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Studia Sosia Religia: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama
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Studia Sosia Religia: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama memuat artikel yang berasal dari hasil penelitian studi agama dalam ragam lingkup kajian meliputi perbandingan agama, sejarah agama, agama dan politik, sosiologi agama, antropologi agama, agama dan isu-isu kontemporer, hubungan antaragama, toleransi agama, pluralisme, multikulturalisme, perdamaian dan kekerasan dalam agama.
Articles 73 Documents
PERSEPSI CIVITAS AKADEMIK PADA KENYAMANAN TATA RUANG KAMPUS UINSU MEDAN (Pendekatan Sosiologi Agama dan Transdisiplin Keilmuan) Muhammad Zailani
Studia Sosia Religia Vol 1, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : UIN Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51900/ssr.v1i2.6477


AbstrakPenelitian ini berawal dari asumsi dasar bahwa kampus sebagai tempat pendidikan tinggi dalam menghasilkan generasi penerus agama dan profesional tentu memerlukan situasi yang nyaman bagi orang-orang akademis sesuai dengan Visi UIN SU yang terus mengembangkan infrastruktur kampus belakangan ini. Untuk alasan ini, penting untuk melihat pandangan komunitas akademik UIN SU tentang kenyamanan konsep ruang UIN SU berdasarkan pengetahuan, pengalaman, sebagai Muslim dan pemilik budaya lokal. di Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif menggunakan skala likert dalam mengukur skala persepsi subjek penelitian. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari pejabat struktural di kampus UIN SU, dosen biasa, karyawan, dan mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sivitas akademika UIN SU umumnya memiliki persepsi positif terhadap perencanaan tata ruang dan tata ruang bangunan di kampus UIN SU Medan, yang mencapai rata-rata 62,25%. Namun, 60,6% dari komunitas akademik masih menyatakan bahwa infrastruktur UIN SU belum dapat diakses oleh para penyandang cacat, 43,7% mengatakan bahwa sirkulasi di dalam dan ke luar kampus tidak lancar dan 40,8% mengatakan bahwa ruang terbuka hijau tidak cukup. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa komunitas akademik memiliki persepsi moderat atau netral terhadap sirkulasi di luar kampus, kenyamanan, kebersihan dan aroma, dan kenyamanan iklim. Di sisi lain, pembangunan infrastruktur kampus sebelumnya tidak memperhatikan hubungan sosial, dan bangunan dalam konteks Islam dan budaya lokal. Kemudian beberapa infrastruktur atau fasilitas pendukung dibangun sehubungan dengan hubungan sosial siswa, serta struktur bangunan Islam. Untuk alasan ini, penting untuk melihat kebijakan berdasarkan kebutuhan ruang terbuka hijau, keramahan infrastruktur untuk penyandang cacat dan sistem sirkulasi masuk dan keluar kampus yang tidak membingungkan. Juga penting untuk merumuskan kebijakan pembangunan infrastruktur yang menyediakan ruang yang nyaman untuk ibadah Muslim dengan sentuhan budaya lokal.Kata kunci: Kenyamanan, Persepsi, Ruang kampus, Relasi Sosial, Sosiologi AgamaAbstractThis research starts from the rationale assumption of the campus as a place of higher education to produce the next generation of religions and professionals, of course, requires support for academic people in accordance with the Vision of UIN SU, which continues to develop the infrastructure of this developed campus. For this reason, it is important to see the views of the UIN SU academic community about the convenience of the UIN SU space concept based on knowledge, experience, as Muslims and owners of local culture. in North Sumatra. This research uses descriptive quantitative by using Likert scale in measuring the perception scale of research subjects. The research subjects consisted of structural officials at UIN SU campus, ordinary lecturers, employees, and students. The results showed that the general academics of UIN SU had a positive perception of spatial planning and building layout on the UIN SU Medan campus, which reached an average of 62.25%. However, 60.6% of the academic community still stated that UIN SU infrastructure was not accessible to people with disabilities, 43.7% said that circulation on and off campus was inefficient and 40.8% said that green open space was not enough . These findings indicate that the academic community has a moderate or neutral perception of off-campus circulation, comfort, cleanliness and aroma, and comfort comfort. On the other hand, campus infrastructure development previously did not pay attention to social relations, and buildings in Islamic relations and local culture. Then some supporting infrastructure or facilities are built with students' social relations, and Islamic building structures. For this reason, it is important to look at policies on the need for green open space, infrastructure protection for people with disabilities and unauthorized entrance and exit systems of campus circulation. It is also important to formulate an infrastructure development policy that provides a comfortable space for Muslim worship with a touch of local culture.   Keywords: Campus Spatial, Perception, Comfortable, Sociology of Religion, Social Relation
Studia Sosia Religia Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : UIN Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51900/ssr.v3i1.7672


