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Khairun Law Journal (KLJ) is an official journal of Faculty of Law, Khairun University. KLJ published semi-annualy in September and March. The aims of this journal is to provide a venue for academicians, researchers and practitioners for publishing the original research articles or review articles. The scope of the articles published in KLJ is deal with a broad range of topics, including:Criminal Law; Civil Law; International Law; Constitutional Law; Administrative Law; Islamic Law; Economic Law; Medical Law; Agrarian Law; Adat Law; and Environmental Law.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Volume 4 Issue 1, September 2020" : 5 Documents clear
Penerapan Sanksi Pidana Denda Sebagai Upaya Menekan Tingkat Pelanggaran Lalu Lintas di Kota Ternate M. Agus F Sudarsono; Faissal Malik; Anshar Anshar
Khairun Law Journal Volume 4 Issue 1, September 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Khairun University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (966.28 KB) | DOI: 10.33387/klj.v4i1.3036


The legal basis regulating traffic is Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2009 concerning "Road Traffic and Transportation" (hereinafter written UULAJ). Traffic procedures are regulated in Article 105 to Article 126 UULAJ. However, the current high number of traffic violations is one of the causes of the high number of traffic accidents that occur. With the increasing need for transportation for the community, there are also more vehicles in the traffic lane so that it cannot be denied that it will cause violations to be committed, especially by motorized vehicle drivers which results in quite difficult and complicated problems. Fines are a type of crime that is generally imposed on all violations. The fact is currently happening in Kota Ternate, although the ticket fines already exist, the number of traffic violations is always there and tends to increase. One of the causes is the low number of fines imposed by the District Court Judges of Ternate on traffic offenders so that traffic offenders feel that they are able to pay the sanctions given and the supervision of traffic officers is not proportional to the size of the area being supervised so that it causes unevenness and weakness. supervision of offendersSanctions; Criminal Fines; Traffic violations
Tinjauan Yuridis terhadap Putusan Pengadilan Negeri terkait dengan Kompetensi Absolut dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Perbankan Syariah Sugiannur Sugiannur; Wahda Z Imam; Nam Rumkel
Khairun Law Journal Volume 4 Issue 1, September 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Khairun University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (949.477 KB) | DOI: 10.33387/klj.v4i1.3031


Article 18 of Law Number 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power determines that judicial power is exercised by a Supreme Court and judicial bodies under it in the general court, religious courts, military courts, state administrative courts, and by an Constitutional Court. Each judicial environment has competence, both absolute and relative competence. The absolute competence of the judiciary is the jurisdiction of the judiciary in examining certain types of cases which are absolutely unable to be examined by other court bodies, either in the same judicial environment or in a different judicial environment. In connection with disputes involving sharia banking, until now it is still a matter of debate, which court has the authority to try them. Not to mention that until now there are still decisions of district courts that accept and grant claims which are disputes involving sharia banking. This means that internally the Supreme Court alone, in this case the judges in making decisions are still unable to provide legal certainty regarding absolute competence in adjudicating disputes involving sharia banking
Kajian Kriminologi Penyalagunaan Narkotika oleh Anak di Kota Ternate Rudi Hamdja; Tri Syafari; Anshar Anshar
Khairun Law Journal Volume 4 Issue 1, September 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Khairun University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (969.619 KB) | DOI: 10.33387/klj.v4i1.3032


Abuse of narcotics by children in Ternate City actually occurs and is used by children who are still minors, either the child is a user / user or the child is a dealer, if it is categorized as narcotics abuse by children in Ternate City then the most dominating the category is a child as a user or a user who is a victim. The legal area of the North Maluku Regional Police and its staff in Ternate City is often found by children as drug users / users who are victims, in 2017 there were 2 cases of children who were netted with drug cases, in 2018 there were 1 cases of children and in 2019 there were 3 cases of children as users drugs, from these figures it shows that in the jurisdiction of the North Maluku Regional Police and the number of crimes of trafficking of Narcotics by minors still occurs, from a number of reasons children use or use narcotics because they are influenced by invitations from friends, curiosity or trial and error. try, the influence of the older siblings who live in, then the family is not harmonious and the environment in which they live.
Kajian Yuridis Terhadap Pelaksanaan Putusan Sela Yang Tertunda Tentang Upah Skorsin (Studi Kasus Perkara Nomor: 09/Pdt.Sus-PHI/PN.Tte, Jucnto Putusan Kasasi Nomor 143 K/Pdt.Sus-PHI/2015 Thobari Thobari; Rusdin Alauddin; Nam Rumkel
Khairun Law Journal Volume 4 Issue 1, September 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Khairun University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (67.241 KB) | DOI: 10.33387/klj.v4i1.3033


