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Articles 74 Documents
Studi dan Implementasi Pengenalan Wajah dengan Menggunakan Pencocokan String Boyer Moore Suharto Siregar
Bulletin of Computer Science Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

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Image processing is a system where the process is carried out with the input in the form of an image and the result is also an image. Initially, image processing was carried out to improve image quality, but with the development of the world of technology, which was marked by the increasing capacity and speed of computer processing, as well as the emergence of computational science that allowed humans to retrieve information from an image, image processing could not be separated from it. In this research, image processing is applied to face recognition using moore boyer string matching. Boyer Moore is a technique in image processing that functions to match strings. The problem of facial recognition is how to search for strings on faces based on Boyer Moore's strings by matching the strings. Therefore, it is very important research that aims so that computers can have the function of detecting faces. If computers can be designed to have intelligence closer to that of humans, of course this can facilitate human work.
Pengolahan Citra dengan Metode Ekstraks Deteksi Mata Manusia Berbasis I Fitur Setiawan Syah Zebua
Bulletin of Computer Science Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

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The eye functions to see and interpret the shapes, colors, and dimensions of objects in the world by processing the light reflected by objects that give off light. Visual disturbances or eye diseases often occur in people so that they interfere with their daily activities. Moving or staying still can provide information about the human condition. From the information obtained from eye detection, it can be concluded that an eye movement. Measuring eye movement is psychophysical work and to obtain information about a person's level of unconscious behavior, strategies to process eye movement information require fixation and knowledge of the direction of the gaze. Feature extraction is a feature / feature retrieval from a form where the value obtained will be analyzed for further processing. Feature extraction is done by counting the number of dots or pixels found in each check. The features obtained from an image are the distinguishing characteristics of other images.
Implementasi Algoritma Turbo Boyer Moore Pada Aplikasi Tarian Tradisional Berbasis Android Sulastri Sulastri
Bulletin of Computer Science Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

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Traditional dance is a dance that is passed down from the community to its people who grow and develop in certain areas. This traditional dance has a high historical value in customs. Not only does it have high historical value in customs, traditional dances also have different meanings from one region to another. This android-based traditional dance application was created which would be useful for the community, especially teenagers, as information for them, and would save more in buying books about regional dances. With this application, it will make it easier for readers to find out the meaning of a dance in their respective areas. The moore turbo boyer algorithm is an algorithm derived from the moore boyer algorithm. Where the moore turbo boyer algorithm has the advantage of having the possibility to skip the factor of a text and the moore turbo boyer algorithm also has the advantage of allowing turbo shift.
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Aternatif Pengelolaan Limbah kelapa Sawit Pada PT.Austindo Nusantara Jaya Agri Siais Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan Sumatera Utara Menggunakan Metode Analityc Network Process (ANP) Rizka Pratiwi; Mesran Mesran; Soeb Aripin; Chandra Frenki Sianturi; Lince Tomoria Sianturi
Bulletin of Computer Science Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

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Oil palm is the largest commodity in several regions in Indonesia. Especially on the islands of Kalimantan and Sumatra. This requires the construction of a palm oil mill (PKS) to produce waste and a very large volume of solid waste and liquid waste. Several alternative solutions that will be considered to deal with this problem are designing a new location, implementing a new location and repairing / structuring an existing location and treating liquid waste and solid waste into appropriate commodities. In choosing this alternative, many criteria must be considered. Therefore, in the selection of alternative palm oil mill effluent using Analysis Network Process (ANP) in decision making.
Analisa Metode Mash-1 Untuk Mendeteksi Orisinalitas Citra Digital Hotmian Gultom; Lince Tomoria Sianturi; Eferoni Ndruru
Bulletin of Computer Science Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

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The development of digital images is now very fast. Image data processing in digital images makes images easy to create or manipulate easily, without even leaving visual clues to the user. The ease of creating and changing an image can damage the credibility of the original image in various aspects. Small changes of pixels do not make image content detectable to the human eye. This is described in pixel like width and length in the image. the basis of this research to detect the authenticity of a digital image. This study will analyze the authenticity of the image and manipulation. This research is expected to produce and show good results in the form of evidence in detecting objects in the image so that it can help the public in determining the authenticity and manipulation of images.
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Lingkungan Rumah Sehat dengan Metode Analytical Hierarcy Process (AHP) dan Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) Muhammad Azroni Azroni; Berto Nadeak
Bulletin of Computer Science Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

