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Articles 9 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Human Security" : 9 Documents clear
The Future of Child Refugees in Europe Agatha Lydia Natania
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Human Security
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v1i1.4142.1-14


Krisis pengungsi yang terjadi di Eropa telah menarik perhatian dunia internasional. Di antara berbagai pengungsi dengan latar belakang yang berbeda-beda, banyak anak terpaksa meninggalkan negaranya dan menempuh jalan yang berbahaya agar sampai di tanah Eropa. Bahkan, banyak dari antara mereka tidak pernah sampai di tempat tujuannya atau kehilangan anggota keluarganya. Berdasarkan pentingnya jaminan keamanan dan keselamatan para pengungsi anak-anak tersebut, karya tulis ini akan fokus pada pemetaan kebutuhan mereka. Argumen utama pada karya tulis ini adalah kondisi pemenuhan kebutuhan para pengungsi anak-anak tidak merata, sehingga diperlukan adanya tindakan terkoordinasi antara para pemangku kepentingan untuk menjamin keselamatan para pengungsi anak-anak ini. Selain itu, pentingnya aspek pendidikan juga akan dibahas untuk menekankan pentingnya perencanaan masa depan mereka. Karya tulis ini akan menggunakan teori keamanan manusia untuk menjelaskan hak para pengungsi anak-anak untuk mendapatkan pemenuhan kebutuhan mereka. Pemenuhan kebutuhan pengungsi anakanak perlu dipertimbangkan secara menyeluruh dan dikoordinasikan dengan baik.
Dilema dalam Kebijakan Negara dan Keamanan Manusia: Kasus Kebijakan India pada Pemerintahan Narendra Modi, Perdana Menteri India Alrafsya Mahendra Saputra
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Human Security
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v1i1.4143.15-24


India is a country that is known for its attachment to its culture, but on the other hand, what is unknown to the wider community is the existence of human rights violations caused by its own government under the leadership of Narendra Modi. What the author will say in this case is about Narendra Modi's policy in solving social and economic welfare issues. His welfare policy is how he resolves social conflicts, social security, and his economic policies to be examined is how he promoted India as an industrialist state can undermine the protection of his human rights.
Pengabaian Suku Asli dalam Proses Perdamaian di Kolombia Farhan Helmi Siregar
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Human Security
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v1i1.4144.25-36


Peace talks between the Goverment of Republic of Colombia with Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia—Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP) started from 2011 to 2016, and followed by disarmament and transition phase until 2017. The talks and process have resulted peace agreement between the conflicting sides in 2016, FARC-EP disarmament process, and transitioning the rebels into civilians’ life. Considered as a success by some observers, the peace process is not yet solving the problem about indigenous people affected by an half-century conflict between the goverment and FARC-EP. This paper will examine discourses from perspective of community security which is originated from the concept of human security that involves violent action, and other threats towards indigenous people in Colombia, the Awa, and Wounaan People between 2011 to 2017. The goal of discursive practices on violent action towards indigenous ''people during the peace process in Colombia is to explain the threat to community security in Colombia due to the problem occured in indigenous community
Human Security di Papua pada Masa Pemerintahan Jokowi: Tinjauan terhadap Political Security di Papua Ignatius Yonatan
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Human Security
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v1i1.4155.37-49


The continuing conflict in Papua is a problem that should be given more attention by the current Indonesian government. The problem is not merely a matter of integrity, and economy. However, it is also about human security’s matter, especially, political security in Papua. Until now, Papuans still face different treatment than those in other parts of Indonesia. Violence and abuse of human rights, also other form of cruelty still happen there. As president of Indonesia, Jokowi is expected to be able to solve the political security’s matter in Papua. However, it should be admitted that solving political security’s matter in Papua is not that easy. Nevertheless, Jokowi has shown good intentions to restore Indonesia’s relations with Papua through economic approach. This research will discuss about how human security in Papua under Jokowi with focus on the review of political security in Papua.
Dampak Globalisasi dan Lahirnya MNCs terhadap Munculnya North-South Development Gap Jevon Natashya
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Human Security
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v1i1.4156.50-67


Since the 1980s, the world has changed because of the globalization in every aspect of life. Globalization has some impacts, both in positive and negative. Globalization makes it easier to trade between countries, investment, the expansion of MNCs, low-cost travelling, communications, information access, and other things. Globalization also makes easier for the MNCs to build up their factories and sell their products across the world. But, on the other side, globalization resulted in the development gap between Northern countries (US, UK, Japan, and Australia) and the Southern countries (Latin America, Africa, South Asia, and the others). The impacts mentioned earlier happened because of globalization, which is conducted mostly by the Northern countries that built factories in the Southern countries to push the production cost, get a lot of resources, and cheap labour wages. By the impacts of globalization and the formation of MNCs that led into the North-South development gap, the writer aims to analyze by using the dependency theory on explain about the case as a general.
Kesesuaian ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution (AATHP) dengan Norma ASEAN Miftahul Choir
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Human Security
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v1i1.4157.68-80