AbstractThe development of sophisticated social media can post content in the form of text, video, sound and images freely which can be disseminated anywhere and anytime with the help of the internet network. Not infrequently social media users abuse social media as a means to vent their emotions, spread false news, bring down others, and even spread hatred to other people or groups. Not a few people who feel disadvantaged as a result of this hate speech. The author's purpose in raising this phenomenon is to find out how hate speech (hate speech) is in society according to theological studies. Methodologically, this study uses a qualitative research type with a library research approach. The factors that cause the perpetrators to do hate speech (hate speech), namely, factors from within the individual (internal) including the psychological and psychological condition of the individual and factors from outside the individual, namely environmental factors, factors of lack of social control, factors of community interest, factors of ignorance community, as well as facilities, facilities and technological and psychological or psychological progress of the actors, namely high emotional power, besides the factors of facilities, facilities and technological progress are also very influential because of the availability of facilities and facilities that are easily available and increasingly sophisticated technological advancements making it easier for each social media users access all information without limits. Efforts to overcome the occurrence of hate speech (hate speech) crime in social media that consists of penal and non-penal efforts. Where penalties consist of imposing sanctions on perpetrators by imprisonment in accordance with what has been stipulated in the ITE Law to provide a deterrent effect. While the non-penal effort is to provide counseling or outreach to the general public regarding information on the impact of electronic media if not used wisely, the ethics of using social media by providing legal knowledge about the ITE Law.           Keywords: Speech, Hate, Society, Theology
Studia Sosia Religia Vol 2, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : UIN Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51900/ssr.v2i2.6484


AbstrakAliran Parmalim merupakan kepercayan suku Batak, namun banyak masyarakat beranggapan bahwa aliran ini adalah aliran Pemuja Setan (Sipelebegu). Tulisan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif-deskriptif, dan berupaya mengenal aliran parmalim menurutpandangan Majelis Ulama Indonesia serta Persekututan Gereja-gereja di Sumatera Utara. Aliran Parmalim berasal dari dua kata yaitu ugamo dan malim. Majelis Ulama Indonesia Wilayah Sumatera Utara (MUI SUMUT) menyatakan bahwa Aliran Kepercayaan Parmalim bukan bagian dari agama.Sementara Persekutuan Gereja-Gereja di Indonesia Wilayah Sumatera Utara (PGI-WSU) menyatakan bahwa aliran Parmalim merupaka suatu aliran kepercayaan di Indonesia namun memiliki pemahaman iman yang sangat jauh berbeda.Kata kunci: MUI, Parmalim, PGI-WSU AbstrakParmalim is a Batak tribe belief, but many people assume that this flow is the flow of Satanists. This paper uses a qualitative-descriptive method, trying to recognize the flow of parmalim according to the views of the Indonesian Ulema Council and the Alliance of Churches in North Sumatra. Parmalim flow comes from two words namely ugamo and malim. The Indonesian Ulema Council of North Sumatra Region (MUI SUMUT) states that beliefs Parmalim are not part of religion. While the Alliance of Churches in Indonesia in the North Sumatra Region (PGI-WSU) states that the Parmalim school is a school of belief in Indonesia but has a very different understanding of faith.Keyword : MUI, Parmalim, PGI-WSU. 
Studia Sosia Religia Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : UIN Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51900/ssr.v2i1.6466


