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Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam [SHARE] is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. SHARE publishes research and concept papers pertaining to the field of Islamic economics and finance in open access format, which enables readers to freely access and download the articles under the CC BY SA license. Since 2017, SHARE has become a CrossRef Member, meaning that each article published by the journal will have a unique DOI number. SHARE has been indexed in many trusted indexing sites, such as DOAJ, Index Copernicus, Scilit, WorldCat, Google Scholar, Dimensions, EBSCO, and many others. In Indonesia, SHARE is listed among the top-notch journals by the Indonesian journal accreditation body officialized with the Decree of Director General of Research Strengthening and Advancement, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, No. 21/E/KPT/2018, starting from 9 July 2018 until 9 July 2023. Currently, SHARE is under consideration for inclusion in SCOPUS.
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The Relevance of Islamic Economics and Finance Fundamentals to the Contemporary Economy: Islamic Economist Perceptions Andri Soemitra
Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (474.935 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/share.v10i2.9544


There have been some studies related to the fundamental values of Islamic economics and finance. However, not many studies directly examine the relevance of the fundamental values of Islamic economics and finance to the modern contemporary economy. This study intends to examine the perception of Islamic economists on the relevance of the fundamental values of Islamic economics and finance to the contemporary economy. This research was conducted with a qualitative design by conducting a structured survey and in-depth interviews with 61 participants. Data analysis used in this research is collected from surveys and interviews from several sources and analyzed by qualitative descriptive method. The findings show that the Islamic economists perceived that the Islamic economics and finance fundamental values are relevant to contemporary modern economic conditions. The values are also considered better in overcoming economic and financial problems, thus achieving Islamic goals of public prosperity. The results also reveal the need for more vigorous efforts in promoting Islamic economics and finance fundamental values.==========================================================================================================ABSTRAK – Relevansi Fondasi Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam dengan Ekonomi Kontemporer: Persepsi Ekonom Islam. Kajian-kajian terkait dengan nilai-nilai dasar ekonomi dan keuangan Islam telah banyak dijumpai dalam literatur. Namun, tidak banyak penelitian yang secara langsung mengkaji relevansi nilai-nilai fundamental ekonomi dan keuangan Islam dalam tataran ekonomi kontemporer. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji persepsi ekonom Islam terhadap relevansi aspek fundamental ekonomi dan keuangan Islam dalam terhadap ekonomi kontemporer. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dimana data-data didapat dengan cara survei terstruktur dan wawancara mendalam dengan 61 peserta. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa para ekonom Islam menganggap bahwa nilai-nilai fundamental ekonomi dan keuangan Islam relevan dengan kondisi ekonomi kontemporer. Nilai-nilai tersebut juga dianggap lebih baik dalam mengatasi masalah ekonomi dan keuangan kontemporer, sehingga mencapai tujuan syariah untuk kesejahteraan umat. Hasil kajian juga mengungkapkan tentang pentingnya upaya yang lebih gencar dalam mempromosikan nilai-nilai fundamental ekonomi dan keuangan Islam.
Issues in Islamic Economics, Banking and Financial Institutions during the Covid-19 Pandemic Azharsyah Ibrahim
Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (152.084 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/share.v10i2.11997


In this second issue of the 2021 edition, we received primarily manuscripts focusing on the challenges faced by Islamic Banking and Financial Institutions (IBFIs) during the Covid-19 pandemic. These manuscripts cover a range of topics within the field, including institutional and employee performance, financial stability, waqf institutions, the trend of Islamic economics research, and the significance of Islamic economics and finance in the modern economy. As the publication deadline approached, out of the dozen manuscripts reviewed, only ten were accepted. Nine of them were ready for publication, while the remaining manuscript required further quality improvements. The process involved an initial review by our editor(s) before forwarding the manuscripts to suitable reviewers. Some manuscripts underwent multiple rounds of review before being accepted. The reviewers' feedback played a crucial role in the final decision-making process. Following acceptance, the manuscripts proceeded through editing stages, including proofreading and layout, during which our editor(s) maintained close communication with the authors as necessary. This rigorous process ensures that each published manuscript undergoes thorough quality checks. Notably, among the published articles, five discuss performance issues in Islamic financial institutions, while the others explore various aspects of Islamic economics and finance, including waqf institutions, the trend of Islamic economics research, and the relevance of Islamic economics and finance in the modern economy. For detailed information, please refer to the attached PDF file.
The Impact of Financing Risk on Islamic Banking Performance in Indonesia Iwan Setiawan
Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (208.05 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/share.v10i2.9400


