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Articles 7 Documents
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Penerapan Metode Saw Dalam Penentuan WFH Berbasis Web Muhammad Taufik Akbar
Journal of Computer Science and Informatics Engineering (CoSIE) Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : AIRA (Ali Institute of Research and Publication)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55537/cosie.v1i4.90


Bekerja dari rumah (WFH) merupakan suatu konsep yang modern dimasa pandemi saat ini dimana pegawai dapat melakukan pekerjaan nya dari rumah. (WFH) dapat membantu pegawai memberi ke seimbangan kehidupan pekerjaan pada pegawai untuk membantu perusahaan dalam menyelesaikan kerjaan mereka. Dengan bekerja jarak yg jauh atau telecommuting dapat menggambarkan bahwa karyawan akan dapat bekerjadi dari rumah (WFH). Proses penelitian ini menggunakan sistem pendukung keputusan untuk menentukan dan memilih kinerja pegawai yang mendapatkan bonus, Proses sistem pendukung keputusan melalui kriteria dan bobot yang digunakan yaitu=Umur(0,25%),Pegawai yang mengalami covid-19(30%),Pegawai bertempat tinggal di zona waspada covid-19(20%),Pegawai yg memiliki riwayat perjalanan dari luar negri (25%) Tujuan penulis untuk penelitian ini adalah untuk pegawai yg mendapatkan bekerja dari rumah (WFH), dengan cara menggunakan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). untuk Sistem Pendukung Keputusan yang mendapatkan (WFH) terbaik. Di dalam penelitian ini cara yang kami lakukan dengan cara pengumpulan data studi kepustaka, observasi. sistem pendukung keputusan pegawai yang mendapatkan (WFH),dengan cara menggunkan metode simple additive weighting (SAW) untuk membantu pengambilan dalam menentukan keputusan pegawai yang layak mendapatkan bekerja dari rumah (WFH) terbaik.(WFH) adalah suatu kegiatan bekerja jarak jauh atau (WFH) selama pandemi covid-19 saat ini.
Aplikasi Pengelolahan Data Surat Menyurat Menggunakan Framework Laravel 8 Berbasis Web Ahmad Ramadani; Muhammad Hanafi
Journal of Computer Science and Informatics Engineering (CoSIE) Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : AIRA (Ali Institute of Research and Publication)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55537/cosie.v1i4.193


This web-based correspondence data processing application is an indispensable application in the process of collecting incoming mail. With this web-based correspondence data processing application, it is easier for agencies to collect data and store incoming file data. Data collection was carried out using observations and questions and answers to workers on the spot, observations were made on an object (letter) which was observed in the data collection process on the expedition and the process of the journey of the letter to each field. To overcome this, the use of information and communication technology in the form of computer media is also the reason why computer archives must be managed electronically. become easier, and more accurate.
Penerapan Metode Weighted Product (WP) Dalam Pemilihan Varietas Bibit Unggul Tanaman Tebu Alanis Humairoh; Yani Maulita; Nurhayati
Journal of Computer Science and Informatics Engineering (CoSIE) Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : AIRA (Ali Institute of Research and Publication)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55537/cosie.v1i4.200


Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum Linn) is a raw material for sugar production. PT. Perkebunan Nusantara II is one of the nurseries and sugarcane processing places in North Sumatra. The results of observations on sugarcane production are always increasing but the results are not too optimal. Determination of superior varieties of sugarcane seeds is very appropriate to be one of the factors supporting the development of sugarcane production so that there is no longer sugarcane milling period and low yields which can lead to less than optimal sugar production. To overcome this, it is necessary to build a system that can help determine superior seed varieties in sugarcane. The Weighted Product (WP) method in a decision support system is a method of completion by using multiplication to link the attribute rating, where the attribute rating must be raised first with the weight of the attribute in question. This decision support system with the WP method was created to assist in the selection of high-yielding sugarcane varieties.
Determination of Public Aid Acceptance Using the Weight Product (WP) Method Baina Sahara; Budi Serasi Ginting; Siswan Syahputra
Journal of Computer Science and Informatics Engineering (CoSIE) Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : AIRA (Ali Institute of Research and Publication)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55537/cosie.v1i4.208


