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Jurnal Teologi Reformed Indonesia
ISSN : 20885970     EISSN : 2442692X     DOI :
The Jurnal Teologi Reformed Indonesia is the P-ISSN number: 2088-5970, E-ISSN: 2442-692x Published by the Reformed Indonesia College of Indonesia Jakarta. The purpose of publishing this journal is to publish the results of scientific studies and research in the field of Christian theology, especially those characterized by Evangelical Reformed, in the fields of Biblical, Systematics Theology, Christian Education, Church Music, Pastoral, and Mission. The Jurnal Teologi Reformed Indonesia receives articles and reviewers from various sub-disciplines of Theology and Christian education, especially those who are characterized by Evangelical Reformed. The article sent must never or not in the process of being loaded in other journals. Incoming articles must be in accordance with the instructions for the authorized writing or format. The editor will reject an article that does not meet the requirements without further processing. Articles that have met the requirements will be assessed by the appreciation by reviewer through the blind-review process.
Articles 5 Documents
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Did the Orthodox Corruption Occur Everywhere? : Evaluating Bart Ehrman’s Notion Kristianto, Stefanus
JURNAL TEOLOGI REFORMED INDONESIA Vol. 10 No. 2 (2020): Vol.10 No.2 Jurnal Teologi Reformed Indonesia (September 2020)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Reformed Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (848.304 KB) | DOI: 10.47135/jtri.v10i2.6


Bart Ehrman adalah salah seorang pakar kritik teks terbaik pada zaman ini. Terlepas dari kecemerlangannya, beberapa nosinya terkenal provokatif, salah satunya adalah persoalan keru-sakan tekstual pada naskah Perjanjian Baru. Meski sejumlah pakar setuju bahwa kerusakan teologis terjadi dalam batas-batas tertentu, bagi Ehrman kerusakan itu terdapat pada banyak tempat. Esai ini akan memeriksa klaim Ehrman mengenai korupsi Ortodoks. Sebagai uji kasus, penulis akan memeriksa sebelas teks kunci rujukan Ehrman dan menunjukkan rekonstruksi yang cacat pada bagian-bagian ini. Hal ini berarti bahwa klaim Ehrman atas sebelas teks ini tidak tepat, dan bahwa yang kemungkinan besar benar adalah bahwa kerusakan tekstual itu sangat terbatas jumlahnya. Bart Ehrman was one of the best textual scholars of this era. Despite his brilliance, some of his notion are provocative. One of his provocative ideas is his notion on textual corruption of the New Testament text. While most scholar contend that theological corruption took place in a limited amount, Ehrman thinks that it occurred in many places. This paper will attempt to examine his notion on the Orthodox Corruption. As the test case, this paper will examine the eleven key texts Ehrman usually refers to and show that Ehrman’s reconstruction in most passages are flawed. On the one hand, it thereby means that Ehrman’s notion does not work for those eleven texts. On the other hand, it opens the possibility that the contention of most scholars–that theological corruption took place in a limited scale–is very likely correct.
Gisbertus Voetius (1589-1676) on the Freedom of the Will : An Elucidation of Andreas J. Beck’s “The Will as Master of Its Own Act” Thamrindinata, Hendra
JURNAL TEOLOGI REFORMED INDONESIA Vol. 10 No. 2 (2020): Vol.10 No.2 Jurnal Teologi Reformed Indonesia (September 2020)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Reformed Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (635.204 KB) | DOI: 10.47135/jtri.v10i2.7


