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International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
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International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC) is open access and peer-reviewed journal with e-ISSN (2715-8780), IJSOC is an international journal devoted to the study of science and technology in a social context. It focuses on the way in which advances in science and technology influence society and vice versa. It is a peer-reviewed journal that takes an interdisciplinary perspective, encouraging analyses whose approaches are drawn from a variety of disciplines such as History, Sociology, Economics, Political Science and International Relations, Technology Management, Environmental Studies, Health Science, etc. The journal publishes original full-length research papers in all areas related to Science, Technology, and Society. The topics related to this journal include but are not limited to that. The journal consciously endeavors to combine scholarly perspectives relevant to academic research and policy issues relating to development. Besides research articles, the journal encourages research-based country reports, commentaries, literature reviews, and book reviews.
Articles 47 Documents
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The Management of Student Moral Development in the Learning Process at Ihya' Ulumuddin Islamic Boarding School, Masbagik, East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia M. Sobry
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 4 No 3 (2022): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v4i3.537


The purpose of this study is to describe the management of students' moral development in the learning process at Ihya' Ulumuddin Islamic Boarding School, Masbagik, East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative approach, with the type of case study. The subjects in this study were students and Islamic boarding school administrators. Data were collected using observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results showed that in the planning stage, Ihya' Ulumuddin Islamic boarding school from the beginning carried out strict moral development of students by requiring students to stay at the boarding school (not allowed to go home) without exception. In the actuating stage, the moral development of students is carried out by making classical moral books as a mandatory reference, such as Kitab Ta'lim Muta'alim, Kitab Akhlaq Lilbanin and Kitab Adab covering 50 manners in 50 situations. The controling stage of the students' moral development is enforced by giving sanctions in the event of an offence starting with a verbal warning to physical punishment that does not intend to hurt. The evaluation stage is carried out with three methods: direct supervision by all boarding school residents (ustadz and students), formal examinations, and the involvement of parents during school holidays. The moral development of students can be done by implementing a typical Islamic boarding school-based moral development management. This article demonstrates the uniqueness of Islamic boarding school-based moral development management that combines modern learning methods without having to abandon its classical salafy characteristics.
Sfide e potenziale per il futuro sviluppo agricolo in Giordania: ruolo dell'istruzione e dell'imprenditorialità Donathan Guido
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 4 No 3 (2022): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v4i3.540


Il documento esamina lo stato dello sviluppo agricolo in Giordania, le sfide attuali e il potenziale di sviluppo futuro. L'obiettivo dello studio è svelare il ruolo dell'istruzione e dell'imprenditorialità nella promozione dello sviluppo agricolo in Giordania attraverso: l'introduzione di nuove tecnologie nel settore; applicare una prospettiva di marketing moderna e globale e potenziare l'imprenditorialità giovanile. Questo studio si basa su un approccio teorico basato sulla ricerca secondaria e la ricerca primaria comprende due indagini sono state condotte in questo studio. Come vari studi, questo studio ha confermato che la scarsità d'acqua è la principale sfida allo sviluppo agricolo in Giordania e che il settore è meno sviluppato rispetto ad altri settori del paese. Tuttavia, questo studio ha aggiunto che la scarsa partecipazione dell'imprenditoria giovanile nel settore non è solo dovuta alla scarsità finanziaria e all'insufficiente conoscenza dei giovani, ma anche alla loro scarsa attitudine al lavoro nel settore. Pertanto, si suggerisce che vi sia la necessità di cambiare drasticamente il paradigma del sistema educativo per soddisfare le esigenze del mercato. Utilizzare anche il ruolo della R&S per migliorare la gestione delle risorse idriche e concentrarsi sulla desalinizzazione e il riutilizzo delle acque reflue e cambiare l'atteggiamento dei giovani nei confronti del lavoro in agricoltura. A ciò si aggiunge la necessità di fornire un maggiore supporto finanziario e tecnico per attrarre e aiutare i giovani imprenditori a investire nel settore. Di conseguenza, si presenterà un'opportunità per affrontare le sfide attuali e promuovere lo sviluppo futuro.
Effectiveness of the Use of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the Agricultural Sector Adimas Ketut Nalendra; M. Nur Fuad; Dona Wahyudi; Ni’ma Kholila; M. Mujiono
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 4 No 3 (2022): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v4i3.541


The current internet architecture has been developed into the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT idea seeks to improve effectiveness, accuracy, and financial gains. This research aims to analyse the Effectiveness of the Use of the Internet of Things (IOT) in the Agricultural Sector. This study employs qualitative methods with descriptive analysis techniques. The data collection method uses literature reviews from various reputable national and international journals. This research revealed that with the rise of the Internet of Things and the digital transformation of rural areas, using these technologies to remotely monitor agricultural development, soil moisture, and crop danger has become feasible. Automation of human intervention, particularly when leveraging the Internet of Things, can improve the efficacy of agriculture and farming processes.
Design of Special Mechanism of Slaughterhouse Retribution at Traditional Events in North Toraja Ade Lisa Matasik; Stefani Marina Palimbong; Iindarda Sakung Panggalo
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 4 No 3 (2022): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v4i3.542


