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Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (FJMR) is a multidisciplinary journal published by Formosa Publisher. Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (FJMR) is published every month (monthly). Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (FJMR) is a peer reviewed, open access, and scientific journal that publishes research papers, review papers, case reports, case studies, book reviews, theses, dissertations, etc. Focus and Scope: This journal is dedicated to exploring and disseminating the results of various creative and innovative thoughts based on scientific research and thought processes. This journal focuses on: Humanities: Arts, History, Languages, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Religion, Theatre, etc. Social Sciences: Geography, Sociology, Education, Political Science, Law, Policy, Social Studies, Arts, History, Philosophy, Anthropology Management: Trade, Economics, Finance, Accounting, Corporate Governance, Human Resource Management, Marketing Management, Quality Management Training and Development Engineering: Information Technology, Computer Applications, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Physics Medical Sciences: Medicine, Health, Nursing, Clinical Research, Pharmacy, Pharmacy, Pharmacognosy, Pharmacology, Phytochemistry Biology: Botany, Bioscience, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Clinical Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Agriculture, Chemistry, Environment and Ecology, Food Science, Nutrition, Plant Science, Entomology, Zoology, Fisheries Physical Education: Sports, Yoga, Physiotherapy, Physiology, Exercise, Health
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Articles 45 Documents
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Factors Associated with Fire Preparedness of UPTD Employees at the Kenali Besar Community Health Center Mutiara Asrie Dravika; Marta Butar Butar; David Kusmawan; Budi Aswin; Ashar Nuzulul
Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 3 No. 6 (2024): June 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjmr.v3i6.9030


Fire preparedness is an emergency response effort to the danger of fire. Low fire preparedness can result in large losses from fire incidents. This research aims to determine the factors related to fire preparedness among employees at the Kenali Besar Community Health Center. This research is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional design. Carried out in February 2024 with a population of 63 employees. Samples were taken using the total sampling technique. Research analysis uses the chi-square test. The results of statistical tests show that there is a relationship between knowledge and fire preparedness (p= 0.007) and infrastructure and fire preparedness (p= 0.009). It was concluded that the factors related to preparedness among Kenali Besar Community Health Center employees were knowledge and infrastructure. There is a need to increase knowledge and infrastructure as well as carry out regular training and supervision for community health centers.
Understanding Message Distortion In Tiktok Media Exposure Marianus Diaz; Pawito; Andre Noevi Rahmanto
Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 3 No. 6 (2024): June 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjmr.v3i6.9143


This qualitative research examines and explains the phenomenon of delivering messages in the TikTok application. There are consequences for changing the meaning of the message after a message is delivered through. The study used Harold Lasswell's concept of communication, which was linked to James Coleman's rational choice theory. This study aims to explain the essence of the message to the TikTok community. Researchers use Harold Lasswell's communication component to explain this phenomenon because TikTok is a mass communication medium. The results found that distorted messages occurred due to information sharing on the same thing. The TikTok community took over the same message and transmitted it as a new video. It was also found that the purpose of communication on TikTok is not only to convey a message but also to convey or receive the same feelings from the messenger. That is why TikTok has become an addiction for its users.
The Impact of Mentoring Strategy on Speaking Skills of English Education Study Program Bayu Prasetyo; Restu Arini
Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 3 No. 6 (2024): June 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjmr.v3i6.9247


This study investigates the impact of mentoring as a teaching strategy toward students’ speaking skill. The participants of this study were 24 students of English Education Study Program in a private university in Yogyakarta. A mixed-method was used in the study. The instruments to obtain the data were test and interview. The quantitative analysis revealed an improvement in students’ test score, while qualitative data from interviews provided insights into students’ perceptions and experiences with mentoring. The result shows an improvement on the speaking skills in the mean score from 2.77 to 3.18. It indicates that mentoring strategy positively impacted students’ speaking skill, particularly on the aspect of accuracy, fluency, and vocabulary. The interview also resulted in positive perception of the students in increasing students’ confidence and critical thinking.
Strategies and Challenges for Economic Resilience in the Era of Asymmetric Warfare Achmad Mirza Apriansyah; Mhd. Halkis; Rudy Sutanto
Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 3 No. 6 (2024): June 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjmr.v3i6.9248


The research, titled "Strategies and Challenges for Economic Resilience in the Era of Asymmetric Warfare," is motivated by the fact that technological developments and economic globalization promote economic growth in various countries, but as this infrastructure grows, it also creates vulnerabilities that can be exploited, especially in the era of asymmetric warfare. Asymmetric warfare in the economic sector is due to the fact that many aspects of the economy depend on information technology. Digital infrastructure, such as communications networks and information systems, is vulnerable to attacks. These attacks can be physical, such as sabotage of vital facilities, or digital, such as cyber-attacks on energy networks or financial systems, which are part of asymmetric warfare. This is what gives rise to the need for an economic defense strategy to face the challenges that exist in the era of asymmetric warfare. So, it is necessary to identify and analyze the role of the economy in facing current challenges.
The Influence of External and Internal Factors on Banking Profitability Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic Rizal Indra Tjahya; Jasman Jasman
Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 3 No. 6 (2024): June 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjmr.v3i6.9249