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Home environment is one of the most important buildings for humans, namely as a place of shelter and rest as well as a means of family development. Having a healthy home can foster a healthy life physically, mentally and socially, so that all members can work productively. people are competing to build houses with different advantages and disadvantages so that sometimes they do not meet health requirements. To improve a healthy home, in this case the responsibility of the head of the environment is also getting bigger. In order to motivate the head of the environment to always ensure that the home environment is always healthy in his area, a selection of a healthy home environment is made in a village. The problem that has occurred so far is that the decisions made by the village head towards a healthy home environment are still personal, not based on objectivity, in making decisions. This is a problem in choosing a healthy home environment. In order for the decision of the head of the village to be better, a decision support system (SPK) is needed. So in this study a Decision Support System (DSS) will be made using the AHP and SMART methods, which are expected to help consumers in determining the selection of a healthy home environment. precisely and quickly from several existing criteria and alternatives. Namely the weighting AHP method and the SMART ranking method.
Implementasi Metode Secure Hash Algorithm-1 Untuk Mendeteksi Keaslian File Dokumen Dermawan Lumban Toruan; Rivalri Kristianto Hondro
Bulletin of Computer Science Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

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Document file is a means of transforming information from one person to another or from a group of other groups. The development of computerized technology has increased greatly. Document files are very vulnerable to fraud, interception and data theft by irresponsible parties. For the sake of maintaining the security of document files can be done by using cryptographic techniques. Cryptography is the science of maintaining data security. Cryptography is a data security method that can be used to maintain data authenticity, data confidentiality, and data transmission authenticity. SHA stands for Secure Hash Algorithm, a standard hash function published by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), (NIST, 1995a). This research will use the SHA-1 method to secure the authenticity of document files, document confidentiality, document integrity, and document authentication. This study describes the security process to detect the authenticity of document files using the SHA-1 method in the form of detection so that confidential documents sent via public telecommunications cannot be changed or modified by unauthorized persons or unauthorized persons. This is done as an effort to minimize acts of fraud, hoaxes, or misuse of document files.
Implementasi Algoritma Apriori Terhadap Data Penjualan di Toko Roti Ganda Pematangsiantar Tri Ayu Lestari; Ratih Ramadhanti; Agus Perdana Windarto
Bulletin of Computer Science Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

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The tight market competition, especially for the sale of bread in Pematang Siantar City, makes all bakeries in that city have to maximize the quality of goods to increase sales and adjust consumer interest in the amount of goods produced. This research took place at the double bakery shop because this shop was the most popular. It aims to build a sales system by applying the apriopri algorithm data mining method in calculating sales data and turnover income from consumers through selecting the products that consumers are most interested in. Sources of data from this study were obtained through interviews and direct observation of consumers.
Perbandingan Algoritma RC4+ dan RC4a dalam Pengamanan File Teks Lisa Oktasari
Bulletin of Computer Science Research Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): Agustus 2021
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

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Along with the development of technology, documents that are supposed to be confidential can be accessed by unauthorized people. So safeguards are needed to prevent information from reaching unauthorized hands. The security of a text becomes reduced or insecure in terms of storage. It does not cover the possibility of a third party changing or taking the text, then the text is encoded into codes that are not understood, so that if there is a third party who wants to change it will have difficulty translating the actual content of the text and must decrypt it first. The security of encrypting text files, to avoid this problem, it is necessary to carry out a process of hiding or disguising information in such a way that it does not fall to other unauthorized parties. In this study, comparing the RC4 + Algorithm and the RC4A Algorithm in securing text files. Text file security application to help solve security problems of data created or stored using files that are formatted such as doc, txt
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Seleksi Atlet Pon Cabang Pencak Silat Menerapkan MOOSRA Fitri Meilida
Bulletin of Computer Science Research Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): Agustus 2021
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

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Selection of pencak silat athletes at IPSI Deli Serdang is used to determine athletes who qualify to enter PON. Those who have good strength and technique in accordance with the criteria determined by IPSI Deli Serdang, so that athletes can be selected to enter the PON athletes in the pencak silat branch. The selection system for pencak silat athletes carried out in this research uses the Multi-Objective Optimization method on the basis of simple Ratio Analysis (MOOSRA). The MOOSRA method is used to calculate the criteria and weight values that have been determined by IPSI Deli Serdang to rank alternative pencak silat athletes.