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Bambang Hero Saharjo
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Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika (JST)
ISSN : 20868227     EISSN : 28073282     DOI : -
JURNAL SILVIKULTUR TROPIKA (JST) atau Journal of Tropical Silviculture adalah jurnal yang terbit tiga kali dalam setahun. JST menerbitkan artikel tentang sains dan teknologi silvikultur yang berhubungan dengan hutan tropika seperti botani, fisiologi, ekologi, tanah, genetika, proteksi, patologi, entomologi, kebakaran, daerah aliran sungai, biodiversitas, bioteknologi, agroforestri, reklamasi dan restorasi. Tulisan-tulisan ilmiah diterbitkan dalam bentuk artikel hasil-hasil penelitian (article), ulas balik (reviews), catatan penelitian (notes), hipotesa (hypothesis), maupun komunikasi (communication) di bidang silvikultur hutan tropika.
Articles 10 Documents
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Mangrove Ecosystem Degradation Level in Kaledupa Island, Wakatobi National Park TINGKAT DEGRADASI EKOSISTEM MANGROVE DI PULAU KALEDUPA, TAMAN NASIONAL WAKATOBI Agusrinal .; Nyoto Santoso; Lilik Budi Prasetyo
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 6 No. 3 (2015): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.6.3.%p


The study was aimed to analyze mangrove deforestation and degradation level and to analyze mangrove species composition and diversity in Kaledupa Island Wakatobi National Park. Some analysis done in this study were: GIS analysis with ERDAS and ArcMap software, vegetation analysis by line transect and plot methods. The results showed that mangrove deforestation is happened since 1996 untill 2014 as wide as 214.04 hectares. Mangrove ecosystem at Kaledupa Island was damaged. Vegetation analysis results showed that there found eight species of mangroves, i.e. six species are in the Tanomeha Village, five species found at Horuo-Tampara Village and seven species found respectively at Balasuna and Lewuto Villages. Rhizophora apiculata Bl., Rhizophora mucronata Lamk. Ceriops tagal (Perr.) C. B. Rob. and Sonneratia alba Smith. were dominant tree species at Tanomeha, Balasuna, Lewuto and Horuo-Tampara Villages, respectively. Causative factors of mangrove degradation were economic factors, low education and skills, and lack of control of the authorities.Key words: deforestation, degradation, mangrove ecosystem.
Financial and Income Analysis of Pulai (Alstonia sp.) Private Forest in Musi Rawas Regency, South of Sumatera Province ANALISIS FINANSIAL DAN PENDAPATAN HUTAN RAKYAT PULAI (Alstonia sp.) DI KABUPATEN MUSI RAWAS, PROVINSI SUMATERA SELATAN Andestian Wijaya; Hardjanto .; Yulius Hero
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 6 No. 3 (2015): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.6.3.%p


Pulai (Alstonia sp.) private forests have became an alternative source of raw material for wood based industries. This research is located in village of Sumber Harta and SP 5 Suka Makmur, District of Musi Rawas, it was multistage sampling for 80 respondents. This study aims to analyze the financial feasibility of Pulai private forest and its contribution to household income. Data was collected by field observation, interview and literature study. The business eligibility and its sensitivity were measured by investment criteria i.e. NPV, Net B/C, and IRR for monoculture KUHR (credit scheme for private forest business) and agroforestry Pulai with Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) with the 30-years cutting cycle. The results showed that (1) Pulai plantation is feasible both for monoculture and agroforestry Pulai with Rubber. The monoculture system of Pulai plantation showed some parameters of financial aspects NPV, BCR, and IRR are Rp 67 130 372, 2.50 and 16.28% respectively. Agroforestry Pulai and Rubber showed NPV, BCR, and IRR respectively are Rp 70 978 82, 1.8 and 22.87% (2) The contribution of Pulai private forest for household income in average is about 10.14% of total income. The incomed was dominated by rubber farming (61% in average). Based on the Sayogyo’s poverty criteria, Pulai farmers in Musi Rawas were categorized in sufficient 55%, almost poor 17.5%, poor 3.8% and including decent life 22.5%.Key words: Agroforestry, financial analysis, income, monoculture, private forest, pulai
Utilization of Granular Organic Fertilizer from Sorghum Ethanol Distillation Waste in Leda (Eucalyptus deglupta) Nursery on Andosol, Latosol, and Podzolic PEMANFAATAN PUPUK ORGANIK GRANULAR DARI LIMBAH DESTILASI ETANOL SORGUM UNTUK PEMBIBITAN LEDA .... Supriyanto .; Ardiyansyah Purnama
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 6 No. 3 (2015): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.6.3.%p


Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L Moenc) is plant for food, feed, and energy (bio-ethanol). There were two types of waste from bio-ethanol production, such as liquid and solid waste (baggase). Liquid waste was produced from ethanol distillation process, rich in nutrients as fertilizer, unfortunately limited information on nutritional content and potential function, especially as medium for forestry seedlings production. This experiment examined the effect of the Granular Organic Fertilizer of Sorghum liquid waste to Leda seedling growth in different soil type of Andosol, Latosol, and Podzolic; and to find the dose of Granular Organic Fertilizer for Leda seedling growth in each type of soil. This study was conducted on Factorial in Completely Randomized design. The result showed, the application of Granular Organic Fertilizer effected to almost all the growth parameters on three soil types. Best seedling quality index of leda was found in the combination of Andosol and 20 granules of Granular Organic Fertilizer with seedling quality index 30 points.Key words: andosol, granular organic fertilizer, latosol, podzolic, sorghum.
The Growth of Red Mangrove (Rhizophora mucronata) in Nursery at Muara Village, Teluk Naga Subdistrict, Tangerang Regency PERTUMBUHAN BAKAU MERAH (Rhizophora mucronata) DI PERSEMAIAN MANGROVE DESA MUARA, KECAMATAN TELUK NAGA, KABUPATEN TANGERANG Omo Rusdiana; Andi Sukendro; Ahmad Baiquni Rangkuni
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 6 No. 3 (2015): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.6.3.%p


The success of mangrove rehabilitations are influenced by various factors which one of them is the availability of seedling stocks over time. The knowledge about growth process and development of plants which will be used as seedlings are several factors of success of nursery development. Red mangrove (Rhizophora mucronata) is one species of plants which grows in mangrove forest. The conservation of this species is very important because its habitat is at the central zone of mangrove formation and has high reproduction over time so it can be easier to do rehabilitation. The aim of this research is to get the information about R.mucronata growth and development to get better cultivation technique. The treatments were planting of propagule that had pieces of fruit and planting of propagul without pieces of fruit. Based on this research, the planting of propagule without pieces of fruit gave significant effect toward the heigth and length of red mangrove (R.mucronata) propagules development.Key words : growth, nursery, propagule, Rhizophora mucronata
Plan Identification of Community Care Fire at Holcim Educational Forest Cibadak Sukabumi PEMBENTUKAN MASYARAKAT PEDULI API SEBAGAI STRATEGI PENGENDALIAN KEBAKARAN HUTAN DI HUTAN PENDIDIKAN HOLCIM CIBADAK SUKABUMI Bambang Hero Saharjo; Muhammad Ikbal Putera
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 6 No. 3 (2015): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.6.3.%p


Holcim Educational Forest Cibadak is an ex-mining land of silica sand PT. Holcim Indonesia which recently cooperates with Faculty of Forestry Bogor Agricultural University in order to create educational forest. Community Care Fire is a well trained community which is willingly care toward forest fires and land control (Dephut 2009). The purposes of this research are to analyze community’s respond and decision toward establishment of Community Care Fire also to collect community’s participation data toward Community Care Fire establishment. The result of this research indicates that positive respond is got that for about 47 respondents or 67.14% of 70 respondents declared that they are willing to participate in Community Care Fire establishment. The reason for their participation might be caused that the community have a high value of environmental awareness and desire to cooperate with Holcim Educational Forest Cibadak, thereby it may become an appropriate long term program recommendation toward people empowerment.Key words: Community Care Fire, Community’s participation, forest fires control effort, Holcim Educational Forest Cibadak
Above Ground Biomass and Carbon Estimation on Pine Stands in Holcim Educational Forest Post Silica Mining Area PENDUGAAN KANDUNGAN BIOMASSA DAN KARBON ATAS TANAH PADA TEGAKAN PINUS DI LAHAN PASKA TAMBANG SILIKA HOLCIM EDUCATIONAL FOREST Berry Oktavianto; Basuki Wasis; Sri Wilarso Budi R.
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 6 No. 3 (2015): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.6.3.%p


