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RETAIN publishes articles within the scope of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. RETAIN publishes articles within the scope of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics.
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The Effect of Audio-Lingual Method Toward Teaching Speaking Ability in Private English Course Relis Aqilatul Ma'rifah
RETAIN : Journal of Research in English Language Teaching Vol 11 No 01 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

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Abstract: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the audio-lingual method on teaching speaking English in the English course Pare. This type of research is quantitative research using the Pretest-Posttest One-Group Design. The results of the analysis of the pretest and posttest learning outcomes data with the t-test were obtained with an average pretest score of 62.2 and an average posttest score of 80.13. With N = 15, obtained tcount = 6.881 with a significant level of 5% of 2.035. Because tcount = 5.676 > ttable = 2.048 then this shows that the t-test has a significant effect. This shows that there is an effect of the audio-lingual method. The suggestion that researchers can convey is that teachers must always be updated, be more creative and innovative in carrying out classroom learning in order to increase the activeness and learning interest of students in participating in learning. Such as the application of methods that are integrated in technology to the audiolingual method, where itself has structural patterns that use repeated exercises such as pattern drills with practical features it is a self-service. Keywords: Audio-lingual, speaking ability, teaching English.
RETAIN Vol 11 No 01 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic that has been felt by the whole world for more than 2 years has an impact on all factors, and one of them is education. Accompanied by technological advances, learning activities can be carried out remotely. But another impact of technological advances in the field of education is the emergence of boredom and students' enthusiasm for learning decreases. This has prompted researchers to conduct this research, by implementing Minecraft Education Edition as a Game-based Learning tool in learning to write, where students learn directly using games. This research was conducted to identify the student responses and student outcomes after the implementation of Game-based Learning using Minecraft Education Edition. The participants used in this study were 35 students SMAN 16 Surabaya who are in class tenth grade MIPA 8 students as participants. The researcher used a qualitative descriptive design method in collecting data. Data were collected and analyzed by making observations during the teaching and learning process and interviews. Therefore, the researchers used observation sheet instruments, student assignments, and interview guides. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of Minecraft Education Edition as a Game-Based Learned to teach writing especially narrative writing in the classroom was effective. This was evidenced not only from student responses but also from student work which shows good results. Keywords: Minecraft Education Edition, Game based-learning, writing narrative Abstrak Pandemi Covid-19 yang dirasakan seluruh dunia lebih dari 2 tahun berdampak di seluruh bidang, salah satunya pendidikan. Dengan diiringi oleh kemajuan teknologi, kegiatan pembelajaran dapat dilakukan dengan jarak jauh. Tetapi dampak lain dari kemajuan teknologi dibidang pendidikan ini adalah munculnya rasa bosan dan semangat belajar siswa menurun. Hal ini yang mendorong peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian ini, dengan mengimplementasikan Minecraft Education Edition sebagai alat Pembelajaran berbasis Game dalam pembelajaran Menulis, dimana siswa belajar secara langsung menggunakan Game. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi respon dan hasil belajar siswa setelah penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Game menggunakan Minecraft Education Edition. Partisipan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 35 siswa yang berada di kelas X MIPA 8 SMAN 16 Surabaya, siswa sebagai partisipan. Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dalam pengumpulan data. Data dikumpulkan dsn dianalis dengan melakukan observasi selama proses belajar mengajar dan wawancara. Maka dari itu, peneliti menggunakan lembar observasi instrumen, tugas siswa, serta panduan wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini menujukan bahwa penerapan Minecraft Education Edition sebagai Game-Based Learned dalam pembelajaran menulis khususnya menulis naratif di kelas sudah efektif. Hal ini dibuktikan tidak hanya dari respon siswa tetapi juga dari hasil kerja siswa yang menunjukkan hasil yang baik. Kata Kunci: : Minecraft Education Edition, Pembelajaran berbasis game, menulis narasi
The Use of YouTube Videos in English Teachers' Lesson Plans
RETAIN Vol 11 No 01 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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In this modern era, technology is needed in all aspects of life, including the world of education. Educators began to use internet technology for teaching and learning activities such as the YouTube application. The YouTube app is a platform that allows users to upload, share, live stream and watch videos. Educators may use YouTube videos in their lesson plans. However, educators are sometimes unaware that the selection of video is not in accordance with the learning objectives. This study was conducted to find out what types of videos are used by English teachers and how the suitability or validity between the video's content with learning objectives. A video was valid if the video selection beholds to four aspects, namely the suitability of the video title with the learning objectives, the suitability of video content with learning objectives, the suitability of the video content with the type of text, and the suitability of video content with teaching and learning activities. This study was participated by three junior high school English teachers in Surabaya who filled out a questionnaire. From these three teachers, 11 lesson plans were obtained which can be analyzed using qualitative data analysis, i.e., the case study method. It was found that these three teachers often use learning videos, music videos, and animation videos in their lesson plans. The kinds of YouTube videos include instructional videos, explanation videos in the form of power points accompanied by speaker’s voice, and animated learning videos accompanied by voices and student activities videos. Moreover, from 11 lesson plans, 3 lesson plans were somewhat valid and 8 lesson plans were valid. It can be concluded that the YouTube videos used by the teachers in their lesson plans are mostly valid.
