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Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences
Published by Universitas Airlangga
ISSN : 1978760X     EISSN : 2723777X     DOI :
The focus and scope of this journal are quite broad but limited to the social sciences. The scopes are politics, sociology, anthropology-- including cultural and bioanthropology, education, culture, society, media and information, demography, economics, law, linguistics, history, ecology, psychology, and humanities.
Articles 54 Documents
“Parenting with Rumah Keluarga Risman” Facebook group as information society and determinant of technology function Tri Juniati Andayani; Zainal Abidin Achmad
Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 12 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/ijss.v12i2.22909


The information society uses the means of information technology with high intensity in everyday life. Facebook groups provide function as an information society. One of the unique groups is “Parenting with Rumah Keluarga Risman” as the research subject. This qualitative research uses the virtual ethnography method to observe both real field and virtual field. As observer-participants, researchers conducted virtual inquiries and in-depth interviews with informants of the research subject. The members of the “Parenting with Rumah Keluarga Risman” Facebook group represent their selves whether as a real community and a virtual community. This community often holds meetings in a public space of a city. The intensity of this virtual community is more intensive when having shared problems. The group provides many useful information about parenting, such as avoiding pornographic content for children, book discussions, and social agenda. The communication intimacy among members exceeds the real community. The contents of the communication discussing knowledge parenting in Islamic perspective. The results showed this Facebook group is a concrete form of the concept of determination of technology and information society.
The influence of excessive use of social media Ariella Christ Maharani
Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 13 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/ijss.v13i1.26351


Technology that is overgrowing makes the audience increasingly spoiled with the existing features, including social media, which is a part of today's technological advances. Many platforms offer features that make users even more interested in sharing their excellent routines on these platforms. However, excessive use of social media and poor use harms users. One of the problems that result from overuse and poor use is the increasing incidence of depression. Individuals who experience depression tend to feel insufficient, and a feeling of wanting to end their life arises. Hence, it is necessary to know the causes and solutions to reduce the impact of excessive use of social media. This research method is quantitative. Researchers shared questionnaires to 101 respondents who were social media users aged at least 15 years. The results of this study indicate that most respondents tend to experience mood changes when using social media. That can occur because of jealousy when seeing content on their social media. Therefore, social media users must control their use of social media, for example, by being optimistic, doing fun activities, and increasing their religiosity.
The pattern of upbringing of middle to lower economic families in urban communities Diva Oktaviana
Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 12 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/ijss.v12i1.21156


The purpose of writing this article is to examine the way parenting can influence the growth of attitudes and character in children from families in lower middle economic classes. By studying the parenting, the most appropriate parenting for children’s growth and development. The study was conducted on the social figures around children, especially parents and teachers who can understand every pattern of development that occurs in children in a city. This research utilized in-depth interviews and observation methods in order to identify the  meeting point that the best parenting pattern is democratic parenting. Therefore, the inculcation of attitudes towards children from an early age must indeed be carried out to support the implementation of democratic parenting. Family and school are the social institutions that are interlocking and have a reciprocal relationship since both hold an important role for the growth and development of children. Having a synergistic relationship and becoming the social control for children are the essential key in improving the children’s quality in the future. Economic limitations are not an obstacle to the fulfillment of the social role held by parents and schools. Precisely with this awareness, it is expected that families can become more aware of the impacts resulting from parenting mistakes. Children who will become the future of the family will be saved. Social mobility is also highly likely to occur when parenting is properly implemented.
Ecological media perspective on WhatsApp status features Rosa Apriliyanti
Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 12 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/ijss.v12i2.22910


The presence of the internet today makes it easy for users to carry out communication activities without limitation of distance and time. Even instant messaging such as WhatsApp, which has the primary function as a medium for communication, can be a mediator for self-existence and cannot be separated from its users to share daily activities through the WhatsApp Status feature. The purpose of this study was to analyze the Status feature on Instant Messaging WhatsApp as a mediator to show self-existence without distance and time limits based on media ecology theory. The method in this study is a qualitative method with purposive data collection techniques. Researchers also conducted interviews with seven informants who were students and workers. This study's results indicate that the presence of this feature affects various actions, perceptions, and communication experiences in society. Ecological media has the perspective that electronic media has radically changed society. In essence, society is very dependent on technology that uses media, and that the social order of a society is based on its ability to deal with these technologies. Media, in general, act directly to form and organize culture. Apart from that, ecological media also has assumptions about how technology affects society, include the distinction between hot and cold media.
The stereotypical representation of women in the classic fairy tales Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty Anisa Dyah Berlianti
Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 13 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/ijss.v13i1.26352


The stereotype that emerges from some classic fairy tales is a princess who has a beautiful face and an angelic heart, a prince on a white horse who is handsome and charming, and a happy ending forever. These three sweet things are generally always the main menu served in bedtime fairy tales, including the classic fairy tales Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty. Besides sounding beautiful, the plot and characterization presented in the classic fairy tale represent a woman through feminine standards packaged through stereotypes. This research uses qualitative research methods and narrative analysis. The research results found details of the seven functional characters of the characters in the fairy tale. It can then be seen that various stereotypical representations aimed at women in the three tales, ranging from the obsession with natural beauty, misconceptions about the meaning of ambition, and marriage, are the solution for all the problems of a woman.
Parents' understanding of gender towards parenting to teenagers Demaris Cristina Sailana
Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 12 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/ijss.v12i1.21157


