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SIGn Journal of Social Science is a scientific publication published every June – November and December – May. The published article is the result of selection with a double-blind review system. SIGn Journal of Social Science accepts manuscripts in the form of research results, theoretical studies, theoretical applications, conceptual ideas, and book reviews relevant to the Multidisciplinary of Social Sciences. In addition, the Editor of SIGn Journal of Social Science processes manuscripts that have never been published before.
Articles 23 Documents
Strategi Penghidupan Nelayan Pedagang di Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (Lelong) M. Sayful
SIGn Journal of Social Science Vol 1 No 1: Juni - November 2020
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (218.314 KB) | DOI: 10.37276/sjss.v1i1.95


Lebih dari 30 tahun Lelong di Kota Makassar eksis sebagai lembaga perekonomian yang bergerak di bidang perdagangan sumber daya kelautan dan perikanan. Oleh karena itu, Lelong merupakan sarana yang penting bagi kelangsungan hidup masyarakat, khususnya bagi para nelayan. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan strategi penghidupan para nelayan pedagang, dan juga menganalisis lebih mendalam tentang penerapan strategi adaptasi dalam menghadapi kerentanan finansial yang akan mengganggu kehidupan sosial ekonomi para nelayan di pesisir Lelong Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Lelong Rajawali, Kota Makassar. Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah sepuluh orang dan terdiri dari nelayan pedagang, pengelola Lelong, serta pembeli ikan. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumen. Data primer dan data sekunder kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan model analisis deskriptif kualitatif, serta menguraikannya dalam bentuk naratif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua faktor yang menyebabkan nelayan pedagang mengalami kerentanan finansial, yaitu meningkatnya jumlah nelayan pedagang di Lelong dan berkurangnya pembeli untuk berbelanja di Lelong. Adapun strategi penghidupan yang dilakukan oleh nelayan pedagang di Lelong adalah dilandasi oleh dua hal, yaitu pembelian tunai dan hutang. Sebagian besar nelayan pedagang lebih memilih untuk berhutang saat bertransaksi dengan nelayan penangkap ikan. Lebih lanjut, Strategi adaptasi yang dilakukan antara lain strategi konsolidasi, strategi akumulasi, dan strategi diversifikasi. Dengan dasar kesimpulan tersebut, para nelayan pedagang membutuhkan ruang aliansi perlindungan demi tercapainya sekuritas ekonomi yang berkepanjangan.
Tambang Pasir dan Dampak Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat di Pesisir Pantai Dewi Anggariani; Santri Sahar; M. Sayful
SIGn Journal of Social Science Vol 1 No 1: Juni - November 2020
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (216.225 KB) | DOI: 10.37276/sjss.v1i1.96


Secara umum, pembangunan infrastruktur dimaksudkan untuk lebih meningkatkan kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat. Namun apabila mengabaikan aspek studi kelayakan dan analisis dampak lingkungan, maka akan berpotensi menciptakan kerusakan ekologi maupun ekonomi dan sosial budaya masyarakat setempat. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui landasan kebijakan, juga untuk mengetahui dampak sosial dan ekonomi dari keberadaan tambang pasir terhadap masyarakat Galesong. Penelitian ini menggunakan bentuk studi mikro demografi atau biasa disebut quasi anthropological. Penelitian ini dilakukan di wilayah pesisir pantai Galesong. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas penambangan pasir di wilayah pesisir pantai Galesong dimulai pada Tahun 2017 sehingga belum mengacu pada Perda Sulsel No. 2 Tahun 2019, dimana sebagai acuan untuk mengeluarkan izin lokasi dan izin pengelolaan pertambangan pasir di Sulawesi Selatan. Adapun dampak dari aktivitas penambangan pasir terhadap kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat di wilayah pesisir pantai Galesong, antara lain hilangnya wilayah penangkapan ikan akibat pengerukan pasir laut, menyebabkan air menjadi keruh. Selain itu, terjadi perubahan sosial ekonomi, dimana para nelayan kecil harus meninggalkan aktifitasnya dan bergabung dengan para nelayan penangkap ikan di laut dalam dan menjadi sawi pada punggawa perahu-perahu besar. Dampak selanjutnya adalah adanya patroli polisi laut yang membuat para nelayan merasa tertekan dan tidak lagi memiliki kebebasan untuk melaut seperti dulu kala. Dengan dasar kesimpulan tersebut, diharapkan Pemerintah Daerah membuat model kebijakan dalam pengelolaan aktivitas penambangan pasir di wilayah pesisir pantai Galesong. Jika tidak, cepat atau lambat masalahnya akan semakin membesar.
Analisis Persepsi Masyarakat tentang Dampak Penambangan Pasir di Sungai Mujur dan Sungai Regoyo Ike Kumala Sari; Sudarti Sudarti
SIGn Journal of Social Science Vol 2 No 2: Desember 2021 - Mei 2022
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (682.868 KB) | DOI: 10.37276/sjss.v2i2.120


