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Dedy Kurniadi
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JAST (Journal of Applied Science and Technology) is a blind peer-reviewed, published by Lab Engineering Universitas Islam Sultan Agung (UNISSULA) Semarang, Indonesia. The scope of this journal is encompasses the applied applications of Science and Technology, this journal is dedicated in developments in the research field of Industrial Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Informatics, Engineering Education, Engineering Management JAST will be published online twice a year in January and July.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 24 Documents
Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol 1, No 01 (2021): Januari 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jast.1.01.1-5


The state of Indonesia, especially in the area of Central Java, is one of the largest producers of water guava. Some farmers rely on the results of guava cultivation as the basis for the family's economy because the guava harvest is quite promising. However, in certain seasons, water guava plants are often attacked by various kinds of pest and disease season disturbances. So that it can reduce crop yields or even cause crop failure. To overcome this problem, fast and precise action is needed so that the guava plant is protected from various kinds of pests and diseases. The method of developing an expert system for disturbance in water guava plants is the best solution in order to identify disturbances in water guava plants as early as possible. The method used in this expert system is the certainty factor method. With this method, several experts are needed to provide data related to disturbances in water guava plants. The expert system for guava plant disorders is designed using a web-based PHP programming language. In designing the knowledge base, which is the core of this system, is made dynamically to make it easier to add new data.
Web Based Security System Academic Exam Questions Using Advanced Encryption Standard Bagus Satrio Waluyo Poetro; Sam Farisa Chaerul Haviana; Arief Budiman
Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol 1, No 02 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jast.1.02.13-22


One way to measure the success of the academic process and achievement of student competence, is giving exams, from the smallest level namely daily tests, semester exams, to the highest level, namely the national exam. In an effort to maintain the security of exam question data, there is a data security method known as cryptography. In this research, a security system was designed that serves to protect exam questions so that data cannot be read by student before its time by using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm.  The AES algorithm is a type of symmetric algorithm where the encryption and decryption processes have the same key for the encryption and decryption processes. In the system that will be designed, the Caesar Cipher algorithm is used to form an additional key (seed) that is kept secret from the public. The results of this study indicate that AES encryption method can give results maximum so that the AES method can applied to virtual data storage system to protect the transmitted data.
Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol 1, No 01 (2021): Januari 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jast.1.01.6-11


UMKM Dwi jaya merupakan suatu perusahaan kerupuk rambak yang terletak di Jl. Kyai Guru Sulaiman, Pegandon, Kabupaten Kendal, Jawa Tengah 51357. UMKM Dwi Jaya membuat dua produk yaitu kerupuk rambak sapi dan kerupuk rambak kerbau. Di UMKM Dwi jaya sendiri menggunakan sistem make to stock yaitu membuat suatu produk akhir untuk disimpan dan kebutuhan konsumen akan diambil dari persediaan di gudang. Tingkat persediaan tergantung pada waktu respon permintaan pelanggan dan tingkat vabilitas permintaan.Perusahaan tersebut memiliki sebuah masalah yaitu jumlah permintaan yang dihasilkan lebih banyak dari jumlah produksi yang ada sehingga menyebabkan kerupuk rambak tersebut mengalami kekurangan, Tindakan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut yaitu membuat rencana produksi agar dapat memenuhi permintaan tepat waktu, tepat jumlah dengan biaya minimum yaitu dengan melakukan peramalan produksi dengan menggunakan Exponential smoothing kemudian dilanjutkan dengan menggunakan perencaaan agregat dengan menggunakan metode heuristik dan penjadwalan  produksi menggunakan Master Production Schedule (MPS) sesuai dengan metode heuristik yang terpilih, Setelah itu MPS  akan diverifikasi dengan menggunakan menggunakan Rough Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP) agar bisa mengetahui layak tidaknya jadwal dari MPS tersebut. Lalu dilakukan rekomendasi perbaikan untuk mengurangi biaya produksi, biaya simpan dan biaya tenaga kerja dengan menggunakan metode-metode yang tepat.Dari hasil penelitian, forecasting dengan menggunakan metode Exponential smoothing dan metode moving average menghasilkan peramalan terbaik total permintaan untuk kerupuk rambak sapi sebesar 88625 gram dan untuk kerupuk rambak kerbau sebesar 89390,52 gram, pada Aggregate Planning dengan menggunakan metode heuristik didapatkan hasil dengan solusi terbaik adalah solusi pengendalian persediaan (level strategy) total biaya terendah sebesar Rp. 0. (MPS) sesuai dengan solusi terbaik pada Aggregate Planning dan sesuai dengan kapasitas mesin dan pekerja yang telah di verifikasi menggunakan Rough Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP)
Klasifikasi Jenis Jamur Konsumsi Berbasis Android Menggunakan Metode K-Nearset Neighbors (KNN) Darsilowati Darsilowati; Aditya Akbar Riadi; Evanita Evanita
Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol 1, No 02 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jast.1.02.22-29


