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Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal
Published by Future Science
ISSN : -     EISSN : 27228274     DOI :
Core Subject : Health,
Study on fundamentals of nursing. Development of nursing education. Clinical research on medical surgical nursing, critical care nursing, emergency nursing, maternity nursing, and pediatric nursing. Management in nursing. Dissemination of community health research on geriatric, family, and community nursing. Application of holistic and complementary care in nursing. Mental health nursing study. Health Communication/ Therapeutic Communication in Nursing
Articles 45 Documents
Sports Games towards Intelligence and Nerve Development of Children in Iodine Deficiency Endemic Area Zulkhah Noor; Ira Safira; Idiani Darmawati
Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal (BANRJ)
Publisher : Future Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/banrj.04.01.01


Increased circulation, hormones, and energy metabolism due to exercise are thought to have a positive effect on nerve growth and development. This study aims to examine the effect of addition of sports games on IQ score, TSH, and BDNF levels of elementary school children in IDD endemic areas. This research method was a quasi-pretest-posttest control group design experiment. As many as 40 children aged 9 -11 years were divided into 19 children as controls, and 21 children doing sports games for 30 minutes per day, five times a week for eight weeks. Serum TSH and BDNF levels were measured using ELISA and IQ score using Culture Fear Intelligence Test (CFIT) method. Statistical analysis used was T-test, Wilcoxon, and Mann-Whitney test. The mean of serum TSH levels and IQ scores of the treatment group were not significantly different from those of the control group (p>0.05). The mean of BDNF levels in both groups increased significantly, and the increase in BDNF levels in the treatment group was greater than in the control group (p<0.05). It can be concluded that the addition of sports games did not significantly change TSH levels and IQ scores (p>0.05), but significantly increase BDNF levels (p<0.05).
The Effectiveness of Butterfly Hug in Reducing Anxiety Long-Distance Relationship (LDR) with Parents in Nursing Students Endang Caturini; Nastiti Dyah Safitri; Sugiyarto Sugi
Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal (BANRJ)
Publisher : Future Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/banrj.04.01.02


Introduction: Anxiety related to a long-distance relationship with parents is an unpleasant emotional reaction when away from parents that can cognitively interfere with feelings and emotions caused by feelings of loneliness and longing for home. One of the ways to reduce anxiety is a butterfly hug. Methods Using quasi-experimental with the control group and pre-posttest design. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The sample consisted of 60 respondents divided into a control group of 30 respondents and an intervention group of 30 respondents. Using the Zung Self-Anxiety Rating Scale for the instrument. The intervention group received a butterfly hug for 6 days in 8 sessions every day, and the control group received music therapy for 6 days. Bivariate analysis used the parametric test paired sample t-test to see the difference between the prepost-test intervention group and to see the difference between the prepost-test control group on the anxiety level using the nonparametric Wilcoxon test. Analysis of bivariate test to see the difference between groups using the independent sample t-test. Result: The results of the Wilcoxon test of the anxiety level control group p=0,274 (p=>0,05), meanwhile the results of the intervention group of the paired sample t-test intervention group there was a significant effect (p=0,000). The results of the independent sample t-test between the control and intervention groups were p=0,001 (p=<0,05). Conclusions: Butterfly hug therapy is an effective therapy to reduce anxiety in LDR with parents in nursing students. This therapy is expected to be applied and used as an intervention to reduce anxiety.
Determinants of High School Student Knowledge on HIV/AIDS Nirma Lidia Sari
Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal (BANRJ)
Publisher : Future Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/banrj.04.01.03


Introduction: The number of people living with HIV/AIDS in Indonesia has increased. Because adolescents are the age group that experiences the most rapid social change, they are among the most likely to be infected with HIV or AIDS. This study aimed to determine the determinants of knowledge of SMA 6 Bandar Lampung students about HIV/AIDS. Methods: An observational study with a cross-sectional design is the approach that this research method takes. Students enrolled in the 12th grade at SMA Negeri 6 Bandar Lampung made up both the population and the sample for this study. Results: According to the findings of this study, the majority of students are female (62.7 %), with the majority also being over the age of 17 (97.1 %), and 89.2 % being Muslim. Only 24.5 % of respondents get their health information from health workers, despite the fact that 81.4 % of students are aware of HIV/AIDS. Gender and previous lead exposure are both factors that affect a student's level of knowledge. Conclusion: Schools need to increase the amount of information about HIV/AIDS that students are exposed to in a variety of different ways in order to increase students' knowledge about HIV/AIDS. These ways include incorporating material about adolescent reproductive health into the school curriculum, creating peer study groups, and increasing education and information through the media.
Relationship Between Perception of Electric Cigarette and Electric Smoking Behaviour Ika Setya Purwanti; Ni Luh Putu Devhy; Nurul Faidah
Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal (BANRJ)
Publisher : Future Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/banrj.04.01.04


