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Jurnal Kependudukan Indonesia
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Jurnal Kependudukan Indonesia (JKI) is published by the Research Center for Population, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (PPK-LIPI).JKI publishes research articles (in English and in Bahasa) and book reviews and publishes twice a year covering issue related to population studies. We are pleased to invite your participation to contribute article with various issues such as Population Mobility, Fertility, Mortality, Youth and employment, Family, Ageing, Population and Health, Human Resources; Employment; Education, Human Ecology, Population and Climate Change, Population and Disaster. Jurnal Kependudukan Indonesia (JKI) is an open access, multidisciplinary journal that publishes articles related to issues of population dynamics, employment, family, and human ecology. Population dynamics includes fertility, mortality, and migration. Employment covers the quantity and quality of human resources, the preparation and utilisation of labour force, education, wage issues and industrial relations. Family encompasses maternal and child health, adolescence, and ageing. Human Ecology covers the relationship between population, natural resources, and environment These issues can be analysed from a variety of disciplinary perspectives and can also be associated with strategic issues, such as gender, political identity, climate change, disaster, unemployment, and public policies and services.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Demografi
Articles 293 Documents
Cover Belakang, JKI Vol 10, No 1 (2015) Redaksi JKI
Jurnal Kependudukan Indonesia Vol 10, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Research Centre for Population, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jki.v10i1.113


Jurnal Kependudukan Indonesia Vol 14, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Research Centre for Population, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jki.v14i2.469


International migration is usually motivated by economic reasons. However, many people also migrate overseas to continue studies in higher-level education. This paper analyses the role of Indonesian students abroad, especially those who are members of the Indonesian Student Association (PPI) in protecting Indonesian workers (TKI). The research is focused on PPI in the country with the highest number of Indonesian migrant workers, namely Malaysia. This study applied a qualitative approach to collect primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected through interviews, and secondary data was gained through literature review. The research shows that PPI, as an agent of change, has a role in protecting migrant workers. The PPI has various kinds of contributions such as expressing ideas and discourses to protect international migrant workers, becoming a mediator (in solving conflicts involving the workers), facilitating shelter, providing repatriation assistance, legal assistance and advocacy, as well as economic empowerment and education activities for migrant workers and their families.
DETERMINAN FERTILITAS DI INDONESIA Syahmida Syahbuddin Arsyad; Septi Nurhayati
Jurnal Kependudukan Indonesia Vol 11, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Research Centre for Population, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jki.v11i1.65


Fertility experiences stagnation during the last 10 years (2.6 children) and it did not reach the target of national medium-term development plan 2015 for 2.1 children. Meanwhile, the use of contraception increased less than one percent, and mortality rate of children under five years old only slightly declined. This might be because Population and Family Planning Program is not a priority. This paper aims to analyze direct and/or indirect factors that significantly cotribute to children born alive based on IDHS 2012. The IDHS 2012 data collect 45.607 women aged 15-49 years as sample units. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics for univariate, bivariate (chi-square), and multivariate (multiple linear regression). Twenty-four variables have a significant relationship to the children born alive, eleven of the variables have strong effect to the children born alive. By taking into account control variables, the eleven variables contribute 66 per cent to children born alive. Child mortality is the most dominant variable that contributes to a children born alive This is in line with the theory of Alberto that said child mortality trigger to have more children. The results also explain that stagnation of fertility can not be separated from slow rate of mortality. Recommendations that developed by this analysis include the strengthening of communication, education, information, especially delayed age at first marriage, age at first birth and age at first sexual intercourse for young women, the lowest wealth quintile, low education through  The Information Center of Adolescent Reproductive Health Councelling; b). Partnership with the Ministry of Health, especially strengthening education and information communication and quality of services mother and child care program concerning the high contribution of child mortality to the children ever born.
Cover, Redaksi, Daftar Isi, Kata Pengantar, Abstrak, JKI Vol 12 No 2 (2017) JKI JKI
Jurnal Kependudukan Indonesia Vol 12, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Research Centre for Population, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jki.v12i2.315


Jurnal Kependudukan Indonesia Vol 8, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Research Centre for Population, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jki.v8i1.18


Keterlibatan perempuan dalam kegiatan ekonomi merupakan daya dorong yang potensial bagi peningkatan perekonomian. Perempuan terbukti memiliki kontribusi yang cukup besar dalam peningkatan pendapatan rumah tangga. Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan perkembangan ketenagakerjaan perempuan dalam pasar tenaga kerja di Indonesia dengan menggunakan data sekunder yang bersumber dari data Sakernas tahun 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 dan 2013 per bulan Februari. Studi ini menggarisbawahi terjadinya transformasi tenaga kerja dari sektor pertanian ke sektor non-pertanian pada dekade 1980an menuju tahun 1990 yang kemudian berpengaruh terhadap kondisi ketenagakerjaan secara umum. Perubahan ekonomi dan sosial budaya yang berkembang sejak tahun 1990an hingga kini membawa pengaruh pada Tingkat Partisipasi Angkatan Kerja (TPAK), lapangan pekerjaan utama, status dan jenis pekerjaan angkatan kerja perempuan. Selain itu tenaga kerja perempuan juga masih menghadapi tantangan kultural dan struktural yang cenderung memarjinalkan posisi perempuan di pasar kerja. Tenaga kerja perempuan seringkali menghadapi ketidakadilan dan diskriminasi di pasar kerja salah satunya terkait dengan upah. Data Sakernas menunjukkan rata-rata upah yang diterima buruh/karyawan perempuan lebih rendah 30 persen dibandingkan dengan buruh/karyawan laki-laki. Sekitar 60 persen angkatan kerja perempuan cenderung tidak tersentuh oleh undang-undang perlindungan tenaga kerja karena mereka bekerja pada sektor informal. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya perhatian dari pemerintah untuk dapat menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang adil dan aman bagi tenaga kerja perempuan guna meningkatkan partisipasi perempuan dalam kegiatan ekonomi.
Cover, Redaksi, Daftar Isi, Kata Pengantar, Abstrak, JKI Vol 4, No 1 (2009) Redaksi JKI
Jurnal Kependudukan Indonesia Vol 4, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Research Centre for Population, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jki.v4i1.180