Penggunaan aplikasi berbasis android pada sekarang bukanlah sesuatu yang baru. Setiap hariya selalu saja bermunculan aplikasi baru diandroid, setiap aplikasi memiliki fungsinya sendiri-sendiri. Mulai dari hiburan, edukasi dan sebagainya. Sama halnya dengan aplikasi pengelompokan jamur yang dapat dimakan ini bertujuan untuk mempermudah masyarakat untuk mengetahui apakah jamur yang diperoleh bisa dimakan atau tidak. Aplikasi ini dirancang guna untuk meminimalisasikan kejadian karacunan jamur dikalangan masyarakat karena rendahnya informasi tentang jamur tersebut. Aplikasi ini juga akan memudahkan masyarakat dalam menggali informasi yang dibutuhkan dengan mudah. Hanya dengan menggunakan telepon pintar mereka dapat mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan. Penggunaan android juga memudahkan siapa saja yang ingin menggunkannya, dikarenakan sistem android sudah banyak dikenal dan digunakan oleh masyarakat. Sehingga dapat mempermudah. Dalam perancangan program android tersebut menggunakan sebuah metode algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) diamana sebuah metode yang melakukan klasifikasi terhadap objek berdasarkan data pemelajaran yang jaraknya paling dekat dengan objek tersebut. Data pemelajaran digambarkan ke ruang berdimensi banyak dengan tiap-tiap dimensi mewakili tiap ciri/fitur dari data. 
Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol 1, No 01 (2021): Januari 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jast.1.01.12-21


Omah Sablon is a company engaged in screen printing. As a company engaged in screen printing, Omah Sablon must be more creative in designing and deciding business missions and marketing strategies that will be applied in the field to be able to anticipate various kinds of changes that will occur. Companies can continue to compete and move in the direction of consumer desires, because basically the company's function is to produce goods and services that can be accepted by consumers as well as to meet consumer desires. The number of sales that have not been stable causes the profits obtained by the company to not reach the target as desired by the company. That is because the production or ordering process from omah screen printing consumers occurs seasonally. Therefore it is necessary to analyze the marketing strategy to increase sales results. In the analysis of marketing strategies Omah Sablon is carried out using the Strength Weakness Opportunity Threats (SWOT) and Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) methods. The first step is filling out internal and external factor questionnaires which are then analyzed using the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) and External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrices, with values of IFE 2.69 and EFE 2.31, which are entered into the Grand Strategy matrix and known to the company located in quadrant I (has a perfect strategic position). Furthermore SWOT analysis to produce alternative strategies. Then from the Grand Strategy matrix analysis can draw conclusions to use the most interesting strategy to be analyzed using QSPM. Then from the results of the QSPM matrix it can be concluded that the most appropriate marketing strategy used by Omah Sablon to increase sales is Procurement of QC systems in the production process as a guarantor of product quality, Carrying out marketing programs with canvassing systems and also online systems in downtown Ungaran and providing fast service. and easy and add product variants.
Selection Of The Best Employees Using Analytical Hierarchy Process at PT. Gotrans Logsitics International Semarang Branch Bachtiar Dwi Hari Putranto; Dedy Kurniadi; Asih Widiharini
Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol 1, No 02 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jast.1.02.30-37


