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Shahdevi Nandar Kurniawan
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Journal of Pain, Vertigo and Headache
Published by Universitas Brawijaya
ISSN : 27233979     EISSN : 27233960     DOI :
Core Subject : Science,
JPHV - Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo is a peer-reviewed and open access journal that focuses on promoting pain, headache and vertigo. This journal publishes original articles, reviews, and also interesting case reports. JPHV - Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo is an international scientific journal, published twice a year by PERDOSSI (Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Saraf Indonesia Cabang Malang) - Indonesian Neurological Association Branch of Malang cooperated with Neurology Residency Program, Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Syaraf - Neorologi
Articles 70 Documents
Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): March
Publisher : Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (263.605 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jphv.2022.003.01.1


Ophthalmoplegia is defined as a consequence of multiple cranial nerve paralysis innervated the extraocular muscles. The impairment of ophthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve will create a painful condition. Numerous underlying mechanism have been proposed related to painful ophthalmoplegia and carotid-cavernous fistula is one of the main causes with sight and life threatening outcome if left untreated. Carotid-cavernous fistula arises as an abnormal communication between carotid artery and cavernous sinus. Important signs and symptoms of carotid-cavernous fistula may include red eye, proptosis, painful ophthalmoplegia, headache and vision loss. Neuroimaging and angiography are mandatory in diagnosing the disease. Systematized approach and early recognition to the evaluation of carotid-cavernous fistula will lead to prompt management in avoiding morbidity and mortality in severe cases. 
HAND AND WRIST PAIN Izza Ayudia Hakim; Shahdevi Nandar Kurniawan
Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): March
Publisher : Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (554.192 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jphv.2022.003.01.2


Hand and wrist disorder affects a patient’s overall well-being and health-status. Epidemiology of elbow pain and pain per year in 58 of 10,000 patients in the UK, and is the fourth most common musculoskeletal site in the upper extremity after the shoulder, hand and. Characteristics of pain that can arise in the form of pain isuch ias radiating, tingling, thick feeling and can be in the form of weakness when gripping. This can happen because of a movement that is not appropriate and occurs repeatedly. There is a special physical examination that can support a diagnosis of pain in the hands and hands. The therapy used initially is non-steroidal anti-pain, even if it cannot be resolved, corticosteroid injections can be given to the painful area. Keyword : hand and wrist pain, pain, upper extremity pain
Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): March
Publisher : Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (381.641 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jphv.2022.003.01.3


Background: Acupressure is a method that can reduce or eliminate headaches without using drugs. It works by stimulating certain points through pressure / massage on the surface of the body by using fingers or blunt objects for fitness purposes or to relieve pain in tension headaches. Tension type headache (TTH) is the most common headache that tends to be considered not serious because it causes mild symptoms in some cases. TTH is a pain that is felt in the back of the head (occipitalis) and in the front (frontalis) which is tense due to the permanent contraction of the muscles of the scalp, forehead and neck accompanied by extracranial vasoconstriction that can persist for a certain period of time. Benefits of acupressure can calm the nerves caused by discomforts such as tension which is common in tension headache. Summary of case: A 37-year-old woman presented with headaches that is described as being tied to a rope around her head and heavy in the neck area since a week ago. She is diagnosed with tension type headaches and received doctor's treatment. However, headaches are still felt sometimes when she has a lot of thoughts. Acupressure through suppression and massage has been done as a non-pharmacological treatment to reduce the patient's headache at the acupressure point for one week in 10 minutes each session, showing a decrease in pain intensity through VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) decreased pain rate from 6 to 2 after acupressure. She experienced an improvement and decreased intensity of headache attacks after undergoing acupressure. Conclusion: Acupressure can be an alternative and complementary therapy to reduce the intensity and frequency of tension type headache attacks Keyword : Acupressure, tension type headache, complementary therapy.
Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): March
Publisher : Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (449.047 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jphv.2022.003.01.4


