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RETAIN publishes articles within the scope of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. RETAIN publishes articles within the scope of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics.
Articles 894 Documents
The Effectiveness of Using Social Media Facebook to Enhance EFL Students’ Writing Skill
RETAIN Vol 10 No 02 (2022)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Online class has now become a primary way for teachers and students to have progress in their education especially since the pandemic outbreak in 2020. Building a fun class is now becoming a challenge for teachers while teaching online. Social media has potential to be a good platform to build existing knowledge before the class starts. Most students are also social media users. Social media has potential in English class to build the existing knowledge for students. The study uses true experimental design with quantitative approach and questionnaire as the instrument. The data that were collected from 24 students at 11th grade in one of the senior high school in Surabaya shows that social media Facebook improves student’s writing skills. Students that using social media Facebook are tended to have improvement in writing. It improves students’ writing skill in vocabulary, content, grammar, mechanic, and organization. Students also developed knowledge from another social media user. However, there still needed to do further research in order to find the details about the factors that affect the improvement.
RETAIN Vol 10 No 02 (2022)
Publisher : RETAIN

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The objective of the study is to improve eleventh grade students’ speaking skills using role-play as a technique at MA Bi’rul Ulum Sidoarjo. During the conduct, the researcher involved the supervising teacher and the language teacher of grade Eleventh Language class. The target of the research was 18 students of grade XI of Science class of Madrasah Bi’rul Ulum Sidoarjo within the academic year then selected 6 students among the class for the research using role-play as a technique. The researcher received the data from the questionnaire, students’ interviews, observation, and video recordings were used as instruments to gather data during the implementation of the action. The researcher conducted two phases of action for this study. The study's results indicated that the implementation of role play as a technique effectively improves students’ speaking skills. The role play technique is shown to be effective in increasing students’ speaking skills because it motivates the students to learn to speak, confidence in speaking, and boosts their interaction. This indicates that the role-play technique resulted in positive feedback on students’ performance improvement in learning.
Promoting Metacognitive Listening Strategy Through Task-based Approach in The Teaching of Listening
RETAIN Vol 10 No 01 (2022)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Listening is an essential skill in learning a foreign language since it may support the learners in understanding the input and their language development. However, the students faced some difficulties in mastering their listening skills. The teacher needs to support the students by implementing the right approach and giving them a suitable listening strategy. One of the listening strategies that might help students control their learning and solve their problems is metacognitive listening. Moreover, task-based approach is one of the approaches that aid the teacher in promoting a metacognitive listening strategy. Focusing on a task-based approach and metacognitive listening strategy, this study aims to determine whether implementing a task-based approach can help the students understand how to use metacognitive listening strategy. The study was conducted with a case study as the research design. In addition, the data of this study were collected through interview and observation. The participant of this study was the teacher in one senior high school in Gresik. The data showed that implementing a task-based approach is beneficial for promoting the use of metacognitive listening strategy for senior high school students.
Exploring Lecturers’ Types of Feedback and Emotional Experiences in Giving Feedback on Students’ Writing
RETAIN Vol 10 No 02 (2022)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Giving feedback is an essential way to assist the students’ writing process. Therefore, the role of lecturers is entailed to help the development of students’ writing. In the process of giving feedback, the lecturer may experience some emotions including positive and negative emotions. A qualitative study was conducted in this research involving two English lecturers as the research participants. They were interviewed using a semi-structured interview. The purpose of this research was to reveal the types of feedback which were usually used by the lecturers and explore how the lecturers maintained their emotions during the process of providing feedback. The result of this research showed that the lecturers often used oral feedback for all students in a class to save more time. Related to the emotional experiences, it was found that both lecturers could give comprehensive feedback when they were in positive emotions, and vice versa.
Teachers’ Perceptions and Challenges in Using Blended Learning for Teaching English in the New Normal Era
RETAIN Vol 10 No 02 (2022)
Publisher : RETAIN