Sand mining is an activity of exploiting natural resources below the surface of the ground that can be carried out underground river flows to extract minerals, namely sand. Sand mining is generally carried out to increase development. This activity has a positive impact on the community. However, if you ignore the environmental impact analysis, it will harm the community, which can cause environmental damage. Therefore, this study aims to analyze public perceptions of the impact of sand mining on the Mujur River and the Regoyo River. The research method used is a survey and data obtained by conducting observations, documentation, and questionnaires. Respondents in this study amounted to 30 people who are the surrounding community. For one month, this research was conducted around the Mujur River and the Regoyo River, Pasirian District, Lumajang Regency, East Java. The data of this study were analyzed using descriptive analysis. This study indicates the high public perception of the impact of sand mining on the Mujur River and Regoyo River, seen from the percentage of the questionnaire calculation, which is divided based on the positive and negative impacts of sand mining on the Mujur River and Regoyo River.
Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal Berdasarkan Modal Sosial Melalui Komunitas Petambak Abd Muis
SIGn Journal of Social Science Vol 3 No 1: Juni - November 2022
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (206.108 KB) | DOI: 10.37276/sjss.v3i1.179


This study aims to determine the contribution of social capital to farmer communities in the local economic development of aquaculture in Purworejo Village, Pasir Sakti Subdistrict, East Lampung Regency. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach. Observation and interviews were used to obtain the data needed in this study. The data that has been obtained is then analyzed using qualitative inductive analysis. The results show that the social capital of farmer communities in local economic development in Purworejo Village gave a substantial contribution. The contribution can be described in three aspects of social capital: horizontal network, reciprocity norms, and the principle of trust. Therefore, it is recommended that the fishery cultivation group looks at the opportunities and challenges of utilizing social capital in local economic development in Purworejo Village. Thus, local economic development will further improve the welfare of the people of Purworejo Village in the future.
Menelusuri Kampung Ondel-Ondel: Studi Mengenai Sistem Jaringan dan Sistem Kerja Ondel-Ondel Kramat Pulo Layosibana Akhirun; Yophie Septiady
SIGn Journal of Social Science Vol 3 No 1: Juni - November 2022
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (381.473 KB) | DOI: 10.37276/sjss.v3i1.188


This study aims to provide an overview of the Kramat Pulo community’s network and the working system on performances of ondel-ondel. This study uses a qualitative approach. The data were collected using in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The data that has been obtained is then analyzed using qualitative inductive analysis. The results show that the ondel-ondel network system of the Kramat Pulo community consists of several divisions of roles: owners, managers, studio members, entrepreneurs, field coordinators, buskers, and the Government of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta. The network system then establishes and supports the ondel-ondel working system: ondel-ondel performances and ondel-ondel busking. Ondel-ondel performances are generally only practised once or twice weekly. In contrast, ondel-ondel busking activities are practiced daily by Kramat Pulo teenagers. On the other hand, the relationship between the studio owner and entrepreneur and Kramat Pulo teenagers who want to parade ondel-ondel for busking on the streets can be done in two ways: rental or profit-sharing. This relationship is based on a belief system maintained by the Kramat Pulo community. Therefore, it is recommended that the Government of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta make unique spots for Ondel-ondel performances. In addition, coordination is needed between the field coordinator and the Government of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta to arrange ondel-ondel busking activities routes to create order without losing cultural nuances. In this case, Betawi indigenous people carry out their traditions by parading ondel-ondel to surround the village.
Simbol dan Makna dalam Prosesi Ritual Mematua pada To Kaili Susi Sasmita; Citra Dewi; Muh. Nasrum; Hendra Hendra; Muh. Zainuddin Badollahi
SIGn Journal of Social Science Vol 3 No 1: Juni - November 2022
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37276/sjss.v3i1.320