There are several factors affecting plant biomass, carbon stock, CO2-equivalent, and oxygen production (net O2 release), such as plant species (chlorophyll quality and leaf area), plant age, temperature, sunlight and land quality (water and nutrient availability). To estimate how much reclamation activity in post mining area has succeed in restoring plant biomass, carbon stock, CO2-equivalent, and net O2 release, especially post silica mining, a study to measure Pinus merkusii biomass, carbon stock, CO2-equivalent, and net O2 release planted in the area is undertaken. The study took place in Holcim Educational Forest (HEF) post silica mine reclamation area and Gunung Walat Education Forest (HPGW) as comparison site (non-reclamation). There are two age classes of Pinus merkusii being studied, those planted in 2005 and 2012. Study result shows that biomass of pine stand planted in 2005 on HPGW non-reclamation area is higher than on HEF reclamation area. The same result also occur on carbon stock, CO2-equivalent, and net O2 release measurement. However on the contrary, pine stand planted in 2012 on HEF reclamation area, have higher biomass compared with pine stand planted in 2012 on HPGW. The same result also occur on carbon stock, net O2 release and CO2-equivalent measurement, which is higher on pine stand planted in 2012 on HEF reclamation area. Overall soil quality analysis result, especially macro nutrient and micro nutrient, shows that on both site and both stand ages have relatively low macro nutrient content, except for high Mg content on 2012 pine stand in HPGW non reclamation area and very high S-available content in HEF reclamation area on both age classes. All micro nutrient analysis shows that on both age classes and on both area have medium micro nutrient content, except for very low Al content and very high Mn content.Key words: biomass, carbon stock, Pinus merkusii, reclamation, soil quality
Shoot Cuttings of Merawan (Hopea cernua) with Rooting Media and Hormone Treatments STEK PUCUK MERAWAN (Hopea cernua Teijsm. & Binn.) DENGAN PERLAKUAN MEDIA TUMBUH DAN HORMON Arum Sekar Wulandari; Atok Subiakto; Revi Novan
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 6 No. 3 (2015): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.6.3.%p


Merawan (Hopea cernua Teijsm. & Binn.) was tested in Center for Conservation and Rehabilitation Research and Development (CCRRD) Gunung Batu. This species brought from its natural source in Lampung to CCRRD. This study purposed to acquire the best treatments for species propagation. This research shown that sand media with 5% husk charcoal has a highly significant effect for survival percentage, shoot percentage; and significantly different on root percentage, root length and number of roots. Rootone-F hormone affect on survival percentage and shooting percentage. The highest result for survival percentage were reached by sand media with husk charcoal (91.38%), however Rootone-F reached (86.00%). The highest results for shoot percentage showed in sand media with husk charcoal and in Rootone-F hormone i.e 77.18% and 71.43% respectively. The highest result for root percentage, root length and number of roots were reached by sand media with husk charcoal i.e 18.57%, 214.25 cm, and 64 roots respectively.Key words: growth media, Hopea cernua, hormone, shoot cuttings
Patterns of Community Forests in Tropical Forest Conservation Action Program-Sumatera (TFCA-Sumatera) in Bengkulu POLA HUTAN RAKYAT PADA PROGRAM TROPICAL FOREST CONSERVATION ACTION (TFCA-SUMATERA) DI BENGKULU Mike Dwi Hisma; Hardjanto .; Yulius Hero
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 6 No. 3 (2015): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.6.3.%p


