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Journal of Development and Social Change
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Journal of Development and Social Change Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Volume 3 no. 1 April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jodasc.v3i1.41678


The May 1998 riots that occurred were the result of a collection of political, social and economic events that occurred during the New Order. Events of the May 1998 riots in the city of Surakarta had a great influence on the lives of the victims. In the aftermath of the May 1998 riots, several victims were declared traumatized to the extent of damaging their homes and businesses. The purpose of this study was to determine the chronology of the May 1998 riots and analyze the dynamics of the May 1998 riots in the city of Surakarta. The theory in this research is the Conflict theory from Ralf Dahrendorf. This type of research is a qualitative research with an ethnographic approach in the city of Surakarta. The sampling technique with snowball sampling technique. The research informants consisted of student activists and formal organizations, journalists, religious leaders and victims of the May 1998 incident. Data were collected by observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. To test data validity with source triangulation. The data analysis technique uses an interactive analysis model from Miles and Huberman. The results showed that the May 1998 riots which occurred for two days caused damage and material losses. Mass amok movements occur regularly by doing damage, looting to arson in every corner of the city. After the May 1998 riots, the city's economic sector did not work. Some entrepreneurs were forced to stop production for a while due to the damage they experienced. Post-disaster economic reconstruction is carried out by the government and community groups by providing assistance to victims. From social conditions, after the May 1998 riots some victims decided to flee to areas that were safe from conflict. After the riots of May 1998 victims were pressured by the community in the form of negative stigma. Discomfort and fear experienced by the people after the riots began to be addressed by involving religious institutions. Religious institutions work together in creating communication forums between communities. in terms of the psychological condition of the people after the riots, some victims experienced trauma from witnessing firsthand the atrocities that occurred.
PERAN YAYASAN “SAMIN” DALAM PENCEGAHAN DAN PENANGANAN KEKERASAN ANAK DALAM KELUARGA (Kasus Peran Yayasan “SAMIN” dalam Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kekerasan Anak dalam Keluarga di Kabupaten Sleman, D.I.Y) Nadya Tamara Dewaanjani; Sudarsana Sudarsana
Journal of Development and Social Change Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Volume 3 no. 1 April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jodasc.v3i1.41673


Family is one of the social institutions in the community. Family is also a place for children to acquire mental coaching and personality formation. The family has a considerable role and function on the development and future of the child. However, in fact the violence of children in the family often occurs, such as violence involving fathers, mothers and other siblings. Lack of knowledge and insight related to parenting, growth and development of children is one factor in the occurrence of violence against children. From various cases of child violence, one of NGO named Yayasan SAMIN that cares about child issues to make efforts to prevent and treat child violence in the family. This research aims to know 1) how the role of Yayasan SAMIN in the prevention and handling of child violence in the family, 2) How to form the prevention and handling conducted by the Yayasan SAMIN against Child abuse cases in Family. The results of this study show that 1) Yayasan SAMIN has been explaining its role in the prevention of child violence against parents and the treatment of child abuse victims in families, 2) The prevention of child violence by parents is socialization, campaigning, and KIE (communication, information, education). The form of treatment of victims of violence is with mentoring.
Journal of Development and Social Change Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Volume 3 no. 1 April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jodasc.v3i1.41679


This study aims to describe the social economic changes of teenage prostitution. This research was conducted at the "Wanodyatama" Women's Social Services Institution Surakarta because most of the rehabilitated women were teenagers. The theory used is the theory of social practice according to Bourdieu. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study by the phenomenological method, where a type of research that seeks to describe the socio-economic changes of teenagers prostitution. Sources of data in this study are primary and secondary. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of observation, interviews and documents. Sources of data obtained using purposive sampling technique. The validity data to use data triangulation. The data analysis technique used is an interactive analysis model developed by Miles and Huberman. The results of research that contain facts about teenagers who become prostitute have several factors that habitus, capital and realm. Social changes that occur are changes in the person, social structure, structural functions, relations between different structures, and the emergence of new structures. In addition there are also four components of economic change attended by informants, namely education, social status, income, and income contribution. During the reform of the rehabilitation process at Institution with the approval of the entire set of processes and guidance provided, informants shifted the change in a positive direction because it showed the relationship of services and social improvements intended for prostitute was very useful and beneficial. Self-esteem, self-confidence, social responsibility in carrying out social tasks and most importantly can realize work that has been done is a community disease that must be overcome because work can damage the morale of nation.
PERAN GANDA WANITA DALAM EKONOMI KELUARGA (Studi Kasus Pada Pedagang Wanita Pasar Klewer) Bachtiar Suryo Bawono; Bambang Santosa
Journal of Development and Social Change Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Volume 3 no. 1 April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jodasc.v3i1.41674