This research aims to understand the symbols and meanings of the Mematua ritual procession among the Kaili indigenous people in Siniu Sayogindano Village. This research uses an ethnographic analysis. Ethnographic analysis is an approach that begins with field facts, analyzes them based on cultural theories and relevant arguments to explore the cultural situation of the community, and ultimately yields a conclusion. The results show that the Mematua ritual procession among the Kaili indigenous people is an event rich in symbols and meanings, embodying deep cultural values and reflecting local wisdom. The eight stages of this procession, from the Polele fetching the bride to both newlyweds seeking blessings from their parents, not only represent steps in a wedding ritual but also teach the importance of harmony, respect, and commitment in marital life. Each aspect of the Mematua ritual reflects harmony among individuals, families, and the broader indigenous community. This underscores that marriage in the Kaili indigenous tradition is an event uniting two individuals and a community ritual involving respect for social and spiritual values passed down through generations. Therefore, it is recommended that the Department of Education and Culture of Parigi Moutong Regency intensify efforts to document and research the Mematua ritual procession of the Kaili indigenous people to ensure that the richness of symbols and meanings in this tradition is preserved and continues to be recognized by future generations. For the Kaili indigenous people, it is advised to continue nurturing and practicing this tradition, not only as a way to celebrate significant life moments but also as a means to strengthen community bonds and honor a rich cultural legacy. Greater involvement of the indigenous community in preparing and conducting this ritual procession can effectively preserve the social and spiritual values foundational to the Kaili tribe amidst the challenges of modernity and globalization.
Fungsi Pengawasan PT ASDP terhadap Penyedia Jasa Penyeberangan di Pelabuhan Kolaka Sudarmi Ningsih; Yudi Agusman; Laode Asrun Asis; Rahmat Hidayat; Abd. Kahar Muzakkir
SIGn Journal of Social Science Vol 3 No 1: Juni - November 2022
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37276/sjss.v3i1.321


This research aims to analyze the supervisory function of PT ASDP regarding the services of ferry companies at Kolaka Port. This research uses an inductive qualitative analysis. Inductive analysis is an approach that begins with field facts, analyzes them based on relevant theories and arguments, and ultimately yields a conclusion. The results show the discrepancies between theoretical and practical aspects of PT ASDP supervision, particularly in direct versus indirect supervision within social and economic interactions on ships, notably concerning ongoing mat rental practices despite existing reprimands and routine inspections. Additionally, the lack of regulation for mat rental practices creates legal uncertainties and potential disturbances, suggesting a more comprehensive supervisory approach encompassing preventive, repressive, and internal and external elements to address these issues. The presence of mats in outdoor areas causes passenger discomfort, and interactions between the government and related parties in resolving these issues underscore the necessity for evaluating and refining existing supervision mechanisms. Therefore, it is recommended that PT ASDP enhances the effectiveness of both direct and indirect supervision of ferry services at Kolaka Port by integrating a more comprehensive supervisory approach, including preventive aspects to anticipate potential issues and repressive measures for violations. It necessitates reviewing and refining ship regulations to incorporate clear rules regarding mat rental practices and ensure strict supervision of these regulations' enforcement. Related government agencies are advised to collaborate closely with PT ASDP to develop effective policies and supervisory mechanisms and conduct public awareness campaigns to underscore the importance of regulatory compliance. NGOs could play a role in monitoring the implementation of supervision and providing constructive feedback for improvements. The community is also encouraged to monitor and report discrepancies to support collective efforts to enhance future ferry service quality.
Pelaksanaan Program Pembangunan Taman Wisata di Desa Unamendaa Arafat Arafat; Sasmita Nabila Syahrir; Neks Triani
SIGn Journal of Social Science Vol 3 No 1: Juni - November 2022
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37276/sjss.v3i1.322


