Contact Name
Pindi Setiawan
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Fakultas Seni Rupa & Desain - Institut Teknologi Bandung Jl. Ganesha No.10 Bandung, 40132
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Wimba: Jurnal Komunikasi Visual
ISSN : 20850948     EISSN : 27147207     DOI :
Wimba Jurnal Komunikasi Visual (2085-0948) is a peer-reviewed and open access journal in the field of visual communication and aims to publish academic article and to create discussion among lecturers, students, researchers and professionals in the field of visual communication design, graphic design, heritage-related design, illustration, typography, photography, multimedia interactive design, advertising and social campaign, branding, packaging design, sign system, interface design, visual language, animation, game design and other visual commucation-related fields. Published and organized by Visual Communication and Multimedia Research Group of ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology) since 2009, the journal is published twice a year every July and December. Wimba Jurnal Komunikasi Visual (2085-0948) adalah jurnal peer-review dan akses terbuka di bidang komunikasi visual dan bertujuan untuk mempublikasi artikel akademik serta menciptakan diskusi di antara pendidik, mahasiswa, peneliti dan profesional dalam bidang desain komunikasi visual, desain grafis, desain berbasis budaya tradisi, ilustrasi, tipografi, fotografi, desain multimedia interaktif, periklanan dan kampanye sosial, branding, desain kemasan, marka grafis, desain antarmuka, bahasa rupa, animasi, desain game dan bidang lainnya yang terkait pada komunikasi visual. Jurnal ini dikelola dan diterbitkan oleh Kelompok Keahlian Komunikasi Visual dan Multimedia, FSRD ITB sejak tahun 2009 dan terbit dua kali setahun setiap Juli dan Desember.
Articles 142 Documents
Meningkatkan Kesadaran tentang Penyandang Autisme untuk Dewasa Muda melalui Animasi Eksperimental: Meningkatkan Kesadaran tentang Penyandang Autisme untuk Dewasa Muda melalui Animasi Eksperimental Sabine Luna; Banung Grahita
Wimba : Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : KK Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jkvw.2024.15.1.6


Many with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) struggle to achieve independence due to a lack of understanding and acceptance, particularly among young adults. To bridge this gap, this project proposes an experimental animation designed to foster empathy. Through a combination of literature review, interviews with psychologists and ASD companions, and participatory observations at an autism center, the project will gain insights into the lived experiences of ASD and the challenges young adults pose to social inclusion. The animation itself will leverage the flexibility of experimental animation to portray the frustrations and difficulties encountered by people with ASD due to social exclusion. Ultimately, the project aims to create a bridge of understanding through emotional connection, fostering empathy and acceptance among young adults towards individuals on the autism spectrum.
Wimba : Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : KK Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jkvw.2024.15.1.7


The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) in collaboration with UGM, UI, ITB, ITS, and NTU Singapore has initiated the INSPIRASI Program (Indonesia–NTU Singapore Institute of Research for Sustainability and Innovation). These five universities, with funding from LPDP, aim to establish centers of excellence to attract researchers, students, and industry partners to create concrete solutions for climate change mitigation and sustainability. INSPIRASI focuses on three main pillars: Renewable Energy, Circular Economy, and Smart Cities, involving aspects of research, education, enterprise, and community. This design-based research aims to produce the INSPIRASI logo and brand guidelines. The method used is descriptive qualitative, and the logo design method follows Robin Landa's 5-stage model: Orientation, Analysis, Concept Design, Design, and Implementation. The logo design is inspired by the international Atom Symbol, depicting three well-defined electron orbits around a nucleus. The three electron orbits represent the three main pillars, while the atom's nucleus represents the aspects of research, education, enterprise, and community.