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Al-Mizan: Jurnal Hukum Islam dan Ekonomi Syariah
ISSN : 23546468     EISSN : 28077695     DOI : -
The Al-Mizan Journal focuses on the study of Journal of Islamic Law and Sharia Economics. The study of Journal of Islamic Law and Sharia Economics which focuses on universal and Islamic values by upholding diversity and humanity. Al-Mizan Journal studies are published based on research results both theoretically and practically, which include: ISLAMIC LAW specializes in Islamic Law in Modern State, especially related topics with Islamic law as positive law, Islamic law as a living law, and unification and harmonization of law. Family Law Islamic Family Law Family Study Islamic Criminal Law Customary Law History of Islamic Family Law and Islamic Law ECONOMICS SYARIA Islamic banking and finance Islamic insurance Islamic social funds (zakat, infaq, sadaqah, and waqaf) Islamic business ethics Islamic contemporary economics and business issues Islamic management and retail marketing Islamic economics education Public relations and retail communication Innovation and product development Economic practices in Islamic Communities
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 8 No 1 (2021): Al-Mizan" : 5 Documents clear
Tinjauan Fiqh Syafi‘iyyah Terhadap Legalitas Mahar Dari Uang Haram Asnawi
Al-Mizan Vol 8 No 1 (2021): Al-Mizan
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam

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The dowry that must be given by a husband to his wife is the property he has or something of value, while the assets resulting from illicit business whose ownership is not clear, the legality of the dowry given is also unclear. Based on the above background, the author wishes to examine more deeply about the provisions of the dowry in marriage according to the view of al-Shafi'iyyah fiqh and the consequences if the husband pays the dowry with illicit assets. The goal to be achieved is to find out the provisions of the dowry in marriage according to the perspective of al-Shafi'iyyah fiqh and the law of paying the dowry of illicit assets and their consequences. This research was conducted in a qualitative research type with a descriptive approach. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the position of the dowry in marriage according to al-Shafi'iyyah fiqh, is a reward for the benefits of a wife, which can be used as a dowry are goods that are legally traded, namely, holy, owned, and valuable, the mention of dowry in Marriage according to al-Shafi'iyyah fiqh perspective is circumcised, so marriage is valid even if the dowry is not mentioned in the contract, because something circumcised cannot affect the validity of a contract, because circumcision mentions the dowry in the contract for perfection. The law of paying dowry with illicit assets according to al-Shafi'iyyah fiqh is invalid, the consequences caused by paying dowry with illicit assets are that the husband is required to pay the dowry of the mitsil, if the illicit property that is used as the dowry has been determined in the contract by mentioning its characteristics or with isyarah, while if the dowry is not specified in the contract, but only mentions the type, then it must be replaced with lawful assets. The damage to the dowry mentioned in the contract cannot affect the continuity of the contract, because the dowry according to al-Shafi'iyyah fiqh is not part of the pillars of marriage.
Pengaruh FDR, NPF dan CAR Terhadap Profitabilitas (ROA) Bank Syariah Yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Periode 2015-2019) Ibrahim
Al-Mizan Vol 8 No 1 (2021): Al-Mizan
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam

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This study aims to determine the effect of Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Non Performing Financing (NPF) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) on Return on Assets (ROA) in Islamic banking listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (period 2015-2019). This research uses descriptive quantitative method with multiple linear regression analysis tools. The results showed that the FDR, NPF and CAR ratios simultaneously affect the ROA of Islamic Banking. While the partial result, FDR, has a negative and insignificant effect on ROA, for the NPF ratio has a negative and significant effect on ROA. Furthermore, the CAR ratio has a positive and significant effect on the ROA of Islamic banking.
Anak Syubhat dan Status Nasabnya dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam Maimun
Al-Mizan Vol 8 No 1 (2021): Al-Mizan
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam

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Anak syubhat dipandang dari sisi nasabiyyah (antara dinasabkan kepada ayah biologisnya dan tidak dinasabkan kepada ayah biologisnya) terbagi dua, yaitu: Anak syubhat yang dinasabkan kepada ayah biologisnya dan Anak syubhat yang tidak dinasabkan kepada ayah biologisnya. Penulis ingin mengkaji apa itu anak syubhat dan bagaimana status nasabnya dalam perpektif hukum Islam. Pengkajian ini termasuk model penelitian pustaka (Library Research) yaitu penelitian dengan menelaah buku-buku, artikel-artikel, Al-Qur'an, hadis, serta bahan-bahan yang ada kaitannya dengan masalah yang dibahas dalam kajian ini. Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan sebab sumber-sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah teks-teks berupa sumber data primer maupun sumber data sekunder dengan cara mengkaji dan menelaah sumber-sumber tertulis yang berkaitan dengan hukum dan status anak syubhat dalam perspektif hukum Islam. Hasil pengkajian ini menemukan Anak syubhat adalah anak yang dihasilkan dari hubungan biologis antara laki-laki dan perempuan yang tidak bisa dipastikan bahwa hubungan tersebut halal ataupun haram. Menurut fiqh Syafi’iyyah, anak syubhat adalah ahli waris dari ayah biologisnya kecuali anak syubhat akibat syubhat fail dalam bentuk pemaksaan. Hak waris anak syubhat dari pernikahan fasid sama dengan hak waris anak syubhat dari watha’ syubhat menurut fiqh Syafi’iyyah.
Mekanisme Pengelolaan Zakat Fitrah Berbasis Kultural Dalam Masyarakat Samalanga Syeh Khaliluddin
Al-Mizan Vol 8 No 1 (2021): Al-Mizan
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam

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This research is to be able to describe the management of zakat fitrah in a society that is full of cultural values ​​by always adhering to the legal consequences of fiqh starting from the determination of amil, collection methods, categories of assets issued, determination of mustahik and their distribution to mustahik. The research method used is descriptive qualitative by conducting interviews, observations and documentation research to obtain information both primary and secondary. The results of the research show that in the management of zakat fitrah, residents are still contaminated with traditional cultural systems that have been in effect for a long time, namely relating to amil which is agreed upon by the community and raised by the sub-district government from Imum gampong, where the collection and distribution is carried out in the meunasah, the procedure for collecting as well as the distribution of zakat fitrah by amil in the Samalanga sub-district through the collection stage with the technique of being delivered directly by muzakki on the eve of Eid al-Fitr to the village meunasah, the determination of senif and mustahik and the distribution is also carried out that same night with the technique of delivering to the mustahik's house by an officer selected by the amil . The category of property given for zakat fitra is only rice with a dose of 2 bamboo or equivalent to +2.6 kilograms per muzakki soul.
Kondisi Dharurat Membolehkan Hal-hal yang Diharamkan Murdani
Al-Mizan Vol 8 No 1 (2021): Al-Mizan
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam

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Suatu Kebutuhan yang sangat diperlukan terkadang dapat mengakibatkan kesulitan yang berat jika tidak dipenuhi, keharusan yang tidak terpenuhi dapat menyebabkan penderitaan yang tak tertahankan, baik kemungkinan ataupun nyata, kebutuhan mungkin muncul dalam situasi yang menimbulkan bahaya besar bagi kelangsungan hidup, keturunan, kecerdasan, atau kekayaan seseorang. Islam adalah agama yang mengandung syariat (tata hukum) yang fleksibel atau transparan dan luwes. Aturan hukumnya mampu disesuikan dengan kondisi kapan dan dimana hukum itu akan diterapkan. Konsep kondisi dharurat membenarkan apa yang tidak diperbolehkan sebelumnya memberikan dasar untuk derivasi aturan tambahan karena merupakan alat yang sangat penting yang dapat mengatasi hambatan atau kebuntuan yang dapat menghambat penerapan praktis dari ajaran dan prinsip syariah. Dharurah, sebagaimana maslahat, mempunyai pengaruh dalam perubahan status hukum, karena keduanya memang mempunyai kaitan yang sangat erat. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa dan bagaimana implementasi kaidah fiqh ini dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dengan metode studi kepustakaan (library research). Hasil kajian ini berkesimpulan bahwa Darurat adalah suatu kondisi bahaya yg sangat berat pada diri manusia, sehingga dikhawatirkan berdampak pada bahaya (darar) yg mengancam jiwa, anggota tubuh, kehormatan akal, harta. Pada kondisi tersebut ia tidak mampu mengelak untuk tidak mengerjakan yang diharamkan, atau meninggalkan yang diwajibkan, guna menghindari bahaya yang diperkirakan dapat menimpa dirinya. Kaedah ad-dharuratu tubihul mahdhurat merupakan salah satu kaedah fikih yang sangat penting dan memiliki beberapa persyaratan, di antaranya menerjang yang haram tersebut sesuai dengan kadar yang dibutuhkan, tidak menyebabkan dharurat yang lain, dan kebolehan tersebut menjadi selesai saat tidak diperdapatkan lagi dharurat.

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