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Raah artinya menggembalakan. Jadi orang-orang ini memiliki arti yang baik. Bahwa setiap manusia dalam suatu negara adalah gembala dari pemimpin (the Shepherd). Dalam iman, Tuhan Yesus adalah Raja, pada saat yang sama Dia adalah Gembala, dan kita umat-Nya adalah gembala-Nya. Tuhan Yesus Kristus adalah teladan dalam menggembalakan umat. Jurnal Pastoral Konseling adalah memuat tulisan hasil penelitian di bidang Pastoral, Konseling, Psikologi, kepemimpinan Kristen, Misiologi dan Sosiologi Agama.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 18 Documents
a KAJIAN TEOLOGIS TENTANG PASTORAL KONSELING DALAM ALKITAB: Kajian Teologis, Pastoral Konseling, Alkitab Steven Tubagus
Ra'ah: Journal of Pastoral Counseling Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Kupang

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Pastoral Counseling crisis is felt by everyone, lack of trust in counsellors. Based on this, it is necessary to contribute to Pastoral Counseling in guiding based on the Bible. Theological Study of Pastoral Counseling in the Bible. The purpose of this paper is to describe the Theological Study of Pastoral Counseling in the Theological Bible. Qualitative research using the descriptive biblical literature method by analyzing primary and secondary sources from books according to the topic of discussion. The result of the research is that Pastoral Counseling lays the foundation of the Bible, namely the word of God to everyone. Theological studies of pastoral counselling in the Bible consist of First. In the Old Testament, the word of God came to the prophets as people called by God personally to tell the word of God, a prophet did not deduct a word from what he had said. Spiritual guidance was given by Moses for the Israelites, not to grumble. Second. New Testament, Meeting with Jesus is to make someone honest, and there is a change, everyone when there is a conversation with Jesus his life will change, who used to sin now don't. Third. Bible analysis, God's Absolute Sovereignty and His wise revelation not only determine but also inspire and move people to worship Him. With His own initiative, God gives inspiration based on His sovereignty to reveal God's wisdom to humans, so that humans do His will, which is to come to worship and stay away from evil.
Ra'ah: Journal of Pastoral Counseling Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Kupang

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The role of parents is very much needed for online school worship during the Covid-19 pandemic, which is not only providing education to children who still cannot understand the pandemic that is endemic to almost the entire world including the service area of ?? the East Nazareth Oesapa GMIT Congregation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the role of parents in implementing online Sunday school worship during the Covid 19 pandemic which is focused on children aged 5-8 years. This research method is to use phenomenological qualitative methods, data obtained through observation and interviews, the population and samples of this study are parents who have children aged 5-8 years at GMIT Nazareth Oesapa Timur. The result of this research is that online worship is a new model in Christian worship so that it takes time to make adjustments so that online worship can be carried out wisely, online Sunday school worship is very effective in being implemented, but that does not mean church worship is ineffective. Online Sunday school is considered to be able to improve the quality of children's worship, which can be seen from adherence to worship times, serenity during worship, and the seriousness of participating in all liturgical sessions of worship, the role of parents in providing motivation to children during Sunday school worship and after Sunday school worship. online, the consequence of the implementation of Sunday school worship online is that a load of internet data pulses is getting bigger so that wise steps are needed by parents to overcome this obstacle while not sacrificing the spiritual needs of children and current assignments. the implementation of online Sunday school worship is intended to hone children's abilities towards Sunday school learning.
Ra'ah: Journal of Pastoral Counseling Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Kupang

