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Taqorrub : Journal Bimbingan Konseling dan Dakwah
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Journal Taqorrub adalah Journal Ilmiah diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan Januari dan Juli, Journal ini menyajikan informasi dan analisis persoalan di bidang Bimbingan Konseling, kajian Dakwah dan dinamika perkembangan Dakwah, yang di terbitkan oleh Prodi Bimbingan Penyuluhan Islam (BPI) Fakultas Dakwah Institut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo
Articles 42 Documents
Superioritas Laki-laki atas Perempuan M. Zaki Suaidi Zaki
Taqorrub: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan Dakwah Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah Intitut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55380/taqorrub.v2i2.202


The women's movement in Islam is in a dilemmatic position. One group thought there was nothing to argue about with women. While other groups consider the fate of women has not been completed. The first group views that Islam highly upholds the dignity of women. This group usually criticizes the Western-style women's movement which is considered un-Islamic. By stating that there are no similarities between men and women in any way. What exists is similarity in dissimilarity. Because even though there are many similarities that the Qur'an reveals, it turns out that there are many more dissimilarities. In principle, women and men are physically and biologically different. According to them, the best women's movement is the dedication of women in the household, helping husbands as defenders and guardians of family morality. Because the moral crisis that hit the younger generation is caused by the small role of women as guardians, educators and protectors of the household. While the second group, considers the problem of women's fate has not been completed. There are still many aspects that should receive attention. Theoretically and methodologically this group draws on concepts from the West, although sometimes without criticism. This is because Western feminism is more based on a paradigmatic and epistemological movement. However, ideally and normatively this moderate group still uses the Qur'an and Sunnah as the basis of its movement. Therefore, this group does not view the domestic role of women as a setback, as long as it is carried out not by force or coercion by men.
Peran Harga Diri dalam Mengembangkan Kecemasan Sosial Siti Khusnul Faizah
Taqorrub: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan Dakwah Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah Intitut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55380/taqorrub.v2i2.203


Today, anxiety is a growing phenomenon as people face increasingly stressful situations. Therefore, among the various forms of manifestation, there is social anxiety. This type of anxiety generally begins in adolescence, when the personality is still being formed and when the teenager is increasingly interested in getting confirmation from others. When he is being analyzed by others, a teenager is afraid of failure and is embarrassed when things don't go as they should, he is afraid of being judged by others for possible minor mistakes and, thus, anxiety arises. In other words, people with low self-confidence and lack of confidence in their abilities have low self-esteem and can easily develop this form of anxiety. As we have already mentioned, social anxiety is caused by the fear of being criticized by others, by the fear of being evaluated incorrectly, by feelings of shame, being in the presence of strangers, etc. All these social contexts are the backdrop for unexplained individual restlessness which can lead to physical symptoms like excessive sweating, shaking, palpitations, blushing etc. Self-esteem is very important here because it is very important how the subject sees himself in social situations. Thus, if a person feels unable to deal with situations that are considered difficult and lacks confidence in his own abilities, which means he has low self-esteem, this behavior is very likely to lead to social debut. worry. Therapy sessions help reduce and even eliminate this disorder. There are certain techniques that consist of dealing with the problem until the subject begins to feel comfortable with aspects of normal life that were formerly considered episodes of anxiety.
Kolaborasi Nilai Budaya dan Religi dalam Tradisi Gejug Lesung dan Methik Pari di Desa Glinggang Sampung Ponorogo Muhamad Nurois Amin Rois; Fatakhul huda Huda
Taqorrub: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan Dakwah Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah Intitut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55380/taqorrub.v2i2.204


Most of the inhabitants of the island of Java work as farmers. This shows that the island of Java has land that is so fertile and prosperous, so it is very suitable to be used for farming activities. The mental attitude of the farmers is formed by the influence of the situation and condition of the place they currently occupy, including environmental and climatic factors such as hot and cold summers which are in line with the dry season and rainy season. The tradition of Methik Pari and gejug Lesung is a tradition handed down by ancestors who are influenced by Hindu-Buddhist religion and believe that Dewi Sri (Javanese) is the Goddess of agriculture, the Goddess of rice and rice fields and the Goddess of fertility on the islands of Java and Bali, she is believed to be as the Goddess who ruled over the underworld realm as well as the moon. Cultural values ​​are values ​​that are agreed upon and embedded in a society, organizational scope, community environment, which are rooted in a habit, belief, symbols, with certain characteristics that can be distinguished from one another as a reference for behavior and responses to what will happen or is happening. Religious values ​​are the values ​​of life that reflect the growth and development of religious life which consists of three main elements, namely aqidah, worship and morals which become behavioral guidelines in accordance with divine rules to achieve prosperity and happiness in life in this world and the hereafter. The metik pari and gejug lesung activities which are carried out together, apart from being an effort to preserve culture, there are also efforts to understand the community so that the community understands the methik pari and gejug lesung activities in the context of expressing gratitude to God Almighty for the sustenance obtained and The joint prayer aimed at Dewi Sri, who is considered the guardian of rice, is essentially a prayer to Allah SWT
Psikologi Pendidikan Anak (Pentingnya Peran Orangtua dalam Tumbuh Kembang Pendidikan Anak) Nia Yunia Sari
Taqorrub: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan Dakwah Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah Intitut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55380/taqorrub.v2i2.205