Women in the era of globalization have experienced significant changes. As women who previously were not played an active role in the labor market, many woman now play an active role in the world of work, especially in the trade sector. Based on data from the Surakarta City Gender Study and Social Workers Association (PRP) Study, 72% of the traditional market trader population is women. In addition to having a positive impact, increasing women's participation in the world of work also has a negative impact on women themselves. As women as workers will experience double burden problems. It means women who work will have two responsibilities, that is public work responsibilities and domestic work responsibilities.Therefore, the author would like to know how the Dual Role of Women in the Family Economy in Women's Traders' Families in Surakarta City's Klewer Market? This study uses gender analysis techniques Hardvard-1 or HAF method combined with interactive analysis methods. The results showed that the first category of informants only wives who traded in the market showed that, the wife played a role in increasing family income. The initial income of a husband working alone is only able to meet primary needs. After the wife trades, the husband and wife can meet secondary needs and increase family purchasing power. In the access and control of family economic resources, they tend to be dominated by husbands. The informants of both husband and wife trading together in a kios then the role of the wife does not affect the ups and downs of trading income. In accessing and controlling economic resources the family runs in balance.
Journal of Development and Social Change Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Volume 3 no. 1 April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jodasc.v3i1.41680


The objective of research was to find out the strategy taken by truck driver family to maintain its family intactness and to find out the factors that can result in family intactness among truck drivers. This research employed Robert D. Putnam and Michael Woolcock’s Social Capital. This qualitative research with phenomenological approach was conducted in Surakarta. The sampling technique employed was purposive sampling one. The informant of research consisted of 4 families including 4 truck drivers, 4 drivers’ wives, 3 drivers’ children, and 1 member of surrounding society. Data was collected through observation, interview, and documentation. To validate the data, source triangulation was used.  Technique of analyzing data used was an interactive model of analysis from Miles and Huberman. The result of research showed that the strategy of maintaining the intactness of truck driver’s family was taken by all family members including fathers, mothers, and children. The strategy of maintaining family intactness using Putnam’s social capital was understandable. Trust could be seen from openness, honesty, and trust concerning family’s income or expense and many problems. Network could be seen from low education, work system with company, inherited truck driving skill, no talent and competency in other type of job. Norm could be seen from appreciating each other’s right and obligation and livelihood for family members. Meanwhile, the strategy of maintaining family intactness using Woolcock’s social capital was understandable including bonding as indicated with honesty, openness, trust, and smooth communication, intensity of meeting time between truck drivers and families, and individual families’ way of solving problems. Bridging could be seen from individual families with rule/norm developed, obeyed, and implemented to organize their families. Linking could be seen from the work system with distributor company, between truck drivers with their own truck and those working with distributor company using either provision or wholesale system.      
Journal of Development and Social Change Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Volume 3 no. 1 April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jodasc.v3i1.41675