The financing risk is a significant issue in the Islamic banking industry that affects its performance. This research aims to examine the factors that influence financing risk on the financial performance of Islamic banking in Indonesia. This study utilized time-series data quarterly from 2009-2020 collected from three types of Islamic banking in Indonesia: Islamic Commercial Bank (ICB), Islamic Business Unit (IBU), and Islamic Rural Bank (IRB). It was analyzed using multiple regression estimation techniques with the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. This study revealed that the Islamic banks’ financing risk is significantly influenced by bank capital, financing, economic growth, inflation, and central bank’ rate (BI rates), both negatively and positively. In detail, the increase of bank capital, financing, and economic growth will reduce the financing risks, whilst inflation and BI rate increase the financing risks. The findings also disclosed that Islamic banks' financial performance is influenced by bank capital, operating costs, financing risks, inflation, and BI rates. Thus, the decrease in bank capital, operational costs, and financing risks will subsequently decrease the financial performance, while the increase of inflation and BI rates will increase the financial performance of Islamic banks. Economic growth is the most influential factor in reducing financing risk, while financing risk is the most significant factor in improving banks’ financial performance. The government's efforts to boost economic growth are crucial to reducing financing risks and improving the financial performance of Islamic banks.==========================================================================================================ABSTRAK – Dampak Risiko Pembiayaan terhadap Kinerja Bank Syariah di Indonesia. Risiko pembiayaan merupakan persoalan utama bagi industri perbankan termasuk perbankan syariah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi risiko pembiayaan dan pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja keuangan perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Objek penelitian meliputi Bank Umum Syariah, Unit Usaha Syariah dan Bank Perkreditan Rakyat syariah. Model analisis menggunakan teknik estimasi regresi berganda dengan menggunakan metode  Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Penelitian ini menggunakan data time-series periode kuartalan dari 2009-2020. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa risiko pembiayaan bank syariah dipengaruhi oleh modal bank, pembiayaan, pertumbuhan ekonomi, inflasi dan BI Rate. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa peningkatan modal bank, pembiayaan, dan pertumbuhan ekonomi akan mengakibatkan penurunan risiko pembiayaan, sementara peningkatan inflasi dan BI Rate akan meningkatkan risiko pembiayaan. Selain itu, hasil kajian juga mendapati bahwa kinerja keuangan bank syariah dipengaruhi oleh modal bank, biaya operasional bank, risiko pembiayaan, inflasi dan BI Rate. Secara detil, penurunan modal bank, biaya operasional dan risiko pembiayaan akan meningkatkan kinerja keuangan bank syariah, sementara peningkatan inflasi dan BI Rate akan meningkatkan kinerja keuangan. Faktor yang berpengaruh paling terhadap penurunan risiko pembiayaan adalah pertumbuhan ekonomi. Penurunan risiko pembiayaan merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh paling besar terhadap peningkatan kinerja keuangan perbankan syariah. Upaya pemerintah untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi merupakan langkah yang sangat strategis mengurangi risiko pembiayaan dan meningkatkan kinerja keuangan perbankan syariah di Indonesia. 
Measuring Islamic Stock Performance in Indonesia with A Modified Sharpe Ratio Mohammad Farhan Qudratullah
Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (206.891 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/share.v10i2.10493