Abstract The idealism of being a successful parent, namely having children who are knowledgeable, faithful, obedient to their parents, beneficial to the nation and religion seems to be an obsession that is very difficult to realize.One of the basic rights of children is the right to grow and develop in all aspects of their lives, including the aspect of getting a proper education.This means that children have the opportunity to learn and gain knowledge as much as possible.This will all happen if the environment is very conducive so as to allow the development of children's education to be achieved optimally. But it's a shame, in this era, the development of children's education seems to be experiencing difficulties that are so transparent.The reality of environmental influences is already so strong,technology seems to poison the child's subconscious that learning is not fun. Plusthe influence of covid 19 which seems to have no end forcing children to study online which of course will have very low results.This problem is very disturbing for parents.The idealism of being a successful parent by having educated children is an obsession that is difficult to realize at this time.At this stage, the role of parents is very important in an effort to support the growth and development of children's education.It is important for parents to understand the growth and development of children's education.However, problems often arise when parents do not realize how important the presence of parents in the education of their children is.Parents seem to give up their hands by completely handing over their children's education to schools and teachers. This article uses a type of library research. This research was conducted to collect and analyze data sourced from books, magazines, newspapers and other scientific works.library research using a qualitative descriptive approach.Based on the results of various studies are presented to discuss various problems that are currently being faced. The indication of the results of this study is the lack of awareness of parents to understand the nature of their responsibilities and their role in efforts to encourage the development of children's education.Not all family environments can meet the expectations and needs of children, especially in their development and education.A family environment that acts as a good educator and meets standards is a must, especially for parents.f not, then the stakes are the child's development. Because parents and children work together to support their children's future.
Money Laundering Kejahatan Trans Nasionaldan Urgensi Penanggulangannya syahrudin
Taqorrub: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan Dakwah Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah Intitut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55380/taqorrub.v2i2.206


Abstract In the era of globalization, the problem of money laundering is becoming increasingly widespread because the existence of this crime involves many factors that cross national boundaries. The problem of money laundering is the dark side of globalization. Handling money laundering cannot be solved quickly and easily, but it takes time, commitment, political will, and support from all parties: national governments, communities, and multilateral cooperation. Learning from South Korea, Indonesia and the international community, for example, requires bureaucratic reform based on a more efficient structure by upholding the spirit of 'Good Governance' and 'Check and Balance' which is expected to encourage all elements of the nation to work together to solve corruption at a practical level. In addition, the judiciary must be consistent and responsible in enforcing the rule of law in a professional and impartial manner. The key to law enforcement lies in synergistic cooperation between the police, prosecutors, and the judiciary. At the global level, effective global governance is very important for eradicating corruption and money laundering. Multilateral cooperation needs to be improved and made effective in handling issues related to transnational organized crimes, such as corruption and money laundering. Seeing the very detrimental impact of the practice of money laundering globally, especially the effect that can damage the country's economic resilience, of course, effective efforts are needed to eradicate its development. Some things that can be suggested to eradicate money laundering practices are as follows: (1) Good coordination between sectors and between domestic departments in implementing anti-money laundering regulations and policies issued by the government. (2) Improvements in the cultural aspects of law enforcement and government officials, as well as financial and banking institutions are also very much needed to reduce opportunities for bribery committed by money laundering actors. (3) It is necessary to have a minimum standard that is acceptable at the international level regarding anti-money laundering, both in financial and banking regulations, corporate law and legal aid between countries. A standard international law must be made so that it becomes a benchmark for countries in the world. (4) A strong commitment is needed from the governments of countries in the world to eradicate money laundering practices, thereby facilitating bilateral and multilateral cooperation within the framework of supranational institutions to combat money laundering globally. With the existence of a united global community to eradicate money laundering, the interests of certain countries that could hinder the process of implementing the eradication of money laundering can be suppressed.
Karakteristik Perkembangan Anak Usia Dini Menurut Para Tokoh Yuli Umro'atin Yuli
Taqorrub: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan Dakwah Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah Intitut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55380/taqorrub.v2i2.207