RETAIN Vol 11 No 01 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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COVID-19 pandemic causes all schools in Indonesia have to do online learning. In this case, Microsoft Teams is one of the platforms used by schools to hold online teaching-learning process. This research aimed to describe the implementation and teachers’ obstacles while using Microsoft Teams for teaching writing in junior high school. It focused on the descriptive text material which must be learned by the seventh-grade students. This qualitative research took place in one of the public schools in Surabaya by involving two English teachers who teach seventh-grade students and knows how to operate Microsoft Teams for the teaching-learning process. Based on the observation and interview results, Microsoft Teams provides great features to support the teaching process. It also found that there are some obstacles that should face by the teacher such as cannot reach out to the students who have lost connection with Microsoft Teams because of changing the phone numbers, lack of interaction with the students, and have a bad internet connection.
Investigating The Use of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) in Students' Literacy Activities in A Senior High School
RETAIN Vol 11 No 01 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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The objectives of this study were to investigate the use of Collaborative Strategic Reading included Preview strategy, Click and Clunk strategy, Get the gist strategy, and Wrap up strategy in literacy activities conducted in a senior high school in Surabaya. This study used qualitative design to convey the result and discussion in descriptive manner by using field notes, questionnaires, and interview transcripts as the instruments. The data were collected through non-participant observations, questionnairesdistribution, and interviews. Then, the researcher analyzed the data by familiarizing and organizing, coding and reducing, and interpreting and representing. The result of this study shows that the students use and apply reading strategies of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) during literacy activities. The students apply preview strategy by brainstorming and predicting; click and clunk strategy by monitoring and guessing meaning; get the gist strategy by identifying main idea; and wrap up strategy by formulatingown questions and discussing. Those reading strategies revealed positive impacts on reading comprehension that is followed by critical thinking skill. This research can be used as a reflection and references for some students, practitioners, and further researchers to conduct further studies about Collaborative Strategic Reading.Keywords: Literacy, Reading comprehension, Reading Strategy, and Collaborative Strategic Reading.
EFL Students’ English Speaking Motivation during the COVID-19 Pandemic in English Education Major
RETAIN Vol 11 No 01 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Students’ motivation is one of the challenge for teacher as it is deemed essential to students’ learning activity and outcome. However, maintaining it has become a big issue for teachers during the pandemic. As the pandemic has turned the education system into taking different methods to avoid face-to-face learning, interaction and conversation to practice English for EFL learners have reduced. This present study is aimed to see the English-speaking motivation of Indonesian EFL students in English Education major. 54 EFL students from the English education program at the State University of Surabaya participated in this study. Quantitative method was used in order to collect and analyze the data An online questionnaire was distribute through Google Form in order to collect the data. The participants filled the data based on the 5-point Likert scale. The data was analyzed using SPSS and Microsoft Excel to get accurate result. The result of this study shows most students of English Education major are motivated by their goal of getting a good job (M = 4.64), to be better educated and more confident (M = 4.37), for their success in their program study (M = 4.48) and for professional growth (M = 4.33). The research also found that the participants do not except rewards when they practice their English speaking, although external factors can distract them. The overall result shows that the students of English Education major are both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated. In addition, more students are found to be exclusively intrinsic motivated than extrinsic motivated. Similar tendencies are also found in male and female students in terms of their speaking motivation. Keywords: motivation, speaking English.
