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Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran
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Pengaruh Penggunaan Metode Active Learning Tipe Card Sort Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Fiqih Di MTs PN 4 Medan Fadillatun Nisa
Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Vol 2, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56114/edu.v2i2.9312


The  learning method is a method used by educators in the learning process to facilitate students in receiving learning material according to the objectives, the Active Learning Method is an alternative method that is used to increase the activity of student learning outcomes, especially by using the Card Sort type which is proven to be effective in facilitating students' understanding of the concepts being taught. The activeness of students in studying Fiqh is very important because Fiqh is a scientific discipline that studies Islamic rules and laws that must be obeyed. the existence of active learning for students, namely understanding the material taught by the teacher which is then manifested in everyday life. The active learning methodology encourages student participation during the teaching process so that students become more involved, creative, and able to express their own opinions about the material being taught. In this study, the active learning method was applied using card sort. The card sort type is a form of activity that involves students in the learning process, in the card sort type, students are asked to categorize a number of concepts or information into several related groups. The concept or information is usually written on small cards that students can arrange or arrange.
Penerapan Etika Islam Dalam Ilmu Di Bidang Teknologi Pengaruhnya Terhadap Hasil Belajar Bagi Mahasiswa FKIP UMSU Nur Sakinah; Aisyah Balqish
Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Vol 2, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56114/edu.v2i1.9277


Ethics is the main foundation in developing a technology, ethics is also very important in every application of a Muslim's behavior, without good ethics a Muslim is not a Muslim and a human is not a human being. The good personality that humans have indicates that they have good ethics as well. Therefore ethics is very important in the behavior of a Muslim because ethics affect human life in dealing with other social beings. Ethics is also one of the main foundations in developing a technology because ethics and technology are interrelated. Ethics is a positive basic attitude towards the possibility of various discoveries and ideas appearing. While technology is a step in the application of new discoveries in real results that are more modern and sophisticated so that they can encourage people to continue to develop even more advanced technology. This research aims to: 1). Knowing and understanding the characteristics of Islamic ethics in the application of knowledge in the field of technology for UMSU FKIP students; 2). So that UMSU FKIP students know ethics in the application of science in the field of technology; 3). Knowing the influence of Islamic ethics in the application of science in the field of technology for UMSU FKIP students in PGSD D, E IV Morning classes.
Strategi Guru Menanamkan Nilai-Nilai Akhlak Dalam Kehidupan Beragama Siswa Di SMP Plus Anbata Nadira Sadiyah
Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Vol 2, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56114/edu.v2i2.9308


There are two objectivies of this study, namely the strategy used by the teacher in instilling moral values in the religious life of students at SMP Plus Anbata and the obstacles faced by teachers in instilling moral values in the religious life of students at SMP Plus Anbata. This research uses qualitative research methods through interview observations and document review. Qualitative research is a research process that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words of people and observable behavior about a persons’s life, stories, behavior, as well as about organizational functions, social movements or reciprocity. Qualitative research is research that emphasizes what happens in the field. In qualitative research, the main key in data collection is the naturalness of the data sources obtained by researchers throught field research. The data sources obtained describe social reality in the form of words which will later be obtained from observations and interviews as well as pictures that become documentation or documentation studies that are not in the form of numbers. The results of this study are that the teachers’s strategy instills moral values in religious life at Anbata Plus Middle School. There are disciplinary rules set at Anbata Plus Middle School, there is learning about morals in the classroom, educators make themselves role models or examples. Learning outside of formal learning. There are restrictions on sanctions, social factors of students, parental factors, lack of discipline of studentds, lack of educators who foster students and educators who are not yet simultaneous in instilling moral values. There is supervision, there is the application of rules or sanctions, giving a good example, getting students to pray in congregation at the prayer room, doing good cooperation with students, integrating moral values in the learning process and the prayer room, doing good cooperation with students, integrating moral values in the learning process and educators making student reports.
Strategi Pembelajaran Baca Tulis Al-Qur`An Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Dan Menulis Al-Qur`an Pada Siswa SMP Swasta PAB 2 Helvetia Aprilia Aprilia
Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Vol 2, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56114/edu.v2i1.9278