Introduction: The adolescent has a high chance of becoming a smoker. Numerous determinants impact the smoking conduct of adolescents, among which the companionship of peers holds significant sway. The study aims to investigate the level of awareness pertaining to e-cigarettes as a means of acquiring insights into the patterns of e-smoking conduct. Methods: The study used a cross-sectional design in Kemoning Traditional Village, with 87 adolescents and early adults. Results: there is a strong link between adolescent smokers' perceptions of the calmness that comes with smoking and their actual smoking behaviour (p = 0.043). Conclusion: Participants generally had a positive perception of smoking hazards, with most agreeing that smoking could have negative health effects. Overall, the study provides insights into the factors influencing smoking behaviour.
The Effectiveness of Lemongrass (Cymbopogon Nardus) Aromatherapy on the Level of Labor Pain in the Active Phase 1 Setiana Andarwulan; Yuni Khoirul Waroh; Annah Hubaedah
Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal (BANRJ)
Publisher : Future Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/banrj.04.01.05


Background: Labour pain causes hyperventilation, increasing the need for oxygen and blood pressure and reducing intestinal motility and urinary bladder. These conditions will interfere with uterine contractions, which can cause uterine inertia, prolonged labour, inadequate baby oxygenation that results in foetal distress, and maternal and/or foetal death. if labour pain is not treated. Aromatherapy is a therapeutic action that uses essential oils. which is beneficial in improving one's physical and psychological condition to be better. Each essential oil has unique pharmacological effects, such as antibacterial, antiviral, sedative, and stimulates the adrenals. Methods The type of research used in this research is quantitative with a quasi-experimental research design. The research design used was a two-group prepost-test design, a research activity that gave an initial test (pretest) before treatment, after treatment, and then a final test (post-test). The population in this study were all 29 primigravida mothers. The sample was 21 mothers with primigravida. The independent variable in this study was lemongrass aromatherapy, which was measured using standard operating procedures for aromatherapy. The dependent variable in this study was the reduction in pain measured using the NRS scale. The data analysis technique used was univariate data analysis using frequency descriptions and bivariate statistical tests using Wilcoxon signed. Results: The value of p = 0.002 (α < 0.05) was obtained. Therefore, it was concluded that there were differences in pain changes before and after the lemongrass aromatherapy group. Giving lemongrass aromatherapy to pain in the first stage of labour is effective. Conclusion: A woman giving birth during the first active phase needs support to maintain her motivation to birth normally and cope with any discomfort she may experience. Lemongrass aromatherapy, given as a gift, can be used to ease the discomfort of labor, improving both the mother's experience and her ability to trust the process.
Implicit Bias in Health Care Providers During Providing Health Care Services to Patients in A Tertiary Care Hospital South Punjab Pakistan Shazia Yasmeen Leghari; Tahira Perveen; Kalsoom Nazar
Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal (BANRJ)
Publisher : Future Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/banrj.04.01.06


Introduction: Bias means an unreasoned and unfair distortion of judgment in favour of or against a person or thing. It is the evaluation of something or someone that can be positive or negative, and implicit or unconscious bias is when the person is unaware of their evaluation. Unconscious or implicit bias describes associations or attitudes that reflexively alter our perceptions, there by affecting behaviour, interaction, and decision-making Methods: This study qualitative cross-sectional study design is used. Implicit Assessment Tool (IAT) used to assess the age Implicit, Religion Implicit and Skin tone Implicit among nurses. The data was analysed by SPSS version-18 & Microsoft Excel. Out of 100 respondent 23% showed a strong automatic preference for light skin compared to dark skin people in Skin-tone IAT. Results: Out 0f 100 just 2% showed strong automatic preference for dark skin as compared to light skin people. During the Religion IAT out of 100 respondents just 1% nurses showed a strong preference for Judaism compared to Islam. 96.0% showed strong automatic preferences for Islam compared to Judaism. 29 % respondents showed a strong automatic preference for Islam compared to Christianity. While 2% participants showed a strong preference for Christianity compared to Islam. In Age implicit assessment test 30% nurses showed strong automatic preference for young people to old people. Just 1 % nurses showed strong automatic preference for old people compared to young people. 30 % nurses showed moderate level of automatic preferences for young people as compared to old people, while just 2 % have moderate automatic preference for old people as compared to young people. Conclusion: This study concluded that Nurses have a strong automatic preference towards their own religion so that they prefer Muslim patients unconsciously rather than the other religion. This study also reveal that during giving care nurses have strong automatic preference to young people and light skinned people as compared to dark skinned and old people.
The Relationship Between Use of Gadgets and Sleep Quality on Nursing Students Andri Nugraha; Santi Rinjani santi; Aceng Ali; Erwin Pardiansyah
Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal (BANRJ)
Publisher : Future Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/banrj.04.01.07