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The purpose of this article is to find out how the Evangelical Christian Church in Timor, especially the Congregations in Territory 2 Klasis Kupang Tengah, takes sides with persons with disabilities. The method used in this research is a qualitative method by interviewing six people with disabilities and triangulation of sources to a number of pastors who have members of the congregation with disabilities. From the results of the research, it was found that the church has not taken sides with members of the congregation with special needs or disabilities because spiritual services in terms of visiting and praying for people with disabilities have not been carried out properly, the Church has never provided special assistance for people with disabilities. Skills training or working capital assistance has not been carried out, there is no access to worship, namely providing access to the church building for wheelchair users. Persons with disabilities have not been involved in court service programs and RAPBJ and persons with disabilities have not been given space to be involved in categorical and functional services.
Ra'ah: Journal of Pastoral Counseling Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Kupang

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This research is aimed to find out the correlation between husband support with adjustment in mother of children with autism disorder. Hypothesis of the research are : There is a positive correlations between support husband with adjustment in mother of children with autism disorder. The tool for gathering data using the scale of husband support, and the scale of adjustment. The subjects of this research were 37 mothers of children with autism disorder in “ Yayasan Permata Ananda Yogyakarta and “SLB Negeri Pembina Kupang”. To analise the data research uses : test of assumption, and test of hypothesis with product moment correlation The research results showed there is a positive correlation between husband support and adjustment in mother of children with autism disorder, with correlations coefficients score 0,008, (p<0,01). There is correlation between husband support with adjustment in mother of children with autism with R square 0,329 or 32,9 % , which means that 32,9% of adjusment in mother of children with autism disorder variable is explained by husband support and the rest of 67,1% is explained by another variable.
Peranan Etika Kristen Dalam Membangun Pranikah Yang Kudus Bagi Remaja Kristen Zuniasa Nazara
Ra'ah: Journal of Pastoral Counseling Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Kupang

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Ethics are matters relating to the principles, morals, decency, inner feelings and tendencies of the human heart that are formed in the human environment itself. Christian ethics is based more on the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ who is an example and role model in life. Christian ethics is a response to divine grace. Christian ethics does not only talk about spiritual and church matters but also worldly matters. The sources of Christian Ethics are the Bible, God. Jesus Christ. The purpose of Christian ethics is to determine what is appropriate and inappropriate for Christians to do both in relationships, dating and determining the direction of life. Christian ethics plays a role in how Christian youth build a holy premarital and the role of parents and the church in building the lives of teenagers when building a premarital relationship or establishing relationships between them.
Pola Komunikasi Orang Tua Terhadap Anak Autis DI Kelurahan Oebufu Yuvine Marlene Cicilia Noach; Glorya Maharani Clarhend Noach; Frederiksen Victoranto Amseke
Ra'ah: Journal of Pastoral Counseling Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Kupang

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Humans cannot be separated from communication. Communication is a means/tool for humans to be able to interact socially. However, some people sometimes have difficulty communicating with different factors, such as autistic children, who are different from other children. This study aimed to find out how the communication patterns carried out by parents towards autistic children in Kupang. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. The characteristics of the subjects in this study were a family with moderate autistic children—data collection techniques employing interviews as the primary method and observation as a supporting method. The results showed that this family used interactional communication patterns. The pattern of communication carried out by parents to autistic children will affect the parenting pattern carried out in a family. This family uses a democratic pattern. In addition, another supporting communication factor used by the parents is by using visual and audio media. Otherwise, the obstacle factor faced by the parents in communication with the autistic children is the lack of children’s focus since they have autistic disorders and children’s behaviour tends to hurt themselves.
Pendampingan Pastoral Bagi Keluarga Duka Pasien Covid 19 Endang Damaris Koli; Anika Ch. Takene
Ra'ah: Journal of Pastoral Counseling Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Kupang

