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Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur 1st floor Giri Reka Building, East Java, Indonesia Jl. Raya Rungkut Madya, Gunung Anyar Surabaya Jawa Timur 60294 Indonesia
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Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering Journal
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The Biomej Journal is published by the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, East Java "Veteran" University, Surabaya-Indonesia. Biomej is an open-access peer review journal that mediates the dissemination of academics, researchers, and practitioners in the field of mechanical engineering and accepts journal publications from all over Indonesia. Biomej aims to provide a forum for national and international academics, researchers and mechanical engineering practitioners to publish original articles. All accepted articles will be published and will be freely available to all readers with wide visibility. The scope of the Biomej Journal is including widely topics in engineering such as: 1. Biomedical engineering 2. Tribology 3. Modelling 4. Finite ELement Method 5. Material Science 6. Mechatronics 7. Structural and Machiine Design 8. Stress Analysis 9. Renewable Energy 10. Structural Mechanics 11. Thermodynamics 12. Material Processing 13. Fatigue and Air Conditioning 14. Heat Transfer 15. Manufacturing 16. Fluid Mechanics 17. Combustion 18. Aeodynamics 19. Environmental Protection 20. Acoustic and Noise 21. Energy Studies 22. Refrigerationand Air 23. Conditioning 24. Engines and Turbines 25. Thermodynamics 26. Earth Science 27. Natural Hazards 28. Food Technology Processing
Articles 63 Documents
The Solid-Liquid Mass Transfer Analysis for Delignification Process of Coffee Husk in Stirred Reactor A Nandini; L Edahwati; S D Nurherdiana
Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering Journal (BIOMEJ) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): BIOMEJ
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

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The delignification process using the organosolv method is a process of removing lignin content by using organic solvents (such as ethanol). In this study, mass transfer analysis was used to determine the mass transfer coefficient of the delignification process of coffee husk. The first process was incubation process by using white rot fungi (Phanerochaete chrysosporium )in the coffee husk biomass, then followed by hydrolyzed process by using citric acid as a organosolv solvent. The delignification process were carried out under a conditions of temperature 50°C, solvent or etanol concentration 25%, speed range (500-700 rpm) and stirring time (1-4 hours with the gradient of 0,5 hours). The mass transfer effect was determined for different speed range and stirring time. From this research, the result of the mass transfer coefficient has range of 0.064/s – 0.46/s. The increasing of stirring time will affect to the mass transfer coefficient, which is also increasingly depend on the stirring time.
Analysis of effect Magnesium Ammonium Phospate (MAP) Concentration on Struvite Morphology in A Vertical Reactor Luluk Edahwati; Sutiyono; Atika Andini; Wahyu Dwi Lestari; Tria Puspa Sari; Ndaru Adyono; Novel Karaman
Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering Journal (BIOMEJ) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): BIOMEJ
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

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Struvite was a white crystal known as Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate Hexahydrate (MgNH4PO4.6H2O). In industry, struvite was found in the pipes crust which the hot fluid through passes. Struvite is often used as fertilizer because it contains phosphate content. The one of benefits of struvite crystals is slow release fertilizer, so it can be more durable, which is good for the growth of the plants. The Precipitation technology is currently one of the most widely applied technologies in struvite formation. The process of forming struvite is carried out by using a vertical reactor. The process started by mixing the equimolar solutions of MgCl2, NH4OH, and H3PO4 with a concentration ratio of 1: 1: 1 and 1: 1: 2. The process was carried out with the condition at the 30°C while the air inlet rate was 1.25 liters/min. The pH of the solution is pH 9 and controlled using NaOH solution. The process was carried out in the steady state condition. Then the solution was filtered and solid was dried at room temperature for 48 hours. From this study, the concentration ratio of 1:1:2 was obtained the best composition of struvite compared to the others ratio. The solid was analyzed by using the SEM-EDX instrument. The morphology of struvite was formed an irregular pyramid-like crystal or commonly referred to as an authorhombic shape.
SEM Analysis of UHMWPE for Biomedical Application Wahyu Dwi Lestari; Luluk Edahwati; Tria Puspa Sari; Ndaru Adyono; Novel Karaman
Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering Journal (BIOMEJ) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): BIOMEJ
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

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The objective of this study is to investigate the wear mechanism of UHMWPE acetabular liner. There were three samples of acetabular liner with variations without crosslink, with crosslink doses of 50 kGy and 100 kGy which were subjected to a wear testing process. The wear test was carried out using a Tribometer wear testing machine with a total of 30,000 cycles and a load of 800N. Microstructure analysis was performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results show that the surface of the UHMWPE acetabular liner with the crosslink treatment is smoother than the untreated one. This shows that UHMWPE with crosslink treatment has a lower wear rate, where the greater the crosslink dose the lower the wear rate. The wear mechanism that occurs in this study is the third body abrasion which leads to adhesive wear.
Aplikasi Portable Brix Meter untuk Perhitungan Indeks Bias Minyak Atsiri Daun Jambu Kristal E S A Fawaid; L I Sari; C Pujiastuti; N K Erliyanti; A D Priyanto; E A Saputro
Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering Journal (BIOMEJ) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): BIOMEJ
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