Since the late 1960s, one of the stock performance analysis tools commonly used is Sharpe Ratio. The Sharpe Ratio consists of three components, namely stock return, risk-free returns, and stock risk. Many studies approach risk-free returns with interest rates, including when measuring the performance of Islamic stocks, while interest rates are prohibited in the concept of Islamic finance. Moreover, the stock risk is measured by a standard deviation which assumes returns are normally distributed, while many stock returns are non-normally distributed. This paper intends to measure the performance of Islamic stocks listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period of January 2011 to July 2018 using a modified Sharpe Ratio. The ratio is modified by replacing the interest rate with four approaches: eliminating the interest rate, changing with zakah rates, changing with inflation, changing with the nominal gross domestic product, and replacing the risk measurement from Standard Deviation to Value at Risk (VaR). The findings provide almost the same results as the original measurement and thus, show very high suitability for using these models in other circumstances. Therefore, on the concept of Islamic finance, risk-free returns can be measured using these four approaches, especially inflation and GDP. This study also recommends inflation and GDP to measure risk-free returns in the Sharia's Compliant Asset Pricing Model (SCAPM) or Islamic Capital Asset Pricing Model (ICAPM).====================================================================================================ABSTRAK – Pengukuran Kinerja Saham Syariah di Indonesia menggunakan Sharpe Ratio Modifikasi. Sejak akhir 1960-an, salah satu alat mengukur kinerja saham yang biasa digunakan adalah Sharpe Ratio. Model Sharpe Ratio terdiri atas tiga komponen, yaitu return saham, return bebas risiko, dan risiko saham. Return bebas risiko diukur mengunakan variabel suku bunga yang digolongkan riba dan dilarang dalam konsep keuangan islam. Sedangkan risiko saham diukur dengan standar deviasi yang mengasumsikan data berdistribusi normal. Paper ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kinerja saham syariah yang terdaftar pada Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) untuk periode Januari 2011 sampai Juli 2018 dengan menggunakan Sharpe Ratio modifikasi. Kajian akan memodifikasi model Sharpe Ratio dengan mencari variabel alternatif penganti suku bunga dengan empat pendekatan, yaitu: menghilangkan variabel suku bunga tersebut, mengganti dengan zakat rate, mengganti dengan inflasi, dan mengganti dengan produk domestik bruto, serta mengganti standar deviasi dengan Value at Risk (VaR) sebagai pengukur risiko saham yang selanjutnya diimplementasikan pada pasar modal syariah di Indonesia periode Januari 2011 - Juli 2018. Hasil kajian menunjukkan kesesuaian yang sangat tinggi untuk hasil pengukuran kelima model tersebut. Dilihat dari kedekatan hasil pengukuran kinerja, kelima model tersebut dapat dikelompokkan menjadi dua, yaitu model dengan tingkat suku bunga, inflasi, dan PDB sebagai kelompok pertama, sedangkan model tanpa suku bunga dan tingkat zakat sebagai kelompok kedua 
Determinants of Financial Stability of Islamic Insurance Companies Listed on Indonesia Financial Services Authority Grandis Imama Hendra
Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (588.048 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/share.v10i2.9098


Islamic insurance is an Islamic financial service that guarantees a participant's life, health, education, asset, and business. Some of them experienced a decline in their financial stability. This study aims to analyze the determinants of financial stability of Islamic insurance companies registered at the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) from 2014 to 2018. Thirty-eight data observations were acquired from eight full-fledged Islamic insurance businesses' financial reporting, analyzed using panel data regression. The dependent variable is financial stability, whilst investment, capital structure, insurance premiums, independent board of commissioners, sharia supervisory board, board of directors, and institutional ownership are the independent variables. The results show that financial stability is significantly affected by investment, insurance premiums, independent boards, and institutional ownership. The capital structure, sharia supervisory board, and board of directors do not affect the financial stability. Increasing the number of participant contributions and strategic investments should be a concern of Islamic insurance managers. The role of an independent board and Institutional owners supervisory could strengthen the financial stability of Islamic Insurance. Research on Financial stability is supporting the development of Islamic insurance companies.==================================================================================================== ABSTRAK – Determinan Stabilitas Keuangan Perusahaan Asuransi Syariah yang Terdaftar pada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Asuransi syariah adalah salah satu jasa keuangan Syariah untuk menjamin jiwa, kesehatan, pendidikan, aset dan bisnis. Beberapa perusahaan tersebut mengalami penurunan stabilitas keuangannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis determinan stabilitas keuangan perusahaan asuransi syariah yang terdaftar pada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Sebanyak 38 observasi diperoleh dari laporan keuangan 8 perusahaan asuransi syariah periode 2014-2018. Analisis dilakukan menggunakan regresi data panel. Variabel yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini adalah stabilitas keuangan sebagai variabel dependen, investasi, struktur modal, premi asuransi, dewan komisaris independen, dewan pengawas syariah, dewan direksi dan kepemilikan saham institusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel investasi, premi asuransi, dewan komisaris independen dan kepemilikan saham institusi berpengaruh terhadap stabilitas keuangan perusahaan asuransi. Variabel struktur modal, dewan pengawas syariah dan dewan direksi tidak berpengaruh terhadap stabilitas keuangan. Peningkatan jumlah iuran peserta dan investasi strategis harus menjadi perhatian pengelola asuransi syariah. peran dewan independen dan pengawasan pemilik institusi dapat memperkuat stabilitas keuangan asuransi syariah. Penelitian stabilitas keuangan pada perusahaan asuransi memberikan dukungan terhadap pengembangan perusahaan asuransi syariah.
How Do Sharia Supervisory Board and Good Corporate Governance Relate to Islamic Banks Performance? Rustam Hanafi; Abdul Rohman; Dwi Ratmono
Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2412.922 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/share.v10i2.11112


