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Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)
ISSN : 27768457     EISSN : 27750760     DOI :
ssues in the study of religions are increasingly interesting to discuss. For that, since Vol. 2. No. May 2, 2022, JCSR Journal of Comparative Study of Religions will focus on contemporary issues in religious studies. JCSR aims to publish original articles, book reviews, and review articles from researchers, academics, professionals, practitioners, and students. ️ JCSR is a semi-annual journal published in May and November by the Department of Comparative Study of Religions of Faculty of Ushuluddin, Universitas Darussalam Gontor, Indonesia. JCSR encompasses several topics of study as: ‎- Comparative studies in religion and politics ‎- History of religions ‎- Interfaith dialogue ‎- Philosophy of religion ‎- Psychology of religion ‎‎- Religion and art ‎- Religion and health ‎- Religion and linguistics ‎- Religion and literature ‎- Religion and media ‎- Religious anthropology ‎- Religious ethics ‎- Religious methodological research ‎- Religious phenomenology ‎‎- Religious sociology ‎- Religious tolerance ‎- Rituals on religion ‎- Role of religion in culture and society ‎- Sects ‎- Theology ‎‎- Thoughts, ideologies, and philosophies
Articles 7 Documents
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Muslim di Prancis ‎(Dinamika, Eksistensi dan Historis)‎ Maharani Suryadie Putri; Firdaus Imaduddin
Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)
Publisher : Departement of Comparative Study of Religions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jcsr.v2i1.6668


This study aims to reveal the phenomena, historical facts, and developments of Islamophobia in France from time to time and the government's attitude about it. The type of research is qualitative research, using historical methods. The data are collected from journals, newspapers, historical records and verbal reports. The results of this study indicate that there are changes in the reaction of the French authorities to Muslims. In 1914-1918 France accepted workers from Islamic countries. While between 1976 and 1989, massive places of worship were built, French Muslims also formed religious organizations and communities. However, several incidents of terrorism which occurred in various parts of the world that accuse Islam as the perpetrator behind it all, gave rise to the term 'Islamophobia' in the West. As a result, the French authorities made several regulations that clearly discriminated against Muslims. The issue of Islamophobia is based on at least three things; first, Islam has been considered an integral part of French society. Second, Islam is the cause of the economic recession. Third, the September 11 tragedy made Islam labeled as a terrorist actor.
Naqd John Hick fi Tajassud Uluhiyah Yasu' Izzah Fitriani Muhajir
Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)
Publisher : Departement of Comparative Study of Religions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jcsr.v2i1.6670


This article discusses John Hick's critique of the concept of the incarnation of God Jesus and proves the deconstruction that occurs in the concept of Christian divinity. The author uses descriptive and analytical methods to describe and analyze John Hick's thoughts. According to a study of the Bible and history conducted by John Hick, Jesus never claimed to be God or the incarnate Son of God. In Christianity, the incarnation is not the teaching of Jesus Christ but comes from Paganism which originated in Rome. The incarnation was deliberately introduced by the church to invite the enthusiasm of Christians who were not convinced by the teachings of the church at that time. Jesus who is known in the life of Christians is more appropriate to be called a prophet or a nobleman than to think of him as God. John Hick's opinion is very correct because the Bible as the basis of Christianity never says the divinity of Jesus. 
The Miracle in Christianity According to David Hume Muhammad Alif Rahmadi; Zulfikar Zulfikar
Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)
Publisher : Departement of Comparative Study of Religions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jcsr.v2i1.6671


This article examines the views of David Hume on miracles in Christianity in his book “An Inquiry ‎Concerning Human Understanding”. Using a literature ‎approach and systematic analysis of David Hume's writings, this research generates ‎several ideas. David Hume wrote that any miracle that happens in this world is a ‎violation of the laws of nature. Miracles destroy the natural order ‎and are not in line with the existing law of nature. David Hume opposed the idea of miracles ‎because he was a religious skeptic, against all things metaphysical and non-natural to ‎humans. Thus, David Hume rejected the truth filled with doubts and questions. David ‎Hume's skepticism leads to the theory of deism, that God is a product of human thought ‎and He does not interfere with what He created.
Tauhid Sufistik Ibn Taymīyah ‎(Sebuah Upaya Menemukan Aspek Sufistik Ibn Taymīyah)‎ Octaviani Erman Nanda
Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)
Publisher : Departement of Comparative Study of Religions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jcsr.v2i1.6673