The traditional rambu tuka’ and rambu solo’ events are inseparable from the life of the Toraja people. In this traditional event, livestock such as pigs and buffalo are usually slaughtered. Due to the slaughter of animals in traditional events, a slaughterhouse levy is imposed following Regional Regulation No. 15 of 2011. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the existing RPH levy collection and to design a unique mechanism for traditional events based on applying basic principles in taxation and the internal control system (SPI) in the revenue accounting field system. This study uses descriptive qualitative research by conducting direct observations and interviews. The location of the research will be at the Regional Revenue, Financial, and Asset Management Office (DPPKAD) and the location of traditional events in North Toraja Regency. The primary data are the observations and interview results, secondary data, related rules, and other supporting documents. The results of this study indicate that the mechanism for collecting Slaughterhouse levies is quite good, but there are still some things that still need attention, especially those related to the levy principle and the internal control system in the revenue accounting system.
Urgenza e meccanismo di biosintesi dei metaboliti secondari microbici marini Henry Federico
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 4 No 3 (2022): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v4i3.543


Il microrganismo marino è una delle potenziali risorse biologicamente attive dei metaboliti secondari. La sua potenza è così promettente che è necessario studiare e raccogliere la conoscenza di come si è verificato il suo metabolita secondario. Tali conoscenze consentiranno ulteriori studi stanno migliorando la produzione di metaboliti secondari in laboratorio. In natura, la sintesi dei metaboliti secondari si verifica quando vi sono l'effetto di fattori sia biotici che abiotici come l'acqua di mare e la simbiosi microbica con altri materiali viventi. Quando questo è spiegato nelle vie metaboliche, la sintesi dei metaboliti secondari è influenzata dal nutriente disponibile e regolata da molecole autoinducenti attraverso il meccanismo di rilevamento del quorum.
Development of Mathematics E-Modules Through the Professional Flip PDF Application Assisted React Strategy to Improve Problem Solving Ability of Vocational Middle School Students Concentration of Accounting Expertise Dian Kurnianto; Sudiansyah; Heriyanto; Ahmad Yani T.; Bistari
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 4 No 3 (2022): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v4i3.544


This study aims to describe the process and results of developing E-teaching modules in the independent learning curriculum through the REACT Strategy (Relating, experiencing, applying, cooperating, and transferring) with the help of professional Flip PDF, for students in Phase E of Accounting Expertise Concentration. In the structure of the independent learning curriculum for Vocational High Schools, there are 2 groups of subjects, namely general subjects (A) and groups of vocational subjects (B). needed by the world of work, mastering science and technology, arts and culture. E-module development using the ADDIE model with the stages of development: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The resulting product is a mathematics e-module with the REACT Strategy assisted by a professional flip pdf application that can be accessed by students using Android. Based on the results of utilization in the field, the resulting E-module can improve the problem-solving ability of students. This e-module with the REACT strategy assisted by flip PDF is feasible to be used as an alternative in mathematics learning, especially to familiarize students with being able to define problems, diagnose problems, formulate alternative strategies, choose alternative strategies and evaluate in mathematics lessons that incorporate technology. Based on the results of 28 students' answers to banking math problems in the e-module, the average score is 61.78 with a percentage score of 77.23% with a high category.
The Role of Universities in Increasing Social and Economic Resilience through the Community Empowerment Program in Cirebon City Sitti Faoziyah
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 4 No 3 (2022): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v4i3.641


The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of universities in increasing social resilience and economic resilience through community empowerment. To achieve this goal, the research design used is structural equational modeling (SEM) by investigating the direct influence between community empowerment carried out by universities on social security, economic resilience, and community welfare both directly and indirectly. The method used is quantitative research with a survey approach. The research population is all poor people of Cirebon City as many as 26 thousand people spread over five sub-districts and 22 urban villages. The sampling technique is proportional random sampling technique. The sample size was obtained by using the formula for the number of indicators 27 multiplied by 5 to obtain a sample size of 185 people. The data was obtained by using a survey method by distributing questionnaires. The data were analyzed using the Smart-PLS 3.0 application. Based on the results of data analysis, it is concluded that there is a direct effect of community empowerment carried out by universities on social security, economic resilience, and community welfare. This study also found that there was a direct influence of social security and economic resilience on the welfare of the community. Furthermore, this study also found the indirect effect of community empowerment on community welfare through social security and through economic resilience.

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