AbstrakMewujudkan toleransi baik antar umat beragama, Intern umat beragama, maupun antar umat beragama dengan pemerintah (Trilogi Kerukunan), sikap kedewasaan dalam memahami ajaran agama yang dianutnya merupakan prasyarat bagi penganut masing-masing agama. Di dalam ajaran Hindu senantiasa dituntut untuk melaksanakan sosialisasi kehidupan beragama ke arah persaudaraan dan persahabatan antara sesama manusia. Di dalam agama Budha toleransi merupakan cermin suatu kedewasaan mental dalam beragama. Sebab beragama atau mempunyai keyakinan tidak semata-mata untuk menciptakan atau membentuk seseorang untuk mengasingkan diri dari agama-agama lain. Di dalam ajaran agama Kristen sikap toleransi yaitu melihat diri orang lain sama seperti dirinya, mengasihi orang lain sama seperti mengasihi dirinya, walaupun kepada seorang musuh. Begitu juga di dalam ajaran agama Islam, agama ini sangat menekankan kepada aspek kemanusiaan (memanusiakan manusia), ia berusaha melepaskan manusia dari segala bentuk penindasan, penderitaan dan kekerasan, sehingga apabila penganut dari masing-masing agama bersifat dewasa dalam memahami ajaran agamanya masing-masing, maka akan diharapkan bahwa konfik  Intrn Umat Beragama, Antar Umat Beragama dan Antar Umat Beragama dengan Pemerintah dapat dihindari.Kata Kunci : Ajaran Agama, Toleransi AbstractRealizing tolerance (tasammuh), both among religious communities, interns of religious communities, as well as between religious communities and the government (Harmony Trilogy), an attitude of maturity in understanding the teachings of the religion it adopts is a prerequisite for adherents of each religion. In Hinduism it is always demanded to carry out the socialization of religious life toward brotherhood and friendship between fellow human beings. In Buddhism tolerance is a reflection of mental maturity in religion. Because religion or belief is not merely to create or shape someone to isolate themselves from other religions. In the teachings of Christianity the attitude of tolerance is seeing others as themselves, loving others as loving themselves, even to an enemy. Likewise in the teachings of Islam, this religion emphasizes the human aspect (humanizing humanity), it seeks to release people from all forms of oppression, suffering and violence, so that if the adherents of each religion are mature in understanding the teachings of their respective religions , it will be expected that the conflict between the Interreligious Beliefs, Interfaith Religion and Interfaith Religion with the Government can be avoided.Keywords: Religious Teachings, Tolerance
Studia Sosia Religia Vol 3, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : UIN Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51900/ssr.v3i2.8881


