Community Medicine and Education Journal
CMEJ covers all subjects regarding community medicine and education. The covered research areas as follows community medicine, public health, epidemiology and biostatistics, health policy and administration, public health nutrition, environmental health, occupational health and safety, health promotion, reproductive health, maternal and child health, quality of life, health literacy and communication and their role in developing new healthcare programs, Arts of teaching, Case studies from schools around the world, Change management and education quality, Citizenship education, Classroom management, Computers in educational administration, Differing cultural perceptions of management in education, Distance education and multimedia environments, Early Childhood Education, Economics of education, Educational administration, Education environments (political, social, legal, cultural), Educational leadership, Educational policy and management, Educational systems planning/strategic planning, E-education / E-learning, Entrepreneurial development, Equity and education, Finance and accountability in education, Globalization and education, Human resources management, Individual professional learning portfolio, Information Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education, Special Education and Theories of educational management.
53 Documents
The Effect of Income and Social Status on Interests are not Smoking on Active Smokers
Mutia Arnisa Putri
Community Medicine and Education Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Community Medicine and Education Journal
Publisher : HM Publisher
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DOI: 10.37275/cmej.v1i1.99
Smoking is a phenomenon in society that emerged as an area of interest in research within the last decade, moreover due to the high prevalence in young adults. This research was conducted to determine factors that influenced interest in smoking consumption, including the aspects of income and social status toward the interests of active smokers in Palembang to quit their smoking behavior. The methods used was qualitative research and data were taken by observations, focus group discussion (FGD) and in-depth interview. The informants were 15 active smokers from various backgrounds in Palembang that were selected by purposive sampling technique. In FGD, out of 15 informants, 10 were taken and divided into 2 groups, and the rest 5 informants were chosen for in-depth interview. Based on the three aspects of planned behavior theory, i.e. individual’s interest, subjective social norm, and behavioral control, the result showed that individual’s attitude did not influence the decision of active smokers to quit their smoking behavior, meant as not to quit but more inclined to reduce than to stop. Second, based on subjective social norm, from environment, parents, and peers, the result showed that this aspect could influence active smokers’ interest to quit smoking. Third, based on the aspect of behavioral control by individual’s income, the result showed that the income did not influence active smokers’ interest to quit smoking because they were more driven by their cravings for cigarette. Based on behavioral control by social status, the results showed that educational level and marriage status did have influence on active smokers to their smoking behavior, but not to stop, rather only to reduce. The aspect of jobs also did not have any influence on active smokers to quit their smoking behavior.
Relationship of Flamm Geiger Scores with Success Vaginal Delivery
Laksmita Chandra Dewi;
Amir Fauzi;
Tri Suciati
Community Medicine and Education Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Community Medicine and Education Journal
Publisher : HM Publisher
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DOI: 10.37275/cmej.v1i1.101
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) is vaginal delivery on woman with history of cesarean delivery. A statement by Cragin (1916), “Once a cesarean, always a cesarean”, has been a growing paradigm in the community which makes VBAC not a common practice. Flamm Geiger Scoring System is used to predict the likelihood of success in VBAC. The purpose of this research was to find out the association between Flamm Geiger score and the success of vaginal delivery. This research was an analytic observational study with cross sectional design. The population of this research were all patients that underwent delivery in dr. Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital Palembang from January to December 2014 and the sample were all delivering patient with history of cesarean delivery.The data were taken from patient’s medical record and analyzed using Chi Square test or its alternative test (Fisher’s Exact Test). From 92 samples, there were 25 patients (27,2%) succeeded in undergoing VBAC and 67 patients (72,8%) delivered with repeated cesarean. There was an increasing probability for a successful VBAC ranging from 0% in samples with a score of 0-2 to 100% in samples with a score of 8-10. The result showed that there was an association between Flamm Geiger score and the success of vaginal delivery (p=0,000). There is association between Flamm Geiger score and the success of vaginal delivery in dr. Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital Palembang from January to December 2014.
The Relationship Between Dysmenorrhoea and Student Learning Activities at SMA Negeri 3 Palembang
Ali Ar Ridha Molahella;
Community Medicine and Education Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Community Medicine and Education Journal
Publisher : HM Publisher
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DOI: 10.37275/cmej.v1i1.102
Dysmenorrhea is a menstrual disorder often faced by adolescent girls. In some people with dysmenorrhoea, perceived pain can interfere with daily physical activity giving the impact on quality of life and productivity of students in the school. This study aims to determine the relationship between dysmenorrhea and learning activities at SMA Negeri 3 Palembang. This study was an analytic observational study with cross sectional design conducted in November-Desember 2015. The population in this study were all students of SMA Negeri 3 Palembang. The samples were obtained by total sampling with total sample of 631 female student. Data were obtained through a questionnaire given to respondents. The results were analyzed by using Fisher's Exact Test. From this study, the prevalence of students who suffer from dysmenorrhea was 91.3%. Number of respondent with dysmenorrhea and disturbed study activity was 56.4%. Results of bivariat analysis showed a highly significant relationship between dysmenorrhea and study activity (p=0.000).