Haze pollution is one of the challenges that ASEAN has faced from several decades. Indonesia, as the country that hold most of the tropical forestry in the region, occasionally had forest fire that caused by either climate change or man-made deforestation. Forest fire that occurred in Indonesia consequences at thick haze in neighboring countries Malaysia and Singapore skies, which madeboth countries securitize as it was threatening the lives of their people. Thus, in order to tackle the problem, on 2002, ASEAN released an environmental protocol named ASEAN Agreement of Transboundary Haze Pollution (AATHP). However, the questions raises whether the enviromental protocol fit to the ASEAN Way. This paper argues that AATHP is not violating any of ASEAN norms and value, as it is not a fully legally binding protocol. Constructivism approach will be used as a tool to analyse how AATHP comply to ASEAN way.
Analisis Pengaruh Pertanian Global terhadap Pelanggaran HAM (Studi Kasus Pertanian Rumah Kaca El Ejido) Muhammad Ficky
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Human Security
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v1i1.4158.81-86


According to the ancient Greek history, Gaia was the goddess of the earth. This concept reflected in traditional agriculture system that depends on nature and brings limitations. However, with the evolution of human’s understanding of surrounding environment and natural resources has changed the way of agriculture. The creation of The World Trade Organization (WTO) appears to achieve free market and to removing all economic boundaries among nations through the free market. Subsequently, the concept of Food Security becomes important. This brings effect in agriculture sector where all nations increase their food production in order to compete in global market. As the consequences cultural and ecological diversity are considered as obstacles and exploited to achieve economic progress that leads to poverty and hunger. On the other hand, our environment will damage and no longer sustainable for our generation in the future. Along these lines, globalization does not always refer to overall development but also threatens human security. This paper will examine how globalized agriculture threatens human security in four parts. Firstly, it will give the highlight of globalized agriculture concept along with the explanation about Gaia theory that was formulated by James E. Lovelock. Then, it will examine the condition of greenhouse farm in Almeria, Spain. Furthermore, this paper will conclude the link between globalized agriculture and human security with Gaia theory point of view. In the end, this paper will purpose a solution for sustainable agriculture.
The Use of Traditional Values for Violence in the Case of Bride Kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan Naifa Rizani
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Human Security
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v1i1.4159.87-96


Budaya, etnis, agama, dan kepercayaan dianggap memiliki kontribusi yang signifikan pada perkembangan nilai-nilai dan standar hak asasi manusia. Akan tetapi, banyak ditemukan nilai-nilai tradisi dan etnis yang mengabaikan hak asasi manusia dengan adanya elemen diskriminasi yang menyimpang. Nilai-nilai hak asasi manusia yang melekat pada kondisi sosial saat ini memunculkan perdebatan dengan pelestarian tradisi dan budaya. Tulisan ini akan membahas studi kasus dari aksi Bride Kidnapping yang menjadi etnis tradisi masyarakat Kyrgyzstan. Aksi ini merupakan bentuk kekerasan dan diskriminasi terhadap perempuan di Kyrgyzstan, yang nyatanya masih dilaksanakan hingga saat ini dibawah naungan sebuah tradisi. Di satu sisi, gerakan-gerakan penolakan terhadap pelaksanaan etnis Bride Kidnapping semakin berkembang dan mendesak pemerintah untuk melarang aksi tersebut dilakukan. Melalui tulisan ini akan dianalisa bagaimana nilai-nilai hak asasi manusia yang diakui secara universal ini memengaruhi perubahan pandangan masyarakat terhadap etnis Bride Kidnapping sehingga membentuk penolakan di masyarakat Kyrgizstan sendiri.
Presence of The Right Wing: Threatening the Refugee Crisis? Aufar Rizki
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Human Security
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v1i1.4160.97-120


The presence of the right wing in The Western Europe, such as The Front National in French that is led by Marine Le Pen, Alternative Für Deutschland in Germany by Alexander Gauland, and Partij Voor de Vrijheid by Geert Wilders in Netherlands, are the whimsicality phenomenon in European political scene. The rise of the right wing groups in some countries, could impend the pluralism value in the respective country. Furthermore, this movement will be inducing the humanitarian crisis, specifically the refugee crisis. European Union has asylum policy for the refugees, but precisely the migrants who received the asylum policy are somehow causing the instability and insecurity in the country they are migrated to. That is a dilemma of conducting the asylum policy; first consideration is to receive the refugees with main purpose of decreasing the humanitarian crisis, but on the other hand it could induce instability, or other consideration is to close the asylum policy as the right wing postulate, which will increase refugee crisis but give more stable nation.

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