This study aims to investigate the relationship between the characteristics of the Sharia Supervisory Board (SSB) and Good Corporate Governance (GCG) on the performance of Islamic Banks (IBs). Data were collected from 14 IBs listed on the Financial Services Authority (OJK) during 2013–2019. The multiple regression results empirically show that SSB with the academic position as professor shows a significant positive relationship on IBs performance. Meanwhile, SSB with doctoral education has no positive relationship with IBs performance. Although it is not positively correlated, doctoral education is still needed but with a background in law or sharia education, economics including finance or accounting, and muamalah. Educational background is proven to have a significant positive relationship with IBs' performance. Meanwhile, SSB, which only has a finance or accounting background, does not positively affect IBs' performance. In addition, GCG shows a very significant positive relationship with the IBs' performance. It indicates that effective and efficient governance by the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, and SSB through implementing better GCG and sharia principles will improve IBs performance.==========================================================================================================ABSTRAK – Bagaimana Kaitan Dewan Pengawas Syariah dan Good Corporate Governance dengan Kinerja Bank Syariah? Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara karakteristik Dewan Pengawas Syariah (DPS) dan Good Corporate Governance (GCG) terhadap kinerja Bank Syariah (BS) di Indonesia. Data dikumpulkan dari 14 BS yang terdaftar di OJK selama periode 2013-2019. Berdasarkan hasil regresi berganda secara empiris menunjukkan bahwa DPS yang memiliki jabatan akademik sebagai profesor menunjukkan hubungan positif yang signifikan dengan kinerja BS. Sedangkan DPS dengan pendidikan doktor tidak memiliki hubungan positif dengan kinerja BS. Walaupun tidak berkorelasi positif, pendidikan doktor tetap diperlukan tetapi dengan latar belakang pendidikan hukum atau syariah, ekonomi termasuk keuangan atau akuntansi, dan muamalah. Karena latar belakang pendidikan tersebut terbukti memiliki hubungan positif yang signifikan dengan kinerja BS. Sedangkan DPS yang hanya berlatar belakang keuangan atau akuntansi tidak menunjukkan hubungan positif dengan kinerja BS. Selain itu, GCG menunjukkan hubungan positif yang sangat signifikan dengan kinerja BS. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tata kelola yang efektif dan efisien oleh Dewan Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, dan DPS melalui penerapan prinsip-prinsip GCG dan syariah yang lebih baik akan meningkatkan kinerja BS.
Mapping the Trend of Islamic Economic Studies Indexed in Sinta Website: A Bibliometric Analysis Muhammad Muhajir Aminy; Imronjana Syapriatama; Restu Fahdiansyah; Gatot Suhirman; Muhammad Salahuddin
Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (163.753 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/share.v10i2.10465