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Penentuan indeks bias minyak daun jambu kristal dilakukan dengan menggunakan Portable Brix Meter. Daun jambu kristal diekstraksi dengan bantuan gelombang mikro dengan ukuran partikel 60 mesh selama 2 ; 2,5 ; 3 ; 3,5 ; dan 4 jam. Portable Brix Meter digunakan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi minyak daun jambu kristal yang dinyatakan dalam %Brix. Besarnya nilai %Brix ini sebanding dengan indeks biasnya. Semakin besar nilai %Brix maka akan semakin besar pula indeks bias yang diperoleh. Korelasi antara %Brix minyak daun jambu C dengan indeks bias dinyatakan dengan persamaan n = 0,0026C + 1,2859. Indeks bias minyak daun jambu kristal dapat ditentukan dari nilai %Brix.
Analisa Uji Ketahanan Kelelahan ASS Kuningan 70/30 dengan Mesin Uji Tipe Cantilever Rotary Bending R Adam; N S Dera
Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering Journal (BIOMEJ) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): BIOMEJ
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

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Ketahanan material pada masa sekarang ini sangat berperan penting dalam era teknologi. Teknologi berkembang sangat maju dan pesat seiring dengan kemajuan jaman. Berbagai penelitian telah dilakukan oleh berbagai institusi dari seluruh penjuru Dunia untuk menemukan teknologi baru. Penemuan baru tersebut sebagai modal awal untuk menciptakan teknologi yang lebih mutakhir. Seiring dengan perkembangan IPTEK yang sedemikian pesat dewasa ini. Oleh karena itu di butuhkan acuan standar uji fatigue dari suatu material agar para perancang dan pembuat memiliki patokan dasar dalam merancang atau membuat sesuatu agar tidak merugikan atau membahayakan keselamatan penikmat maupun pengguna teknologi. Salah satu cara untuk mengetahui kekuatan atau ketahanan suatu material. Tujuan penelitian hanya menganalisa siklus kelelahan dan ketahanan material Ass kuningan batangan 70/30 hingga mengalami kegagalan atau patah menggunakan metode pengujian fatigue tipe cantilever rotary bending. Konversi satuan beban Kg terhadap Mpa, Konversi satuan waktu detik terhadap waktu putaran. Berdasarkan hasil data yang di dapat dari hasil pengujian fatik tipe cantilever rotary bending yang dilakukan di lab masin fakultas teknik universitas gorontalo. Di tarik kesimpulan secara ilmiah bahwa untuk menganalisis ass kuningan 70/30 pada mesin uji fatik tipe (cantilever rotary bending ,) dengan jumlah spesimen 4 batang dengan durasi waktu 1 jam mendapatkan data analisis bahwa Spesimen 1 dengan Beban 20 kg mendapatkan tegangan 1.320 Mpa dan siklus 63.700 putaran dan spesimen 2 dengan beban 25 kg mendapatkan tegangan 1650 Mpa dengan siklus 40.012 putaran dan spesimen 3 dengan beban 30 kg mendapatkan tegangan 1981 Mpa dengan siklus 7.350 putaran dan untuk spesimen 4 mendapatkan tegangan 2311 Mpa dengan siklus 816 putaran.
Effects of pH on Adsorption of Remazol Turquoise Blue Dyez on MgO/TiO2 Nanocomposite Muhammad Abdus Salam Jawwad; Rizka Novembrianto; Ya-Fen Wang; Sheng-Jie You; Restu Hikmah Ayu Murti
Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering Journal (BIOMEJ) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): BIOMEJ
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

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A magnesium oxide and titanium (II) oxide nanocomposite, MgO/TiO2 was synthesized to improve its surface area thus its adsorption capability may be risen. The synthesis was applying sol-gel method, combining MgO and TiO2 nanoparticles with NaOH becomes a nanocomposite with higher surface area. The pH effect on adsorption were analyzed. The expectation of using MgO/TiO2 compared with TiO2 and MgO alone is it may react faster on an adsorption trial with remazol turquoise blue dye, and the TiO2 may give its photocatalysis ability to the synthesized material. Less acid the condition of the solution, the capability of the MgO/TiO2 catalyst on adsorbing the remazol turquoise blue dye will increasing. After 90 minutes, the photocatalysis rate surpass the adsorption rate and reach equilibrium.
Pengaruh Campuran Bahan Bakar Pertamax dan Pertalite terhadap Emisi Gas Buang Kendaraan Sepeda Motor Honda Supra X 125cc Tahun 2015 Nurul Mubin; Khoirul Anam; T Towijaya
Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering Journal (BIOMEJ) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): BIOMEJ
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