AbstrakMakhluk Allah yang paling sempurna adalah manusia karena diberikan akal, pikiran serta nafsu. Manusia juga diberikan fitrah oleh Allah, salah satunya mencintai atau dicintai (mahabbah) ialah yang dikenal istilah dalam Islam. yaitu cinta yang mendalam seorang hamba kepada Allah. Cinta kasih menurut keyakinan Kristen adalah dapat diungkapkan dalam berbagai cara, seperti belas kasih, kesetiaan, dan kebaikan, karena cinta kasih suatu keutamaan yang khusus menurut kaum Kristiani yang ingin mengikuti Tuhan.  Mengkaji mahabbah dan cinta kasih ini bisa menambah wawasan dan meningkatkan keimanan seseorang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif, dengan pendekatan teologi ialah pendekatan yang cendrung normatif dan subjektif terhadap agama atau disebut juga dengan pendekatan kewahyuan yang bersumber dari kitab-kitab suci, yang mana kitab suci Alquran menjelaskan tentang mahabbah dan cinta kasih di dalam bible. Dari penelitian ini peneliti mengetahui konsep mahabbah menurut para sufi seperti Rabiatul adawiyah yang menerapakn cintanya hanya kepada Allah dan menutup cintanya kepada yang lain. Dan cinta kasih ini menjelaskan tentang pengorbankan Yesus yang mana Yesus mengorbankan dirinya untuk menebus dosa manusia. Mahabbatullah merupakan derajat tertinggi dari seluruh maqom spritual. Sedangkan dalam dunia Kristen cinta kasih merupakan tolak ukur yang paling menetukan, karena banyak merebut perhatian, yang harus diberikan pada cinta.Kata Kunci: Mahabbah, Sufisme, Cinta Kasih, Bible Abstract        Humans are perfect creatures created by God in terms they have intellect and lust.  Allah also gave his nature "fitrah" to humans, such as loving and being loved or called "mahabbah" in Islamic terms.  "Mahabbah" is the sincere affection of a servant for his creator, "Allah."  According to Christian belief, affection can be expressed in various ways, including compassion, loyalty, and kindness because affection is a priority that must be present in humans who want to follow their God. Discussing mahabbah and affection can enhance our insight and faith.  In this study, the researcher used the qualitative method with a theological approach that tended to be normative and subjective towards religion or it could also be called the revelation approach that came from the Qur'an, which explained about mahabbah and affection in the Bible. From the study, the researcher knew the concept of mahabbah based on some Sufi views, such as Rabiatul Adawiyah who only gave all his love to Allah the Almighty, and did not love anyone else, except Allah the Almighty. The affection contained in this story illustrates the sacrifice of Jesus where Jesus was willing to sacrifice himself to redeem for the sins of humankind. Mahabatullah is the highest level of spiritual grade (maqoom) while in Christianity; affection is the most decisive measure because it grabs attention that should be given to love.Keywords: Mahabbah, Sufism, Love, Bible
GENRE TABAQAT syukri syukri
Studia Sosia Religia Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : UIN Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51900/ssr.v3i1.7667


AbstractTabaqat genres are types of books which are biographical collections of figures based on generations. The contents of Tabaqat can be in the form of classifications of certain figures who have one or more things in common. A work can choose certain groups such as the jurists, mufassir, sasterwan, Sufi, philosophers, grammarians, judges, chancellors in one particular university and so on as themes. The biographical approach makes this type of work very rich and can contain anything. Biography carries a power of its own because it refers directly to the reality of life, one's behavior, work practices, the methodology adopted, and the techniques that it applies. Keywords: Genre and Tabaqat
SOLUSI PENGHAPUSAN DOSA (Konsep Taubat Dalam Pandangan Teologi Islam) Aprilinda Martinondang Harahap
Studia Sosia Religia Vol 1, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : UIN Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51900/ssr.v1i2.6478


AbstrakTaubat adalah berbalik dari dosa-dosa besar menjadi ketaatan setelah kesadaran hati manusia karena kelalaian. Ketika seseorang menyadari perbuatan buruk dan tindakan jahatnya, ia berusaha membebaskan dirinya dari kejahatan, Allah akan membuatnya lebih mudah baginya untuk bertobat dan bisa mendapatkan kebahagiaan yang haq. Lebih jauh lagi, dalam pandangan mayoritas Muslim dan Sufi, orang yang bertobat dari satu dosa dapat terus menimbun dosa-dosa lain, dan dalam hal apa pun ia masih menerima upah dewa untuk pertobatannya dari dosa yang satu ini. Dan mungkin melalui barakah pahala dia akan meninggalkan dosa-dosa lainnya.Kata kunci: Dosa, Taubat, Teologi IslamAbstractTaubat is turning away from great sins to obidience after the consciousness of the human heart due to negligence. When a person is aware of his bad deeds and vile actions, he tries to free himself from the evils, Allah will make it easier for him to repent and be able to obtain the happiness that haq. Furthermore, in the view of the majority of Muslim and Sufis, one who repents of one sin may continue to cummit other sins, and in any case he still receives the reward of the deity for his repentance from this one sin. And perhaps through the barakah the reward he will leave the other sins.Keywords: Islamic Theology, Repentance, Sin
Studia Sosia Religia Vol 3, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : UIN Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51900/ssr.v3i2.8875