The Covid-19 pandemic is putting strong pressure on the Indonesian economy, including national banking. This research design uses quantitative methods with explanatory techniques. This research aims to examine the influence of external factors (BI Rate, Inflation, and Exchange Rate) and internal factors (Capital Adequacy Ratio, Non-Performing Loans, Loan Deposit Ratio, and Operating Expenses Operating Income) on the profitability (Return On Equity) of conventional commercial banks before and during covid-19. The data collection technique used purposive sampling with a sample size of 24 banks and 240 observations before and during COVID-19. Data testing and analysis used panel data regression analysis and performed different tests. The results of data analysis and testing show that the BI Rate, Inflation, Exchange Rate, NPL, and LDR do not influence ROE both before and during Covid-19, meanwhile, CAR and BOPO have a negative and significant effect on ROE both before and during Covid-19. The results of different tests show significant differences in the BI Rate, Inflation, Exchange Rate, CAR, and LDR before and during COVID-19, while there are no significant differences in NPL and BOPO either before or during COVID-19.
Adoption of Cash on delivery (COD) Payment System in Tokopedia Marketplace Transaction Nurul Aulia Ramadhina; Arry Widodo; Nurafni Rubiyanti; Anita Silvianita
Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 3 No. 6 (2024): June 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjmr.v3i6.9264


Everyone is connected to the internet, everyone now trusts buying and selling activities on the internet, and currently the internet world has sufficient security. The growth of marketplace platforms such as Tokopedia makes it easier for people to make purchases just from home. The Cash on Delivery (COD) payment system is an option for people who want easy direct payments. The COD payment method has many benefits, especially in avoiding fraud. Apart from having advantages, the COD system also has disadvantages, one of which is that customers do not want to pay for the products sent and blame the courier. This conceptual paper uses the UTAUT development theory. The sampling technique in this study used nonprobability sampling. This technique is a sampling technique that is selected based on subjective judgment. The sampling method used is purposive sampling. The sample in this study were consumers who have used and purchased green cosmetic products in Indonesia. The research model used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach.
Analysis of Accountability and Transparency Management of Village Fund Allocations (ADD) Case Study in Muaro Panco Barat Village Niken Hervina; Iskandar Sam; Fredy Olimsar
Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 3 No. 6 (2024): June 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjmr.v3i6.9284


This research aims to determine and analyze the Accountability of Village Fund Allocation Management (ADD) in Muaro Panco Barat Village AS WELL AS determine and analyze the Transparency of Village Fund Allocation Management (ADD) in Muaro Panco Barat Village. The method in this research uses a qualitative method to describe the data that has been collected as it is without the intention of drawing general conclusions. Based on the results of the research described in the previous discussion, several conclusions can be drawn, namely Based on the results that the level of accountability in the management of Village Fund Allocation (ADD) in Muaro Panco Barat Village, Renah Pembarap District, Merangin Regency is very good, where the planning, administration, reporting and accountability stages have been completed. can be implemented very well and the implementation stages are carried out well. Then the level of transparency in the management of Village Fund Allocation (ADD) in Muaro Panco Barat Village, Renah Pembarap District, Merangin Regency is very good.
The Correlation Between the Definition of Profit and Age Siti Hauliyatul Izzah; M. Ali Fikri
Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 3 No. 6 (2024): June 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjmr.v3i6.9285


The objective of this study is to determine if there is a correlation between the concept of profit and an individual's age. This research is conducted utilizing quantitative methodologies and using associative techniques. The data analysis technique employed is eta correlation. A questionnaire was employed as the study instrument, with a sample size of 98 individuals. The research findings indicate a strong correlation between the concept of profit and age, particularly in the sufficient category. The majority of respondents in the 20-50 age range associated profit with monetary gain, while in the 60-70 age range, the focus shifted towards health as the primary meaning of profit. This research demonstrates that the concept of profit encompasses not only tangible aspects, but also intangible aspects such as education and health.
The Impact of Mental Accounting and Self-Control on the Daily Expenses of Students Nahima Ahista; M. Ali Fikri
Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 3 No. 6 (2024): June 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjmr.v3i6.9286


Students frequently have challenges in effectively managing their funds, particularly when it comes to daily expenses, as they play a significant role in their academic lives. It is crucial to comprehend the factors that impact students' decision-making process when it comes to controlling their everyday spending. Mental accounting and self-control are crucial psychological concepts that play a significant role in financial decision-making. This research data is classified as primary data. The research collected primary data from students at Mataram University, which was subsequently processed using software applications to transform it into quantitative data. The population for this research consists of all students enrolled at Mataram University across different study programs and academic levels. In this study, the researchers employed the Probability Sampling technique known as Simple Random Sampling for sample selection. The findings from the experimentation indicate that both mental accounting and self-control exert a favorable impact on the everyday expenditures of students. Students who possess a heightened degree of Mental Accounting have a heightened awareness of their expenditure patterns. They scrutinize their expenditures with greater attention and allocate their funds into specific categories, hence facilitating better control over their expenses. In a similar vein, pupils with a strong sense of self-control tend to have a lower daily expenditure. Additionally, they exhibit greater self-control when it comes to managing their everyday finances.
Investigating the Influence of Attitude, Prior Knowledge, and Critical Thinking on Solving Algebraic Equations Jona Belle Adoro; Ednalyn Dulay; Miguel Talenjale; Cherry Balanquit; Martin Nobis
Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 3 No. 6 (2024): June 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjmr.v3i6.9340


This study looks into how students' abilities to solve algebraic problems are impacted by their attitude, past knowledge, and critical thinking. Despite being a fundamental mathematical skill, many students find it difficult to solve algebraic problems. A descriptive-correlational methodology was used in this study to assess respondents' performance as well as the factors that affect respondents' ability to solve algebraic equations and how those factors relate to respondents' performance. Although several students scored extremely low on equation-solving tests, the statistical analysis showed no discernible relationship between the components (critical thinking, attitude, and prior knowledge) and overall performance. These results point to the need for more research into the variables that can affect how well pupils solve algebraic equations.