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The Night Wolves : Klub Motor Patriotis Milik Rusia Muhammad Fahmi Hawari Nasution
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): Non State Actor
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v2i2.4177.1-16


In February 2014, The Night Wolves Motorcycle Club, Rusia’s first and largest Motorcycle Club, became one of the Non-state Actors who played a role in Rusia’s military operation to annex Crimea although in 1989 they protested against the Soviet Union governance and called for freedom of the people. This paper aimed to explore the evolution of the Night Wolves Motorcycle Club from the protester of Russia’s government to a patriotic organization who support the government, describe the ideology of the Night Wolves motorcycle club, and analyzes the role of the Night Wolves motorcycle club in Ukraine. In addition, this article will explore the Rusian’s “Putin’s Sistema” as a way to outsource the non-state actors to help Rusia in any of its policy which talks about the reason why an actor in international scope is doing something based on its ideology and norm. This paper will use social movement as its theory.
Peran Indivindu dalam Dunia Internasional Studi Kasus: Upaya Nadia Murad, Sang Wanita Peraih Nobel Perdamaian Melawan Ketiranian ISIS Venisa Yunita Sari
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): Non State Actor
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v2i2.4178.17-31


Nadia Murad Basee Taha is a Human Rights Activist, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018. Nadia Murad was one of the victims of ISIS-related atrocities in 2014. She is one of 6,500 Yazidi women who can be arbitrarily questioned by ISIS militia. Therefore, after being freed from ISIS incarceration, Nadia Murad have been vigorously campaigning to fight for both children and adults’ rights, who were still shackled in the grip of ISIS. This study uses the theory of feminism which then supported by policies, values, norms, and public opinion that have an impact on international realm. This research then formulates answers to research questions relating to the role of individuals in the international world. Through qualitative with descriptive methods, the data sources in this paper come from literature studies by studying books, journals, and research reports. The results of this paper are divided into two important points in explaining the efforts of Nadia Murad in fighting for minority rights in Iraq to be free from the shackles of ISIS. First, Nadia Murad's background. Second, the role of Nadia Murad to fight for and save ISIS prisoners.
Implementasi Prinsip Fair Trade oleh The Body Shop sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Rwanda Kathleen Mintarja; Priscilia Christian Kadim; Stella Claresta Alexander
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): Non State Actor
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v2i2.4179.32-46


The second half of the twentieth century witnessed unprecedented growth in the number of international actors. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of non-state actors that, on many occasions, helped solve problems and improve lives. This makes the responsibility of people’s welfare no longer only held by the government. One of the most prominent examples is the role of Body Shop on improving the living standard of Rwandan. Twenty four years after the genocide that killed almost 800,000 people, the country of Rwanda is rebuilding with the support of international communities, including multinational corporations. The Body Shop’s Community Trade commitment has been a key part of bringing local producers into international supply chains and empowering them. Therefore, the research question in this paper is “How is the role of The Body Shop on implementing fair trade principles towards the Rwandan society?” To answer the research question, the authors use several theories and concepts; such as pluralism, multinational companies, and fair trade theory. In addition, the research method to be used by the authors is a qualitative study method. This research found that The Body Shop has launched a Moringa Community Trade program as an embodiment of efforts to improve the welfare of Rwandan people after the genocide occurred. This community trade initiative aims to be one small step forward to achieve financial stability for the people currently living and working in Rwanda.
The Rise of Non-State Actors in Globalization and Democratization Era: Terrorist Group versus State Actors Aji Widiatmaja; Fajria Hasta Rizqi
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): Non State Actor
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v2i2.4180.47-62


Globalization brings together both mobility upheaval and democratization in technology for every state, organization, and people around the world. These phenomena make information, technology, and networking which a long time ago become state domain are today accessible for everyone. It gives a leeway for non-state actors which used to be powerless can speak louder in present day. However, this likely rejoice phenomena sometimes produce another side effect. The leeway also gives relatively easy access for certain non-state actors to achieve power that in the same time endanger world order. These non-state actors are terrorist groups which today possess great power, energized by globalization and democratization of technology, to balance the power of states. They utilize globalization and democratization era to organize, create image, build network, fund, and disseminate their activities around the globe. This study aims to analyze the rise of terrorist groups threats in today globalization and democratization era and in the same time examine the declining of state roles in international stages. This study uses descriptive qualitative method and using Globalization, Soft Power, and Balance of Power theories to dissect and analyze those phenomena. Several recommendations will be drawn from the analysis to contribute in making a robust and comprehensive international cooperation to combat terrorist groups.
Defining the Role of Multinational Corporations: Starbucks and Coffee Culture in Indonesia Siti Nurhasanah; Chika Dewi
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): Non State Actor
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v2i2.4181.63-77