One form of appreciation that a company gives to employees is the selection of one or several employees to be the best employees, usually companies implement this program for the benefit of their respective companies. This program is also carried out by PT. Gotrans Logistics International Semarang branch to motivate the development of the quality of human resources to compete in a healthy manner which indirectly also has a good impact on the company. This best employee selection program will take a long time and the results are inaccurate if not assisted by a decision support system, therefore a decision support system is needed to get the expected results. Selection will be carried out by determining the weight of the desired criteria and then ranking the employees. With the creation of a decision support system using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, it can provide a solution in performing calculations and minimizing the time used in the selection.
Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol 1, No 01 (2021): Januari 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jast.1.01.22-25


Autisme dapat dialami oleh anak dari berbagai ras, suku, strata sosial, dan ekonomi. Autisme merupakan gangguan perkembangan pervasif pada anak yang ditandai dengan adanya gangguan dan keterlambatan dalam bidang komunikasi, kognitif, perilaku, bahasa, dan interaksi sosial. Orang tua terkadang menganggap gangguan-gangguan tersebut sebagai keterlambatan perkembangan biasa namun pada kenyataanya jumlah penyandang spektrum autisme semakin meningkat. Menurut data dari badan kesehatan dunia (WHO) pada tahun 2009, prevalensi autis di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan luar biasa, dari 1 per 1000 penduduk menjadi 8 per 1000 penduduk. Pada tahun 2009 dilaporkan bahwa jumlah anak penderita autisme mencapai 150-200 ribu. Salah satu cara agar orang tua dapat mengetahui anaknya adalah penderita autism dengan menggunakan fasilitas pendeteksi. penelitian ini dalam mendiagnosis autism pada anak menggunakan metode K-Nearest Neighbor dengan menetukan parameter setting untuk nilai k. Di lakukan pengujian dengan black box testing dan confusion matrix, di dapat nilai akurasi tertinggi sebesar 95%, presisi 95.45%, recall 95.45%, f-measure 95.44%, pada nilai k=4.
Analisis Beban Kerja Mental Operator Mesin Cetak Web dengan Target Pekerjaan Menggunakan Metode National Aeronautics and Space Administartion Task Load Index dan Rating Scale Mental Effort di PT. Bawen Mediatama Nevin Bryan Aranda; Andre Sugiyono; Akhmad Syakhroni
Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol 1, No 02 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jast.1.02.38-48


PT. Bawen Mediatama merupakan salah satu perusahaan manufaktur dibidang percetakan dibawah Kompas Gramedia Group yang berlokasi di Bawen, Jawa Tengah. Dengan bertambahnya order cetakan dalam proses produksi berlanjut, para operator mengalami kelelahan sebelum melakukan pekerjaan utamanya untuk memproduksi koran kompas beserta cetakan lainnya. Sebelum melakukan pekerjaan utama, operator perlu mengerjakan perkerjaan post press dahulu yang berkaitan dengan menghitung produk, mengontrol hasil, dan jumlah target hasil yang didapatkan. Dengan banyaknya pekerjaan yang dialami para operator dan jumlah operator yang sedikit menyebabkan target menjadi tidak tercapai. Meskipun pekerjaan secara fisik tidak begitu berat karena mesin bersifat semi-otomatis, namun karena pekerjaan yang dilakukan sangat banyak dan target yang seringkali tidak tercapai, hal tersebut membuat para operator mengalami beban kerja mental. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, diperlukan penelitian terkait analisis beban kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode NASA-Tlx serta RSME dengan menyebarkan kuesioner yang berisikan indikator beban kerja mental kepada para operator. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan indikator beban kerja mental metode NASA-TLX yang dominan yaitu kebutuhan mental sebesar 21%, lalu diikuti oleh usaha fisik dan mental sebesar 17%, kebutuhan fisik, kebutuhan waktu, performansi sebesar 16% dan tingkat stress sebesar 15%. Sedangkan variabel usaha beban kerja mental pada metode RSME yang besar dilakukan operator mesin cetak web yaitu beban kerja, performansi kerja, dan usaha mental kerja sebesar 18%, diikuti kelelahan kerja sebesar 17%, kesulitan kerja sebesar 15% dan kelelahan kerja sebesar 13%. Usulan perbaikan yang diberikan yaitu sistem peningkatan semangat kerja pada para operator, pembagian operator jika ada pekerjaan post press, melakukan upaya penambahan karyawan pada operator mesin cetak web agar mampu mengurangi beban kerja mental pada operator mesin cetak web, pemberian alat bantu kerja untuk mempermudahkan operator dalam bekerja, serta menciptakan suasana kerja yang nyaman yang diharapkan operator tidak merasa bosan, menaikkan performansi kerja dan menumbuhkan rasa solidaritas antara operator. Kata Kunci : Beban  Kerja Mental, NASA-TLX, RSME, Indikator, Operator Mesin Cetak Web
Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol 1, No 01 (2021): Januari 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jast.1.01.26-35


