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Helda Risman
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Strategi Perang Semesta (Total War Strategy) is a journal published by the Faculty of Defense Strategy, the Republic of Indonesia Defense University. Strategi Perang Semesta is an interdisciplinary journal which is mainly concerned with the field of defense and war theory and analysis. Whilst attempting to be scholastic, Strategi Perang Semesta is designed for exchange of ideas, methodological approaces in defense studies, and supporting academic development as well as involved in the analysis of war, defense and military strategy. Strategi Perang Semesta is a journal focused on strategic studies promoting the fresh thinking among scholars and practitioners alike. The specifying feature of Strategi Perang Semesta is it dedicates to interdisciplinary spheres to the study of defense and war. It is designed to be a forum for exchanging perspectives, ideas, and concepts among scholars and practitioners. It is open for articles discussing and analyzing a wide range of modern warfare, defense policy and modern strategy. The editors welcome contributions to Strategi Perang Semesta that fall within the following subject categories: 1. Warfare and Strategy 2. Defense politics, policy, and intelligence 3. transformation of war and contemporary security issues 4. territorial defense, homeland security, and low-intensity operations 5. historical patterns, social and legal aspect of war, defense and armed forces
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Implementasi Kebijakan Kodam XVI/PTM Dalam Pencegahan Potensi Konflik di Wilayah Maluku Tahun 2015 s.d. 2107 Bambang Raditya; Bambang Wahyudi; Haposan Simatupang
Strategi Perang Semesta Vol 5 No 1 Jurnal Strategi Perang Semesta (April 2019)
Publisher : Universitas Pertahanan Republik Indonesia (UNHAN RI)

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Abstrak -- Kodam XVI/PTM memahami bahwa konflik yang terjadi selama ini merupakan dampak dari plurarisme pada masyarakat Maluku yang sangat mudah untuk dibenturkan dan di pecah belah, terutama terhadap isu keagamaan dan kesukuan. Oleh karena itu Kodam XVI Pattimura melakukan pola pendekatan keamanan berbasis kesejahteraan masyarakat atau pendekatan pemberdayaan (empowerment approach) dalam menyelesaikan konflik di Ambon yang memprioritaskan pengkajian mengenai pelaksanaan implementasi kebijakan Kodam XVI/PTM dalam pencegahan potensi konflik di wilayah Maluku. Untuk menganalisis potensi konflik, kebijakan  Kodam XVI/PTM dalam pencegahan potensi konflik serta implikasinya.  Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan reduksi data, display data dan kesimpulan data. Lokasi penelitian di Maluku. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa:1) Potensi Konflik di wilayah Maluku terjadi karena kesenjangan ekonomi, karakter masyarakat yang temperamental, sifat kesukuan yang cukup kuat, tapal batas tanah serta kebiasaan masyarakat. 2) Kodam XVI/Pattimura menyikapi potensi konflik melalui pendekatan keamanan (Security Approach) dan pendekatan kesejahteraan (Prosperity Approach) yang seimbang. 3) Strategi yang dilakukan Kodam XVI/PTM dengan menggunakan sarana, alat dan kemampuan Kodam XVI/PTM, berkoordinasi secara aktif dengan instansi terkait dan mendorong partisipasi masyarakat.Kata kunci: implementasi kebijakan, potensi konflik, manajemen konflik Absract -- Kodam XVI/PTM understand that conflicts occurred during this is the effect of plurarisme on the Maluku community that is very easy to dibenturkan and split asunder, especially against tribal and religious issues. Therefore Kodam XVI Pattimura do pattern based security approach to the well-being of society or the empowerment approach in resolving the conflict in Ambon. This research study regarding the implementation of priority policy implementation Kodam XVI/PTM in the prevention of potential conflict in the Maluku region. The purpose of this research was to mengenalisis potential conflict of Territorial policy, XVI/PTM in the prevention of potential conflicts as well as its implications. This study uses qualitative methods. The data obtained through observation, interview and the study of librarianship. Data analysis techniques used for data reduction, display the data and the conclusions of the data. Location of research in Maluku. The results showed that: 1) potential conflict in the Maluku region occurs because the economic gap, the community character of the temperamental nature of ethnicity, which is quite strong, the land boundary and the habits of the society. 2 Kodam XVI/Pattimura) addressing potential conflict through security approach and welfare approach  are balanced. 3) strategy conducted Kodam XVI/PTM by using the means, tools and capabilities of Kodam XVI/PTM, actively coordinate with relevant agencies and encourage public participation.Keywords: implementation of policy, potential conflicts, conflict management
Pengaruh Komunikasi Sosial dan Deteksi Dini Aparat Teritorial Dalam Pencegahan Konflik Sosial di Wilayah Kodim 0618/BS Joko Sunarto; Triyoga Budi Prasetyo; Dohar Sianturi
Strategi Perang Semesta Vol 5 No 1 Jurnal Strategi Perang Semesta (April 2019)
Publisher : Universitas Pertahanan Republik Indonesia (UNHAN RI)

