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Jurnal Mekintek : Jurnal Mekanikal, Energi, Industri, Dan Teknologi
Published by Ihsa Institute
ISSN : 20867026     EISSN : 28087372     DOI :
Jurnal Mekintek : Jurnal Mekanikal, Energi, Industri, Dan Teknologi is a scientific journal that aims to participate in developing the scientific field of Mechanical, Energy, Industrial And Technology, contains the results of research and theoretical study from lecturers, researchers and industry practitioners. Jurnal Mekintek : Jurnal Mekanikal, Energi, Industri, Dan Teknologi is administered by the IHSA Institute. Jurnal Mekintek : Jurnal Mekanikal, Energi, Industri, Dan Teknologi published twice a year, in April and October. Editors receive scientific articles or papers containing the results of research, literature review, or review activity that is closely related to the field of Mechanical, Energy, Industrial And Technology.
Articles 36 Documents
Evaluation Of Water Delivery Performance In The Paya Sordang Irrigation Area, Padang Sidimpuan Tenggara District, Tapanui Regency Andri Kurnia Nasution
Jurnal Mekintek : Jurnal Mekanikal, Energi, Industri, Dan Teknologi Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022): April: Mechanical, Energy, Industrial And Technology
Publisher : IHSA Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mekintek.v13i1.31


Irrigation plays a role in increasing crop production, by regulating, providing water needs for plants. Water demand for plants is affected by water loss due to decreased performance of irrigation networks. For this reason, a good irrigation system is needed so that water needs for plants can be met. Loss of water that occurs in irrigation canals can affect the efficiency of water requirements needed by plants. To increase crop production, it can also be done by optimizing the available land so that land use becomes more effective. The location of the research study is in the Paya Sordang Irrigation Area, Southeast Padangsidimpuan District, South Tapanuli Regency. Analysis of irrigation water needs was carried out using the FJMock method, from the analysis of irrigation water needs it was found that the mainstay discharge of the Batang Angkola watershed was obtained in order to obtain a good planting pattern and period. From the measurement of the discharge can be seen the efficiency of the irrigation canal. Meanwhile, to calculate land effectiveness, it is done by dividing the irrigated area by the design area. Based on this research, the mainstay discharge is 17.75 m3/s and the water demand is 0.7 lt/sec/ha. The efficiency of the secondary network is 91.1962%, this efficiency has met the efficiency specified in the criteria for irrigation planning, namely for the secondary channel, the efficiency is 90%. From the research results, it can be seen that Paya Sordang irrigation is currently less effective. This can be seen from the initial planned irrigation area which is 4,350 ha and which can be irrigated only 1,232 ha during the dry season and 3,118 during the rainy season, so that the effectiveness of Paya Sordang irrigation is only 28.322% during the dry season and 71.678% during the rainy season.
Design Of Noise Level Control To Reduce The Dosage Of Noise Exposure In Jakarta Electronic Companies Mutiara N Sembiring
Jurnal Mekintek : Jurnal Mekanikal, Energi, Industri, Dan Teknologi Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022): April: Mechanical, Energy, Industrial And Technology
Publisher : IHSA Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mekintek.v13i1.32


Noise is one of the physical hazard factors that are often encountered in the work environment. Continuous noise can cause discomfort at work. Jakarta Electronics Company is a company that produces electronic goods such as fans. The guard shop production unit is a production area that produces front guard and rear guard (fan product safety net). In the production unit there is a noise problem. Noise occurs at the level of 86 to 92 dB(A) and lasts for 7.8 hours/day, so it has exceeded the noise threshold value permitted by the government based on the Decree of the Minister of Manpower No. KEP.51/MEN/1999. This noise has the effect of hearing loss, feeling disturbed, fatigue, and impaired work communication.The research design used is a descriptive design using a survey method. Research variables include air temperature, noise level, duration of work, exposure to noise. Noise level and room temperature were measured using a 4 in 1 Multi Function Environment Meter. Other data is obtained from company record files.The measurement results show that the noise in the guard shop production unit has passed the threshold value with a noise range of 86 dB to 92 dB, which is in the area of ​​Middle Ring Welding, Cutting, Outer Ring Welding, Forming, , and Projection Welding machines.The design of the noise level management in the guard shop production unit is carried out by engineering control through the installation of barriers. The installation of the barrier will not interfere with the smooth flow of production at the guard shop production unit and other work stations
Analysis And Experimental Use Of CFRP Wrap Type On Flexible Reinforcement Of Concrete Beam Andrew Agaton Pakpahan
Jurnal Mekintek : Jurnal Mekanikal, Energi, Industri, Dan Teknologi Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022): April: Mechanical, Energy, Industrial And Technology
Publisher : IHSA Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mekintek.v13i1.33


