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The Community Engagement Journal
ISSN : 26216817     EISSN : 26216817     DOI :
Berfokus pada kumpulan artikel pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan oleh dosen dan civitas akademika
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 5, No 1 (2022)" : 5 Documents clear
Literasi Pajak dan Keuangan: Optimalisasi Peningkatan Kompetensi UMKM di Jayapura Meinarni Asnawi; Ulfah Rizky Muslimin
The Community Engagement Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52062/thecommen.v5i1.2486


This community service aims to provide knowledge about digitalization in the field of taxation and business for UMKM in Jayapura. The change in the business world towards the era of information technology is a progress that has been going on for approximately 10 years. The Covid-19 pandemic has made business activities change so fast and allowed all lines of business to develop, including UMKM sector. Introducing digitalization and taxes is important for UMKM to prepare themselves to develop their business potential. The process of financial recording and reporting, digital business design and the benefits of being a taxpayer are the main materials provided for UMKM. Public services are focused on three materials, namely tax digitalization literacy, financial digitalization literacy, and business digitalization. Tax literacy introduces UMKM to the benefits of taxes and the procedures also methods of becoming a taxpayer. Business literacy focuses on the introduction of information technology-based financial records and business digitalization. The participants of this service are UMKM in Jayapura City and Accounting students who are doing KKN and become UMKM companions. The teaching method is carried out online with 48 participants then the mentoring process is carried out by KKN students to ensure that the material presented can be applied in the efforts of UMKM members. Through learning methods that are delivered directly to experts in their fields and followed by a mentoring process, knowledge transfer occurs and UMKM can develop their businesses.
Implementasi Bisnis Online Mahasiswa Jurusan Manajemen FEB Universitas Cenderawasih Dalam Menghadapi Covid-19 Westim Ratang; Ivana Wamafma
The Community Engagement Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52062/thecommen.v5i1.2488


Nowadays, in the era of technology and information, the need for media from network base can no longer be postponed. The network of internet is one of our basic needed, so we need to know and understand the virtual world. It has become a necessity to grow and develop in the world of education, in the business industry as well as for things that are social and human needed. Facing the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, it is hoped that Management Department students who have taken Entrepreneurship courses are able to capture business opportunities with online businesses. It will have an impact on more workers being laid off, because of that, we need to prepare the students of Management Department to be ready to do business online. The purpose of this activity is the implementation of application with online business in capturing business opportunities due to covid 19 pandemic for students who have take an entrepreneurship courses in the management department. The results of this service are expected that the students who have take an entrepreneurship courses, and participated in training for growing an entrepreneurial spirit, are able to have blogs to sell the products that have been produced. Through this training, students are able to join online buying and selling groups, so they are able to sell their products by E-Commers system. The use of internetbased social media to run a business has become the right choice at this time and also more efficient and effective.
Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Berperspektif Gender: Perhitungan Harga Produksi Dan Pembukuan Bagi Pemuda/I Usia Produktif Pelaku Usaha Di Kota Jayapura Cornelia D. Matani; Pascalina Van Sweet Sesa
The Community Engagement Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52062/thecommen.v5i1.2489


This service activity aims to train the community, especially young people in productive age for identifying and calculating production costs and carrying out bookkeeping for recording their business transactions for product and service businesses. This training was held at 12th -14th of April 2021at Magister Akuntansi building, Abepura, Jayapura city. The participants of the activity were 19 youths aged 19-20 years. The training was carried out by introducing the basic concept of gender in business and the equal role of women and men in running their businesses. Furthermore, this training trains participants to calculate the business costs of products and services and then collect these costs into production costs. The following training is about making a bookkeeping for running a business which is needed to determine the financial condition of the business and as a basis for evaluating the state of the business. The mechanism for monitoring and evaluating training activities is carried out through the distribution of pre and post test questionnaires which are distributed for training the participants before and after the activity.
Basic Training Kewirausahaan: Perencanaan Dan Pemasaran Kreatif Untuk Bisnis Start Up Bagi Pemuda-Pemudi Usia Produktif Pelaku Usaha Di Kota Jayapura Kurniawan Patma; Rudiawie Larasati
The Community Engagement Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52062/thecommen.v5i1.2490


This community service activity is about entrepreneurship education for young people in Jayapura City who are start-up entrepreneurs to improve their related skills by planning and marketing business products creatively and productively. This activity is divided into 2 stages: (1) Focus Group Discussion with a team of facilitators and co-facilitators and (2) Training for young entrepreneurs start-up. Location of this activities for Focus Group Discussion through Ms.Teams virtual media and face-to-face training in the Master of Accounting Uncen hall. The result of this community service provides a stimulus to young people in Jayapura City related to this activity. By this activity, the entrepreneurial spirit needs to be applied through activities empowerment, and this activity stimulates participants with planning, bookkeeping and good marketing.
Pemberdayaan Bagi Ibu-Ibu Melalui Pembuatan Jamu Tradisional Untuk Menambah Pendapatan Keluarga Menghadapi Masa New Normal Sarlota A. Ratang
The Community Engagement Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52062/thecommen.v5i1.2487


Almost all the countries have warned their citizens to not move outside their home if there is no urgent needed. Except, for those who have to go out and their activities cannot be done from home. Currently, we are starting to face the new normal era, where it can change our behavior to carry out normal activities but by implementing health protocols to prevent the transmission of Covid-19. Even if few need to do activities outside the home, it takes a good body condition and a strong immune. Many people believe that ginger or turmeric can help cure Covid-19 or those infected with the Corona Virus. Since there is a lot of free time at home, it is a good chance for both mothers and teenagers to make traditional herbal medicine that is currently being sought by the community in increasing their immune system to prevent this corona virus. So this activity focuses on making herbal drinks with attractive packaging. The target of the training participants as previously planned was 25 women around the activity location. Due to the situation during the pandemic that we could not collect more than 20 mothers, we were only able to collect 18 mothers. This figure shows that this training/socialization activity can be said that the target of participants reaching 95% can be said to be successful.

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