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Journal of Physical Activity and Sports (JPAS)
Published by YLPK Mahardhika
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Journal of Physical Activity and Sports, is a national scientific journal that is open to all learning and sports studies for innovation, creativity, and renewal. The purpose of this journal is to facilitate scientific publications which are the results of research conducted by students, teachers, academics and researchers. The fields of Sports Education & Recreation, Sports Management, and Sports Science.
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Articles 8 Documents
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Pengaruh Latihan Kekuatan Lengan Terhadap Ketepatan Shooting Game Cabang Olahraga Petanque Pada Atlet Ukm Petanque Universitas PGRI Semarang Galang Pratama Suharto
Journal of Physical Activity and Sports (JPAS) Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : YLPK Mahardhika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53869/jpas.v3i3.156


The root of the problem in this study is that PGRI Semarang of UKM Petanque University is vulnerable to shooting. Lack of training programs and mass media often hinders athletes from improving their performance, so they are often shot primarily 9 meters away. Therefore, researchers used resistance bands and splints as training media. The question in this study was whether UPGRIS UKM petanque athlete arm strength training affected the accuracy of petanque shots, and whether there was an increase after UPGRIS UKM petanque athlete arm strength training. The purpose of this study was to determine the strength of the arm muscles for shooting accuracy in a 9 meter small business petanque distance game. The research method used is a true design of experiments exploration model type quantitative research method using a group pre-test type post-test management plan. The population and sample for this study were petanque athletes from PGRI Semarang University, for a total of eight athletes. The results showed that arm strength training increased with respect to shot accuracy, only 9 m, averaging 0.882.38 before the test, 1.5 increase after the test, and 63 increase. 02%. That is, the null hypothesis Ha is accepted based on the results. The conclusion of this study is that exercise that strengthens the arm muscles affects the accuracy of petanque shooting in the sports industry of UPGRIS athletes. The proposal uses training materials during training to extend the range up to 9m.
Pengaruh Latihan Sirkuit Terhadap Kecepatan dan Kelincahan SSB Putra Harapan Dampyak Kabupaten Tegal Muhammad Faturrahman
Journal of Physical Activity and Sports (JPAS) Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : YLPK Mahardhika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53869/jpas.v3i3.157


The rationale for this study is that the training speed of the players is still low, and the agility training is poor because the players do not master the soccer game. Circuit training offers many positive changes to your core skills. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of SSB speed and agility circuit training Putra Harapan Dampyak, Semarang Regency.This study was conducted using a quantitative approach using the "OneGroups PretestPosttest Design" method. The sample for this study was an SSB Putra Harapan athlete, a Tegal Regency football player. The method used was a sample of 15 players. Collect data using tools used for pre- and post-testing. According to the results of this study, the speed effect of SSB athletes Putra Harapan Dampyak and Tegal Regensi increased after circuit training, with an average pre-workout of 5.80 and an average post-workout of 4.60. After circuit training at SSB Putra Harapan Dampyak, Tegal Regency, the pre-training average was 15.75 and the post-training average was 14.66. This study concluded that there was a significant impact on the provision of speed and agility circuit training to students at the SSB Putra Harapan Dampyak Football School in Tegal Regency. This study can be used as a benchmark when preparing training programs, especially with regard to the speed and agility of football players. Based on these results, circuit training is one of the most effective exercises to increase speed and agility. Additional explorers can use circuit training as an alternative to increase player speed and agility.
Pengaruh Latihan Squats dan Lunges Terhadap Kekuatan Kaki Renang Gaya Dada 50 meter Pada Perenang Pemula Kelompok Umur 10 Tahun dan 12 Tahun di Club Marlin Valdy Bayu Kelana
Journal of Physical Activity and Sports (JPAS) Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : YLPK Mahardhika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53869/jpas.v3i3.160