The Role of Social Support for Mother's Interest in Preventing Stunting
Ni Wayan Puspa Pandani
Community Medicine and Education Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Community Medicine and Education Journal
Publisher : HM Publisher
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DOI: 10.37275/cmej.v1i1.103
Stunting is a condition where the child's height is too low. Indonesia is ranked fifth in the world of stunting. Stunting is the result of a complex interaction of family, environment, socioeconomic, and culture including behavior related to interest in preventing stunting. Social Support is an interpersonal transaction that is shown by providing assistance to others. This study was conducted to determine the effect of social support role for mother interest in preventing stunting using primary data through focus group discussion and Depth Interview on pregnant mothers and mothers who have children ≤2 years.Used the concept of The Pland Behavior Theory as the basic theory of this study. The study was conducted in June 2017-July 2017 in several urban villages in Palembang. From seven informants conducted by Depth Interview, various proportion of social support received by informants.Overall social support plays a role in determining the interest of mothers to preventing stunting, All mothers are very interested in preventing stunting.The greatest influence in determining the mother's interest to prevent stunting is Behavioral Control aspect in terms of Perceived Power that is the sense and the emotional bond that the child is the most important part of a mother and the sense of not wanting the child to have a stunting growth disorder.
Pattern of Health Promotion on Smokers Active to Stop Smoking Interest
M. Tata Suharta
Community Medicine and Education Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Community Medicine and Education Journal
Publisher : HM Publisher
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DOI: 10.37275/cmej.v1i2.104
Smoking is a cause of mortality and morbidity that can be prevented by the healthcare sector in high-income and middle-income countries. Indonesia ranks third in the list of ten countries with the largest population and consumption of cigarettes in the world after China and India in 2008 according to WHO and continues to increase. Health promotion is an effort to improve the ability of the community through learning from, by, for and with the community, so that they can help themselves, and develop community-based activities, in accordance with local social culture and supported by sound public policy. According to Ajzen and Fishbain, interest is a good predictor of smoking behavior in an individual. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) states that interest or intention is the closest determinant of behavior. The purpose of this study is to know the proportion of Sriwijaya University students who are interested to stop smoking, to know and analyze the dominant health promotion factors that influence the interest of active smokers to quit smoking and to determine health promotion pattern in active smokers to quit smoking. This research is an analytic research with cross sectional study design conducted at Sriwijaya University through distribution of questionnaire in November 2017. The sample of this research is active smokers in Sriwijaya University Palembang were taken by purposive sampling technique. The data obtained were analyzed by univariate analysis, chi square test, and multivariate logistic regression using IBM SPSS statistic version 22. This study obtained 392 respondents who match the inclusion criteria of 16 faculties. The results of statistical tests in this study found a significant relationship between students' interest to stop smoking with ever with the pattern of health promotion in the form of seminars and direct counseling mainly due to health factors, smoking frequency, age start smoking, medical personnel notice, doctor advice, family affection, and bad habits, with a value of p <0.05. The result of multivariate analysis showed that the most dominant health promotion pattern to play a role in the interest of quitting smoking on active smokers is promotion health health pattern. Each faculty should be able to make health promotion in the form of seminar or direct counseling to the community to get more comprehensive result.
Public Perception of Electric Cigarettes Based Health Knowledge Level in Palembang
Siti Farahhiyah Dwi Mubarani
Community Medicine and Education Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Community Medicine and Education Journal
Publisher : HM Publisher
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DOI: 10.37275/cmej.v1i2.105
The Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) method is a medium for giving nicotine needed by smokers without burning tobacco. An electric cigarette is one from many NRTs that uses electricity from battery power to deliver nicotine in the form of vapor. But it is not recommended by the WHO or the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) because it has many negative effects. According to Green, there are 3 behavioral factors which are predisposition, support and drive. According to Notoatmodjo, lack of knowledge can form a false perception of electric cigarettes. According to Hude, perception is the giving of meaning to the stimulus received by sensory systems. The purpose of this research is to know the relation of demographic characteristic and to identify health knowledge to know public perception about the existence of electric cigarette in Palembang City. This research is a quantitative analytical research with cross sectional study design conducted in Palembang city using questionnaire in February 2018. The sample of this research is male active smoker with age> 15 years in Palembang city taken by purposive sampling technique. The data obtained were analyzed by univariate analysis, chi square test, and multivariate logistic regression analysis using IBM SPSS statistic version 22. The study obtained 162 respondents who met the inclusion criteria. The result of statistical test in this research is 51.2% positive perception toward electric cigarette based on health knowledge level in Palembang city (p = 0,000). There is no significant relationship between demographic characteristics and public perception of electric cigarette (p> 0,005). Predisposing factors concerning knowledge of electric cigarette usage can cause addiction problem is the most dominant factor in shaping people's perception on electric cigarette (p = 0,008).