Kelurahan Nangka Kecamatan Binjai Utara Kota Binjai merupakan salah satu kelurahan yang melakukan pengusulan dan penyaluran bantuan kepada masyarakat. Masalah yang terjadi saat ini dalam skema bantuan kepada masyarakat yaitu ketidakakuratan data penerima bantuan. Hal ini dapat menimbukan kekhawatiran jika tidak ada perbaikan maka akan berujung pada konflik sosial di lingkup masyarakat. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dalam mendata dan menetapkan masyarakat yang berhak menerima bantuan bagi masayarakat yaitu dengan menggunakan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) Metode Weighted Product (WP) untuk menerapkan penentuan penerimaan bantuan masyarakat. Kriteria yang digunakan yaitu penghasilan, jumlah tanggungan anak, luas lantai, jenis dinding rumah, status kepemilikan rumah, sumber penerangan, bahan bakar masak, dan pendidikan kepala rumah tangga.
Perancangan Aplikasi Grup Touring Berbasis Mobile Menggunakan Metode Md5 Salammudin; Andi Marwan; Divi Handoko
Journal of Computer Science and Informatics Engineering (CoSIE) Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : AIRA (Ali Institute of Research and Publication)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55537/cosie.v1i4.232


The development of technology today is so fast. Technology makes changes in human civilization. In the current era of globalization, technological developments are increasingly rapid, especially internet technology, even now telecommunication tools, especially mobile-based ones, really need internet access to be easily connected. A group/Community is a network of several individuals in the form of kinship, then bind each other in increasing the socialization of fellow networks, mutually support and support each other, provide information, have a sense of belonging to a close unity, and become the social identity of motorized vehicle users. Based on these problems we need a system that can solve these problems, this is what drives the authors to design software to make it easier for leaders, members, and the community to create a better community by raising.
E-Booking Gedung Berbasis Website pada Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Provinsi Sumatera Utara Ronny Ramadhan Hasibuan; Triase
Journal of Computer Science and Informatics Engineering (CoSIE) SettingsVol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Oktober (In press)
Publisher : Ali Institute of Research and Publication

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Regarding information technology, BPSDM is not spared from the use of information technology for work purposes. E-Booking is defined as the act of making a reservation or appointment for a service via the internet. The problem found was that in the building booking process the customer had to visit the Provsu BPSDM office to find information about building bookings or make a building booking process, after that the Provsu BPSDM recorded the tenant's personal data and ordering data in the ledger and made a report using Microsoft Excel not in real time. Therefore, a computerized mechanism is needed which is able to accommodate in providing correct and real-time information about existing buildings and details of the costs of renting the building so that it makes it easier for all parties involved. This study uses the Waterfall system development method using the PHP and MySQL programming languages. Based on the test results using blackbox E-Booking successfully designed and used properly.
Sistem Pakar Fuzzy Logic Dalam Perilaku Siswa Buang Sampah Sanny; Rezki Fauzi
Journal of Computer Science and Informatics Engineering (CoSIE) SettingsVol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Oktober (In press)
Publisher : Ali Institute of Research and Publication

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Sekolah sebagai fasilitas bagi generasi bangsa agar dapat kompetitif dan siap membangun bangsa dengan keahlian yang dimiliki. Perilaku siswa yang terbentuk tentunya akan berdampak terhadap keberlangsungan fasilitas yang tersedia di sekolah, dimana hal ini menjadi cerminan bagaimana siswa berperilaku di luar sekolah. Untuk itu, penerapan hukuman bagi siswayang melanggar patut diberlakukan secara adil dan baik. Dengan rancangan aplikasi berbasis sistem pakar serta kajian berbasis fuzzy logic ini diharapkan, sekolah dapat menggunakannya dalam menerapkan hukuman dan jumlah kesalahan siswa yang membuang sampah secara sembarangan. Dalam penelitian ini, dilihat bagaimana peran dari siswa terhadap lingkungan mengelola sampah, khususnya di lingkungan sekolah. Didapatkan hasil rule yang ditetapkan sebagai kriteria acuan di masa depan untuk perubahan perilaku siswa sadar akan pengelolaan sampah yang lebih baik.

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