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SIGn Journal of Social Science
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SIGn Journal of Social Science is a scientific publication published every June – November and December – May. The published article is the result of selection with a double-blind review system. SIGn Journal of Social Science accepts manuscripts in the form of research results, theoretical studies, theoretical applications, conceptual ideas, and book reviews relevant to the Multidisciplinary of Social Sciences. In addition, the Editor of SIGn Journal of Social Science processes manuscripts that have never been published before.
Articles 23 Documents
Pelestarian dan Adaptasi Ritual Mappadendang oleh Etnis Bugis di Wilayah Penduduk Asli Kaili Moh. Khairul; M. Junaidi; Risma Ariyani; Hapsa Hapsa
SIGn Journal of Social Science Vol 4 No 2: Desember 2023 - Mei 2024
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37276/sjss.v4i2.337


This research aims to understand the role of the Mappadendang ritual as part of the Bugis ethnicity’s identity in the area of the Kaili indigenous people and the benefits of the Mappadendang ritual for social life in Kasimbar Palapi Village. This research uses an ethnographic analysis. Ethnographic analysis is an approach that begins with field facts, analyzes them based on cultural theories and relevant arguments to explore the cultural situation of the community, and ultimately yields a conclusion. The results show that the Mappadendang ritual is an essential means for the Bugis ethnicity in the area of the Kaili indigenous people to maintain and express their cultural identity. Through elements such as traditional cake, traditional cuisine, and bodo attire, the Bugis ethnicity demonstrates solidarity and pride in their cultural heritage. Moreover, this tradition provides broad social benefits, including strengthening interethnic fellowship, enhancing social relationships, fostering social care, reinforcing cultural identity, and boosting the spirit of rice farming. Therefore, it is recommended that the Department of Education and Culture of Parigi Moutong Regency support the preservation and adaptation of the Mappadendang ritual by providing facilities and platforms for the Bugis ethnicity and other ethnicities to showcase and share their cultural values. The government should also ensure the availability and affordability of fertilizers and streamline the irrigation process for rice farming, which is a crucial element of the Mappadendang ritual. To the traditional leaders of the Bugis ethnicity, Kaili indigenous people, and other ethnic groups, it is recommended that they continue collaborating in organizing the Mappadendang ritual as a platform for interethnic fellowship and to strengthen cultural identity. The community in Kasimbar Palapi Village is encouraged to continue participating in and supporting this activity. With good cooperation among all parties, the Mappadendang ritual can continue to be preserved as a valuable cultural heritage, enriching diversity and strengthening cultural identity in a region rich with multiple identities.
Menyingkap Tabir Masa Lalu: Sejarah Berdirinya Dewan Kesenian Makassar Fajar Sidiq Limola; Hilda Anjarsari
SIGn Journal of Social Science Vol 4 No 2: Desember 2023 - Mei 2024
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37276/sjss.v4i2.338


This study aims to document the establishment process and role of the Makassar Arts Council. This study uses a qualitative content analysis. This analysis enables researchers to construct a coherent and comprehensive historical narrative, and ultimately yields a conclusion. The results show that DKM was established in response to the challenging and conflict-ridden dynamics of the arts in Makassar, especially concerning the politicization of the arts. This situation prompted artists to form a more neutral venue to encourage artistic expression free from political intimidation, which ultimately crystallized in the establishment of DKM on July 25, 1969. Since then, DKM has grown into an institution that continuously supports and nurtures the arts, making Makassar a center for dynamic and sustainable artistic activities. Therefore, it is recommended that historians thoroughly document the historical phases of DKM in the social and political context to enrich the archives of Indonesian art history. Meanwhile, artists are encouraged to actively collaborate with DKM in creating innovative works and promoting their works more broadly. The Makassar Municipal Government is recommended to enhance financial support and infrastructure for DKM, making it a strategic partner in developing cultural policies. Lastly, the general public is encouraged to become more involved in DKM activities, supporting artistic initiatives that can enrich local cultural life and ensure the sustainability and dynamic growth of the arts in Makassar.
Eksplorasi Simbolisme Tarian Torompio dalam Tradisi Suku Pamona Hermin Krisvila Patonga; Ikhtiar Hatta; Resmiwati Resmiwati; Muh. Zainuddin Badollahi
SIGn Journal of Social Science Vol 4 No 2: Desember 2023 - Mei 2024
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37276/sjss.v4i2.339


This research aims to understand the symbolism and meanings of the Torompio dance among the Pamona indigenous people in Lambarese Village. This research uses an ethnographic analysis. Ethnographic analysis is an approach that begins with field facts, analyzes them based on cultural theories and relevant arguments to explore the cultural situation of the community, and ultimately yields a conclusion. The results show that the Torompio dance is a rich manifestation of symbolism and profound meaning, depicting complex interactions between humans, nature, and spirituality. The name “torompio” and the “paporapa” concept demonstrate how the Pamona indigenous people communicate values and emotions symbolically. Dance movement symbols reflect social and spiritual values and harmonious relations with nature. The transition of traditional attire from “karaba” to fabric and beads shows cultural adaptation in preserving traditions amidst changing times. The verses (kayori) underscore the symbiotic relationship between the community and nature and reflect a spiritual view of creation. All elements in the Torompio dance synergistically express the “Fervor of Love,” which is central to the cultural expression of the Pamona indigenous people. Therefore, it is recommended that the Department of Education and Culture of East Luwu Regency, the Lemba Pamona Luwu Indigenous Institution, and the Pamona indigenous people take strategic steps in preserving and promoting the Torompio dance. First, integrating the Torompio dance into the school education curriculum in East Luwu. Second, the Lemba Pamona Luwu Indigenous Institution should regularly organize workshops and cultural festivals featuring the Torompio dance as the main event. Third, the Pamona indigenous people are advised to continuously innovate and adapt their cultural expressions to modern times while maintaining the essence and original values of the Torompio dance. These initiatives will contribute to preserving the Torompio dance as an essential part of the cultural heritage and identity of the Pamona indigenous people while enriching Indonesia’s cultural diversity.

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