Background: Stroke patients generally have disorders related to decreased functionality, motor disturbances being the most common. One symptom of stroke is sudden weakness of one side of the body on the face, arms and legs. Central post-stroke pain is a condition of central neuropathic pain arising directly from lesions of the cerebrovascular central somatosensory nervous system. Mirror therapy is a non-pharmacological therapy in the form of imaging of the limbs, where a mirror medium is used to convey visual stimulation to the brain through observing body parts of patients who are not disabled while doing a series of movements. Mirror therapy helps in reducing disability in the limbs of stroke patients and as a treatment. for post-stroke central pain, thereby helping to improve functional limbs and shorten the rehabilitation period. Summary of case: A 54-year-old man with painful spastic left hand has been diagnosed with infarct stroke in the right thalamus 2 years ago. Mirror therapy has been done for two weeks, precisely six days per week with a duration about 30 minutes. Mirror therapy is done by using a mirror media that is placed on both arms and hands of the patient symmetrically and the patient observes the reflection of a healthy limb through flexion, extension, finger counts, and grasping objects. Visual Analogue Scale (VAS Score) is used to measure the level of pain before and after mirror therapy. After one month of mirror therapy the patient experienced an increase in motor function and decrease in pain scale. Conclusion: Mirror therapy is a promising non-pharmacological method in reducing disability and central pain after stroke. Keyword: Stroke, central post-stroke pain, mirror therapy.
PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME Hardi Adiyatma; Shahdevi Nandar Kurniawan
Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): March
Publisher : Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (299.071 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jphv.2022.003.01.5


Abstract Piriformis syndrome is a disease characterized by inflammation of the peripheral nerves in the sciatic nerve caused by abnormal conditions in the piriformis muscle. Piriformis syndrome is caused by excessive or excessive contraction of the piriformis muscle. Piriformis syndrome is underdiagnosed and considered as common back pain and causes 6% of similar symptoms to Low Back Pain (LBP) and the incidence rates in LBP patients varying, from 5% to 36%. The incidence of PS is about 2.4 million new cases each year and it is more common in women than men. Piriformis syndrome usually happened in the 4th and 5th decades of life. There are various variations of the relationship between the sciatic nerve and the piriformis muscle where this anatomical shape is a risk factor for piriformis syndrome. The diagnosis of piriformis using functional (Fair Test, Beatty Maneuver, Modified Beatty Maneuver, Pace Test, Freiberg Test, Braggard Test, Straight Leg Raise Test, Bonnet Test, Micrine Test) and imaging modalities (USG, EMG, CT-Scan, MRI). The management of piriformis syndrome is carried out in the order of warning management, medical management, physical therapy, steroid spraying, botulinum spraying, and surgical technique. The prognosis of piriformis syndrome depends on the severe condition of each patient, a study reports that even patients who have undergone surgery can still get piriformis syndrome again Keyword : Piriformis syndrome, piriformis muscle, functional tests, management
CLUSTER HEADACHE Michelle Anisa; Shahdevi Nandar Kurniawan
Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.891 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jphv.2022.003.02.1


Cluster headache (CH) is a trigeminal autonomic cephalgia characterized by attacks of severe unilateral headache accompanied by ipsilateral autonomic symptoms. The prevalence of cluster headache in the overall population is 1 in every 1000 people. The exact etiology of cluster headache remains unclear. However, it is thought that there is a connection between the trigeminovascular system, parasympathetic nerve fibers involved in trigeminal autonomic reflexes, and the hypothalamus. Treatment of CH has three stages, namely: abortive, transitional, and preventive. Cluster headaches tend to subside with age with less frequent attacks and longer periods of remission between attacks.
CLASSICAL MIGRAINE Shahdevi Nandar Kurniawan; Dyah Kusuma Wardhani
Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (524.864 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jphv.2022.003.02.2


A classic migraine is a recurrent attack of visual, sensory, or other central nervous system symptoms that are unilateral and last several minutes, followed or not followed by a migraine attack. Migraine commonly occurs in 19% of women and 11% of men worldwide, with 20% of sufferers experiencing classic migraine. The etiopathophysiology of classical migraine is not known with certainty, but vascular, neurological, and genetic dysfunction are suspected to be the cause. Classical migraine pathophysiology is associated with the theory of cortical spreading depression, which can explain the process of aura. There are four phases in classical migraine, namely prodromal, aura, headache, and prodromal phases, each of which has its own symptoms. This is the basis for the diagnosis of migraine, which is established based on the history and physical examination. Migraine therapy includes preventive therapy (lifestyle changes and prophylactic administration) as well as abortive therapy (administration of specific and non-specific drugs).
TENSION TYPE HEADACHE (TTH) Auliya Nur Muthmainnina; Shahdevi Nandar Kurniawan
Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (211.196 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jphv.2022.003.02.3