This research was conducted to describe the role of mothers in the delivery of teenage sex education in the Gandekan Village, Jebres District, Surakarta City. This type of research uses qualitative research methods with the case study method. Data collection uses participation collection, in-depth interviews, literature study, and documentation. The informants of this research are mothers who live in the Gandekan Village, Jebres District, Surakarta City. And having a teenage daughter. This study discusses the role that is carried out and which is carried out in the process of delivering the education section of their daughters. Using the AGIL theory (adaptation, goal achievement, integration, maintenance of latent patterns) put forward by Talcott Parsons, with four important basic elements that must be discussed in full and become a unity. The process is then processed. Data analysis techniques by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data and gathering conclusions.The results of this study indicate that there is a difference between the role of mothers who play a role and the role of mothers who are involved in the delivery of sexy education to girls in the Village Gandekan, Jebres District, Surakarta City. The ability of adaptation (Adaptation) by the mother regarding the development of the pattern of child relationships in the midst of technological development can be agreed to be adequate, the goal of achieving damage to the child's future. The way mothers provide sex education (integration) to children is done through advice, messages and rules or restrictions given to children. The mother's ability to support patterns (Latency) through implanting values is hardly adequate. This is evident from the fact that there are still many children who refute the advice given by the mother.
POLA PEMBENTUKAN PADA PERILAKU TOLERANSI BERAGAMA ANAK (Studi Kasus di LKSA Nur Hidayah Kecamatan Laweyan Kota Surakarta) Fathiana Vellayati; Rahesli Humsona
Journal of Development and Social Change Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Volume 3 no. 1 April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jodasc.v3i1.41676


This study aims to determine the formation of Nur Hidayah LKSA in fostering religious tolerance in children in the community. The theory used in this study is the social practice of Pierre Bourdieu, the formula of social parktik theory is (habitus + capital) x realm. This research is a type of qualitative research with a case study approach. Data collection techniques used are (1) non-participatory observation techniques, namely data collection through nonverbal observations (2) unstructured interview techniques, asking questions jumping from time to time or from one topic to another topic (Slamet, 2006), (3) documentation study, which documented the results of interviews and then made an interview transcript of the recordings and personal notes during the study. The sampling technique in this study used a purposive sample. Data validity uses source triangulation to compare data. Data analysis techniques consist of three activities that occur simultaneously, namely: data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions.This study shows that (1) the concept of habitus can be seen through LKSA Nur Hidayah provides the formation of religious tolerance in children given through studies twice a week besides LKSA Nur Hidayah teaches about religious and social life, (2) social capital undertaken LKSA Nur Hidayah can give birth to an open attitude and accept differences, peace and tolerate the inconveniences of life. That is because between the community and LKSA Nur Hidayah trust each other, running the norms that apply in the community. LKSA Nur Hidayah frees her foster children to make friends with anyone, but still maintains her own faith and is not influenced by others, (3) cultural capital that is realized is the community invites orphanage children to mutual cooperation and children join mutual cooperation with the community, ( 4) Symbolic capital is a palebelan or assessment of others, a pretty good citizen education and has a modern mindset so that tolerance can be created between Nur Hidayah LKSA and the community, (5) economic capital is closely related to finance, the obligation of Nur Hidayah LKSA is to finance foster children's schooling and paying caregivers and holding social services.
Journal of Development and Social Change Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Volume 3 no. 1 April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jodasc.v3i1.41677


The objective of this thesis research was to describe the role of single parent fathers in carrying out family functions in poor communities in Nusukan Village, Banjarsari Sub-District, Surakarta City. The theory used in this study was the role set theory proposed by Robert K. Merton. This study used a qualitative approach with naturalistic inquiry research method. The sampling technique used was snowball sampling and purposive sampling. The results showed that single parent fathers had carried out family functions. For the socialization function, fathers had become teachers and role models for their children, so that the children had good character. Affection function showed that the fathers became children’s playmate, so that the children became more excited and formed self-confidence and independence. In addition, the fathers had given love and affection to their children. The status determination function showed that the fathers had provided support to the children and appreciated their potential. The protection function showed that the fathers had protected and taught discipline to their children. For the economic function, the fathers had fulfilled the needs of children’s food, clothing and simple housing. In carrying out family functions, the fathers not only had social relationships with their children, such as the oldest child, neighbors, grandmother, siblings, the father’s friends, the school party, and the owner of food stalls and shops. 

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