This article re-analyzes Ibnu Taimiyah’s position and his thought on Sufism and anti-‎Sufism. The article is also expected to find the precise typology to describe the ‎qualification of Ibnu Taimiyah’s Sufism other than the Sunni and Falsafi ‎typologies. As a formalist and literalist thinker, Ibnu Taimiyah has been famously ‎known as an anti-Sufi Muslim scholar. There have been a number of modern ‎Salafis who refute any relationship between Ibnu Taimiyah and Sufism. Ibnu Taimiyah ‎has criticized such philosophical doctrines of Sufism as waḥdat al-wujûd, ḥulûl, ‎and ittiḥâd, which are considered to have deviated from the foundations of ‎Islam. along with criticism, Ibnu Taimiyah offers a solution by recovering the earliest ‎and authentic tradition of Sufism when it is viewed as to have obscured the ‎authenticity of knowledge based on the al-Qur’an and Sunnah. The product of his ‎Sufism can be, therefore, categorized in Salafi-Sufism typology in addition to ‎other such Ibnu Taimiyah popular typologies as Sunni and Falsafi. The pattern of ‎the Tasawuf Falsafi -which is deemed as being appropriate to describe the ‎existence of Ibnu Taimiyah’s Sufism, does not, basically, accept takwîl upon ‎the religious texts. The aim of his Sufism is to strengthen one’s faith and help ‎him/her to purify their soul and morality.
Makanah al-Masih fi al-Katsulikiyah 'inda al-Ghinustiyah Akbar Aisya Billah
Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)
Publisher : Departement of Comparative Study of Religions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jcsr.v2i1.6794


This study aims to show the attitudes and views of Gnosticism towards the position of Jesus in the Catholic Church. The researcher uses the descriptive method to explain the meaning of Gnosticism, history, and also the characters of Gnosticism. In addition, the researcher also uses a critical analysis method that explains the attitude of Gnosticism to the position of Jesus in Catholicism. The results of the study found that Gnosticism has a concept of a different understanding of the figure of Jesus, and rejects the understanding of Jesus in Catholicism. Gnosticism does not recognize Jesus as a savior, because man's salvation will be obtained from man's own efforts and knowledge of God (Shopia). While Jesus was merely a spiritual teacher who brought the knowledge of God, and Jesus' resurrection was a delusion, Jesus did not rise physically but only spiritually.
Al-Tasamuh al-Diniy 'inda Yusuf al-Qardhawiy Zulkifli Reza Fahmi
Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)
Publisher : Departement of Comparative Study of Religions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jcsr.v2i1.6795


This paper aims to examine the concept of religious tolerance from Yusuf al-‎Qardhawi's perspective. The descriptive-analytical method is used to describe and analyze the thoughts of Yusuf al-Qardhawi and his relationship with the thoughts of other Muslim scholars. From this research it was found; first, religious tolerance according to Yusuf al-Qardhawi is to give non-Muslims the freedom to choose their religion and not to force them in any form. Second, "the starting point of religious tolerance is freedom of religion, unity of the people, justice and muâmalah with non-Muslims. Third, freedom of religion is based on the view that differences are the will of God and that humans cannot force themselves to make all human beings believe. Fourth, there are some things that are allowed for Muslims to be tolerant towards non-Muslims but there are also things that are not allowed at all, such as recognizing the truth of the teachings of other religions and participating in the worship of other religions. Although al-Qardhawi is a great scholar, his thoughts are still criticized, so the study of his thoughts is interesting to discuss. 
Radikalisme Menurut Pandangan Islam dan Kristen Adi Rahmat Kurniawan
Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)
Publisher : Departement of Comparative Study of Religions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jcsr.v2i1.6860


Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisis dan membandingkan pemikiran radikal menurut Islam dan Kristen. Isu radikal dalam agama mencuat karena seringnya terjadi teror yang mengatasnamakan agama, terutama Islam dan Kristen. Kondisi ini membutuhkan suatu solusi agar terciptanya kerukunan antar umat beragama dengan cara memahami hakikat radikal. Pentingnya pemahaman ini karena banyak yang menganggap radikal sebuah paham, pemikiran atau ideologi yang mengarah pada tindakan kekerasan seperti terorisme. Jenis penelitian ini adalah literatur studies, menggunakan metode analisis kritis dan perbandingan, dimana mayoritas data dikumpulkan dari jurnal dan buku. Hasilnya ditemukan bahwa radikalisme memiliki terminologi positif dan negatif dari kedua agama. Dalam Islam kata radikal dimaknai sebagai akar sehingga orang yang beragama adalah orang yang ajaran agamanya mengakar dengan kuat. Namun jika radikal menjadi gerakan maka akan berubah menjadi tindakan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan kekerasan. Dalam Kristen radikal dipahami sebagai sebuah tindakan yang menyebabkan seseorang mencintai agama Kristen sehingga melakukan kebaikan dengan mencontoh kepribadian Yesus dan kepatuhan terhadap wahyu yang dibawa-Nya. Sementara dari segi negatif dimaknai sebagai tindakan kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh kelompok tertentu yang mengatasnamakan agama.

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