Now, reinforced concrete structures are more commonly used in buildings because they are cheaper than steel structures. However, many concrete structures are damaged due to planning errors and changes in building functions, so there are several ways to overcome this problem, by providing Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) reinforcement. In this study, researchers discussed the comparison of the flexural strength of reinforced concrete beams using Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP). In this case, the researcher uses a Wrap-Type Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) as external reinforcement. The beam dimensions are 15 x 25 cm with a length of 320 cm. Based on the results of the analysis, the strength of the beam with CFRP is 1.877 times its initial strength. Based on the test results, the strength of the CFRP beam is 1.5 times its initial strength. Based on the results of this test.
Truecaller's Spam Call and SMS Blocking Solution for Surveillance on Social Media Indriyani Indriyani; Paula Dewanti
Jurnal Mekintek : Jurnal Mekanikal, Energi, Industri, Dan Teknologi Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022): April: Mechanical, Energy, Industrial And Technology
Publisher : IHSA Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mekintek.v13i1.121


The advancement of technology and communication has been impressively rapid. That are where emerging cybercrime technologies were born. Cyberspace activities involve the use of Internet users. One of them is a frequent social media user, which allows for communication interactions to take place without the need for face-to-face meetings. The Internet and social media, in addition to having a positive impact on users, also have a negative impact. One of them is a type of crime that is currently prevalent, namely digital cybercrime, which is a crime committed by varied individuals in order to deceive the target using data/information from the victim's social media account. Furthermore, in the current era of the Covid-19 pandemic, many victims have received fraud, such as spam calls and SMS, from people who use various methods to persuade, usually using the victim's family as tactic and overdue in loan payments as trap, and the number of these victims is growing. This study used a comparative study to examine the effectiveness of the Truecaller application in assisting smartphone users who are disturbed by continuous terror by using calls and Spam SMS, as well as overcoming victims' concerns.
Analysis of the Implementation of Occupational SafetyPrograms in an Effort to Increase Work Productivity Using a Fault Tree Analysis Approach (Case study: CV. Permata 7, Wonogiri) Edhi Sulistyoko
Jurnal Mekintek : Jurnal Mekanikal, Energi, Industri, Dan Teknologi Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022): April: Mechanical, Energy, Industrial And Technology
Publisher : IHSA Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mekintek.v13i1.122


CV. Permata 7 Wonogiri in its operation does not escape the problems faced such as work accidents, occupational diseases and the negative impact of industry on the surrounding environment, the level of human work safety as a production factor is very necessary so that optimal productivity can be achieved. The implementation of work safety programs for workers is an important supporting business in production activities. Every work safety program consists of several program elements and their supporters. In this case the author departs from 2 opinions, namely according to: Edwin B. Flippo and the International Labor Organization (ILO). In this study, the measurement of work safety results and the safe T value, the frequency level for stating the number of accidents that occur every 1,000. 000 hours worked in the current period. Severity level states the number of days lost due to accidents due to accidents for every 1,000,000 working hours of the number of “hours worked” employees. The safety T value is a measurement that aims to compare the results of the accident reduction rate achieved for the work. From the implementation of the occupational health program on CV. Gem 7 Wonogiri can be said to have done quite well. Accidents that occurred in 2005-2007 were 15, 13, 11 times accidents. With the frequency level from 2005-2007 is 64.9; 49.9; 36.1. the severity that occurred in 2005-2007 was 458.9; 284.2; 233.2. With the T-Score of Congratulations in 2006 it was known – 950.2 and in 2007 it was – 1078.2.
E-Module Development Based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) on Material Class X High School Chemistry Association Indra Wahyu Tampubolon
Jurnal Mekintek : Jurnal Mekanikal, Energi, Industri, Dan Teknologi Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022): April: Mechanical, Energy, Industrial And Technology
Publisher : IHSA Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mekintek.v13i1.123