This study aims to find out what learning strategies are used to Read and Write the Qur'an in Improving the Ability to Read and Write the Qur'an at Private Middle School PAB 2 Helvetia. What are the teacher's efforts in improving the ability to read and write the Qur'an in students. What are the supporting and inhibiting factors of learning strategies to read and write the Koran in improving the ability to read and write the Koran in students of Private Middle School PAB 2 Helvetia. This type of research is a qualitative description with qualitative methods. Sources of data in this study are primary data obtained by direct observation in the field and secondary data obtained by conducting in-depth interviews with informants. The results of this study state that: 1). The learning strategies used by Islamic Religious Education teachers in improving their ability to read and write the Koran are direct instruction and indirect instruction. 2). The teacher's efforts to improve students' reading and writing of the Qur'an are grouping students through reciting together with PAI teachers for those who can already read the Koran and the BTQ program for students who cannot yet read the Koran. 3). The methods used by religious education teachers are the Iqra` method, and the imla` method. Supporting factors are: Islamic Religious Education teachers who assist in educating and guiding the reading and writing of the Qur'an, as well as the attention and interest of students in learning to read and write the Qur'an, and parents who educate their children to recite the Koran at home or at school. Inhibiting factors arise from the students themselves, the various abilities and willingness of students. Homeroom teachers and PAI subject teachers who have more jobs and pay less attention to students. And varied family backgrounds.
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Role Playing Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Tematik Kelas III SD Negeri 104201 Kolam Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023 Nurul Khoiriyah Hasibuan
Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Vol 1, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56114/edu.v1i3.461


The problem in this study is the low learning outcomes in thematic learning, especially theme 2 loving plants and animals, and sub-theme 2 the benefits of animals for human life. This study aimed to improve student learning outcomes by applying the Role Playing learning model to theme 2 loving plants and animals, and sub-theme 2 the benefits of animals for human life. This type of research is "Classroom Action Research". The subjects of this study were third-grade students of SD Negeri 104201 Kolam, totaling 23 students consisting of 10 male students and 13 female students, while the object of this study was student learning outcomes in thematic learning by applying the role playing learning model. This research was conducted in 2 cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II, each cycle consisting of 1 meeting, with 4 stages, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Data collection techniques used are tests, observation sheets, and documentation. What is analyzed is test data and observation data during the learning process. Based on this research, shows that student learning outcomes have increased in each cycle. In the pre-test of 23 students, 6 students finished studying with a completeness percentage of 26.09%, and students who did not complete there were 17 students with a completeness percentage of 73.91% and classified as a very poor category. Then followed up in the first cycle 12 students completed with a percentage of completeness of 52.17% and students who did not complete there were 11 students with a percentage of completeness of 47.83% belonging to the less category. Then in the second cycle, 21 students completed with a percentage of completeness of 91.30% and students who did not complete 2 students with a percentage of completeness of 8.70% and were categorized as very good. From the results of the research above, it can be concluded that student learning outcomes increase if the Role Playing learning model is applied to thematic learning theme 2 loving animals and plants sub-theme 2 the benefits of animals for human life. It is recommended that teachers also apply for the Role Playing learning model in the learning process, especially in thematic learning subjects theme 2 love animals and plants sub-theme 2 the benefits of animals for human life.
Improving The Quality Of Learning Through Lifeskill Activities At SMP Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Aekkanopan Safira Achmad Pane; Tiara Syahputri Gumanti; Chika Febiyanti
Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Vol 1, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56114/edu.v1i3.413


The purpose of this study is to analyze activities that can improve the quality of student learning. In this article, the method used is a qualitative description method in the form of interviews and observations of teachers and students of grade 9 SMP Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Aekkanopan. Based on the results of interviews and observations, it can be concluded that life skills activities can improve the quality of student learning, this can be seen from students who have polite, brave, creative, independent attitudes, are able to manage time and are enthusiastic in participating in all learning activities that are supported by excellent school programs.
Analisis Model Pembelajaran Fiqih Di MTs Aisyiyah Binjai Aisyah Rahma Fitri Tanjung
Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Vol 2, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56114/edu.v2i3.11176