Gender problems have become daily topics of discussion. The relationship between gender and parenting in a family can also cause different problems because the understanding among individuals in the family is also different. The purpose of this study was to determine the understanding of parents about gender and to identify the way parents provide parenting to boys and girls. The research method used in this study was a descriptive qualitative approach. The informants in this research were parents who have teenaged children, either boys or girls, or both of them. The results of this study indicate that parents in Claket Village did not understand the differences between gender and sex because they still distinguished the tasks based on sex. The way that the parents used to provide parenting to boys and girls was to involve their children directly in doing their parents’ activities.
Relationship between duration of physical exercise and menstrual cycle female athletes in East Java Sports High School Paula Eka Romadona
Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 13 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/ijss.v13i2.27620


Exercise can be a supporting factor or inhibitor of reproductive health related to menstruation. East Java Sports High School is a particular school for athletes who have more intensive physical training than other public schools. This research was conducted to determine whether there is a significant relationship between the duration of physical exercise and the menstrual cycle in female athletes at East Java Sports High School. The method of this research is quantitative, with a sample of 60 respondents from 14 sports. Data is processed and calculated with Microsoft Excel and SPSS version 21, the statistical test used chi-square test. The calculation results obtained were 0.002 <0.05, so there is a significant relationship between the duration of physical exercise and the athlete's menstrual cycle at East Java Sports High School. That can be caused by excessive use of energy when practicing so that the energy in the body is out of balance which results in decreased pulsatile GnRH, which can affect FSH. In addition, the results of calculations on the variable menstrual disorders in the form of physical disorders during menstruation obtained results 0.565 >0.05, so there is no significant relationship between the duration of physical exercise with menstrual disorders in athletes at East Java Sports High School.
Conservative Islamic factions vs. secular nationalists: toward a civil contestation in democratic Indonesia Peter Suwarno
Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 13 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/ijss.v13i2.30425


This paper describes how Indonesia’s presidents have delt with Islamist and secular nationalist political contestation since the preparation of Indonesian independence and how the current president compares. Soekarno’s initial reliance on civil discourse ended in his autocratic decree that banned the Indonesia’s most powerful Islamic party (Masyumi). Soeharto’s initial iron-fist approach ended up meeting some Islamic demands. B.J. Habibie helped transformed Indonesia through a democratic election in 1999, but the leader of the winning party, Megawati was defeated in the parliament that elected a pluralist Muslim cleric, Gus Dur. Gus Dur’s administration, ended by the central axis, suggests that liberal democratic processes cannot be applied in an increasingly conservative Muslim majority country. Megawati lost, partly because she is a female president unpopular among the Islamists, while SBY was sympathetic toward the Islamist’s demands, enhancing the “conservative turn.” Jokowi has used discursive and legal approaches to promote Pancasila in challenging the hardline Islamic demands, enabling him to ban HTI and FPI and to implement the speech freedom-limiting laws, leading to criticisms and the decline in the 2020 Indonesia's Democracy Index. Jokowi’s expansion of these laws to maintain unity and stability may be deemed an “authoritarian turn,” but I argue that it may be more appropriately called “the Pancasila turn.” In framing and analyzing Jokowi’s laws as a Pancasila turn, I am arguing in this paper that this lays the foundation for a more equal, civil, and democratic contestation.
Different perspectives in defining culture Adelia Hanny Rachman
Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 13 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/ijss.v13i2.29918


Society grows and develops rapidly while the theory of culture itself in Indonesia mostly refers to Koentjaraningrat’s paradigm. His theory is basically general and commonly used as a basic examination. The fact concerns me due to its deficiency – less relevant to accommodate currently cultural development. To answer this problem, I pertain to the Ahimsa-Putra’s cultural theory.  He proposed his thoughts to a more specific concept of culture. In his article entitled Mendefinisikan Kembali Kebudayaan, Ahimsa-Putra not merely describes definition of culture yet along with its dimensions and elements. This review would like to show whether his theory possibly can stipulate an answer to his criticism towards Koentjaraningrat's theory. Later on, I shall offer my disagreements in some of his views.
Consumer learning behavior in adoption Tani Hub e-commerce Maulavida Qholbyah Rahmah
Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 13 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/ijss.v13i2.30108


As e-commerce develops in Indonesia, sales of fresh fruit and vegetable products move from physical stores to virtual markets through technological innovation. The adoption of e-commerce is marked by changes in purchasing behavior of fresh fruits and vegetables that originally relied on the senses, now mediated by a screen measuring at least 7 inches. Interaction between seller and buyer, or buyer with buyer also mediated. This condition does not require consumers to be able to see, hold and smell the product they want directly. When compared with conventional methods, the purchase of fresh vegetables and fruit through e-commerce has risks, namely uncertainty such as the physical quality of the product, taste or freshness. Consumers need knowledge and experience to reduce this uncertainty, where this knowledge and experience is obtained through a consumer learning process. This study describes the forms of consumer learning behavior starting from the beginning to get acquainted with adopting e-commerce. The research method used is qualitative with descriptive research type, and the method of data collection in the form of in-depth interviews with informants who are adopters of the Surabaya branch of the E-Commerce Tani Hub. This informant consists of a group of friends who have the same values, namely implementing a lifestyle and eating healthy food. The results of this study are in the form of learning behaviors shown by Tani Hub consumers through the process of information exchange with information sources that they consider credible, namely friendship circles and also primary information from the Tani Hub’ company itself.