Introduction: The proliferation of information and communication technology, particularly handheld electronic devices, has resulted in a significant portion of the population becoming ensnared in a perpetual reliance on smartphones. The prevalence of technological devices has led to a significant dependency among students. Approximately 30 million individuals, constituting approximately 80% of the user population in Indonesia, are students. This behaviour frequently leads individuals to lose track of time during late hours, as they habitually resort to incessantly monitoring their electronic devices as a means of evading social interactions on online platforms. The objective of this study was to investigate the correlation between gadget usage and sleep quality. Methods: The present study employed a quantitative approach utilizing a cross-sectional design. This study employed comparative statistical analysis to examine the correlation between gadget usage and the sleep quality of students at STIKes Karsa Husada Garut. Results:: The data analysis using the Chi-square test yielded a p-value of less than 0.05, suggesting a significant association between the utilization of Gadgets and the quality of sleep among nursing students at STIKes Karsa Husada Garut. Conclusion: the utilization of electronic devices had a notable impact on the sleep quality of final-year students at STIKes Karsa Husada Garut. A negative correlation can be interpreted as indicating an inverse relationship between the use of gadgets and sleep quality, such that an increase in gadget usage is associated with a decrease in sleep quality and vice versa.
The Relationship of Peer Social Support and Gratitude Towards the Meaningfulness of Life of People with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA) Wirya Dipo Utama
Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal (BANRJ)
Publisher : Future Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/banrj.04.02.01


Introduction: of life is one of the critical variables in the lives of PLWHA. Social support and gratitude are among the factors that influence the meaning of life. This study aims to determine the relationship between peer social support and gratitude with the meaning of life in PLWHA. Methods: The respondents of this study were 44 people. Data were collected using a questionnaire that had been validated and tested for reliability. Results: The results of hypothesis testing showed a positive relationship between social support (rxy = 0.409; p = 0.007; p < 0.05) and gratitude with meaning of life (rxy = 0.338; p = 0.029; p < 0.05) in PLWHA. Conslusion: This indicates that the higher the social support and gratitude, the better the meaning of life of PLWHA.
Determinants Factors Related to Patient Satisfaction with Laboratory Services at Permata Hati General Hospital Ni Putu Ayu Cendana Wangi; Diah Prihatiningsih; Ni Made Nopita Wati; Anak Agung Ayu Eka Cahyani; Ni Luh Gede Puspita Yanti
Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal (BANRJ)
Publisher : Future Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/banrj.04.02.03


Introduction: The quality of healthcare services is a crucial factor in the success of a hospital. Healthcare services are considered high-quality when they generate satisfaction for the patients served. This research aims to identify factors related to patient satisfaction with laboratory services. Methods: The research used a quantitative approach with a correlational research design and a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling. The sample size used in this research is 98 patients. The instrument used in this study is a patient satisfaction questionnaire consisting of 25 items. The questionnaire has been validated and has good reliability, with validity test values ranging from 0.477 to 0.980 and a reliability value of 0.913. Data processing in this research uses Chi-square and Rank Spearman tests. Results: The results of the study indicate that there is no relationship between age (p=0.100), gender (p=0.133), education (p=0.594), marital status (p=0.151), and occupation (p=0.155) with patient satisfaction. Conclusion: It can be concluded that age, gender, education, marital status, and occupation do not have a significant relationship with patient satisfaction with the services provided.
Qualitative Study of Factors Causing Double Numbering of Medical Record Documents at Dharma Yadnya Hospital Denpasar Ni Luhtu Rediyantini; Ika Setya Purwanti; A. A. Gde Oka Widana
Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal (BANRJ)
Publisher : Future Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/banrj.04.02.04


Introduction: Duplication is when two medical record numbers have the same identity or patient. Duplication or double numbering of medical records occurs because the patient's medical record file is not found when the patient comes for treatment, or the patient needs to remember to bring the Medical Index Card (MIC). This study wanted to determine the factors that cause duplication or double numbering of medical record documents. Method: Data collection was carried out by in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation using case study research with qualitative descriptive methods. The Miles and Huberman method is used in data analysis. The sample of this study amounted to 5 people with purposive sampling techniques. Results: The results of the study showed that the implementation of medical record documents in the registration section uses a computerized system, numbering system using the Unit Numbering System (UNS), alignment system using the Straight Numerical Filling (SNF) system, storage system using a Decentralized system, and the leading cause of duplication of medical record numbers at Dharma Yadnya Hospital is that when patients come for treatment often do not bring MIC or other identity cards. Conclusion: From the study results, the implementation of taking medical record documents has not followed the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) because it has yet to implement tracers. So, tracers are recommended, and officers must be careful in carrying out health services following existing SOP regulations.