Redaksi JKI
Jurnal Kependudukan Indonesia 2020: Edisi Spesial: Demografi dan COVID-19 di Indonesia
Publisher : Research Centre for Population, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jki.v0i0.578


The government’s inability to provide information in relation to COVID-19 in Indonesia, has stimulated grassroots efforts from society to develop data activism. These are the kind of activism that proliferates from modern social media ecosystem and utilizes data as the core of their movement. The article proposes that there are at least three forms of activism differentiated based on the actors, their main sources of data, and characteristic. These forms of activisms are aimed to provide data and information that could help both government and society to better mitigate the impact of pandemic. While data activism provides some hope among other grim outlook of COVID-19 management in Indonesia, the questions on its impacts are still looming under the contested authorities of information in Indonesia. 
Jurnal Kependudukan Indonesia Vol 5, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Research Centre for Population, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jki.v5i2.103


Attracted by Japan's prosperity and motivated by desire for gaining higher income, many Indonesians have been migrating to Japan in increasing numbers since the mid-1990s. Different from other destination countries, most of Indonesian workers who came to Japan is under the program called "Industrial Training and Technical Internship Program" with the main objective to get the use of actual work to obtain new knowledge and technical skills. This paper aims to shows the reality oflndonesian trainees and the issues related to implementation of the training program in Japan. The bulk of empirical data in this paper is drawn from a field study on Indonesian trainees in some big cities in Japan. Primarily, the study includes a questionnaire survey to 120 Indonesian trainees who are working in some factories in Mie Prefecture as well as extended interviews with key informants, field observation and related literature study. This study found that many of the young Indonesians questioned showed that in the reality, the training program is just a way to fulfill Japan's labor shortage and hired as a cheap labor source for small and medium companies in Japan. Further, many of them had discovered that they have to take unproductive jobs where no new skills or technology techniques transfer really take place. Most of them were involved in marginal jobs or assigned to a small part of the operation. However, it is considered that, in spite of many problems in the implementation of the current training program of Japan, as long as the significant difference remains in employment opportunity and earning between Japan and Indonesia, the efforts of dispatching more Indonesians to Japan is still an important policy for both countries.Key words: International Migration, Industrial Training and Technical Internship Program, and Indonesian Trainees in Japan.
Jurnal Kependudukan Indonesia Vol 14, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Research Centre for Population, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jki.v14i1.362


Migration is not only limited because of the driving and pulling factors from the area of origin and destination. Individual socio-economic factors are important factors that determine the decision to migrate. This study aims to analyze the influence of individual socio-economic factors on migration in East Java Province. The panel data used are longitudinal data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS)-4 and the IFLS-5. In this study, the individual social factors consisted of age, sex, education, marital status, family size, and residence characteristics. Moreover, the individual economic factors comprise land ownership for agriculture, ownership of health insurance, loan ownership, and poverty status. By employing the binary logistic regression analysis, we found that migration in the population of East Java Province was influenced by age, marital status, education, and characteristics of residence as social factors as well as agricultural land ownership and health insurance ownership as economic factors.
DPSIR MODEL AS A TOOL TO ASSES LAND CONVERSION TARIFF POLICY IN YOGYAKARTA Nina Novira; Syarifah Aini Dalimunthe; Aditya Pandu Wicaksono; Nur Indah Sari Dewi; Triana Sefti Rahayu
Jurnal Kependudukan Indonesia Vol 10, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Research Centre for Population, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jki.v10i2.70


Land use change from agricultural land to non-agricultural purposes in Yogyakarta Special Province (DIY) is the main factor leading to the decrease of agricultural land. The increasing population growth has led to a higher demand for land, which is contributing to the rapid land use changes. Land scarcity has led to a change in land utilization within the city and in the surrounding area. The DPSIR Model is used as the basis for the impact assessment analysis on the tariff policy implementation regarding to the controlling of the land use change. Driving force in this model is migration and the pressure is land use change. The state is divided into three categories, state of economic dimension, environmental dimension, and social dimension. These have caused impacts on land degradation, threats to food security, and pollution. As the response to this, the government introduced the policy PERDA No. 53 Year 2007 about authorizing land use in DIY. This paper is intended to explain how the DPSIR model is used to assess the policy implementation.

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