Abstract Early childhood has distinctive/unique characteristics, both physically, psychologically, socially, morally and so on. Childhood is also the most important period of his life. Because childhood is a time of foundation formation and personality that will determine the next child's experience. Santrock stated that early childhood development includes aspects of physical, cognitive, socio-emotional development, social context, morals, language, self-identity, and gender. Kail and Reese explained that the scope of early childhood development includes the development of independence, morals, social, language, physical, and cognitive. Bukatko and Daehler stated that early childhood development includes brain development, motor skills, physical, perception, language, cognitive, intelligence, emotion, self-concept, values, and gender. Johnston and Halocha stated that early childhood development includes social, emotional, physical, spatial, cognitive, and language development. Berk stated that the scope of child development includes physical, cognitive, intelligence, language, emotional, social and moral development.
Manajemen Pembelajaran Al Quran Disekolah Dasar Muhamad Nurois Amin Rois
Taqorrub: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan Dakwah Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah Intitut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55380/taqorrub.v2i1.208


Abstract Reading the Qur'an for a Muslim is considered worship, therefore studying the Qur'an is also worship. Even some scholars argue that studying the Qur'an is obligatory. Because the Qur'an is the most basic guide for every Muslim. By studying the Qur'an, it is proven that Muslims are responsible for their holy book. Rasulullah SAW has encouraged us to study and teach the Qur'an to others. In the process of learning the Qur'an, good management is needed, so it is hoped that with good management it can clarify, make it easier to evaluate to achieve the expected target.
Kyai, Pesantren dan Modernitas M. Zaki Suaidi Zaki
Taqorrub: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan Dakwah Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah Intitut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55380/taqorrub.v2i1.209


Abstract This paper is a theoretical analysis of two dissertations that discuss the character and figures of the kyai from different perspectives and perspectives. The first analysis of Max Weber's theory of leadership in terms of charisma and authority. In theory, modernization and rationalization that take place in pesantren will reduce the influence and charisma of the kyai. The second dissertation also highlights Max Webber's theory of social change in the context of the role of the kyai in bringing about societal change through an empowerment movement in the economic field.
Penerapan Metode Dakwah Mau’idzah Hasanah oleh Para Da’i di Media Massa Yuli Umro'atin Yuli
Taqorrub: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan Dakwah Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah Intitut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55380/taqorrub.v2i1.210


Abstract The success of da'wah is largely determined by how it is carried out. The procedures for preaching, including the packaging of materials, attitudes and ways of delivering da'wah material are more important than the material for da'wah. No matter how perfect the material, the completeness of the material and the actuality of the issues presented, if it is delivered in a careless, unsystematic and haphazard way, it will create an unpleasant impression. But on the other hand, even though the da'wah material is not perfect, the simple material and the issues presented are less actual, but presented in an interesting and evocative way, it will create a happy impression. mau'izhah hasanah means good teaching, or good messages, delivered as advice. The da'wah method is the path used by da'wah interpreters to convey the teachings of Islamic da'wah material. In conveying a message of da'wah, the method plays a very important role, because even though a message is good, it is conveyed through an incorrect method, then the message may be rejected by the recipient of the message. Mau'idzah hasanah is a utterance that contains good advice, where it can be useful for people listening to it, or satisfying arguments so that the audience can justify what is conveyed by the subject.
Pendidikan Islam Sebagai Proses Transformasi Sosial syahrudin
Taqorrub: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan Dakwah Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah Intitut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55380/taqorrub.v2i1.211


Abstract Critical education is basically a school of thought in education for empowerment and liberation. The basic foundation of the critical education tradition is the ideological critique of thought and paradigm of unfair social, economic and political systems and structures. Thus education in this perspective is a medium for resistance and social action that cannot be separated and is part of the process of social transformation. So critical education is a process of political struggle of the oppressed.A reality does not have to be a must. If reality deviates from necessity, then it is the duty of man to change it, to suit what it should be. The reality is often called nature. True human nature is the doer (subject), not the object or sufferer. Human nature is to be free and be free. All of these are often referred to as Freire's goal of humanization. The essence of education is to raise critical awareness as a prerequisite for the process of humanization or humanizing humans. The key to this educational process is conscientization or the process of generating critical awareness.Change basically comes from three sources, namely First, the adjustment of the system to external changes (extra-systemic). Second, changes in structure and differentiation of functions and Third, new findings and innovations of group members in society. The most basic factor for integration to occur is the existence of consensus values, namely the overall basic structure and culture. Thus the transformation process is a process of creating something new produced by science and technology (tools and technologies), what changes is the cultural aspect which is material in nature, while the norm and it is very difficult to make changes (there are even propensity to maintain). Islamic education has elements of universality (as seen in the basic concept of rahmatan lil 'alamin), emancipation and egalitarianism. Islam describes a view that covers all aspects of life in addition to paying attention to social problems. Islam is also a school of thought that guarantees human life both individually and in groups and its mission is to guide the future of mankind. The critical role of Islam should be internalized in the concept of Islamic education. That is, Islamic education must be able to become a liberating instrument and as a catalyst in the process of social transformation