This research aims to explore and describe the implementation of the tourism park development program in Unamendaa Village. This research uses an inductive qualitative analysis. Inductive analysis is an approach that begins with field facts, analyzes them based on relevant theories and arguments, and ultimately yields a conclusion. The results show that implementing the Tourism Park development program in Unamendaa Village faces several significant obstacles related to communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. Regarding communication, the Village Tourism Park program’s socialization needs to be implemented optimally. Regarding resources, there needs to be more BUMDes Organizers in managing the Village Tourism Park. Concerning disposition, although the Village Government has entrusted development responsibility to BUMDes, there still needs to be clarity in the tax payment mechanism. Additionally, the suboptimal bureaucratic structure adds complexity to the obstacles, including issues of supervision, coordination, facility provision, and communication between the Village Government and the community, which collectively hinder the achievement of the Village Tourism Park development goals. Therefore, it is recommended that the Village Government improve communication effectiveness with the community through increased frequency and more innovative socialization methods to ensure that information about the Village Tourism Park development is evenly distributed to all community members. For BUMDes, it is suggested that resource deficiencies be addressed by training organizers in tourism park management and operations and clarifying the division of responsibilities between organizers and traders to prevent role overlaps. Traders are expected to cooperate more closely with BUMDes Organizers, especially regarding compliance with the established tax payment mechanism. The community is encouraged to actively participate in every process of the Village Tourism Park development, in aspects of planning, execution, and supervision, to create good collaboration between the Village Government, BUMDes, traders, and the community, aiming for the sustainable and beneficial development of the Village Tourism Park for all parties in the future.
Pemberitaan Politik Sebuah Studi Kebijakan Redaksional terkait Pemilu Walikota Makassar Ardan Marua; Abd. Kahar Muzakkir
SIGn Journal of Social Science Vol 3 No 2: Desember 2022 - Mei 2023
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37276/sjss.v3i2.324


This research explore’s editorial policies and editorial management process in political reporting, particularly concerning the 2020 Makassar Mayoral Election. This research uses an inductive qualitative analysis. Inductive analysis is an approach that begins with field facts, analyzes them based on relevant theories and arguments, and ultimately yields a conclusion. The results show that’s editorial policy in reporting the 2020 Makassar Mayoral Election prioritizes newsworthiness by ensuring each published news piece is widely discussed, offers interesting perspectives, and uses language easily understood by a broad spectrum of society from various backgrounds. The applied editorial management demonstrates that content control occurs in the initial writing phase, with editors playing a crucial role in editing and gatekeeping functions. Although published news becomes public domain, the editorial team remains responsible for ensuring the accuracy and integrity of content by correcting writing errors without altering the news substance. Therefore, it is recommended that’s editors and reporters continue honing their abilities in identifying and processing issues with high news value and social relevance while maintaining a balance between commercially appealing news and the importance of information for public interest. must keep its motto ‘wisdom on the unbiased line’. Furthermore, the importance of ongoing training in language skills enhancement to communicate news effectively to a diverse reader while ensuring that every presented news piece adheres to ethical journalism principles is emphasized. Additionally, the already robust control and gatekeeping system should continue to be strengthened to ensure any factual or linguistic errors can be promptly corrected without altering the essence of the news, to uphold and enhance’s credibility as a responsible and reliable news media.
Langka Lipu: Warisan Budaya dan Identitas Masyarakat Adat Banggai B. Ahmad; Muh. Nasrum; Siti Hajar Aepu; Muh. Zainuddin Badollahi
SIGn Journal of Social Science Vol 3 No 2: Desember 2022 - Mei 2023
Publisher : CV. Social Politic Genius (SIGn)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37276/sjss.v3i2.325


This research aims to understand the philosophy of movements and the values embodied in Langka Lipu and to explore how this martial art has managed to survive. This research uses an ethnographic analysis. Ethnographic analysis is an approach that begins with field facts, analyzes them based on cultural theories and relevant arguments to explore the cultural situation of the community, and ultimately yields a conclusion. The results show that Langka Lipu, as a cultural heritage of the Banggai tribe, is more than just a martial arts practice; it is a profound philosophical expression. Religious values are integrated into every aspect of Langka Lipu, making it a means for spiritual and personal development. The educational values transmitted through the teacher-student relationship emphasize character formation and good social values. The cultural transmission process of Langka Lipu, demonstrates a structured strategy to preserve and disseminate this martial art. Thus, Langka Lipu is successfully preserved as a valuable cultural heritage and a crucial pillar of the Banggai indigenous people’s identity. Therefore, it is recommended that practitioners continue to explore and practice the religious and educational values contained in Langka Lipu to enrich and deepen the spiritual and social meanings of this cultural heritage. The Department of Tourism and Culture of Banggai Laut Regency is expected to increase support and recognition for Langka Lipu by integrating it into cultural development and tourism programs aimed at promoting and preserving the original cultural heritage of the Banggai tribe. For the Banggai indigenous people, it is crucial to continue actively participating in the cultural transmission process of Langka Lipu, whether through targeting potential teenagers, socializing values and philosophy, conducting regular training, or in efforts to increase the number of school branches, thus ensuring that the core values and essence of Langka Lipu continue to live and thrive within the community.

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