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Tasamuh: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam
ISSN : 18296483     EISSN : 26141736     DOI :
Tasamuh dengan nomor registrasi ISSN 1829-6483 (Cetak) dan ISSN 2614-1736 (Online), merupakan jurnal peer-reviewed dan merupakan jurnal open access yang diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun (Juni - Desember) oleh Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi Studi, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram. Tasamuh merupakan laporan hasil penelitian bidang dakwah, politik, media komunikasi, model dakwah Islam. Tasamuh mengundang naskah-naskah tentang berbagai topik termasuk, namun tidak terbatas pada, dakwah, politik, strategi dan model dakwah, manajemen dakwah dan etika politik. Tasamuh bekerjasama dengan Asosiasi Profesi DAKWAH INDONESIA (APDI), Asosiasi Pengelola JURNAL ILMU DAKWAH (PPJID). Tujuan Tasamuh: Jurnal Komunikasi Islam dan Pengembangan Masyarakat adalah untuk mempromosikan diseminasi luas hasil-hasil penyelidikan ilmiah yang sistematis ke dalam bidang penelitian bisnis yang luas. Tasamuh dimaksudkan untuk menjadi jurnal penerbitan artikel yang melaporkan hasil penelitian tentang bisnis. Tasamuh mengundang naskah-naskah di bidang: propaganda pemasaran, Strategi Manajemen Dakwah, Strategi Komunikasi Politik, Perlawanan dan Perubahan Politik Islam Dakwah Islami Model Dakwah Islam Dakwah kontemporer
Articles 6 Documents
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TASÂMUH Vol. 12 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

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This paper discusses about psychology on perspective intercultural communication. Cultural varieties areinfluenced by many factors, including differences in perception. It is undeniable that perception gives influence to the culture, attitude, and behavior. Perception in this time is a big factor on communication because communication influences social culture. Then difference of communication isa part of intercultural communication.
TASÂMUH Vol. 12 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

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Wahhabi is a group of people that professes Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab’s doctrine. That group calls their doctrine by Wahhabi because it agrees with name of its founder. Wahhabigroup is included in group of radical movement which is not tolerant to other Islamic understandings. The ideology of radical movement istotalitariancentralistic and it makes religion as theological reference. Ideological view which is totalitarian-centralistic toward Islamic law (Syari’ah) brings manifestation into totalitarian law and also centralistic. It means that law must regulate all people’s life aspect without any exception and also country controls all understandings (doctrines) and implementation comprehensively. Therefore, theological claim which they convey actually become political maneuver to protect themselves from attacks that do not support and follow them, namely: religion becomes their medium to get power,so they are inclined to put and exploit belief that people havebeen directed by Allah SWT and make it as an entry-pointfor Wahhabi’s followers to organize and dominate populace. Wahhabi group as radical group movement believe that they are representative of God in the world (KhalifahAllah Fil-Ardl) who direct all affair of human to call human to the way of Allah. All radical movementstry to purify Islamic doctrine and also want to keep Khilafah system, such as:Ikhwanul Muslimin group, Jamaah Muslimin(at-Takfir Wa al-Hijrah) group, Jamaah Syabab Muhammad group, Wahhabi and etc. in Indonesia itself, the attendance of fundamentalism movement started appearing after new order like mushroom in rainy season, such as Front of Islamic Defender (FPI), the Indonesian Council of Mujahidin (MMI), Hizbut Tahrir of Indonesia (HTI).
ISLAM DAN DEMOKRASI (Telaah Pemikiran Politik M. Husein Haikal) Nunung Susfita
TASÂMUH Vol. 12 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

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Religion and democratization resurgence was the most important phenomena in the latest decade of 20 th century. Various regions in the world, religious resurgence movements run well and sometimes reinforce political system formation which is more democratic. Islamic politics is often seen as fusion between religionandpolitics. In modern term, Islam is religion and state (??????? ?? ???), in group of Islamic thinkers or non-Islam, they state that Islam is comprehensive way of life and know the clergy or formal institution. There were some political systems which were applied in Islamic world in the beginning of modern era. Some were big kingdoms, such as Usmaniyah Sultanate in Europe and Middle East and Mughol Sultanate in India, governed by Sultan. Islamic role in politics started changing significantly in 1970s. Instead of reactive element of political community, Islamic group could step forward as initiative resource for political development and change. Islamic organizations were important part of Islamic resurgence in the latest decade of 20 th century. They not only were busy to response initiative of other sides but also represented the beginning of alternative politic-social orientation which was able to be trusted. This movement reflected multiple aspirations from modern educated professional group and Islamic society that wanted to participate bigger in political process and to realize the more Islamic society. Therefore, these new organizations were success to join two main inclinations in the end of 20 th century, namely: “religious and democratic resurgence”.
TASÂMUH Vol. 12 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

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Mysticism and culture integration in its relation will show the same hing because culture is reality which has been created, produced, formed, and institutionalized. While in social context, culture is human product which is running continually. Cultureis formed by a group which is done continually and admitted by society. So in reality religion is always identical with tradition becauseculture is expression which is believed by people toward holy thing. If the connection between religion and tradition are placed as interpretational form of history and culture, all religious domains are human creativities which are characteristically relative. It means that religious truth which is believed by each person is as something “true”. Basically, it can only be interpreted and expressed by relative humanfor “the truth”, God is an absolute one. Then anything is done by human to defend, renew, and purify religious tradition; it should be seen as human phenomena for history without saying that the one is the truest one.
TASÂMUH Vol. 12 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

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Hadith is the second Islamic law pillar after Al-Qur’an. Hadith as second source is showed by three things, namely: Al- Qur’an itself, agreement (Ijma’) of religious leader, logic (ma’qul). Al-Qur’an emphasizes that the messenger functions to explain meaning of commandment of Allah. Therefore, what he states mustbe followed and his attitude as prophet must be followed by allMuslims. This paper found that functions of hadith toward Al-Qur’an are explanation (bayan) and reinforcement (muhaqiq) for Al-Qur’an. Al-Qur’an is also as Explanation of reinforcement (Bayân taqrir), explanation of passages of Al-Qur’an or explanation of interpretation (Bayân tafsir), explanation of elaboration (Takhshîsh al-’âm), and explanation of change (Bayân Tabdîl). This paper not only found those things but also found that hadiths of the messenger have determined new regulation which is not determined by al-Qur’an. In al-Qur’an there are many verses which command to the faithful to be loyal and do what the messenger commands, forbids, and also threatens people who disagree with the hadith.
TASÂMUH Vol. 12 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

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Character-based cognitive education can be seen as the oldest assessment in educational history. This assessment focuses on measuring of educational evaluation process. Measurement cannot be separated from the meaning of quantity. This quantity will determine amount (magnitude) of objects, persons, and events which are described in units of certain measurement. In educational scope, assessment which has character in cognitive development has been implemented in educational process to see and reveal individual differences and group in skill, interest, attitude, and personality; and very basic education in nation generation life is character education because the existence of human resources quality that have character will determine the progress of nation. Qualified character needs to be formed and guided when it wasearly age because early age forms decision phases for formation of personal character. Therefore, parents’ success in guiding their children in solving personality conflict in early age determines children’s success in social life in their future.

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