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Tasamuh: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam
ISSN : 18296483     EISSN : 26141736     DOI :
Tasamuh dengan nomor registrasi ISSN 1829-6483 (Cetak) dan ISSN 2614-1736 (Online), merupakan jurnal peer-reviewed dan merupakan jurnal open access yang diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun (Juni - Desember) oleh Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi Studi, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram. Tasamuh merupakan laporan hasil penelitian bidang dakwah, politik, media komunikasi, model dakwah Islam. Tasamuh mengundang naskah-naskah tentang berbagai topik termasuk, namun tidak terbatas pada, dakwah, politik, strategi dan model dakwah, manajemen dakwah dan etika politik. Tasamuh bekerjasama dengan Asosiasi Profesi DAKWAH INDONESIA (APDI), Asosiasi Pengelola JURNAL ILMU DAKWAH (PPJID). Tujuan Tasamuh: Jurnal Komunikasi Islam dan Pengembangan Masyarakat adalah untuk mempromosikan diseminasi luas hasil-hasil penyelidikan ilmiah yang sistematis ke dalam bidang penelitian bisnis yang luas. Tasamuh dimaksudkan untuk menjadi jurnal penerbitan artikel yang melaporkan hasil penelitian tentang bisnis. Tasamuh mengundang naskah-naskah di bidang: propaganda pemasaran, Strategi Manajemen Dakwah, Strategi Komunikasi Politik, Perlawanan dan Perubahan Politik Islam Dakwah Islami Model Dakwah Islam Dakwah kontemporer
Articles 106 Documents
TASÂMUH Vol. 15 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (331.532 KB) | DOI: 10.20414/tasamuh.v15i2.214


Society is a reality that is independent of individuals. The reality then forms the value of binding norms for each individual. From the results of the relationship or interaction that gave birth to the binding norm value, the community as an entity will gradually form a belief system or they believe in something that is not good. So, in fact, religion and society have a very close relationship, a living and developing religion and the reality of its adherents. While society naturally believes in a "sacred" concept which they consider to have supernatural powers. There are religions in his study, explaining that religion has a central position in primitive societies, its reality even though the "secret" nature is represented by different totems, but its essence has the same meaning
TASÂMUH Vol. 16 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (445.317 KB) | DOI: 10.20414/tasamuh.v16i1.540


The Prophet's missionary journey as an arena for building a humanitarian system that is mutually acceptable and recognizes the values ??of human equality in the social system is still a deviation, even though life must embrace one another, accept unconditionally and respect human values. Acceptance of fellow humans seems to have become a deviation and even becomes collective amnesia in social life. This collective amnesia is present in human life without realizing that we live in it so that acceptance in the name of the man as a form of hablumminannas is like the construction of a mere imaginary society. The construction of imaginary societies has occurred in Medina as a social institution on the journey of prophetic preaching. Such things occur as a process of living systems; a process of establishing his identity as a social system in building the ideal society that has ever existed on this earth. The Madinah community is a society based on a collective agreement stated in a charter, commonly known as the charter of Medina. Relations between groups are built based on the breath of acceptance among others, because of the awareness of the similarity of the nature and dignity of human beings. Why Medina is referred to as a normal social system identity, not because of the intersubjectivity; acceptability of humans and humans built from all components of the social system is always in communication and mutual action.
TASÂMUH Vol. 16 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (451.282 KB) | DOI: 10.20414/tasamuh.v16i1.541


The term fundamentalism was initially used only to refer to Catholics who rejected modernity and maintained the teachings of religious orthodoxy. However, at present, the term is also used for adherents of other religions which have similarities so there are also Islamic, Hindu and Buddhist fundamentalism. Over time, the use of the term fundamentalism raises certain images, such as extremism, fanaticism, or even terrorism in maintaining religious beliefs. The Islamic fundamentalist movement in Indonesia is more influenced by domestic and foreign social-political instability, from the Dutch colonial era until the end of the Suharto government. The era of reform, freedom of opinion and groups, is a moment for fundamentalists to voice their opinions, offer solutions to overcome the multidimensional crisis that occurred in Indonesia. Therefore, the propaganda of wisdom, advice, and dialogue must continue to be established with the fundamental groups of Islam to straighten out some of them have come out of the rules of Amar makruf nahimungkar. Advice and dialogue must continue to be made for them to improve the shortcomings
TASÂMUH Vol. 16 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (499.416 KB) | DOI: 10.20414/tasamuh.v16i1.542