Tension Type Headache (TTH) is the most common type of headache in all age groups worldwide. Because of its high prevalence and possible association with medical and psychiatric comorbidities, TTH has a large socioeconomic impact. TTH is the type of headache that most patients suffer from, ranging from mild to severe pain that reduces their ability to carry out daily activities. TTH can be classified into an episodic tension-type headache (ETTH) and chronic tension-type headache (CTTH). The lifetime prevalence of TTH is high (78%). Approximately 24% to 37% experience TTH several times a month, 10% experience weekly and 2% to 3% of the population have chronic TTH disease. TTH treatment is carried out with pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches.
Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (211.795 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jphv.2022.003.02.4


Cerebrovascular disease is the number one cause of epilepsy in the elderly population. Headaches are relatively common in patients with cerebrovascular disorders. The frequency of stroke-related headaches ranges from 7% to 65% with different types of headaches. The prevalence of persistent post-stroke headaches from 7-23%, with follow-up times ranging from 3 months to 3 years after stroke. Persistent headache in the population was associated with high depression and fatigue scores and significantly impacted returning to work. Most headaches at stroke onset will resolve, persistent headaches are a real entity even years after the stroke. The mechanism that might explain the relationship between headache and hemorrhagic stroke is still unclear, including changes in blood vessel walls supported by endothelial dysfunction in migraine sufferers as well as comorbid vascular risk factors such as arterial hypertension or platelet dysfunction. Headache after stroke intracerebral hemorrhage is believed to be the result of vasoconstriction that causes ischemia of the vessel wall.
Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Journal of Pain, Headache and Vertigo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (265.799 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jphv.2022.003.02.5


Background: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a symptomatic compression neuropathy of the median nerve characterized by increased pressure in the carpal tunnel and decreased nerve function due to compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. The purpose of the hydrodissection injection method in CTS is to separate the soft tissue adhesions that cause nerve compression and this method are known for being minimally invasive, fast healing, and easy to apply. Local injection of triamcinolone acetonide (TCA) is often used as therapy for CTS because it stabilizes the sodium channels and reduces abnormal stimulatio, thus it relieved the pain. 5% dextrose injection (D5W) is also widely used as therapy of CTS because it is harmless to nerves and may reduce neurogenic inflammation through inhibition of capsaicin-sensitive receptors. Aim: To compare the effectivity of hydrodissection injection therapy using ultrasound guidance with triamcinolone acetonide and 5% dextrose in CTS. Methods: This study recruited 30 participants who diagnosed with CTS and met the inclusion criteria. Participants were divided into two treatment groups, the first group (n=15) was given 1ml TCA injection and 1 ml lidocaine 2%, while the second group (n=15) was given 5% 5 ml Dextrose injection. The parameters measured in this study were NRS, FSS, and SSS value before injection and 4 weeks after injection of the agent. We compared these parameters at week four after injection between the TCA group and the D5W group. Results: NRS values before and 4 weeks after TCA injection (sig 0.001; p <0.05), FSS values (sig 0.020; p <0.05), and SSS values (sig 0.001; p <0.05). NRS before and 4 weeks after injection of D5W (sig 0.002; p <0.05), FSS (sig 0.001; p <0.05), and SSS (sig 0.000; p <0.05). Comparison between TCA injection and D5W injection at 4 weeks after the injection showed that the results was significantly different on NRS (sig 0.806; p> 0.05) for FSS (sig 0.512; p> 0.05) and SSS (sig 0.293; p> 0.05). Conclusion: There is a significant difference in NRS, FSS and SSS values at 4 weeks after hydrodissection injection, using either TCA or D5W. TCA hydrodissection injection compared to D5W hydrodissection injection was equally effective in improving NRS, FSS and SSS after 4 weeks of injection.