Kausalitas Ilahi dan kebebasan manusia adalah topik yang hangat diperdebatkan pada awal masa modern antara kaum Reformed dan Yesuit, Sosinian, dan Remonstran, khususnya setelah kon-troversi antara kaum Yesuit dan Dominikan dalam Congregatio de Auxiliis. Para lawan menuduh pandangan Reformed mengajarkan fatalisme Stoik. Esai ini akan mengulas pandangan tentang kebebasan kehendak dari Gisbertus Voetius, seorang teolog Reformed pada periode High Ortho-doxy, sebagaimana diulas oleh Andreas J. Beck dalam “The Will as Master of Its Own Act: A Disputation Rediscovered of Gisbertus Voetius (1589-1676).” Ulasan ini didasarkan atas karya Voetius yang terlupakan: Disputatio philosophico-theologico, continens quaestiones duas, de Dictinctione Attributorum divinorum, & Libertate Voluntatis, yang dibela oleh Engelbertus Beckman dalam sebu-ah disputasi di bawah arahan Voetius pada tahun 1652. Esai ini akan menunjukkan bahwa ke-bebasan manusia bagi Voetius adalah prinsip formal bagi aksinya sendiri, dan bahwa kebebasan tersebut kompatibel dengan keniscayaan hipotetis yang berasal dari dekrit Ilahi, premosi fisik, serta dengan ultimate practical judgement akal budi. Keniscayaan kebebasan manusia yang ber-fungsi di dalam keniscayaan ini adalah sebuah keniscayaan yang penuh. The divine causality and human’s freedom were hotly debated topics during the early modern era between Reformed and Jesuits, Socinians, and the Remonstrants, particularly at the aftermath of the controversy between Jesuits and Dominicans in Congregatio de Auxiliis. Reformed’s view was accused as teaching Stoic fatalism by its opponents. This paper will elucidate the view of Gisbertus Voetius, a Reformed theologian in the period of High Orthodoxy, on the freedom of the will, as exposed by Andreas J. Beck in his article, “The Will as Master of Its Own Act: A Disputation Rediscovered of Gisbertus Voetius (1589-1676)” which was based on Voetius’s forgotten Disputatio philosophico-theologico, continens quaestiones duas, de Dictinctione Attributorum divinorum, & Libertate Voluntatis, defended by Engelbertus Beckman in 1652 and presided by Voetius himself. It will show that for Voetius, human freedom was a formal principle of its own act and was compatible with hypothetical necessities originated from divine decree, physical premotion, and ultimate practical judgement of the intellect. Functioning within these necessities, human freedom was not more necessitated by them than by itself.
“Return to Eden” : Knowing Christ through Experiencing the Godforsakenness of This World Sidharta, Leonard
JURNAL TEOLOGI REFORMED INDONESIA Vol. 10 No. 2 (2020): Vol.10 No.2 Jurnal Teologi Reformed Indonesia (September 2020)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Reformed Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (683.067 KB) | DOI: 10.47135/jtri.v10i2.8


Artikel ini berusaha menggali signifikansi soteriologis dari keserupaan dengan Kristus dengan menjadikan konsep kesia-siaan sebagai titik awal pembahasan. Jadi, pembahasan di artikel ini beranjak dari kesia-siaan, yang esensinya adalah ketidakhadiran Allah, menuju keselamatan, yang esensinya ialah kehadiran Allah dengan manusia. Tetapi keselamatan, yang bisa dilukiskan sebagai penawar dari kesia-siaan, justru bekerja lewat kesia-siaan itu sendiri. Dengan kata lain, keselamatan meniadakan kesia-siaan dengan merubah kesia-siaan sebagai kesempatan untuk dipersatukan dengan Allah. Kesia-siaan dapat ditebus, hanya ketika hidup manusia menunjukkan kehadiran Allah didalamnya. Ini sebenarnya adalah hakikat dari kehidupan Kristus di bumi. Di dalam kehidupan Yesus, kejadian-kejadian yang tampaknya sia-sia seharusnya dimengerti sebagai “pencobaan,” karena hal itu bukan konsekuensi dari nasib, tapi merupakan kesempatan yang dapat memimpin kepada kemenangan (lewat ketaatan) atau kekalahan (lewat ketidaktaatan). This article excavates the soteriological imports of Christlikeness by using the concept of meaninglessness as its starting point. In other words, the article moves from plight (the essence of which is meaninglessness, defined as being without god) to solution, which can be understood as the very antidote to meaninglessness, namely, living with God. However, the antidote works precisely through the meaninglessness itself, that is, it gets rid of meaninglessness by making apparently meaningless happenings into meaningful occasions of being united with God. Hence, one can defeat meaninglessness, only if one manifests God’s redeeming presence in the midst of one’s seemingly meaningless life. This is in fact the nature of Christ’s life on earth. In Jesus’ life, seemingly meaningless events should be understood as “temptations,” as they are not bad fate but occasions that could lead to either victories (via obedience) or defeat (via disobedience).
Reprobation in the Belgic Confession and Other Calvinistic Confessions : A Comparative Study Hidayat, Ina E. Muljono
JURNAL TEOLOGI REFORMED INDONESIA Vol. 10 No. 2 (2020): Vol.10 No.2 Jurnal Teologi Reformed Indonesia (September 2020)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Reformed Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (438.622 KB) | DOI: 10.47135/jtri.v10i2.9


