotik (propilitik). Perubahan serisit (liat mineral) juga dikenali. Studi mikroskopis bijih menunjukkan bahwa granitoid Garba termasuk granit dan andesit telah mengalami termineralisasi lemah. Pirit dan kalkopirit jelas terlihat pada pola disebarluaskan dan dalam bentuk urat , serta mineral ilimenit yang hadir dalam sayatan. Dan Diagram Harker granitoid memperlihatkan bahwa senyawa SiO2 berkorelasi negatif terhadap senyawa-senyawa utama TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, K2O, Na2O, MnO, MgO dan P2O5 yang merefleksikan pengaruh fraksiasi magma. Afanitas magmanya tergolong dalam high kalk-alkali. Berdasarkan ploting unsur utama MgO, Al2O3 dan FeO, granitoid terbentuk pada island arc and active continental margin. Granitoida Garba tipe-S bisa menjadi batuan induk potensial untuk mineralisasi timah di daerah tersebut. Eksplorasi lanjutan sangat diperlukan untuk menemukan endapan timah dan bijih hidrotermal yang ekonomis.
Characteristic Of Silicified Coal On Tanjung Agung Syncline, Muara Enim, And It’s Effect Due The Mining Industry Fandi Fadliansyah
Jurnal Teknik Patra Akademika Vol 8 No 01 (2017): Jurnal Teknik Patra Akademika
Publisher : Politeknik Akamigas Palembang

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The presence of silicified coal characterized several coal seam in Muara Enim Formation and become the important issue in coal mining industry. Silicified coal found in the South of Tanjung Agung District, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra. The occurence of silica presume related to the volcanic activity during the late miocene along the regression phase that affected the sedimentation process of Muara Enim Formation. Tuffaceous sandstone layer can possibly recognized as the main source of the silica. Aquisition data process done by observing the research area and several previous study. Sampels used were taken from several coal outcrop. Petrography analysis used to explain the characteristic of silicified coal microscopically and used to analyze the possibility of its genesis. The presence of silicified coal characterized the coal seam occur in southern limb of Tanjung Agung Syncline that distinguish it with the coal seam on northern limb. Macroscophically, silicified coal found generally blackish gray color, hard, in the form of lenses and layering and microscophically mostly dominated by crystal quartz in the form of detrital and diagenetic silica. Silicified coal may cause problems in coal mining activity. Particular treatment should be applied during the mining activity because of its hardness.
Tinjauan Mutu Biodiesel/Diesel Yang Beredar Di Lingkungan Spbu X Palembang Abdul Hamid; Indah Agus Setiorini
Jurnal Teknik Patra Akademika Vol 7 No 02 (2016): Jurnal Teknik Patra Akademika
Publisher : Politeknik Akamigas Palembang

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Biodiesel/Diesel is the fuel types distillate brownish yellow clear, slightly more viscous than the kerosene, to stretch a boiling range between 180 ~ 370 ° C, is used as fuel for diesel engines high speed (greater than 1000 rpm) , such as public service vehicles, trucks, trailers, tools multiplier land, tractors, trains, etc. Biodiesel/Diesel is often referred to as gasoil, ADO (Automotive Diesel Oil) or HSD (High Speed Diesel Oil). This study aims to evaluate the quality Biodiedel/Diesel circulating whether qualified marketing especially designation automotive or diesel engines. Quality intended form of the results of testing several test parameters such as: Gravity (the specific gravity), the nature of Combustion (ignation quality), the nature of Evaporation (volatility), Flow properties (fluidity), the nature of Hygiene (cleanlines). The results of test diesel fuel from various stations in Seberang Ulu illustrates that the nature or characteristics of diesel fuel are researched generally still meets the specifications of both its use as fuel for diesel engines as well as the terms of the transaction and transport. Specific analysis of the results of Gravity is in the range from 0.820 to 0.870 which is 0.850 up to 0.852. Likewise, color analysis is under max 3.0 is 2,0 to 2,5. For Calculated Cetane Index where the average cetane index ranges from 47 until 48 is above specification (min 45). Evaporation nature can be seen from the distillation shows that the temperature FBP meet the specification is <370oC. Flow is determined by the nature of Pour Point between 35oF until 40oF Vs max 60oF while Viscosity 3.99 cSt until 4.00 Vs 1.6 cSt until 5.8 cSt.
Studi Perbandingan Kualitas Pelumas Mesin Motor 4t Di Kota Palembang Menggunakan Metode Ft-Ir Adi Syahputra
Jurnal Teknik Patra Akademika Vol 7 No 02 (2016): Jurnal Teknik Patra Akademika
Publisher : Politeknik Akamigas Palembang

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Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui kualitas pelumas motor 4 (empat) langkah di Kota Palembang khususnya di sekitaran Plaju. Sampel pelumas yang digunakan adalah sebanyak 10 (sepuluh) jenis, dimana masing-masing diambil dari toko kecil dan toko besar (dealer). Pengujian sampel dilakukan menggunakan metode FT-IR. Dari hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kesemua jenis pelumas merupakan jenis pelumas sintetis dan tidak menunjukkan perbedaan antara pelumas yang diperoleh dari toko besar (dealer) dengan yang diperoleh dari toko kecil
Desain Evaporator Dan Pengujian Kondisi Operasi Optimal Pada Desain Peralatan Achmad Faisal Faputri
Jurnal Teknik Patra Akademika Vol 7 No 02 (2016): Jurnal Teknik Patra Akademika
Publisher : Politeknik Akamigas Palembang

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Evaporator tool serves to separate water from ethanol content, using the heater in the form of water vapor or steam has a high temperature, so that can heat the ethanol inside the shell on a Evaporator tool. In designing tool Evaporator many important things that need to be noticed, ranging from understanding the workings and functions of the tool Evaporator, designing, material selection until the evaporator equipment design process, it aims to get the maximum results from the tools work Evaporator. The effect of temperature is an important aspect in the process that occurs within the tool Evaporator that will determine the effectiveness of the evaporator so as to separate the water content in ethanol. The optimum conditions of the circuit Evaporator equipment that it’s designed on temperature of 230 oF inlet tube and outlet tube 226.4 oF and 89.6 oF shell inlet and outlet shell 176 oF.

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