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Al-Adillah : Jurnal Hukum Islam
Published by Universitas Bondowoso
ISSN : 27764710     EISSN : 2774504X     DOI : -
Core Subject : Religion,
AL-ADILLAH: Journal of Islamic Law (p-ISSN 2776-4710, e-ISSN : 2774-504X), is a journal published twice a year (in January and August) by the Family Law Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Bondowoso University, Indonesia. The specifications of this journal are Islamic Law Studies which include Islamic family law, Islamic economic law, Islamic criminal law, Islamic constitutional law, zakat and waqf law, and contemporary Islamic legal thought studies. This journal serves as a medium to explore critical thinking in the field of Islamic Law. This journal is open to all academics, practitioners, scholars, and students with the specification of Islamic Law studies. ideas that include research articles, conceptual ideas, literature, and practical experience
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 34 Documents
Peradaban Islam di Spanyol Husnul Khatimah
Al-Adillah: Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Pemikiran Tokoh dan Penerapan Hukum Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.396 KB) | DOI: 10.61595/aladillah.v1i1.53


Before the advent of Islam, Spain was inhabited by various nations, including the Suevi and the Celts who were one family with the original inhabitants of England, Scotland and Ireland. Apart from these nations, the Cartaghe, Romans and Vandals also inhabited the land. With a background of political conflict, Governor Vandal invited the Arabs to flock to Andalusia to carry out an invasion through the command of Thariq bin Ziyad and at that time Islam recorded a victory. From then on, Spain was a very important center of Islamic civilizatio rivaling Baghdad in the East. The existence of Islam in a country known as the country of Matador has had a significant impact on various aspects, especially in the aspects of knowledge and technology. In fact, it is advances in science and technology that support the success of his political mission.
Efektifitas Program BMT NU dalam Meningkatkan Ekonomi Masyarakat Abdul Wasik
Al-Adillah: Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Pemikiran Tokoh dan Penerapan Hukum Islam

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Starting from the message of the late KHR. As'ad Syamsul Arifin Caretaker of the Sukorejo Islamic Boarding School. There are three things that students and alumni must do, namely: 1) Serving on education and teaching, 2) fighting for NU organizations, and 3) taking part in thinking about the people's economy. On September 13, 2018, Wonosari Branch BMT NU was launched and launched. The purpose of the BMT NU Louncing is at MWC NU Kec. Wonosari is as follows: first, Increasing the professionalism and understanding of NU citizens in the field of improving the economy of the community by avoiding things that are still unclear in terms of the obvious things halalal thoyyiban; Secondly, to provide a place for the NU community to be more creative and excel in the development of economic activities, whether saving, loans or otherwise based on Islamic sharia in the Kaffah, Third, as community partners in banking problems to help increase business and capital in nature. - Helping "not just strangling and deadly. The coaching carried out at BMT NU covers 2 things: namely guidance on the management of BMT NU to improve service and development of BMT NU and guidance to the community in the form of awareness of the importance of establishing BMT NU towards the community.
Poligami dalam Masa ‘Iddah Muzayyanah
Al-Adillah: Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Pemikiran Tokoh dan Penerapan Hukum Islam

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Marriage is a human nature because all humans will experience it. In fact, marriage is the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Of course, the marriage that is the hope is one that can realize the goal of marriage to achieve a sakinah family, mawaddah wa rahmah as aspired in the Koran. But in fact, the implementation of marriage sometimes leads to divorce due to several factors, among them the factor of insufficient fulfillment of needs and some caused by cases of polygamy. . However, it cannot be denied that polygamy is a part justified by the original Sharia in accordance with the provisions taught by the Prophet Muhammad and the laws in the context of the Indonesian State. However, the problem is polygamy when the wife is in the iddah period. This is due to the technical instructions from the Director General of Bodybuilding No. DIV / Ed / 17/1979 concerning the Problem of Polygamy in Iddah. To see how the marriage is carried out according to legislation. be one of the reasons for this study
Hukum Merenggangkan Shaf dalam Shalat Berjamaah Saat Pandemi Covid 19 Imam Syarbini
Al-Adillah: Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Pemikiran Tokoh dan Penerapan Hukum Islam