Dalam pernyataan tentang doktrin pemilihan, baik Pengakuan Iman Belgic (1561) maupun Pengakuan Iman Gallican (Perancis, 1559) meneguhkan predestinasi kaum terpilih untuk hidup abadi dan preterisi kaum non-terpilih. Kesamaan yang mencolok di dalam kedua karya ini membuat sejumlah cendekiawan menganggap Pengakuan Iman Belgic sebagai “adaptasi dari Pengakuan Iman Gallican (1559),” yang sebagian besar dipersiapkan oleh John Calvin. Namun, tampaknya pernyataan tentang preterisi tidak konsisten dengan pandangan Calvin tentang predestinasi dan reprobasi yang ia kembangkan dalam edisi terakhir Institutes, tahun 1559. Untuk menelusuri (sejumlah) alasan inkonsistensi tersebut, studi ini memeriksa pelbagai pengakuan iman Calvinistis, baik yang ditulis di antara tahun 1560 maupun yang ditulis pada paruh pertama abad ketujuhbelas, pascakebangkitan Arminianisme. In their statements on the doctrine of election, both the Belgic Confession (1561) and the Gallican (French) Confession (1559) affirm a predestination to life for the elect and a preterition of the non-elect. Striking similarities in this statement in both works have led some scholars to consider the Belgic Confession to be “an adaptation of the Gallican Confession (1559),” which was prepared mainly by John Calvin. However, the statement on preterition seems to be inconsistent with Calvin’s view of predestination and reprobation which he fully develops in the final, 1559 edition of the Institutes. This study examines various Calvinistic confessions written around 1560 as well as those written during the first half of the seventeenth century, after the rise of Arminianism, in an attempt to discover the reason(s) for this inconsistency. Keywords: predestination, election, preterition, reprobation, Calvin, confession of faith
Pela Gandong and huiothesia : A Vernacular Reading of Paul Tupamahu, Ekaputra
JURNAL TEOLOGI REFORMED INDONESIA Vol. 10 No. 2 (2020): Vol.10 No.2 Jurnal Teologi Reformed Indonesia (September 2020)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Reformed Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.863 KB) | DOI: 10.47135/jtri.v10i2.10


Artikel ini adalah sebuah usaha untuk mendialogkan teks Alkitab dengan budaya lokal di Indonesia. Perhatian khusus diberikan kepada konsep !"#$%&'( (keanakan) dalam surat Roma dan pela gandong dalam konteks budaya Maluku, Indonesia. Tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk menunjukan bahwa huiothesia sebagai hasil dari janji Allah kepada umat Yahudi yang kemudian diteruskan kepada kaum non-Yahudi secara konseptual paralel dengan tradisi pela di Maluku. Sekalipun ada perbedaan keagamaan di Maluku, pela telah menjadi mekanisme budaya untuk mengikat orang-orang dalam sebuah hubungan kasih horizontal. Konsep huiothesia dalam Paulus juga bekerja dengan cara yang sama sebagai mekanisme teologis untuk mengikat orang-orang bersama sekalipun mereka berbeda secara keagamaan. This article is an attempt to put biblical texts and Indonesian culture in dialogue. A special attention is given to the concepts of huiothesia (childhood) in the book of Romans and pela gandong in the cultural context of Moluccas, Indonesia. It aims to demonstrate that huiothesia ( as a result of the promise of God to the Jews, and further expanded to the Gentiles through the work of the Spirit is conceptually parallel to the Moluccan tradition of pela. In spite of people’s religious differences in Moluccas, pela has become a cultural mechanism to tie people together in a horizontal loving relationship. Paul’s huiothesia works in a similar way as a theological mechanism to tie people together in spite of their religious differences.

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