Aktor-aktor non-negara dalam Hubungan Internasional memiliki kekuatan ekonomi, politik, dan sosial yang memiliki pengaruh dalam level nasional dan internasional. Tulisan ini akan fokus membahas salah satu aktor non-negara yaitu MNCs dengan mengambil studi kasus Starbucks. Starbucks merupakan salah satu MNCs yang berhasil menjadi coffee shop nomor satu dan pada tahun 2018 tercatat memiliki 27.000 outlet yang tersebat di seluruh belahan dunia. Indonesia telah menjadi host country sejak tahun 2002 saat Starbucks pertama kali hadir di Indonesia berlokasi di Plaza Indonesia. Starbucks telah berkembang pesat dan pada tahun 2018 tercatat memiliki 326 outlet di 22 kota besar di Indonesia. Starbucks tidak hanya menjual kopi, tetapi memberikan kesan baru dalam menikmati kopi yang dikenal dengan “Starbucks experience”. Starbucks telah mempromosikan coffee culture sejak 1971. Di Indonesia, Starbucks telah berkontribusi terhadap transformasi budaya ngopi dari cara tradisional menjadi modern, dimana tempat ngopi dibuat sangat nyaman dimanjakan dengan berbagai fasilitas. Starbucks menjadi bagian dari modernisasi budaya ngopi di Indonesia yang telah mendorong kedai-kedai kopi untuk mencontoh manajemen dan pemasaran Starbucks serta memiliki sasaran konsumen yang lebih luas. Starbucks menciptakan berbagai inovasi terutama dalam varian rasa yang memungkinkan kopi bisa dinikmati oleh siapa saja tanpa mengenal umur. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis ingin menganalisis kedatangan Starbucks kaitannya dengan transformasi budaya ngopi di Indonesia menggunakan konsep milik Arjun Appandurai yaitu “5 dimensions of global cultural flow” dan menganalisis kegagalan Starbucks dalam menciptakan produk hibrid di Indonesia.
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): Non State Actor
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v2i2.4182.78-87


Globalization has affected a lot of sector in international relations such as actor, including Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs). SMEs comes from every country, and SMEs has huge impacts on their national economy. SMEs has a huge effect on the number of a country's export. It makes the sustainability of export in a country depending on SMEs as one of the actors. The appearance of globalization become a challenge for every SMEs in any country to survive through globalization. Because in the globalization era, every SMEs have to increase their ability to trade especially in their ability to use the new technology. And if SMEs in a country cannot improve their ability facing globalization, it can be hard for SME to compete their competitor and it can be a disaster for the sustainability of the SMEs and for their countries. China is an example of a country that pushes and helps SMEs to improve their skills and improve their ideas. And because of the SMEs in China, China can increase its ability in international trading. This writing will try to explain how can SMEs become an important actor in international relations, especially in increasing a country power’s in the international system through digitalization.
The Utilization of Cryptocurrencies by the Terrorist Group as an Alternative Way of Hawala for Illicit Purposes Raihan Zahirah Ridwan
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): Non State Actor
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v2i2.4183.88-101


Kemajuan bidang teknologi dan komunikasi pada kenyataannya banyak disalahgunakan oleh kelompok teroris. Kelompok teroris menggunakan salah satu teknologi transaksi keuangan daring berupa cryptocurrency untuk tujuan ilegal. Hal ini dikarenakan tradisi hawala yang sudah tidak memungkinkan lagi untuk dilakukan dan terdapat beberapa prinsip cryptocurrency yang memberikan peluang lebih besar bagi kelompok teroris untuk bertransaksi serta mencari dana untuk kegiatan operasional mereka. Makalah ini ingin menjawab bagaimana kelompok teroris menggunakan kecanggihan teknologi saat ini berupa cryptocurrency sebagai jalan alternatif dari tradisi hawala untuk tujuan ilegal, dan apa bentuk tindakan penanganan yang baik bagi masalah ini. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi cryptocurrency dari sisi sistem, cara penggunaan, tradisi transaksi tradisional hawala, dan bentuk konkret penggunaan cryptocurrency oleh kelompok teroris. Makalah ini juga akan membahas tentang peluang aktor non negara lainnya seperti perusahaan teknologi swasta dalam membantu menangani penyalahgunaan cryptocurrency. Makalah ini menggunakan organizational approach terorisme dan konsep digital counterterrorism.
Perempuan Pekerja Migran: Kajian Perlindungan Personal Human Security Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Vidi Milathul Faudzan
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): Non State Actor
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v2i2.4184.102-126


In 2016, the number of Indonesian migrant workers (TKI) are counted 3,510,000. 4,860 of them were reported complaining of violence, and there were 217 TKI reported dead in the same year. The facts and data that have been submitted, show that female Indonesian migrant workers who work in the informal sector are very vulnerable to acts of threats and other hazards. These violence and threats clearly endanger their human security. Departing from this, the author will be researching on the factors why the community chose to become TKI and how to implement human security for female migrant workers currently carried out by the Government of Indonesia. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through interviews and literature studies. Based on the results of research conducted in the UU No. 18 Tahun 2017, it has guaranteed the safety of migrant workers, but not related to specific gender.
Hambatan Ekspor Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Indonesia ke Uni Eropa pasca Kebijakan Renewable Energy Directive (RED) Jevon Natashya
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): Non State Actor
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v2i2.4185.127-155


Beside Malaysia, Indonesia is also one of the largest Crude Palm Oil (CPO) producer and exporter in the world. European Union is one of Indonesia’s trading partner and the biggest importer of CPO that used for the biofuel production, especially the biodiesel for transportation sector. But, in 2009, European Union released the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) that required all members to used renewable energy for every sector with the minimum requirement 20% for general sectors and 10% for transportation sectors. While this policy will make the European Union countries used the clean energy, RED became a new kind of NonTariff barriers for Indonesia’s CPO that become an important commodity from Indonesia. This paper will explain by the theory of International Political Economy (IPE) by focused into the Neo-Mercantilism to the analysis of Non-Tariff barriers that used by European Union for the CPO import into Indonesia. Besides that, the writer also used a National Interest concept to explain the importance of CPO for Indonesia and European Union Countries that agreed with the RED.

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