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This research concerns EFL teachers’ perception and challenges in using blended learning to teach English in the New Normal Era. Therefore, identifying their perceptions of using blended learning and its challenges becomes the objective of this research. A qualitative study was conducted by involving two junior high school English teachers in Surabaya. It was found that teachers' perceptions of the use of blended learning are very positive. The teachers supported the use of blended learning since it has advantages in the learning process. Students can learn at the same time in online and offline lessons. They are also more enthusiastic about learning in mixed learning technique because it is easier for them to access materials on the online platform. However, there are still some challenges that the teacher mentioned, such as poor internet network, low student motivation, the preparation for using blended learning and the problem of electricity.
RETAIN Vol 10 No 02 (2022)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Speaking learning in EFL classes must be carried out online during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. This study investigates students' perceptions of learning speaking in online EFL classes during the pandemic. This study used mixed method with quantitative and qualitative, likert scale questionnaire as well as interviews with open-ended questions to 72 students of class X SMA in Surabaya, East Java who have applied online speaking learning in EFL classes. The results reveal that students perceive online EFL learning is difficult to understand, and do not support the application of speaking learning with its own challenges such as connection problem, less students’ learning motivation, and the difficulties to find the appropriate method and platform to practice speaking. However, they also perceive that in this learning, teachers do their best to deliver EFL learning materials by choosing methods and materials that are considered easier to understand. Keywords: online learning, student perception, EFL learning, speaking
RETAIN Vol 10 No 02 (2022)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Abstrak Keterampilan menulis teks naratif merupakan salah satu keterampilan yang harus dikuasai oleh setiap siswa SMP. Namun, realitanya masih banyak siswa yang kesulitan dalam menulis teks naratif secara mandiri. Ada beberapa metode pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru untuk mengajarkan teks naratif secara efektif di kelas, salah satunya dengan menggunakan media peta cerita. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui cara guru mengimplementasikan media peta cerita pada pembelajaran teks naratif dan untuk mengetahui persepsi siswa mengenai penggunaan media peta cerita dalam pembelajaran teks naratif. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian kualitatif. Instrumen pengambilan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah observasi dan kuesioner. Adapun subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah 20 siswa kelas IX di MTS Negeri Darul Ulum Sidoarjo serta guru bahasa inggris mereka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru dalam mengimplementasikan media peta cerita kurang maksimal karena ada langkah prosedur yang dilewati. Namun, persepsi siswa terhadap penggunaan media peta cerita pada pembelajaran teks naratif di kelas cukup baik. Sejumlah besar siswa menyatakan bahwa mereka bisa memahami teks naratif lebih dalam melalui penggunaan media peta cerita. Mereka juga mengatakan bahwa media tersebut menarik dan membuat proses belajar menjadi menyenangkan. Namun, ada beberapa siswa yang memberi respon berbeda. Mereka mengatakan bahwa mereka menghadapi kesulitan dalam penggunaan media peta cerita. Mereka berpendapat bahwa penggunaan media ini memerlukan waktu dan ruang yang cukup banyak sehingga membuat proses belajar kurang maksimal. Kata Kunci: peta cerita, penulisan teks naratif, persepsi peserta didik. Abstract Writing narrative text is one of the skills that must be mastered by every junior high school student. However, in reality, there are still many students who have difficulty writing narrative text independently. Several learning methods can be used by the teacher to teach narrative text effectively in the classroom, one of which is by using a story map. This research aims to know how teachers implement story maps in narrative text learning and to determine students' perceptions of story map media in narrative text learning. The research was conducted in a qualitative research design. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation and questionnaires. The research subjects in this study were 20 students in the ninth-grader MTSN Darul Ulum in Sidoarjo and their English teacher. The results showed that the learning carried out by the teacher in implementing the story map media was not optimal because there were procedural steps that were skipped. However, students' perceptions of the use of story map media in narrative text learning in the classroom are quite good. Most students stated that they could understand narrative texts more deeply through the use of story maps as media. They also said that the media was interesting and made the learning process fun. However, some students gave different responses. They said that they faced difficulties in using story map media. They argue that the use of this media requires quite a lot of time and space to make the learning process less than optimal. Keywords: story maps, narrative text writing, learners’ perceptions.
RETAIN Vol 10 No 02 (2022)
Publisher : RETAIN

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The outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic forced most education institutions worldwide to move their teaching and learning online. Zoom Meeting is a learning platform that can be used during the pandemic. The purpose of this study was to describe the use of Zoom Meetings for learning speaking in online class including student perceptions and challenges. Qualitative descriptive research was used to describe students' perceptions about the use of Zoom Meetings in learning speaking. The participants of this research were 34 students of class XI in one of private high school in Gresik. The researcher used observation and semi-structured interview in online and offline to obtain data. The results showed that students gave positive responses that they felt enjoy and motivated in learning speaking using Zoom Meeting. Meanwhile, the students also faced several challenges in using Zoom Meeting during learning which include internet network or access, language capability, and self-confidence. Keywords: students’ perception. zoom meeting, learning speaking
RETAIN Vol 11 No 01 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Human being produced a language for interacting others. Both learning and teaching progress In language learning, learners sometimes have problems in writing paragraph, especially writing descriptive text. One of the solutions to improve students’ writing is by giving animated cartoon video. This research employs qualitative method with research subjects Junior High School Students in Bojonegoro. The purpose of the research is first to describe the use of animated cartoon video in teaching descriptive text. Second, to know to know the students’ responses toward the use of animated video in teaching descriptive text. The subject was Eight (8)-B . The research instruments used are classroom observation and interview. The researcher carried out in 2 meets up. Every meets up teacher gave the homework in different cases, the cases were about “donald duck” “boboboy” and Upin and Ipin. The result shows that the use of animated video such as Upin Ipin, Donald duck are effectively improve the students ability in writing descriptive text. Students are able to describe the characters from the animated video completely. Moreover, students are happy when animated videos are used as a media in teaching descriptive text. The used of animated cartoon that commonly spoken has succeeded. It might be concluded that the teaching animated cartoon for descriptive text could support learners’ thought to write descriptive text vividly. Keywords: Descriptive Text, Animated Cartoon
RETAIN Vol 11 No 01 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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The purpose of this study is that researcher want to find out about how the Digital Storytelling technique can be implemented in high school, vocational school and how the technique can help learners to improve their English speaking. Learners can use Digital Storytelling to enhance their speaking in front of the class and overcome their nervousness. In the same vein, research method used as a minor the method used research design to full fill this research and the subject of participants are the learners of vocational high school student at 10th grade. The speaking result which will be in form of speaking rubric will be conducted to collect the data. The Digital Storytelling as bridge for learners to enlarged their capability to in speaking skill. Since Digital Storytelling is used in narrative, learners get improved speaking, new vocabulary and group collaboration. As a result, it can help them to improve their ability to learn English.