Improving the quality of inputs and graduates of Higher Education is a basic program based on the program through an integrated approach starting from input-process, the output out to come out. The PMI Department is one of the majors at FDIK, Mataram UIN which continues to improve even though since its opening in 2007 until 2017 from the inside side it still experiences a less encouraging trend. Therefore, through this research, we want to find the image of the community towards its existence, the direction of the policy and the strategy of increasing the graduates' input. This study uses survey research, where researchers try to find people's perceptions through closed questions. The method of collecting data through questionnaires, and coupled with interviews, observation and documentation. While data analysis uses an interactive model analysis through data collection, data reduction and verification or conclusion. The credibility of data is through an extension of the time of research and triangulation. The results of the study found that a) the perception or image of the community about the existence of the FDI PMI Department Mataram UIN is still formalist and normative meaning that it only sees things that are not substantive, b) Policy directions through two models, namely the direction of academic and sociological policies, and c ) improvement strategies through internal academic reinforcement and external reinforcement (partnership).
TASÂMUH Vol. 16 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (385.165 KB) | DOI: 10.20414/tasamuh.v16i1.543


Social change is a social process experienced by members of society and all elements of culture and social systems, where all levels of people's lives are voluntary or influenced by external elements by abandoning the patterns of life, culture, and social systems long after adjust or use new patterns of life, culture, and social systems. With the existence of social change, of course, Islamic communication has challenges that must be passed and decomposed holistically, by finding and finding alternative solutions for the effectiveness and accuracy of contemporary Islamic communication. Among the concrete problems in the behaviour of social change, for example, modern society today abandons traditional values, has a hedonistic lifestyle and acts spree and so on. Therefore, Islamic communication must lead to handling real problems. This means that Islamic communication activities are efforts to solve or solve the problems of the life of the people and society in the socio-cultural, economic and political fields within the framework of modern society. The form of Islamic communication can be done formally in the activities of individuals in academia, social education institutions and da'wah institutions, and can also be done non-formally by individuals in the social life of the community.
TASÂMUH Vol. 16 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (443.037 KB) | DOI: 10.20414/tasamuh.v16i1.547


Communication-based on theory is very important, role theory helps get understanding and organize experiences. In theory, there are positions that play an important role in extracting information so that interpretations, judgments, and statements can be carried out easily. In addition, to reveal one's assumptions and characteristics, symbols and others cannot rely on a single perception, but must give rise to categories in a particular field that are determined by diverse space, time and types of scientific communication, including the theory of political communication , theory of interpersonal communication, intrapersonal communication theory, cultural communication theory, mass communication theory, and other theories of communication. The union between theory and communication must be in detail because in communication it is never separated from symptoms, phenomena, interactions and others that require interpretation. Thus the presence of theory in the realm of communication studies provides new colours and broader knowledge of the science of communication itself.
TASÂMUH Vol. 16 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (394.002 KB) | DOI: 10.20414/tasamuh.v16i1.548


Mass media has an important position in people's lives, so mass media is placed as mass communication which acts as a communicator and agent of change, being a pioneer of change in the public environment that can influence audiences through messages such as information, entertainment, education and other messages and accessible to the public at large. As a form of the importance of media can be seen from the influence felt by the public, starting from the cognitive, effective, to conative aspects of the mass media and the negative-positive impact of social media. Even though the position and role of the media are very important, the community must also be careful with media remember that the nature of the media is so flexible. Negative values ??of the role of the media in Indonesia can occur either from the mass media or social media, so there needs to be attention from each party, both from the media manager to the community itself. The participation of several parties in paying attention to the media is expected to filter out negative things that might occur.
TASÂMUH Vol. 11 No. 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (370.068 KB)