Research on Islamic economics experienced rapid development in recent years along with the development of Islamic economics as a branch of science throughout the world, especially in Muslim countries. This paper aims at mapping and observing the trend of Islamic economic studies listed on SINTA, the official Indonesian indexing website. The sampling data for this study is 114 published papers obtained from the website. The data are analyzed using quantitative descriptive with bibliometric analysis method. This study found that most papers are published by “Al-Iqtishad: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Syariah”, owned by Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. The qualitative approach is most used by research samples in this study with 74 papers (64.91%), while quantitative is only used by 40 papers (35.08%). It also found that Islamic economic research in Indonesia is dominated by Islamic bank topics with several general bank keywords, such as efficiency, profitability, liquidity, and Non-Performing Financing (NPF). This study suggested that further researchers conduct more studies on Islamic or Sharia values implemented within Islamic banks since it is the main difference between Islamic and conventional banks. Further studies can also observe broader problems like poverty and how the Islamic economy has overcome this issue==================================================================================================== ABSTRAK – Pemetaan Tren Kajian Ekonomi Islam pada Pengindeks SINTA: Suatu Analisis Bibliometrik. Penelitian di bidang ekonomi Islam mengalami perkembangan yang cukup signifikan beberapa tahun terakhir bersamaan dengan perkembangan ekonomi Islam sebagai salah satu cabang ilmu pengetahuan, terutama di negara-negara dengan mayoritas penduduknya adalah Muslim. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pemetaan dan melihat tren publikasi pada artikel penelitian ekonomi Islam yang terindeks SINTA, website pengideks resmi Indonesia. Sebanyak 114 artikel diperoleh dari SINTA untuk dijadikan sebagai sampel penelitian. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan analisis bibliometrik. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa mayoritas paper dipublikasikan oleh “Al-Iqtishad: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Syariah” dari UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Pendekatan kualitatif digunakan oleh 74 sampel artikel (64.91%), sementara pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan oleh 40 artikel (35.08%). Studi ini juga menemukan bahwa artikel kajian ekonomi Islam di Indonesia masih didominasi oleh penelitian terkait bank syariah dengan beberapa kata kunci, diantaranya: efisiensi, profitabilitas, likuiditas, dan Non-Performing Financing (NPF). Penelitian ini merekomendasikan kepada para peneliti di bidang ekonomi Islam untuk melakukan kajian lebih mendalam pada nilai-nilai Syariah yang diimplementasikan di bank Syariah karena hal tersebut merupakan perbedaan mendasar antara bank Syariah dan bank konvensional. Isu lebih luas terkait kemiskinan dan bagaimana ekonomi Islam mengatasinya juga dapat diteliti secara lebih komprehensif dalam kerangka penelitian ekonomi Islam.
Factors Affecting Collateral Valuation Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic: An Evidence from Islamic Bank in Indonesia Riansyah Rainal Purnama; Siti Jahroh; Moch. Hadi Santoso; Ahmad Rifai Ahmad Rifai
Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (80.065 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/share.v10i2.10853


This study aims to analyze the performance of collateral appraisers during the Covid-19 pandemic by using the variables of competence, motivation, and work stress as exogenous variables and through satisfaction as a mediating variable. Data for this study was collected through an online questionnaire from an Islamic bank in Indonesia. It involved 96 respondents, determined by the census sampling technique. Structural Equation Modeling with PLS version 3.0 was employed as an analysis tool. The results showed that competence, motivation, and satisfaction positively and significantly affected performance. In contrast, job stress had a negative and significant effect on the satisfaction and performance of collateral appraisers. The managerial implications that can be applied in the company are maintaining and increasing competence and motivation, increasing satisfaction, and quickly resolving sources of work stress.==========================================================================================================ABSTRAK – Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Penilai Agunan pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Kajian pada Bank Syariah di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja penilai agunan selama masa pandemi Covid 19 dengan menggunakan variabel kompetensi, motivasi dan stres kerja sebagai variabel eksogen dan variabel kepuasan sebagai variabel mediasi. Data penelitian diperoleh dari penyebaran kuesioner pada sebuah bank syariah di Indonesia. Responden penelitian ini berjumlah 96 orang yang didapat berdasarkan teknik census sampling. Analisis dilakukan dengan Structural Equation Modeling dengan PLS versi 3.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi, motivasi dan kepuasan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja, sedangkan stres kerja berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan dan kinerja agunan penilai. Implikasi manajerial yang dapat diterapkan di perusahaan adalah mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kompetensi dan motivasi, meningkatkan kepuasan, dan cepat menyelesaikan sumber stres kerja.
What Determines the Financial Performance of Islamic Banks in Indonesia? Early Ridho Kismawadi; Abdul Hamid; Rasydah Rasydah; Aigatama Rafida
Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (410.381 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/share.v10i2.9164