AbstrakApabila penganut agama memahami secara baik dan benar agama yang dianutnya, dan diamaalkannya pula dengan baik dan benar ajaran agama tersebut, maka sudah dapat dipastikan kerukunan antar umat beragama dapat diwujudkan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat dan bernegara. Sebaliknya bila pola keberagamaan umat masih bersifat formalisme yang kering dengan nilai-nilai spiritual dan moralis, bukan tidak mungkin agama menjadi salah satu faktor yang mendorong terajdinya komplik di tengah- tengah masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Agama, Membina, Kerukunan dan Umat. AbstractIf religious followers understand the religion they adhere to properly and correctly, and practice the teachings of that religion properly, then it is certain that harmony between religious communities can be realized in the life of society and the state. In fact, if the religious pattern of the ummah which is formalism is dry with spiritual and moral values, it is not impossible that religion will become one of the factors that encourage the existence of complications in society. Keywords: Religion, Fostering, Harmony and People.
Studia Sosia Religia Vol 2, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : UIN Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51900/ssr.v2i2.6485


AbstrakKafir merupakan istilah yang tak indah didengar. Namun upaya Nahdlatul Ulama mengubahnya menjadi istilah non-Muslim mendapat respon penolakan dari berbagai pihak seperti Forum Umat Islam. Penelitian ini berupaya mengkaji konsep kafir menurut Nahdlatul Ulama dan Forum Umat Islam Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini   merupakan field research, dengan metode kualitatif danbersifat deskriptif analitikserta Comparative Approach. Nahdlatul Ulama Sumut menyatakan mereka sepakat dengan rekomendasi istilah non-muslim, karena tidak mencapai status kafir sebagaimana di dalam kitab fikih. Sementara Forum Umat Islam menyatakan tidak setuju dengan Nahdlatul Ulama dan menyatakan semua non islam adalah kafir.Kata kunci : Forum Umat Islam, Kafir, Nadhlatul Ulama AbstrakKafir is a term that is not beautiful to hear. But the efforts of Nahdlatul Ulama to convert it to non-Muslim terms have been rejected by various parties like the Forum Umat Islam. This study seeks to examine the concept of infidelity according to the Nahdlatul Ulama and Forum Umat Islam North Sumatra. This research is a field of research, with qualitative and analytic descriptive methods and Comparative Approach. The North Sumatra Nahdlatul Ulama said they agreed with the recommendation of the term non-Muslim, because it does not reach the status of infidel as in the book of fiqh. While the Forum Umat Islam stated that it disagreed with the Nahdlatul Ulama and declared all non-Muslims to be Kafir.Keyword : Islamic Community Forum (FUI), Infidel, Nadhlatul Ulama
Studia Sosia Religia Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : UIN Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51900/ssr.v2i1.6470


AbstrakMitos kini menjadi kehidupan, bahkan suatu kepercayaan yang diaktualisasikan dalam bentuk ritual tertentu yang terkadang mengandung unsur kesyirikan. Salah satu mitos yang terdapat didalam masyarakat yaitu Sumur Luber. Penelitian ini merupakan (field research) menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan pendekatan Antropologi dan teori fungsionalisme, terhadap masyarakat Desa Perkebunan Teluk Dalam Kecamatan Teluk Dalam, Kabupaten Asahan. Berupaya menilisik pandangan masyarakat terhadap mitos Sumur Luber di Desa Perkebunan Teluk Dalam Kecamatan Teluk Dalam Kabupaten Asahan dan mengapa kini sudah tidak dipecayai lagi? Sumur Luber merupakan sumber air kesehatan, namun kini masyarakat sudah tidak lagi mempercayai karena khawatir akan kesyirikan. Kata Kunci : Mitos, Kepercayaan, Sumur Luber AbstractMyth is now life, even an actualized belief in the form of certain rituals which sometimes contains elements of shirk. One of the myths contained in society is Sumur Luber. This research is a field research, using qualitative methods, with Anthropology approach and functionalism theory towards the community of Perkebunan Teluk Village, Teluk Dalam district, Asahan. Attempting to examine people's views on the myth of the Sumur Luber, at Perkebunan Teluk Village, Teluk Dalam district, Asahan and why they are no longer trusted? Sumur Luber is a source of health water, but now people no longer trust for fear of shirk.Keyword : Myth, Beliefs, Sumur Luber