Spiritual communication, Islamic communication, and environmental communication are not yet integrated in Muslim daily life in Tangerang Selatan. The people are not yet aware of maintaining fresh air, clean water, and arable land. Most of them has not applied 2008 law in waste management yet. This research aims to reveal cognitive aspect, attitude, and action/ behavior in daily life. This research uses qualitative approach. The methods of data collection are deep interviews, categories of community, participant observation, conversation, and open question. It has found that frst, most of them, forget that human being as His settlement on earth in Quran. Second, most of them, forget that Allah do give the earth life or dead in Quran. Third, most of them, remember kebersihan sebagian dari iman or hygiene is part of faith as said in Hadith, and most of them, do not know law of 2008 on waste management. Some of them knew how to manage waste on television, as in Daai TV, MetroTV, and JakTV in Indonesia. They supposed servant or parents as dust man at home. Father/mother or servant usually burns organic waste in the empty yard. Their behaviors of RT 03/RW 01 Bambu Apus are included in 5 families in blue one, 5 families in green one, 30 families ,and 4 rental homes in yellow one, and 26 families and 2 rental homes in red ones in four categories of waste management.
TASÂMUH Vol. 11 No. 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (370.354 KB)


Pengembangan dan pendidikan karakter kembali menemukan momentumnya belakangan ini, bahkan menjadi salah satu program prioritas Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional (kini Kemendikbud). Meski sebenarnya dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, telah banyak perbincangan baik melalui konperensi, seminar dan pembicaraan publik lainnya, belum banyak terobosan kongkrit dalam memajukan pendidikan karakter. Dengan kebijakan Kemendikbudnas, pendidikan karakter sudah saatnya dapat terlaksana secara kongkrit melalui lembaga-lembaga pendidikan dan masyarakat luas.Segera jelas, pendidikan karakter terkait dengan bidang-bidang lain, khususnya budaya, pendidikan, dan agama. Ketiga-tiga bidang kehidupan terakhir ini berhubungan erat dengan nilai-nilai yang sangat penting bagi manusia dalam berbagai aspek kehidupannya. Tetapi, ketiga sumber nilai yang penting bagi kehidupan itu dalam waktu-waktu tertentu dapat tidak fungsional sepenuhnya dalam terbentuknya individu dan masyarakat yang berkarakter, berkeadaban, dan berharkat. Budaya, pendidikan dan bahkan agama boleh jadi mengalami disorientasi karena terjadinya perubahan-perubahan cepat berdampak luas, misalnya, industrialisasi, urbanisasi, modernisasi dan terakhir sekali globalisasi. Pembangunan karakter juga bisa membentuk pribadi-pribadi yang pandai bergaul denga orang lain atau bersosialisai dengan baik dimanapun dia berada dan dengan siapapun dia hidup, sebab dengan pendidikan karakter yang baik akan lahir dari yang berssangkutan sifat-sifat terpuji,karena sudah berkarakter pada dirinya menjadi sebuah karakteristik.
TASÂMUH Vol. 11 No. 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (243.34 KB)


Fundamentalis Islam adalah sebuah istilah yang mengacu pada sekelompok umat Islam yang tergabung dalam sebuah organisasi yang berpegang teguh kepada sumber-sumber hukum Islam. Fundamentalisme, sebagaimana dikatakan Karen Armstrong, merupakan salah satu fenomena paling mengejutkan di akhir abad 20. Ekspresi fundamentalisme ini terkadang cukup mengerikan. Peristiwa paling mutakhir yang menghebohkan dunia, yaitu hancurnya gedung World Trade Center (WTC) di New York, Amerika Serikat, September 2001 lalu, juga dihubungkan dengan gerakan fundamentalisme. Fundamentalisme dan kekerasan agama merupakan isu paling hangat belakangan ini dalam wacana percaturan global yang mendorong kita untuk melakukan kajian terhadap dua persoalan ini. Fundamentalisme Islam bergelora melalui penggunaan bendera jihad untuk memperjuangkan agama. Suatu ideologi yang kerap kali mempunyai fungsi menggugah militansi dan radikalisasi umat. Fundamentalisme ini diwujudkan dalam konteks pemberlakuan syariat Islam yang dianggap sebagai solusi alternatif terhadap krisis bangsa. Mereka hendakmelaksanakan syariat Islam secara kafah dengan pendekatan tafsir literal atas Al Quran.

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