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Prayer is worship that contains speech, actions that begin with Takbiratul Ihram and end with greetings with certain conditions and pillars. From the understanding of etymology and terminology, it can be understood that prayer from the beginning to the end, all contains prayer, confession of sins and glorification of Allah. Therefore, someone who makes prayers means he is praying a lot and doing self-cleansing both physically (Wudhu ') and non-physically (repentance). This is an important meaning of prayer for humans. Moreover, if done in congregation, Allah will multiply his palahas up to 27 degrees compared to praying alone, eliminating all mistakes and protecting them from the devil. In congregational prayer, it is recommended to straighten and tighten the rows, many hadiths suggest that even the Prophet arranged himself to close the rows Along with the spread of the corona virus that has swept the world, including Indonesia, to prevent the spread of the virus, the government has implemented four healthy things that must be obeyed by the community, namely; wear personal protective equipment in the form of a mask, clean your hands regularly by washing your hands with soap with running water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, , maintaining a minimum physical distance of 1 meter from other people to avoid getting droplets from people who are talking, and increasing endurance by applying a clean and healthy lifestyle. With these four rules, everyone must maintain a distance / psychological distencing from other people at least 1 meter, including in places of worship, such as mosques or mushalla, when praying in congregation, between the congregation is one meter away. Regarding the law of stretching out the shaf in congregational prayer, here the ulama 'punishes Makruh, because the prohibition does not have direct arguments, but a prohibition that is understood from the commandment of the sunnah, , the consequences if it is violated will not result in the invalidation of prayers, but only do not get 25 or 27 degrees of priority . According to Imam Ramli, irregular shaf does not reduce the fadhilah of the congregation, it only removes the virtue of the shaf. Such chaos, if under normal conditions, if under abnormal conditions, such as having to maintain a minimum physical distance of 1 meter from other people, does not diminish the reward of 25 or 27 degrees of virtue.
Al-Adillah: Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Pemikiran Tokoh dan Penerapan Hukum Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (239.387 KB) | DOI: 10.61595/aladillah.v1i1.149


Dalam tataran teoritis, Imam Syafi’i merupakan pencetus teori Nasakh. Namun eksistensi nasakh, sesungguhnya telah ada pada zaman sahabat. Banyak ahli literatur-literatur klasik yang menunjukkan digunakannya teori ini, namun masih belum sempurna seperti tafsir ibnu abbas, yang mana didalamnya terdapat proses penasakhan antar ayat. Pada perkembangan lebih lanjut, muncul mujaddid ( tokoh pembaharuan) tentang mengemukkan pendapatnya, bahwa nasakh dalam al-Quran perlu di tinjau lagi. Karena al Quran sendiri sudah” memproklamirkan” diri bahwa di dalam al-Quran tidak terdapat satu pun ayat yang batil. Bahkan apabila al-Qur’an bukan dari Allah, Niscaya akan terdapat banyak perselisihan didalamnya. Lebih jelas lagi, ketika Syekh Muhammad Hundari Beik memaparkan jumlah ayat yang bermasalah (baca: kontradiksi) beserta takwilannya, bahkan lebih “nakal” lagi kawan-kawan di JIL (Jaringan Islan Liberal) bahwa adanya nasakh mansukh merupakan bukti ke gagalan Ulama’ tempo dulu dalam menyikapi ayat. Terlepas dari pro dan kontra di atas timbulah pertanyaan apakah al-Quran terjadi nasakh ? Dimanakah letak yang dianggap kontradiksi ? Apa alternatif dari nasakh ?.
Bhekalan dalam Tradisi dan Hukum (Studi Kasus pada Masyarakat Pakisan) Muzayyanah
Al-Adillah: Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Tradisi dan Hukum Islam