PT NCS LOGISTIC LINK is a Transportation Management Service company or commonly called Freight Forwarding.  PT.  NCS is also engaged in the rental of Warehouses. In the Warehouse at PT NCS LOGISTIC LINK, there is a problem with the layout of the storage of goods in the Warehouse which is still not optimal because the cost of Material Handling in the company is still high and also PT NCS LOGISTIC LINK, a company that manages warehouse rental for companies  manufacture.  The problems faced by PT NCS LOGISTIC LINK today are the problems that are often faced is the handling of incoming and outgoing goods in the company's warehouse, the company still does not have a defined system, so that the placement of goods in the warehouse is not neatly arranged so that the warehouse seems narrow.  Likewise, the warehouse line or line layout is not clear, the placement of finished goods for both export and local products is placed in one location with the material (Completely Knock Down / CKD) in one warehouse location, there is no barrier between the goods belonging to one customer and another.  other things, goods are placed to close the road area or forklift lanes and warehouse doors, and goods that have entered earlier are closed with new incoming goods, thus hampering the process of handling goods.  With limited storage space, companies are required to use space effectively and efficiently so that storage activities are not hampered and can find the best layout that is more effective and efficient and does not hamper the delivery process.  The method used in warehousing management is a shared storage approach in which the products that have the most shipping frequency and the ones that frequently go in and out are brought close to the entrance to minimize the distance of material handling movement.  The results of the shared storage approach can minimize the material handling distance of the proposed layout is 1386 m, while the previous condition, the initial layout distance was 1900 m. Has a total range of 514 meters of total mileage. This means that the layout of the proposal could shorten the mileage through which warehouse workers take goods.
Aplikasi Pendeteksi Dini Penyakit Hepatitis Menggunakan Mesin Inferensi Forward Chaining Berbasis Android Bambang Agus Herlambang; Aditya Galih Prathama; Rahmat Robi Waliyansyah
Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol 1, No 02 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jast.1.02.1-12


The development of the world of information technology or commonly known as IT is indeed extraordinary rapid that is in harmony with human needs one of which is helping medical staff to analyze the disease one of which is Hepatitis. Hepatitis is inflammation that occurs in the human liver and its types are Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. Application is a program developed to carry out certain functions for certain users who aim to achieve certain goals. On this occasion the authors developed the Hepatitis Disease Early Detection Application Using an Android-Based Forward Chaining Inference Machine to display the classification of Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C. The results obtained in this study are the Early Detection Application of Hepatitis Using the Android-Based Forward Chaining Inference Machine successfully designed to provide support in the form of convenience for doctors regarding the description of hepatitis that is Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C and tested using Black Box testing with the results are feasible to use, the White Box test with the results of edges, nodes, predicate nodes and independent pathways is 22 and UAT testing with 92% results from 5 respondents.

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