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Abstrak -- Kodim 0618/BS mengemban tugas di komando kewilayahan dengan dinamika dan gejolak perubahan sosial yang terus menerus berubah. Oleh karena itu diperlukan tindakan serius Aparat Teritorial dalam mengantisipasi adanya kerawanan konflik di wilayah Kota Bandung. Melalui komunikasi social dan deteksi dini  diharapkan dapat terwujud ruang juang yang tangguh dalam meningkatkan kewaspadaan terhadap ancaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komunikasi sosial dan deteksi dini  yang dilaksanakan Aparat Teritorial di Wilayah Kodim 0618/BS, bentuk pencegahan konflik sosial yang dilaksanakan serta hubungan antara komunikasi sosial dan deteksi dini  dengan pencegahan konflik sosial yang dilaksanakan Apter. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, dokumentasi dan kuesioner. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh data bahwa kemampuan komsos dan deteksi dini  Apter hingga  saat ini belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan harapan terutama dalam mendukung pemerintah guna menyiapkan potensi nasional menjadi kekuatan pertahanan negara, upaya pencegahan konflik sosial di wilayah Kodim 0618/BS harus disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat dan perkembangan teknologi informasi agar tepat dan efektif, serta hubungan antara komunikasi sosial dan deteksi dini aparat teritorial dalam pencegahan konflik sosial di wilayah Kodim 0618/BS selain diperkuat oleh UU RI No. No. 34 tahun 2004 juga berdasarkan pada kepercayaan masyarakat kepada ApterKata kunci: komunikasi sosial, deteksi dini,  aparat teritorial, konflik sosial Abstract -- KODIM 0618/BS the cantonal command task by turbulence dynamics and social change that is constantly changing. Therefore action is needed serious Territorial Authorities in anticipating the existence of conflicts in the territory of the insecurity of Bandung city. Through social communications and Early Detection are expected to materialize a tough fighting in space increase vigilance against the threat. This research aims to know the social communication implemented and Early Detection the territorial Authorities in the region of Kodim 0618/BS, a form of social conflict prevention is implemented as well as the relationship between social communication with the prevention of social conflicts Apter implemented. The technique of collecting data through observation, documentation and questionnaires.Based on the research data obtained that the ability komsos Apter is currently not fully in accordance with expectations, especially in support of the Government to prepare a national defense force into potential countries, conflict-prevention efforts Kodim region social 0618/BS must be tailored to the needs of the community and the development of information technology so that appropriate and effective, as well as the relationship between the territorial authorities of social communication and Early Detection in the prevention of social conflicts in the region of Kodim 0618/BS In addition strengthened by Regulation No. RI. No. 34-year 2004 are also based on the trust of the community to the Apter.Keywords: social communication, Early Detection,Territorial Authorities, social conflict
Analisis Peran Pusat Pendidikan Infanteri Dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Tenaga Pendidik Putra Negara; Rudy Agus Gemilang Gultom; Joni Widjajanto
Strategi Perang Semesta Vol 5 No 1 Jurnal Strategi Perang Semesta (April 2019)
Publisher : Universitas Pertahanan Republik Indonesia (UNHAN RI)

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Abstrak -- Pusdikif selaku lembaga pendidikan memiliki tugas pokok menyiapkan sumber daya prajurit yang profesional, pada sisi tersebut Pusdiif perlu didukung kompetensi tenaga pendidik dalam operasionalitasnya. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui, menganalisis dan mendeksripsikan; (1) Peran Pusdikif dalam meningkatkan kompetensi tenaga pendidik; (2) Hambatan yang terjadi dalam meningkatkan kompetensi tenaga pendidik Pusdikif; (3) Upaya yang dapat dilakukan dalam rangka optimalisasi peran pusdikif dalam meningkatkan kompetensi tenaga pendidik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil dari penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa; (1) Peran pusdikif dalam meningkatkan kompetensi tenaga pendidik dapat dilihat melalui penegakan norma-norma yang mengikat kepada Gadik, Peran pusdikif dalam meningkatkan peran individu (peningkatan kualitas Gadik) dan Peran Pusdikif dalam peningkatan perilaku individu; (2) hambatan yang terjadi yaitu belum optimalnya penerapan prinsip pembinaan TNI AD di lingkungan pusdikif, minimnya anggaran kesejahteraan dan operasional pendidikan, terbatasnya sarana dan prasarana pusdik, rendahnya motivasi para gadik untuk mengikuti kursus gadik, gumil, dam masih adanya beberapa gadik yang kurang disiplin dalam melaksanakan norma; dan (3) Optimalisasi peran pusdikif dalam meningkatkan kompetensi tenaga pendidik dilakukan melalui pengembangan karir, reward, optimalisasi sarana dan prasarana, peningkatan motivasi dan penegakan norma-norma.Kata Kunci: pusdikif, kompetensi, tenaga pendidik Absract -- Infantry education center (Pusdikif) as an educational institution has the main task of preparing professional soldier resources, on that side Pusdikif needs to be supported by the competence of educators in its operations. The purpose of this study is to know, analyze and describe; (1) The role of Pusdikif in enhancing the competence of teaching staff; (2) Barriers that occur in improving the competence of Pusdikif educators; (3) Efforts that can be made in order to optimize the role of the pusdikif in improving the competence of educators. This study uses qualitative research methods, with primary data and secondary data. The results of this study explain that; (1) The role of pusdikif in enhancing the competence of educator staff can be seen through the enforcement of norms that bind to Gadik (educator), the role of pusdikif in enhancing the role of individuals (improving the quality of Gadik (educator)) and the role of Pusdikif in improving individual behavior; (2) the obstacles that occur are the not yet optimal implementation of the principles of the Army in the pusdikif environment, the lack of welfare budget and education operations, limited education facilities and infrastructure, low motivation of the gadik (educator) to attend gadik courses, gumil, and the existence of some undisciplined gadik in carrying out the norm; and (3) Optimizing the role of pusdikif in enhancing the competence of educators is carried out through career development, reward, optimization of facilities and infrastructure, increased motivation and enforcement of norms.Keywords: infantry education center, competency, educators

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