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Proposals are not a condition of marriage. However, the prevailing practice in the community shows that the proposal is a preliminary step that is almost certainly done in the community. It is customary in Pakisan village, that to carry out a marriage, the Bhekalan process is preceded. Bhekalan in Indonesian is the same as engagement. Bhekalan bond occurs after the man proposes to the woman either by himself or through an intermediary, and the proposal is accepted by the woman. The period between the receipt of the application and the holding of the marriage is called the Bhekalan period. Bhekalan bond not only changes the status between a man and a woman as a married couple (engaged), but also changes the views and attitudes of parents and society. Parents will make allowances for the association of abhekalan couples, which previously were very strict on the association of their children. They are given the freedom to go alone, together, stay at Bhekalnya's house, especially during Eid and other events. It became a normal thing for them. Seeing the condition of the Pakisan people who incidentally have sufficient religious knowledge, both formal education, madrasah diniyah or Islamic boarding schools, the author feels the need to raise this issue into a scientific work by looking at the association during the Bhekalan period in Pakisan village from the point of view of Islamic law and customary law, Of course, it cannot be separated from today's social context. Therefore, it must refer to the principle of the levels that occur in society (social stratification).
Pertimbangan Hakim dalam Penetapan Dispensasi Nikah di Pengadilan Agama Kraksaan Imam Syafii
Al-Adillah: Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Tradisi dan Hukum Islam

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Marriage dispensation is legal assistance from the Religious Courts to prospective brides and grooms, one or both of whom have not reached the age requirement in the state regulations as stipulated in the Law. In the latest Marriage Law on Marriage, No. 16 of 2019 reads, "Marriage is only permitted if the man and woman have reached the age of 19" and the dispensation of marriage is discussed in paragraph (2) which reads, "In the event of deviation from the age requirement as referred to in paragraph (1), the parents men and women can ask for dispensation to the Court on the grounds that it is very urgent accompanied by sufficient supporting evidence ". The existence of the latest Law which is an amendment of the 1974 Marriage Law, the application for marriage dispensation is a problem, both for the applicant (prospective husband and wife) as well as for the Religious Courts or judges. From this, it is interesting to conduct research on how judges consider the decision of dispensation of marriage and the factors behind the application for marriage dispensation at the Kraksaan Religious Court in 2019. With this research, it is hoped that it can increase knowledge about judges' considerations in granting or rejecting dispensation requests and increase knowledge about the factors behind the submission of a marriage dispensation application so that it can be used as a basis for the next trial.
Tradisi Rokat dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam (Pertautan antara Simbol dan Makna) Samsul Arifin
Al-Adillah: Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Tradisi dan Hukum Islam

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Islam in Indonesia is Islam with many traditions. It can be understood that before Islam entered the archipelago through many things, namely trade, marriage, education, Sufism, art, politics, and da'wah, so that acculturation became inevitable, namely a social process that arises when a group of people with a certain culture meet elements of another culture. The foreign culture is gradually accepted and processed into its own culture without causing the loss of the cultural elements of the group itself. So that a new culture is formed, namely a fusion of two cultures. Rokat, for example, is one of them in Javanese-Madurese culture which is an acculturation of culture. Namely community activities that involve many people by reading readings, certain prayers and certain goals. In terms of its purpose, it can be seen that rokat is divided into several types of rokat romah, rokat tasek, rokat sabeh, rokat tanian, rokat 7 are (Madura language) and others. The reading of certain rakats and certain prayers is believed by some Muslims, especially rural people, that the prayers that are said will be fulfilled. Uniquely in the prayer in Javanese, some of them speak Madura. Besides that, some rokat rituals involve preparing certain foods or certain items, with some people offering offerings. The question is how does Islamic law view the practice of the rokat ritual. That rokat is a form of embodiment of prayer that is said at the end of the ritual. Of course, pray to Allah SWT. Because, the text of the prayer is clear to whom. As long as you do not pray to other than Allah, then it is not called shirk and kufr. As for offerings, it is basically alms that will be distributed to the people who are present in the rokat ritual.
Tipologi Pembaruan Hukum Keluarga Islam di Ghana Mochammad Agus Rachmatulloh; Iva Nikmatul Khusna
Al-Adillah: Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Tradisi dan Hukum Islam