Termination of Employment (PHK) is basically a complex problem because it is related to unemployment, crime and job opportunities. Along with the rate of development of the business industry and the increasing number of workforce working in employment relationships, the problem of termination of employment is a problematic topic because it involves human life. The government has issued Law Number 21 of 2000 concerning Worker Unions / Labor Unions, Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower and Law Number 2 of 2004 concerning Settlement of Industrial Relations Disputes (PPHI Law) which are the basis of reference in case of layoffs . One of the problems that occurred when the Panel of Judges of PHI PN Ternate stated that the demand for wages during suspension was legal according to the law, in accordance with the provisions of Article 155 paragraph (3) of Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower so that the Panel of Judges considered the provisional demands (interlocutory decision) appropriate to was granted and sentenced the Plaintiff (Entrepreneur) to pay suspension wages to the Defendant (Worker) since November 2014 until this case has permanent legal force. However, in reality and in fact the entrepreneur / company did not implement the interim decision.
Penerapan Ketentuan Pasal Recidive dalam Pemberatan Penjatuhan Hukuman di Pengadilan Negeri Ternate Ahmad Mufti; Muhaimin Limatahu; Ainurrafiqa Pelupessy
Khairun Law Journal Volume 4 Issue 1, September 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Khairun University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (998.244 KB) | DOI: 10.33387/klj.v4i1.2540


Realitas kehidupan mengisyaratkan bahwa setiap orang yang bersalah wajib ditindak dan diberikan sanksi. Tak ayal seseorang yang dinyatakan bersalah dan telah menjalani hukumannya pun bisa kembali melakukan kejahatan yang sama, seseorang yang mengulangi kejahatan/Tindak Pidana disebut sebagai Residivis. Meningkatnya tindak kejahatan yang terjadi di Negara Indonesia menjadi penyebab utama meningkatnya jumlah pelaku kejahatan yang menjalani masa penahanan, baik di dalam Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) maupun Rumah Tahanan (Rutan).Adapun tujuan umum dari penelitian ini adalah adalah mengidentifikasi serta mengetahui putusan hakim bagi terdakwa recidive.Sedangkan tujuan khusus dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan rekomendasi bagi pemangku kebijakan dalam hal ini hakim di Pengadilan Negeri Kota Ternate dalam  menjatuhkan pemberatan hukuman bagi terdakwa recidive.Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan tipe penelitian sosio-yuridis dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian dengan tipe sosio-yuridis digunakan dengan alasan untuk mengidentifikasi hukuman yang dijatuhkan oleh hakim di Pengadilan Negeri Kota Ternate terhadap Pelaku Pengulangan Tindak Pidana atau disebut dengan RECIDIVIST. Adapun sifat penelitian ini ialah bersifat deskriptif yang bertujuan menguji ada tidaknya hubungan sebab akibat antara berbagai variabel permasalahan yang diteliti.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pertimbangan hakim dalam penjatuhan pidana kepada seorang recidivist bergantung pada Surat Dakwaan dan Tuntutan Jaksa Penuntut Umum, dan pada kenyataannya tidak ada satu dakwaan dari JPU, dan Hukuman yang dijatuhkan oleh hakim kepada seorang recidivist belum ada yang mengikuti norma yang berlaku bagi pengulangan tindak pidana (recidive), tujuan pemidanaan dalam peraturan perundangan pidana di Indonesia belum semuanya mengatur secara rinci tentang pengulangan tindak pidana (recidive).

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