This study aims to obtain: (1) PBL-based E-modules that have met the criteria for content eligibility, language eligibility, presentation eligibility, and graphic eligibility according to the National Education Standards Agency; (2) Students' responses to aspects of the appearance, material and benefits of PBL-based e-modules on chemical bonding materials. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D) which has been modified as needed. This research was carried out in several stages, namely syllabus analysis according to the current curriculum, module analysis by researchers, module design and development, validation of e-modules by lecturers and teachers, and then evaluation of e-modules developed by students. The average result of validation by lecturers is 3, 53 which means it is valid and does not need to be revised and the average teacher validation is 3.86 which means it is valid and does not need to be revised. The average percentage of student satisfaction with PBL-based e-modules that have been developed is 77.87%. So it can be concluded that the E-module based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) in the chemical bonding material for class X SMA is valid and does not need to be revised. Based on the high student response, it means that students feel interested in the e-module.
Design and manufacture of wax pattern making machines with drill chisels for layer deposition manufacturing processes Fitri Atmono Agus W
Jurnal Mekintek : Jurnal Mekanikal, Energi, Industri, Dan Teknologi Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022): December: Mechanical, Energy, Industrial And Technology
Publisher : IHSA Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mekintek.v13i2.175


Layer Deposition Manufacturing (LDM) is a new method in Rapid Prototyping. Layer Deposition Manufacturing is used for complex, hollow or complex production and object processes. The LDM process can be done manually, namely by creating a print cavity on Win. The goal to be achieved from this research is to make a pattern making machine with drill chisels to make molded cavities in wax in the Layer Deposition Manufacturing process. This research is based on existing literature as a theoretical basis. The stages carried out in this study began with designing a pattern making tool, searching for tool components and materials, making tools, assembling and testing the tool to determine machine performance. Tests were carried out using a drill chisel diameter of 2 mm and 3 mm and a wax thickness of 5 mm and 10 mm.
Application of layer deposition manufacturing in the manufacture of centrifugal water pump blade master molds for aluminum casting process Agus Suiiaryo
Jurnal Mekintek : Jurnal Mekanikal, Energi, Industri, Dan Teknologi Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022): December: Mechanical, Energy, Industrial And Technology
Publisher : IHSA Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mekintek.v13i2.176


The mold master is a product that is used as a reference for making mold models. The mold master can also be said to be an original sample of a product to be developed. The goal to be achieved from this research is to apply the Layer Deposition Manufacturing (LDM) method for the development of small and medium industries in order to be able to make mold masters that are more complex in shape, especially for making centrifugal water pump mold master molds for the aluminum casting process. print master by utilizing CAD, then cutting the master per layer according to the product area boundaries, after being cut the data for each layer is saved to a file to be printed, the print results are pasted on the Win layer, then the pattern is cut using a pattern cutting machine, after the layer pattern is formed then the pouring of the material in the form of solid, liquid, powder is carried out in a controlled manner layer by layer until it is as high as the desired product. The application of the LDM method for the manufacture of mold masters in the aluminum casting industry is an alternative method which is easy and fast to manufacture. The advantages of LDM are that it can create hollow products, can experiment with physical objects with a high level of complexity, can optimize product design to meet customer demands. Meanwhile, the disadvantages of LDM are that the size produced is less precise, it requires a lot of material support, it cannot make thin products. The LDM method can be used to make mold masters, especially for centrifugal water pump blade mold masters, both simple and complex shapes.
The design of the patella os with wireframes in the direction of the coordinate axes utilizes a multilayer strategy Wahyudi Kurniawan
Jurnal Mekintek : Jurnal Mekanikal, Energi, Industri, Dan Teknologi Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022): December: Mechanical, Energy, Industrial And Technology
Publisher : IHSA Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mekintek.v13i2.177