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Perkembangan dunia otomotif yang semakin maju membuat produksi kendaraan bermotor yang menggunakan sistem injeksi semakin banyak untuk memaksimalkan efisiensi emisi gas buang kendaraan, gas buang adalah gas atau zat sisa yang dihasilkan dari sisa pembakaran di dalam mesin kendaraan untuk menggerakkan kendaraan, kadar oktan bahan bakar dapat mempengaruhi kandungan emisi gas buang yang dikeluarkan kendaraan tetapi tidak semua sistem injeksi dapat sesuai dengan oktan bahan bakar yang berada dipasaran hal ini mengakibatkan kendaraan menjadi kurang bertenaga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh campuran bahan bakar pertamax dan pertalite terhadap kadar CO kendaraan sepeda motor Honda supra x 125cc dan juga mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap kadar HC. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa campuran bahan bakar dapat mempengaruhi kadar CO dan HC kendaraan karena campuran bahan bakar dapat mengubah oktan dari bahan bakar tersebut.
Perancangan Mesin Pengupas dan Pemarut Batang Ubi Kayu: Konsep Rancangan Mesin Novel Karaman; Ndaru Adyono; Tria Puspa Sari; Luluk Edahwati; Wahyu Dwi Lestari
Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering Journal (BIOMEJ) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): BIOMEJ
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

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Indonesia negara penghasil ubi kayu terbesar ke lima di dunia dimana produksi ubi kayu Nasional per tahun mencapai 23 juta ton. Disisi lain terdapat limbah organik berupa batang ubi kayu dengan potensi pemanfaatan kandungan alpha-selulosa batang yang besar. Alpha-selulosa merupakan bahan dari biomass yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam bidang industri maupun sumber energi yang terbarukan. Alpha-sellulose yang berkualitas tinggi dihasilkan dari serat batang ubi kayu yang telah dipisahkan bagian kulit luarnya. Penelitian dalam perancangan mesin yang mampu memproses pengupasan dan pemarutan batang ubi kayu secara bersamaan sangatlah berpotensi meningkatkan produktivitas pembuatan bahan baku Alpha-selulosa untuk kebutuhan industri. Perancangan purwarupa mesin pengupas dan pemarut batang ubi kayu menggunakan pendekatan elemen mesin diharapkan menghasilkan rancangan mesin yang memiliki spesifikasi motor penggerak utama 3 phase kapasitas 0,5 HP dengan putaran 1400 rpm yang terdiri dari 2 transmisi berupa pulley dan transmisi gear box ratio 60.
Strength Analysis of Frame Structure Loading in Planning Using Solidworks Static Simulation Study R M Bisono; N Hafidhoh; A T A Salim
Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering Journal (BIOMEJ) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): BIOMEJ
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

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The main focus of this research is to design the frame of the various chips chopper machine that is sturdy according to the needs and has a long life. The design and simulation were carried out using the Solidworks 2020 software. The material used to make the frame structure was ASTM A36 Steel with a density of 7850 kg/m3. The mass of the chopper machine frame that has been made is 6,383 kg. By giving two kinds of loading F1 and F2 of 18.718 N and 29.4 N, the resultant displacement for F1 and F2 is 0.1088 mm and 0.0124 mm, respectively, and the maximum Von Mises Stress value is 9.846 x 106 N/m2 and 1.330 x 106 N/m2, respectively. Based on these results, according to the theoretical calculation of maximum shear stress, the maximum Von Mises stress value caused by external forces for both is very much smaller than the Yield Strength Material value (2,500 x 108 ). So that this frame structure is declared safe and can be continued into the manufacturing process of various chips chopping machines according to the workload.
Availability of Palm Oil Biodiesel in Indonesia and Its Effect on Diesel Engine: A Review W Saputro; W D Lestari; L Edahwati; R D Issafira; A K Faizin; N Adyono; T P Sari
Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering Journal (BIOMEJ) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): BIOMEJ
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

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Palm oil is one of the base ingredient that can be used in making of biodiesel which is an alternative fuel to replace diesel fuel. The ability of palm oil as biodiesel should be balanced with the quantity of palm oil as well as the level of biodiesel production capability. In this paper, authors try to analyze about palm oil as biodiesel starting from number of palm plantations up to the level of biodiesel production capability from palm oil. The analysis conducted in the first part of this paper can be used as a reference that shows the level of availability of the palm oil which can be processed into biodiesel as an alternative fuel in the future. In the next part, the authors tried to analyze the impact of biodiesel made from palm oil starting from engine performance, exhaust gas emissions, rate of wear, quality of lubricant, and deposit formed. It was is done in order to find out the advantages and disadvantages that occur from biodiesel so that it can be used as a reference or consideration in the use of biodiesel-fueled palm oil.