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This article describes the development of Islamic family law in Ghana, from marriage, polygamy to divorce, as well as the typology in its renewal. Islamic family law has been regulated in Islamic law. However, in practice, the life of the nation and state always requires development and renewal, in line with the changing times, places, times, and conditions. Using historical methods, descriptive in nature, with inductive analysis, and arranged in the form of a narrative that is creative and in-depth. The formulation of the problem is: (1) How is the development of Islamic family law in Ghana? (2) What is the typology of Islamic family law reform in Ghana? The result is that the development of Islamic family law in Ghana was influenced by customary law and colonial law. The typology of reform combines intradoctrinal reform and extradoctrinal reform, which emphasizes rational and contextual considerations to create a modern and just society.
Tinjauan Fiqh tentang Adzan Jihad Imam Syarbini
Al-Adillah: Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Tradisi dan Hukum Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (273.024 KB) | DOI: 10.61595/aladillah.v1i2.189


Adzan adalah Dzikir khusus dan populer yang dikumandangkan untuk menginforsikan masuknya waktu shalat yang di-Fardhu-kan. Oleh karena itu, adzan merupakan ibadah yang bersifat Ta’abbudi Tauqifi, artinya ritual yang harus dilaksanakan apa adanya sesuai dengan petunjuk Syari’. Dalam hal ibadah tidak boleh ada kreativitas, karena Syari’ telah menjelaskan secara terperinci, tingkatan dan caranya. Oleh karena itu, akal manusia tidak perlu campur tangan, karena hak dan otoritas Tuhan sepenuhnya. Manusia dalam hal ini, hanya mematuhi, menta’ati dan melaksanakan dengan penuh ketundukan pada Tuhan. Ulama’ Ushul sudah merumuskan kaidah “Pada prinsipnya perbuatan baik itu batal (tidak dapat diterima) sampai adanya dalil yang memerintahkan untuk melakukannya” . Berdasarkan kaidah di atas, bahwa kebolehan melaksanakan ibadah apabila ada dalil yang memerintah, jika tidak ada dalil, maka tidak boleh dikerjakan. Demikian halnya dengan adzan, redaksi, sistematika dan ketentuannya sudah dijelaskan oleh Rasulullah SAW, misalnya; harus dikumandangkan setelah masuk waktu, berbahasa Arab, didengar oleh sebagian jamaah, atau minimal oleh dirinya sendiri jika shalat sendirian, sistematis dan segera(Muwalah), dikumandangkan oleh satu orang laki-laki muslim, Tamyiz dan berakal. Mayoritas ulama’ telah sepakat bahwa redaksi Adzan sudah populer sampai sekarang secara mutawatir tanpa ada penambahan ataupun pengurangan kecuali dalam shalat subuh, ada tambahan “اَلصَّلَاةُ خَيْرٌ مِنَ النَّوْمِ” Penambahan atau pergantian hanya boleh dilakukan oleh Rasulullah SAW sendiri, sebagaimana beliau pernah melakukan penambahan atau perubahan redaksi adzan ketika ada uzur yang menghalangi masyarakat datang ke masjid, seperti hujan deras dan angin kencang. Adzan diubah dengan pemberitahuan dalam redaksi azannya bahwa masyarakat diminta untuk salat di rumahnya, dengan redaksi "Shalluu Fii Buyutikum". Selain karena udzur di atas, Nabi Muhammad SAW tidak pernah mengubah redaksi Adzan. Bahkan saat perang pun tidak ada redaksi adzan yang diubah. Penambahan redaksi Adzan dengan “Hayya ‘Ala al-Jihad”, bukan hanya tidak sesuai dengan karakter adzan yang bersifat dogmatis, tapi akan menimbulkan efek sosial-politik yang berpotensi mengganggu stabilitas ketertiban dan keamanan.

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