Osteology is the science of anatomy in the field of medicine, which includes studying the structure and shape of bones, especially the anatomy of human bones. One of the learning methods is observing and analyzing human bone replicas, this requires that the design of the bone replicas must be similar to the original form. Model design using computer technology, namely CAD (Computer Aided Design) and CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) is now widely used in the field of design and engineering. Complex and precise modeling can be done in a short time with uniform results. PowerSHAPE software as a CAD application program is capable of creating complex and precise models. By using multiple layers, The patella bone wireframe produced by the rapid prototyping method can be processed easily so that it is hoped that a replica of the patella bone can be made close to its original shape. From the design results, molds and machining simulations can be made using the CAM application program, namely PowerMILL software.
Metal powder manufacturing process using the oxy-acetylene plasma atomization method Endang Kurniawan
Jurnal Mekintek : Jurnal Mekanikal, Energi, Industri, Dan Teknologi Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022): December: Mechanical, Energy, Industrial And Technology
Publisher : IHSA Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mekintek.v13i2.178


The powder metallurgy process is one of the metalworking technologies by compacting a quantity of powder from pure materials or alloys in a mold, then sintering or heating in a furnace at a certain temperature until bonding occurs between the powder particles. Several advantages of powder metallurgy technology, namely: eliminating or minimizing the machining process, no wasted material, high surface accuracy and smoothness, increased strength and wear resistance, and complex product shapes. Atomization method is a method that is often used to make powders in bulk. Several known atomization methods are the water atomization method, the gas atomization method, and the centrifugal atomization method. Several new methods in the atomization method are the plasma atomization method, liquid explosion atomization method, ultrasonic atomization method, and so on. In this study, molten aluminum metal was used as the starting material, the process used was the oxy-acetylene plasma welding process. The data obtained by testing the distribution of powder, testing the distribution of powder weight, and testing the macro structure of the powder. The powder produced from the oxy-acetylene plasma burst has the characteristics of a non-spherical powder, but is in the shape of a teardrop. This grayish black color is caused by the powder undergoing an oxidation process and a carburizing process. powder weight distribution test, and powder macro structure testing. The powder produced from the oxy-acetylene plasma burst has the characteristics of a non-spherical powder, but is in the shape of a teardrop. This grayish black color is caused by the powder undergoing an oxidation process and a carburizing process. powder weight distribution test, and powder macro structure testing. The powder produced from the oxy-acetylene plasma burst has the characteristics of a non-spherical powder, but is in the shape of a teardrop. This grayish black color is caused by the powder undergoing an oxidation process and a carburizing process.The powder metallurgy process is one of the metalworking technologies by compacting a quantity of powder from pure materials or alloys in a mold, then sintering or heating in a furnace at a certain temperature until bonding occurs between the powder particles. Several advantages of powder metallurgy technology, namely: eliminating or minimizing the machining process, no wasted material, high surface accuracy and smoothness, increased strength and wear resistance, and complex product shapes. Atomization method is a method that is often used to make powders in bulk. Several known atomization methods are the water atomization method, the gas atomization method, and the centrifugal atomization method. Several new methods in the atomization method are the plasma atomization method, liquid explosion atomization method, ultrasonic atomization method, and so on. In this study, molten aluminum metal was used as the starting material, the process used was the oxy-acetylene plasma welding process. The data obtained by testing the distribution of powder, testing the distribution of powder weight, and testing the macro structure of the powder. The powder produced from the oxy-acetylene plasma burst has the characteristics of a non-spherical powder, but is in the shape of a teardrop. This grayish black color is caused by the powder undergoing an oxidation process and a carburizing process. powder weight distribution test, and powder macro structure testing. The powder produced from the oxy-acetylene plasma burst has the characteristics of a non-spherical powder, but is in the shape of a teardrop. This grayish black color is caused by the powder undergoing an oxidation process and a carburizing process. powder weight distribution test, and powder macro structure testing. The powder produced from the oxy-acetylene plasma burst has the characteristics of a non-spherical powder, but is in the shape of a teardrop. This grayish black color is caused by the powder undergoing an oxidation process and a carburizing process.

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