Analysis of Health Knowledge Factors Affecting Interest in Using an Electric Cigarette in Indonesia
Poppy Putri Pratiwi
Community Medicine and Education Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Community Medicine and Education Journal
Publisher : HM Publisher
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DOI: 10.37275/cmej.v1i2.106
Smoking is the activity of smoking a rolled tobacco wrapped and then burning and exhaling the smoke back out. Nowadays many smokers switch to using e-cigarettes. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is a method that uses a medium to provide nicotine that is needed by smokers without burning tobacco. Electronic cigarette or e-cigarette is one of the NRT that uses electricity from battery power to provide nicotine in the form of steam. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors of health knowledge on the interest in using electronic cigarettes in Indonesia. This type of research is quantitative analytic research with cross sectional study approach. The subjects of this study were 6180 Indonesian people taken by using the Google form with consecutive sampling techniques. The study was conducted on 1 October until 13 October 2019. Data analysis was performed with the Chi-Square test and Logistic Regression on SPSS applications. The results of this study indicate that the knowledge of Indonesian people who agree to prefer not to have an interest in the use of electric cigarettes
Analysis of Factors Related to Occurrence of Retaker UKMPPD Faculty of Medicine, University of Sriwijaya
Silvi Silvania
Community Medicine and Education Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Community Medicine and Education Journal
Publisher : HM Publisher
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DOI: 10.37275/cmej.v1i2.107
Medical education is a conscious and planned effort in formal education to produce graduates who have competencies in the fields of medicine or dentistry. Medical students who have gone through the undergraduate and professional stages of the doctor must take the competency exam (UKMPPD). The medical faculty of Sriwijaya University in the November 2016 period in the UKMPPD which was attended by 41 participants, found that only 9 people had successfully passed the competency exam. In Indonesia, the number of UKMPPD participants who have not graduated (retaker) at the end of 2017 is 2,494. This indicates that the number of UKMPPD retaker is still high in the Indonesian medical faculty. Student competency test results can be influenced by external factors and internal factors which include the value of try out, Grade Point Average (GPA), learning style, tutoring, length of study period, anxiety, family support and peer support. This research was conducted to identify factors related to the retaker of UKMPPD students at FK Unsri. The type of research used is quantitative analytical research with cross-sectional design with consecutive sampling technique. The population of this study were students who took the UKMPPD in January-October Unsri FK in 2018. The study sample was a portion of the students who took part in the UKMPPD FK Unsri Sriwijaya in 2018, amounting to 50 people. Data collected are primary data using questionnaires. Data analysis using univariate and bivariate analysis using the Chi-Square test. From this study obtained p-value <0.05 for the GPA variable, try out value, length of study period and anxiety. These results indicate that there is a significant relationship between GPA, try out value, length of study period and anxiety with the occurrence of UKMPPD retaker. While the learning and learning style variables obtained p-value> 0.05 which showed that there was no significant relationship between learning styles and learning guidance with the occurrence of the retaker student of UKMPPD of FK Unsri. There is a meaningful relationship between GPA, try out value, length of study period and anxiety with the occurrence of UKMPPD retaker student of FK Unsri and there is no significant relationship between learning styles and learning guidance with the occurrence of UKMPPD retaker student of FK Unsri.
Mother-Related Factors Affecting Vaccine Refusal Towards Elementary School Student in Palembang
Mareta Kurnia Desiani
Community Medicine and Education Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Community Medicine and Education Journal
Publisher : HM Publisher
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DOI: 10.37275/cmej.v1i2.108
The low coverage of vaccination in Indonesia is partly due to vaccine refusal by mothers towards their children, especially in primary schools. Vaccinations that aim to provide immunity to children against certain diseases are considered unnecessary and have a negative impact. This research was conducted with the aim of exploring factors related to mothers against refusing vaccines in primary school children. Using a descriptive qualitative observational study design, data were collected through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and observations of 44 mothers who have elementary school children in Palembang. Data analysis was performed using an interactive model analysis consisting of three stages namely: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions and verification. The triangulation method is then performed for data validation. Based on the results of data retrieval to 44 informantts, it was found that maternal factors that influence rejection of vaccines in primary school children are sources of knowledge about immunization, religious factors, trust in vaccination, vaccination safety, husband's role, and lack of socialisation of vaccination.
Factors that Influence Doctors' Preference for Working in the Village with Government Policy
Almira Nur Amalia
Community Medicine and Education Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Community Medicine and Education Journal
Publisher : HM Publisher
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DOI: 10.37275/cmej.v2i1.109
One of the problems faced by the Indonesian people is the unequal distribution of doctors, especially in villages and other disadvantaged areas. One of the causes is the low interest of medical students and doctors to work in the area. The government as the highest authority holder should have made efforts to solve a state problem as outlined in the form of government policy. Recent research conducted by Kharinnisa et al in 2016 identified several factors that influenced the interest of medical students to work in rural areas. This study was conducted to determine the relationship of these factors with government policy. This study is a descriptive qualitative study in the form of a literature study. Of the eight factors, only half are supported by government regulations, namely having visited rural areas, career opportunities, income potential, facilities in rural areas and factors not yet supported by government regulations include university location, family economic status, closeness to family and spouse. Therefore it is necessary to study the formation of government policies that can support all these factors along with the proper implementation of these policies.