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The Covid-19 pandemic is a challenge for pastoral care. The characteristics of this pandemic form a method of prevention by limiting physical interaction. This changes various habits in people's lives, including when someone gets sick and dies, the services provided by the family and the hospital are not as usual. A patient who was infected with Covid-19 and then passed away brought great sorrow to his family. The family didn't have the chance to take care of him for the last time. This is a big trauma for the family. Our study aims to determine the trauma experienced by the family after the death of a family member. We are also trying to find a form of pastoral care that is able to restore the power of family life after the sad event. The method we use in this research is a qualitative approach. The research instrument used descriptive data (interviews), observation notes and literature studies. The results of our research include narratives of family grief, traumas and acts of pastoral care by the church. Our discussion refers to the retraumatization process as an effort to recover the family from grief.
Konsep Diri Remaja Kristen Yatim Piatu: Studi Fenomenologi Kalis Stevanus; Maria Setiarini
Ra'ah: Journal of Pastoral Counseling Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Kupang

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The death of a parent can be a devastating and painful experience for a teenager. Teenagers lose love and parental figures. The correct self-concept is needed by teenagers in living their lives. To develop the correct self-concept, of course, involve other parties, such as orphanages. This study aims to describe the self-concept of adolescents who have orphaned status at the Dorkas Porong Orphanage, Sidoarjo. This study the author uses a qualitative approach with a phenomenological perspective. Data were collected through observation and in-depth interviews of the five research subjects who were orphans. The results showed that in general, they already had a good self-concept because of the Christian spiritual development at the orphanage. This spiritual guidance guides teenagers to learn to accept and appreciate themselves positively. They show: 1) a life style that is full of enthusiasm in carrying out daily life, 2) has a clear purpose in life, 3) can carry out daily responsibilities at the orphanage with enthusiasm and 4) is able to adapt to the environment. In addition, the formation of their self-concept supported by a family-friendly environment becomes a motivation for self-acceptance of adolescents and helps adolescents to live a normal adolescence, even without the presence of their parents.
Pendekatan Trauma Healing Untuk Mengatasi Pathological Grief Pada Anak Usia Remaja Yang Ditinggal Mati Orang Tuanya Revinola Enjelvestia Parebong
Ra'ah: Journal of Pastoral Counseling Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Kupang

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When the death of a parent occurs, the child will experience a sense of loss that will eventually result in grief. The experience of loss has an impact on the lives of adolescents, both physically, emotionally and spiritually because of the child's grief over the death of his parents. In psychology, the loss experienced by an individual over the death of a loved one is explained through the concept of grief. In this case, grief is divided into two types, namely: normal grief and pathological grief. Normal grief is a normal grief reaction experienced by individuals and ends in a not too long time. While pathological grief is an abnormal grief reaction because it traps people so that they are unable to escape from their emotional attachment to the person who left them. Circumstances like that ultimately make a person traumatized so that a recovery process is needed for people who experience pathological grief. This paper aims to explain the trauma healing approach to overcome pathological grief in adolescent children who have lost their parents. This study uses a qualitative literature method through a literature study with a content analysis approach. The results of this study are to determine the definition of pathological grief and trauma healing; symptoms of pathological grief experienced by teenagers due to the death of their parents; and knowing how to overcome pathological grief by using a trauma healing approach.
Ra'ah: Journal of Pastoral Counseling Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Kupang

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Until now in the church there is still ineffective stewardship where only the pastor takes over all aspects of the ministry, due to the lack of understanding of the leaders in coordinating stewardship in the church. Leadership that emphasizes power by leading in an authoritarian way will also have a bad impact on the attitude of subordinates. Unfortunately this is not well understood by the existing churches. Therefore, the writer is moved to research stewardship based on Acts 4-32-37. The method in this research is qualitative with a narrative approach in order to understand the text and context. The results of the study indicate that stewardship based on Acts 4-32-37 indicates a division of duties between leaders and other church members. Leaders must be able to involve church members in good and effective church stewardship. Stewardship has an important role in determining the quality of the congregation. Well-organized stewardship will help leaders to focus on the ministry of the word and testimony, and also encourage church members to help with problems faced by other church members. Acts 4-32-37 proves that good stewardship brings unity of heart and soul and fosters a spirit of caring among the congregation, which gives birth to a prosperous and strong congregation.

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