The United States Government and the Indonesian Government have agreed on a treaty to reduce deforestation called the TFCA Sumatra Program (Tropical Forest Conservation Action-Sumatera). Development of community forests is expected to reduce the rate of deforestation. However, the pattern of effective community forest management to be applied in reducing the rate of deforestation in Sumatera was unknown, especially in the TFCA program in Bengkulu. The study was conducted in Air Sulau Village and Kayu Ajaran Village, South Bengkulu Regency. The respondents selection was conducted by purposive sampling. This study aimed to analyze the pattern of community forest management in the TFCA Sumatera in Bengkulu. The data was collected using observations, interviews, and literature study. The analysis was performed using descriptive-qualitative and quantitative methods. The results showed that the pattern of development community forests in the TFCA program in Bengkulu was agroforestry with predominantly agricultural crops such as rubber. Meanwhile, woody plants such as albizia have just been developed on community forest enterprises in Bengkulu, combined with seasonal crops such as cassava and maize, or with herbs like turmeric and ginger. Based on the fund sources, the community forest pattern in TFCA Sumatera in Bengkulu belongs to the community forest pattern with full subsidy.Keywords: Community forests, TFCA-Sumatera, agroforestry, development patterns
Ant Community (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Four Ecosystems Site in Bungku Village, Jambi Province KOMUNITAS SEMUT (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE) PADA EMPAT TIPE EKOSISTEM YANG BERBEDA DI DESA BUNGKU PROVINSI JAMBI Noor Farikhah Haneda; Nisfi Yuniar
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 6 No. 3 (2015): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.6.3.%p


Deforestation or transformation of forest function to non-forest has been playing a role in the changes of ecosystem and species in it. Insect as one of the living fauna that live in the forest is an interesting aspect to be studied, especially ants. This experiment was conducted in Bungku, Bajubang District, Batanghari Regency, Jambi. Sampling technique using pitfall traps in four ecosystem. The four ecosystem mentioned is secondary forest, oil palm plantations, rubber plantations, and jungle rubber. The results found there were 5 484 individuals of 50 ant morphospecies, 33 genera of 6 subfamily i.e. Formicinae, Myrmicinae, Ponerinae, Dolichodorinae, Pseudomyrmicinae, and Dolichorinae. Secondary forest is an ecosystem that relatively stable with the value of diversity index H '= 2.76, index of richness DMg = 4.96, and index of evenness E = 0.70. The ant communities depend on environment factor of each ecosystem.Keywords: Ant communities, jungle rubber, oil palm plantation, rubber plantation, secondary forest
Species Composition and Stand Structure of Natural Forest in Hutan Pendidikan Gunung Walat, Sukabumi KOMPOSISI DAN STRUKTUR TEGAKAN HUTAN ALAM DI HUTAN PENDIDIKAN GUNUNG WALAT, SUKABUMI Cecep Kusmana; Susi Susanti
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 6 No. 3 (2015): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.6.3.%p


Natural regeneration is one of many factors which can change species composition and stand structure in Gunung Walat from time to time. The objective of this research is to analyze structure and species composition of vegetations on natural stand in Hutan Pendidikan Gunung Walat, Cibadak, Sukabumi. The location of observation determined by systematic sampling with random start method by using vegetation analysis plot on five strips. The research found 39 species of seedlings, 37 species of saplings, 22 species of poles, 23 species of trees and 21 species of understorey vegetation. Species composition in natural forest of HPGW is dominated by Tarenna fragrans and Bellucia axinanthera. Stand structure consists of stratum A, stratum B, stratum C and stratum E. Stratum A and B are dominated by species Maesopsis eminii while stratum C is dominated by Bellucia axinanthera and Schima wallichii. Stratum E is dominated by Selaginella wildenowii and Clidemia hirta. Tree density decrease exponentially from small diameter trees to large diameter trees which look like inverted J curve. This shows the sustainability of forest stand in the future will be secured.Keywords: natural forest, species composition, stand structure

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