RETAIN Vol 11 No 01 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Explicit grammar teaching is a popular type of teaching in many countries and is known to show positive results and have a positive effect on students' academic achievement. This is because teaching grammar is important, especially for English teachers, because there is a combination of writing assessment, grammar knowledge, and accuracy to complete the entire assessment score. The purpose of this research is to fill a need by studying the use of explicit grammar instruction in EFL classes in Indonesia. The study used a qualitative research technique and four data collection instruments: interviews, field notes, observation sheets, and questionnaires. The data collection was conducted in the classroom of tenth students at Senior High School. The results showed that the instructor believes that specific grammar instruction is vital. From the results regarding students' perception, it was found that 35 participants showed positive perceptions regarding the application of grammar instructions used in narrative texts. They also claim that using grammar instructions to study narrative texts can help them understand the material more easily. Further, from the teachers' perception, it can be known that the teacher feels that explicit grammar instruction is very important, especially in teaching narrative texts, because there are many uses of grammar that must be considered in such texts. It helps students understand the text and understand the language features in the narrative text.
The Teaching and Learning Process of Writing Narrative Text during The Pandemic in EFL Class
RETAIN Vol 11 No 01 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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As one of the important skills of the four main skills of English, every student is required to have good writing skill. The pandemic which is caused by the corona virus has made the entire process of learning to write virtually. Condition that suddenly change certainly have various effect in learning to write. Therefore, this study aims to explain how the process of teaching and learning writing skill especially narrative text in the current pandemic era. The object of this study is the result of an observation and interview process conducted to one of the third grade English teachers and twenty-four students taught by that teacher. The researcher also provided questionnaires as a complementary instrument to complement the data obtained from observation and questionnaires before. This study uses a qualitative approach. The result of this study indicate that in every part of teaching and learning process, both teacher and students experienced from the various challenges and difficulties in conducting learning writing narrative text. Not only that, from the various challenges and difficulties in conducting teaching and learning process of writing narrative text, the researcher also found out the right solution to solve the challenges and difficulties they faced in online learning in pandemic era. Keywords: writing skill, Pandemic era, EFL Class.
RETAIN Vol 11 No 01 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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This quantitative study has a purpose to find the correlation between secondary students reading anxiety and their reading comprehension. The participants were 49 secondary students from one of the vocational high schools in Sidoarjo. The correlational design was used in this research. In data collecting, the researcher used a questionnaire adapted from FLRAS (Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Scale) by Saito (1999). To gather reading comprehension scores, researchers use the TOEFL Junior Reading Test from and use the CEFR scoring method as the assessment. This study was conducted in the pandemic situation, so researchers use Google Form as an online platform to gain the data. The result shows that most secondary students experience reading anxiety in the medium level with a total of 70,8% students. The result also revealed that secondary students’ reading anxiety and reading comprehension was negatively correlated. The significance level of correlation was (r = -0,396). Thus, the significance level of correlation is categorized as low correlation.
RETAIN Vol 11 No 02 (2023)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Pronunciation is one of the crucial elements in the language framework that supports proper interaction. However, several researchers have discussed the challenges of teaching and learning pronunciation, especially for ESL learners. Teachers must provide effective learning strategies for students to follow the latest English standards. The goal of this achievement is that students can overcome communication barriers in using the English language. This study aims to determine students' perceptions of a specific strategy that involves audio-visual media to enhance students' achievement in pronunciation class. The audio-visual media used in this research is an original English movie with an English caption provided. The subject of this study involved 30 students from grade 9 in a particular junior high school. The research data was taken using a Likert scale questionnaire. The data show positive results on students' perception of using audio-visual media called "captioned movie" as a learning strategy in pronunciation class. After collecting data, the findings are presented in words as qualitative research. Most respondents claimed that this strategy is joyous and preferable to be applied in pronunciation class since it may decrease their pressure on learning English. Mainly, they pointed out the benefit of implementing this strategy, widening their word knowledge and enriching their vocabulary. Therefore, the researcher argues that providing an authentic subtitled movie to stimulate students' word recognition is suitable for pronunciation classes. However, the researcher suggests applying these techniques only occasionally because it may reduce learning effectiveness.