This research was conducted to determine the learning of Fiqh on the Slaughter of Sacrificial Animals and Akikah using the Discovery Learning learning model. The results show that the discovery learning model is very effective. This can be seen from the increase in student learning outcomes, namely by using the discovery learning learning model, because in the learning process using the discovery learning learning model students are actively involved in learning and train students' critical thinking skills so that students are able to find problems given by the teacher. Tests are given to students in each cycle.
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Dengan Menerapkan Model Case Method Pada Pembelajaran Tematik Di Kelas IV UPT SD Negeri 060870 Medan Timur Neny Rahmawati
Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Vol 1, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56114/edu.v1i3.470


The purpose of this study was to improve student learning outcomes by using the case method learning model in thematic lessons in class IV UPT SD Negeri 060870 Medan Timur. This research was conducted in class IV UPT SD Negeri 060870 Medan Timur which is located at Jalan Gunung Krakatau No.196, Pulo Brayan Darat I, Medan Timur District, Medan City, North Sumatra, 20236. The implementation of this research was in semester I, this research was Class Action (PTK). The research steps involved are planning, acting, observing, reflecting, and evaluating and consist of 2 cycles. The subjects in this study were fourth grade students of UPT SD Negeri 060870 Medan Timur for the Academic Year 2022/2023 with a total of 26 students consisting of 11 boys and 15 girls. The object of this study is the learning outcomes in thematic lessons using the case method learning model in class IV UPT SD Negeri 060870 Medan Timur. From the results of this classroom action research several conclusions were obtained, namely: The use of the case method learning model was able to improve the learning outcomes of class IV UPT SD Negeri 060870 Medan Timur in thematic lessons. The average student learning outcomes increased from 50% to 69% in cycle I to 77% in cycle II. Student activities and student learning outcomes in learning increase and complete.
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Team Based Project Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Tematik Siswa Kelas IV SDN 104252 Sei Tuan T.A 2022/2023 Irfan Mahyaruddin Zaky
Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Vol 1, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56114/edu.v1i3.460


Based on observations in class IV SDN 104252 Sei Tuan learning outcomes in thematic learning, especially theme 1 in understanding the Main and Supporting material, Sound Energy, and specifically in Social Religion material. This study aims to improve student learning outcomes by applying the Team-Based Project learning model to the subject matter of Basic and Supporting Infrastructure, Sound Energy. This type of research is "Classroom Action Research". The subjects of this study were fourth-grade students of SD Negeri 104252 Sei Tuan who collected 23 students consisting of 12 male students and 11 female students, while the objects in this study were student learning outcomes in thematic learning by applying the Team-Based Project learning model. . This research was conducted in 2 cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II, each cycle consisting of 1 meeting, with 4 stages namely planning observation, and reflection. Data collection techniques used are tests, observation sheets, and documentation. What is being analyzed is the test data and observation data during the learning process takes place. Based on this research shows learning outcomes that have increased in each cycle. In the initial observation data (pre-test) from 23 students, 7 students had completed their studies with a proportion of 30.43% completeness and for students who did not complete, there were 16 students with a proportion of 69.57% and classified as a very poor category. Then followed in cycle I there was 14 students with a completeness percentage of 60.87% and students who did not complete there were 9 students with a proportion of 39.13% belonging to the category of not fulfilling classical completeness. Then in cycle II, 20 students completed with a completeness percentage of 86.96%, and students who did not complete 3 students with a percentage of 13.04% were classified as very good categories. From the research data above, it can be obtained that student learning outcomes increase with the application of the Team-Based Project learning model to thematic learning theme 1 The Beauty of Togetherness in the Main Material and Supporting Infrastructure, Sound Energy. It is recommended that teachers also apply the Team-Based Project learning model in the learning process, especially in thematic learning in class IV.
Implementasi Contextual Learning dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Nadlrah Naimi; Nur Sakinah
Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Vol 1, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Educate: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pengajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56114/edu.v1i2.391


Islamic religious education is a process of transformation and realization of the values of Islamic teachings through learning, both formal and non-formal to the community (students) to be lived, understood and practiced in everyday life. The method used in this study uses a qualitative approach. The results of this study indicate that to realize and realize the values of Islamic teachings, strategies or learning models are needed that can be applied by students. One strategy that can be applied is learning in the form of Contextual Learning which is a learning strategy that seeks to connect the material being studied with the context of real life, not only transferring knowledge from teacher to student, but students can do, try and reconstruct the teaching material themselves. from the teacher and correlated in real life and the hope is that students can solve the problems faced both for themselves, their families and the community.