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Zona Laut : Jurnal Inovasi Sains dan Teknologi Kelautan
Published by Universitas Hasanuddin
ISSN : 27472124     EISSN : 27215717     DOI : 10.20956
Dalam Pengembangan dan pengolahan SDA maritim memerlukan kerjasama multidisiplin ilmu, dimana kesemua disiplin ilmu tersebut berperan besar dalam menjadikan Indonesia sebagai poros maritim dunia. Oleh karena itu diperlukan inovasi dan sinergi untuk menghasilkan riset tentang teknologi kelautan oleh perguruan tinggi, lembaga-lembaga penelitian dan industri dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap issue tersebut. Tujuan Zona Laut adalah sebagai wadah menyalurkan pemikiran, ide-ide cemerlang dan konstruktif komprehensif sehingga menjadi bagian usulan-usulan solusi bagi kemajuan pembangunan Sumber Daya Kelautan Indonesia. Topik-topik yang dapat diterbitkan Zona Laut ini adalah: 1. Teknologi dan Rekayasa Bangunan Lepas Pantai 2. Desain Produk Bangunan Perikanan dan Kelautan 3. Manajemen Transportasi Laut dan Aplikasi Teknologi Pelayaran 4. Energi Kelautan Terbarukan 5. Sistem dan Pengendalian Kelautan 6. Material Maju kelautan 7. Rekayasa dan Manajemen Kepelabuhanan serta Pengembangan Sumber Daya Pesisir 8. Oseanografi dan Keteknikpantaian 9. Kebencanaan Pantai dan Lingkungan Laut Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh Departemen Teknik Kelautan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin pada bulan Maret, Juli dan Nopember setiap tahun. Naskah yang telah disetujui untuk diterbitkan telah ditinjau oleh pengulas dan abstrak bebas untuk diunduh melalui situs web kami.
Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Volume 2, Nomor 2, Edisi Juli 2021" : 7 Documents clear
Model SLA Dan ADT Di Perairan Indonesia Selama Badai Siklon Surigae Ashari Wicaksono; Nike Ika Nuzula
Zona Laut : Jurnal Inovasi Sains Dan Teknologi Kelautan Volume 2, Nomor 2, Edisi Juli 2021
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kelautan Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/zl.v2i2.13682


Tropical cyclone does not directly pass through Indonesia. However, the impact of tropical cyclones such as high waves, strong winds can have an impact on coastal areas. Surigae tropical cyclones is one of the which reported to have formed in the Pacific Ocean adjacent to northern Sulawesi strait. This study was conducted by analysis SLA and ADT data to obtain models of dynamical of sea level and anomalies during tropical cyclone Surigae across. Results of models showed that from the analysis of SLA data obtained average 0.1 to 0.2 meters, and for ADT obtained average of 0.9 to 1.1 meter. Models of SLA and ADT showed phenomenon of eddies currents at eastern Philippine bordering the Sulawesi strait. SLA and ADT data provided of sea level change of the tropical cyclone, and usable to ocean current and mesoscale eddies detection.
Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja Drag Force dan Lift Force Antara Rudder Konvensional dan Rudder Fish Tail Dengan Menggunakan CFD Abrari Noor Hasmi; Alamsyah Alamsyah; Asram Dio Pratama
Zona Laut : Jurnal Inovasi Sains Dan Teknologi Kelautan Volume 2, Nomor 2, Edisi Juli 2021
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kelautan Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/zl.v2i2.13979


Rudder is a device for changing the direction of a ship by changing the direction of the air currents which results in maneuvering the ship. Rudder is placed at the rear end of the hull of the ship / stern behind the propeller. The most commonly used type is the conventional type. But as for the type of rudder in addition to the conventional type, namely the type of fishtail. This study head to analyze the difference in performance between conventional rudder and fishtail rudder on the value of Drag Force and Lift Force. The method used is the Clark's equation with the help of CFD-based applications to determine the performance generated at the time of Drag Force and Lift Force ships by varying the turning angle of 0°,5°, 10° and 35°. The results showed that conventional rudder has a better level of drag force effectiveness and drag coefficient than fish tail rudder, meanwhile, fish tail rudder has a level of effectiveness of lift force and lift coefficient which is better than conventional rudder.
Karakteristik Bangunan Rumah Tinggal Di Pesisir Kabupaten Majene Terhadap Gempa Yusman Yusman
Zona Laut : Jurnal Inovasi Sains Dan Teknologi Kelautan Volume 2, Nomor 2, Edisi Juli 2021
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kelautan Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/zl.v2i2.14050