This research was motivated by the concerns of researchers related to the lack of leg strength training in the 50 meter breaststroke swimming, the factors that affect the strength of the breaststroke swimming leg, and it is not known that squats and lunges exercises can increase the strength of the breaststroke swimming leg. The sampling technique in this study uses purposive sampling where the researcher determines the criteria regarding the respondents selected as the sample. Informants in this study were swimmers Club Marlin. The data collection technique in this study used a technique that was test. The analysis was carried out using a quantitative analysis model. The results of research conducted on the effect of squats and lunges on the strength of the legs in the 50-meter breaststroke for beginner swimmers aged 10 years and 12 years at Club Marlin showed that: there was a better effect between before and after being given treatment with squats and lunges exercises on increasing the strength of the legs in the 50-meter breaststroke for beginner swimmers in the 10-year age group and the effect of lunges exercise being more effective for increasing the strength of the 50-meter breaststroke for beginner swimmers in the 10-year & 12-year-old group at Club Marlin.
Pengaruh Latihan Servis Jarak Bertahap Menggunakan Bola Plastik dan Bola Tenis Terhadap Ketepatan Servis Atas Bola Voli Putri Yunior Provos Pemalang Muhammad Rafi Faishal Faishal; Agus Wiyanto; Danang Aji Setiawan
Journal of Physical Activity and Sports (JPAS) Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : YLPK Mahardhika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53869/jpas.v3i3.162


The background of this research is that participants often do not enter when serving on the opponent's court, lack of accuracy in hitting the ball when serving over, low level of service accuracy. The purpose of this study is to examine how effective concentration and eye-hand coordination exercises using plastic balls and tennis balls are in training the accuracy of serving on volleyball for Putri Junior Provos Pemalang.The discussion of the results of the study was carried out using a quantitative approach to the experimental two groups pretest-posttest design. In this design the sample will be divided into two groups according to the ranking of the initial test from the lowest to the highest by zig-zag or Matched Subject Ordinal Pairing (AB-BA) so that both groups have equal abilities (equivalent).The results showed that 1) There was a significant effect of the implementation of the gradual distance service exercise using a plastic ball on the accuracy of serving on the Pemalang Provos Junior Women's volleyball. This can be proven from the tcount of the experimental group 1 (7.839) with a significance of 0.001 (0.001 <0.05); 2) There is a significant effect of the implementation of the gradual distance service exercise using a tennis ball on the accuracy of serving on the Pemalang Provos Junior Women's volleyball. This can be proven from the tcount of the experimental group 2 (10.633) with a significance of 0.000 (0.000<0.005); 3) Based on the results of the N-Gain Score test, it shows that the average N-gain score for experimental group 1 (plastic ball) is 5.7138 or 25.7%. With a minimum N-gain score of 3.23% and a maximum of 7.9%. Meanwhile, the average N-gain score for the experimental group 2 (tennis ball) was 6.8220 or 6.8%. With a minimum N-gain score of 5.38% and a maximum of 8.8%.The conclusion of the study is that the application of training using tennis balls in a gradual distance service exercise is more effective than using a plastic ball on the accuracy of serving on women's volleyball. My suggestion is that the media in this exercise can be used in the Putri Junior Provos volleyball club in Pemalang.
Pengembangan Alat Spin Ball Untuk Batting Softball Hakim Mohammad
Journal of Physical Activity and Sports (JPAS) Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : YLPK Mahardhika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53869/jpas.v3i3.163


The purpose of this research is that in practicing softball games the hitting technique is more efficient and effective because it does not go back and forth to take the ball when it has been hit by an athlete during practice. This study uses research and development methods. The research sample uses two validations, namely the validation of material experts and media experts, and uses two variables, namely small scale and large scale. Material experts get a percentage of the spin ball tool for softball batting of 87.5% that the spin ball tool is feasible to use. While media experts get a percentage of 81.2% which means it is said to be suitable for use. Small-scale respondents amounted to 7 people with a percentage of 72.8. This large-scale study involved 15 respondents from 3 universities in Semarang city with a percentage of 77.3%. The study concludes that the 4 variables categorize the spin ball tool for softball batting as feasible to use
Analisis Pemahaman Peraturan Permainan Sepak Bola Melalui Video Test pada Wasit Askot PSSI Surakarta Muh. Isna Nurdin Wibisana; Husnul Hadi; Setiyawan Setiyawan; Nur Azis Rohmansyah
Journal of Physical Activity and Sports (JPAS) Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : YLPK Mahardhika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53869/jpas.v3i3.167