This study aims to determine the effect of the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non-Performing Financing (NPF), and Operational Efficiency Ratio (OER) at Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia for the 2010-2019 period. The test was carried out using panel data regression with the Random Effect Model (REM) model, tested using the t-test and f test with a significance of 5%. Based on the results of the t-test, partially, OER has a negative and significant effect on Return on Assets (ROA), whilst NPF and CAR do not significantly affect ROA. Moreover, the results of the F-test show that CAR, NPF, and OER simultaneously affect ROA. The results of this study indicate that to maximize the financial performance of Islamic banking in Indonesia, the Islamic banks must pay attention to the OER variable.==========================================================================================================ABSTRACT - Determinan Apa yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Keuangan Bank Syariah di Indonesia? Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non-Performing Financing (NPF), dan Beban Operasional terhadap Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO) pada Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia periode 2010-2019. Pengujian dilakukan menggunakan regresi data panel dengan model Random Effect Model (REM) yang pengujiannya menggunakan uji t dan uji f dengan signifikansi yaitu 5%. Berdasarkan hasil uji t, secara parsial BOPO berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap Return on Asset (ROA), sedangkan variabel NPF dan CAR tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap ROA. Selanjutnya, hasil uji F menunjukkan bahwa CAR, NPF, dan BOPO secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap ROA. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi kepada Bank Syariah di Indonesia agar memberikan perhatian yang lebih serius terhadap variabel BOPO jika ingin memaksimalkan kinerja keuangannya..
Removing the Cog in the Waqf Wheels: A Policy Formulation for Nigeria Oluwaseun Sulaiman Saidu; Murat Cizakca; Rodney Wilson
Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (484.161 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/share.v10i2.10947


The Nigerian state is the most populous African nation with a sizeable number of Muslims. While other countries with a significantly fewer number of Muslims benefit from the visible dividends of a thriving waqf institution, the same cannot be said of Nigeria. The institution of waqfs in the country is almost non-existent or, at best, described as comatose. Therefore, this study attempts to formulate workable prescriptions for waqf development in Nigeria. Data were gathered from relevant documents, such as related local regulations and the result of previous studies. Considering the normative characteristics for the functionality of waqf institution, the data were analysed using documentary enquiry, legal reasoning, descriptions, narratives, and critical studies on the waqf system in Nigeria. The findings indicate a dire need for dedicated legislation for waqf operations in the country that will expedite establishing a sound and well-functioning waqf system. This future law should incorporate the policy briefs contained in this paper.==================================================================================================== ABSTRAK – Menghilangkan Hambatan Perputaran Wakaf: Formulasi Kebijakan untuk Nigeria. Nigeria adalah negara di Afrika yang terpadat dengan jumlah Muslim yang cukup besar. Tidak seperti negara-negara lain yang bahkan jumlah penduduk Muslimnya jauh lebih sedikit, Nigeria hampir tidak bisa mendapatkan keuntungan apapun dari adanya sistem wakaf dalam Islam. Eksistensi lembaga wakaf hampir tidak terlihat di negara ini, atau, dapat dikatakan sedang mati suri. Oleh karena itu, kajian ini berupaya untuk menghilangkan hambatan-hambatan operasionalisasi wakaf dengan merumuskan formulasi yang dapat diimplementasikan untuk Nigeria. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dari studi dokumentasi seperti undang-undang dan peraturan terkait serta hasil-hasil kajian yang relevan. Dengan pertimbangan karakteristik normatif fungsi lembaga wakaf, analisis dokumen dilakukan dengan penalaran hukum, telaah deskriptif, naratif, dan studi kritis terhadap fungsi wakaf di Nigeria. Hasil kajian menyimpulkan bahwa ada kebutuhan mendesak bagi Nigeria untuk membentuk undang-undang khusus wakaf yang dapat mempercepat pembentukan sistem wakaf yang sehat dan fungsional. Formulasi policy brief dari kajian ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pembentukan aturan dimaksud.

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