The meeting of the Indo-Australian Plate, the Eurasian Plate, and the Pacific Plate makes Indonesia's geological condition unstable so that it is prone to earthquakes. Majene Regency is an earthquake-prone area, so earthquake-resistant buildings are recommended. The purpose of this study was to identify and classify the number of houses affected by the earthquake and the causes of the high level of damage. The methods used are survey and interview methods. The survey process was carried out by observing residents' houses and classifying the level of damage based on technical instructions issued by the 2019 Ministry of PUPR Ministry of PUPR's Research and Development Center for Building Materials & Structures. From the survey results, there were 1,713 heavily damaged houses, 1,060 moderately damaged and 1,107 lightly damaged houses. From the results of surveys and interviews, it was found that the condition of the structure of the house in general is not in accordance with the guidelines for housing and settlement development by the Research and Development Center Team for Building Materials & Structures of the Ministry of PUPR. 2016 which does not have a sloof, ring beam or column, resulting in a higher percentage of house damage
Analisis Peletakan dan Kebutuhan Proteksi Katodik Pada Mooring Buoy di Pertamina Fuel Terminal Luwuk Windi Widianingrum; Juswan Sade; Habibi Palippui
Zona Laut : Jurnal Inovasi Sains Dan Teknologi Kelautan Volume 2, Nomor 2, Edisi Juli 2021
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kelautan Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/zl.v2i2.14081


Corrosion is one of the most common causes of damage to mooring buoys due to oxidation on the surface of the steel plate. The purpose of this study was to determine the need and placement of cathodic protection as well as the costs involved in providing cathodic protection for mooring buoys using the rules of BKI (Indonesian Classification Bureau) and DNV (Det Norske Veritas Industry Norway). In the cathodic protection system, there are two methods of cathodic protection, namely Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection (SACP) and Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP). In this study, the Sacrificial Anode method was used because the installation is simpler so that it does not require special skills and the anode connector is cathodically protected. Mooring buoy 2.380 meters high, 3.200 meters in diameter with a cathodic protection design life of 5 years. The anode used in this study was a Longated flush-mounted Z9.0H1 (Welded Type) anode with dimensions of 355 x 85 x 45 mm. From the results of this study, the total anode mass needed to protect the mooring buoy is 48 kg with the distance between the anodes on the topside hull plate is 2.000 m and the hull bottom swim plate is 3.000 m and the estimated cost required in providing mooring buoy cathodic protection is Rp. 7,487,075.
Perancangan Konstruksi Profil Pada Kapal General Cargo Dengan Menggunakan Metode Ship Comparative Rahmahdani Japri
Zona Laut : Jurnal Inovasi Sains Dan Teknologi Kelautan Volume 2, Nomor 2, Edisi Juli 2021
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kelautan Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/zl.v2i2.14367


General cargo ship is a ship that carries various kinds of cargo in the form of goods. The goods transported are usually packaged goods. The main size of the ship was obtained using the comparative regression method which was based on the data of the 2 comparison ships obtained from the Korean Register of Shipping (KRS). In this study, a general cargo ship profile construction design is planned which is designed according to the main size of the ship in accordance with the rules of the Indonesian Classification Bureau Rules. From the planning results obtained for ships with a capacity of 17000 DWT obtained ship dimensions with length over all (LOA) 153.45 m, length between prependiculars (LBP) 144.24 m, Length on load waterline (LWL) 147.85 m, width (B) ) 25.27 m, height (H) 13.5 m, draft (H) 9.52 m, speed (V) 14.75 knots. This comparison method facilitates ship design with more accurate results.
Analisa Pengaruh Human Error Terhadap Kecelakaa Kerja Di PT. Industri Kapal Indonesia Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Cross Sectional Method Jaiyen Pagau; Pahrizah Puji Anugrah
Zona Laut : Jurnal Inovasi Sains Dan Teknologi Kelautan Volume 2, Nomor 2, Edisi Juli 2021
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kelautan Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/zl.v2i2.14369


One of the critical processes in offshore fabrication is the transfer of the offshore module (Top Side) from the top of the jetty to PT. The Indonesian Ship Industry is a company that is engaged in shipbuilding and ship repair. This company has implemented an environmental management system, occupational safety, and health. There is a relationship between human factors and work accidents. Therefore we need a study that aims to identify the human factors that cause work accidents, study the characteristics of human factors on respondents to work accidents, and analyze the influence of human factors on accidents. This study will apply a questionnaire method of 30 respondents to collect primary data from several respondents and is a cross-sectional study. The results showed that 15 (50%) workers had minor injuries, 3 (10%) workers had serious accidents, and 12 (40%) workers had never been injured. It is expected that the company will provide sufficient information to workers about the importance of OHS, be more intensive in providing training programs, hold safety contests by providing rewards for workers and that workers will be able to increase discipline in the use of personal protective equipment and increase awareness to create a work environment safety.
Analisis Kebutuhan Daya Pompa Pada Kapal Cargo Sugeng Marsudi; Alya Ramadani
Zona Laut : Jurnal Inovasi Sains Dan Teknologi Kelautan Volume 2, Nomor 2, Edisi Juli 2021
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kelautan Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/zl.v2i2.14372


The need for electrical power is between the initial design of the ship and the conditions in the field. In the end, it can be proven theoretically that the planning of the electrical system on the ship can be implemented in real terms and in accordance with the applicable regulations so that during the installation of electrical installations on the ship and for future purposes it can be relied on and satisfied for the shipowner. is to analyze and process data, it will get an analysis of the power requirements of the cargo ship pump. From the results of the calculation of the pump power used, it can be seen that the largest pump power needed when the ship is in an emergency at night is 46.76 Kw, then this amount of power becomes the standard in the selection of auxiliary engines so that the power requirements in these conditions can be met.

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