The COVID-19 pandemic since the beginning of 2020 forced all PSSI calendar matches to be suspended until mid-2021. The referee will feel the same way, the lack of minutes in leading the match will greatly affect the feeling-touch in making decisions. This problem became a consideration for the research team to analyze the understanding of football regulation through a video test on the Surakarta City PSSI Askot referee. The use of the video test is intended to refresh the ability of the referees, especially the PSSI Surakarta City Askot referee in understanding the rules of the football game because it is still a pandemic condition and there are no official matches being held, so when the competition rolls the referees are ready to lead the match. This research is a quantitative descriptive study that aims to analyze the understanding of soccer game rules through a video test on the ASkot PSSI Surakarta referee. The population in this study is the ASkot PSSI referee in Surakarta. The sampling technique used is saturated sampling, that is, all referees at the PSSI Askot Surakarta City starting from licenses C3, C2, and C1 will be used as research samples. analysis technique that can be used is to use the frequency distribution technique. The results of the research for the referee's understanding of offside illustrate that 7 people are in the low category or 35%, 7 people are in the medium category, or 35%, and 6 people are in the high category, or 30%. The referee's understanding of handball is that 10 people are in the medium category or 50%, and 10 people are in the high category or 50%. The conclusion of this study is that the understanding of offside is still low, this is related to the feeling-touch that has not fully returned to its best performance. There needs to be practice and treatment to restore feeling-touch and make the right decisions.
Upaya Pengembangan Bakat Olahraga Siswa Di SMA Negeri 1 Babadan Ponorogo Febbyananda Rigiddwi Radiant Putra; Fajar Ari Widiyatmoko
Journal of Physical Activity and Sports (JPAS) Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : YLPK Mahardhika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53869/jpas.v3i3.174


This research is motivated by the poor performance of extracurricular students at SMA Negeri 1 Babadan, this can be seen from the lack of achievement that has not been maximized and the lack of competition in Ponorogo as well as the lack of talented seeds that make it difficult to capture the talents of students who tend to train from the start. This research is a qualitative research and aims to find out the talent development efforts of students at SMA Negeri 1 Babadan. This research uses qualitative methods and the sources of data taken are primary and secondary. Primary data is data obtained in verbal form from informants, while secondary data is sourced from student achievement documents. The research subjects used as informants in the interviews were the principal, physical education teacher, 3 high achieving students and 4 underachieving students. In accordance with the object, this research is a field research or field research. Data collection was done by preparing interview instruments for each informant.
Evaluasi Kemampuan Shooting Cabang Olahraga Petanque Pada Atlet Rampagoe Petanque Club USK Tahun 2022 Novi Lidya Isdarianti; Muhammad Jafar; Masri Masri; Agus Wiyanto
Journal of Physical Activity and Sports (JPAS) Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : YLPK Mahardhika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53869/jpas.v3i3.184


Petanque is a sport that is performed using an iron ball and a wooden ball as the basic means of playing. The basic petanque technique consists of pointing and shooting techniques. Shooting is a very important skill to win the game. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of shooting ability in the petanque sport of USK's Rampagoe Petanque Club athletes in 2022. Quantitative descriptive approach was applied. The research sample consisted of 30 athletes who were Rampagoe Petanque Club USK athletes. The data collection technique was carried out through a shooting ability test at a distance of 6.5 meters, 7.5 meters, 8.5 meters and 9.5 meters using different variations of iron balls. Each athlete has 3 chances to throw. Data analysis techniques are carried out by finding averages and percentages. The results of the data analysis carried out showed that the average shooting ability score was 45.7 (very poor) with the following details; 1) Very Good category with a frequency of 4 athletes (14%), 2) Good category with a frequency of 2 athletes (7%), 3) Moderate category with a frequency of 2 athletes (18%), 4) Poor category with a frequency of 3 athletes (10%), 5) very poor category with a frequency of 18 athletes (60%), Suggestions for the sport of petanque athletes rampagoe petanque club USK in 2022 so that athletes are more focused and concentrated in shooting because of their abilities shooting for the rampagoe petanque club USK athletes in 2022 is still in the Moderate category.

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